Psychic Thread đź”®(will do psychic readings)

This has been transferred from the Episode Forums (The OG thread is still up and running)

Welcome to the psychic of Shannii Writes, where we’ll answer questions and weird dreams you may have.

Have a dream that has a aura? No problem! Have a question that may has something to do with the future? No problem! Here at Shannii Writes Psychic, we believe that dreams and questions are important just as real life. If you have any other spiritual questions feel free to ask away!

Commonly asked questions w/ answers

Q: What does it mean when I have a dream about something and then it happens irl?
A: It means your beginning to develop your psychic abilities, welcome to the club! :joy:

Q: Hey can you explain what this dream might mean?
A: Sure! We love talking about dreams and figuring them out is always pretty fun and interesting.

Q: What does it mean when can control my dreams?
A: It’s called lucid dreaming! I do it too, but I haven’t really looked into what it means :thinking:

Cool spiritual things you can learn!

The definition for manifesting is: “Display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate.” But that doesn’t give any information on how to actually do it. There are many methods/ways to manifest, but here are 3 that I know work.

Manifestation methods

Meditating is great when you want to clear your head from stress but it’s also very effective for manifesting and receiving psychic messages! Trying to manifest things via meditation might be a bit more difficult since you have to clear your head of everything going on and calm down, but once you past that step your ready to say what you want, be specific, or if you don’t know what you want and your just gonna see what will happen, say “If my spirit guides are here, give me a sign.” What will happen because of that request is unknown since all spirit guides are different but it will be really cool when you see what happens.

This one is my personal favorite method of manifestation, it’s simple, easy, and effective! The first time I tried to manifest something, I wrote in the notes of my phone, "If my spirit guides are with me, show me a sign."went to bed and the next day (specifically 7 hours later) my brother brings this girl over who I meet with my mom and I find out she’s the most spiritual person I had ever met. She knew about everything I talked about and it was comforting to know that someone knows what’s going on. All you have to do is write what you want in present tense, like instead of saying “I want $10” you should say “I have $10”

Journaling is good for a certain thing that you really want and that will have a big impact on you, like I was really worried that I wasn’t gonna pass my math exams so I said “I currently have an 80% on my math exam” and so I took all of my exams and on all of them (Including science, history and math) I got exactly 80.00% and on the second math exam I got an 87.00% on it. All I did to do that was writing at the end of the page on my dream journal I added a manifestation request everyday that said “I currently have an 80% on my math exam” and then when the time came, it actually worked. (I did this for a week straight btw)

Instant manifestation
So instant manifestation really depends on what you want and how specific it is, like the only time I really use this was to find a couple cups I wanted at a store but the catch was that they were hella expensive (like $60 expensive). If anything, instant manifestation manifestation is awesome when you want to find something. The way I do it is I close my eyes and I describe what I want in good detail in my head I think “I want a cup smaller then 12 inches and wider then 2 inches” (Which is how I found the hella expensive cups so maybe add how much they are in your manifestation)

Spirit guide communication!
Spirit guides are like your angels, anytime you need advice about what to do, they try to give you an answer. (By “try” I mean they do but you may not be able to receive it) Spirit guides can be past relatives, angels, spirits, or other beings like aliens! You can have more then one spirit guide too, most people have more then one, but every has spirit guides. Our spirit guides are here to sever us, they want you to ask questions and for advice. Spirit guides try to talk to us all the time! Have you ever seen recurring numbers like 11:11 or recurring number patterns like 2748 (I typed random numbers for the number pattern) multiple times a day? That would be you spirit guides trying to tell you something! I have been seeing the number pattern “123” (321, 312, 231, 213) for literal months and it means I will succeed in whatever challenge I am facing. (I actually did end up succeeding in my challenge)

If you want to communicate with YOUR spirit guides then you can either talk to @WritingWithStars or you can do one of the three methods I have written for you.

Spirit Guide Communication

Raising your vibration

What is a vibration (spiritually defined)

The term “raising your vibration” might leave you with a lot of questions if you haven’t looked into the spiritual community. But to make it easier to understand (cause it can be a bit complected), we all have vibrations, which are frequencies that we put out into the universe. The lower the vibration is, the harder life is, the higher it is, the more your life will feel like your dreaming.

