What’s your favorite song?
School subject?
- Do you think opening windows can bring a controversial debate?
- Do words really open doors? Can I yell pasta at my door to open?
- Least favorite animal?
- Least favorite flower?
- Why do you like sunflowers? Are they your favorite?
- Do you season your water? Salt? Pepper?
- What’s the best chair scale for a door?
- Opinion on backflipping doors?
- Favourite door lens?
- Best way to stop a door from doing something without committing door abuse?
- What are your thoughts on door abuse? Why?
- What’s the best angle of a door to be?
- Favourite curtain that your door has fell on?
- “Oops my door slipped” - How far do you agree with this statement?
- What’s the best kind of bread for a door?
- How would you describe a flying microwave being chased by a sink?
- What’s the best reason to but a bird in a fridge?
- Why does paper not fly like bees do?
Best angle for a banana dispenser?
What colour is red if you look close enough?
How do you charge a laptop with a baguette?
Ever heard of baguette bike? Who?
What’s the best seasoning for a rusty spoon?
Thoughts on “K”?
How do you feel when you get hit with K?
Who uses K the most?
Capitalised K or lowercase k?
Do you find it easier to talk in English or in Spanish?
- What’s the best way to stop your pillowcases from running away?
Is there a wig you really wish you had?
What made you such a big fan of coffee?
Ah no, entonces nadie, no al canibalismo
I wish I could be more outgoing and not overthink every single thing I say or do.
Back to the past to correct