One easy way to raise your vibration is if you listen to 321 binaural beats, or any other binaural beats, but if you want to talk to your spirit guides your gonna want to listen to a Third eye/Crown chakra opening video. The more open either of those are, the more likely you’ll be able to talk your spirit guides.

To help out with this, I recommend listening to 321 binaural beats or Third eye/Crown chakra opening videos for a better opportunity of contacting them, but it’s not required.

Meditation is great for contacting your spirit guides because your mind is open to the messages and is clear of all thoughts. When your about to start meditating, I suggest saying (either in your head or out loud) “I want to contact my spirit guides”, once your mind is clear, you can start asking questions and will hopefully receive messages. You will know the difference between your thoughts and the spirit guides talking, sometimes you may even hear them as if someone was talking to you.
This is my preferred way (besides listening to binarual beats). It’s quick, simple, and easy! All you have to do is write (it can be on anything) “I want to talk to my spirit guides” and list some questions you have and you could either hear them talk to you, someone very intuitive will come in your life (from personal experience), you can start having dreams about talking to people, or you’ll get thoughts that will respond, even though there not your thoughts (from personal experience)

More will be added soon!


Heyy I’m @AlissaGrace, I’m an empath and a psychic. An empath can tune in to the emotions of a lot of other beings, including spirits, animals and people. I can tell you about what your are feeling, what spirits are feeling, and, I can give you advice on what to do about it.

Hello, I’m @WritingWithStars, I have the ability to see/talk to ghosts, and I have been seeing ghosts all my life, and a year (or two) ago, had discovered that I also had the ability to talk to them too! I can do readings (although, I am still getting the hang of them) I can talk to spirits around your house, and communicate with deceased loved ones. I can give general advice about spirits and I have also had experienced many dreams with messages in them, so I may be able to interpret your dreams too.


@WritingWithStars: “We are psychic, but still growing our abilities and this is just for fun and realize that sometimes our customers may get a great answer, other times, they won’t.”


This is so cool! I often can figure people out pretty quickly (but maybe that’s just cause I have very good intuition or I can see things more clearly idk :joy:) and when I see someone I can tell what’s going on with them, but idk. All of these things don’t work on random strangers so it’s prolly nothing, but how do you know you’re a psychic?

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Well when I first started showing signs of being psychic I was having these weird dreams that felt really real and then I would wake up and part of the dream would happen. I have always had good intuition, and I have always been interested in stuff like the vampire diaries and other magical things, apparently that’s one way to know but everyone can be psychic, they just need to work on it a bit and realize that there life is pretty much a lie :joy:

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I’ve had those dreams before and I can always remember them, like they are kind of silly I guess, but i remember this specific one where I was getting bacon and eggs for breakfast (no one had mentioned this before) and what do you know we had that for breakfast. I know it’s dumb but like 10 year old me was shook asf. :joy: I also had a dream that my friend would get an art set for her birthday and she did, but I haven’t gotten any spiritual messages or anything unfortunately :((

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Aww that’s awesome! You have to acknowledge that your psychic for you to receive messages (unless your born with it)

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I still get my number combinations. Yesterday I got 3781.

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Omg Faithhhhh!!! I missed youuu! Ok anyway, you should write all the ones that you can remember and also the ones your currently getting down so you have them in case you need them.

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I missed you too!

I understand! Will the Happy Chats move here too?

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Yes! I don’t know how many people are gonna be apart of this forum tho so until I know for sure, I don’t know when I’m gonna start it up again.

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Awesome. Can’t wait!

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Actually I think I might be
Clairaudient (?)

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Oh interesting! I am too! If you want to see what other gifts you could have, go to
Stargirl the practical witch and there will be videos on all the Clairs.



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I’m kinda sad I didn’t meet my spirit guide tho, even though I hadn’t finished all the steps but hopefully I meet them in the next few days, I am very excited hehe


Keep on trying! I think it worked quick for me only cause I had already been introduced to spirituality and had been “practicing” spiritual things for 2 years before I had tried contacting them. If I had known all the stuff I know now about them, I definitely would have met them sooner.

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i’m kinda disappointed i haven’t met my spirit guides yet cause i really do want them there with me


Me too.


Heyo! Yay I love that there’s a psychic thread on here!

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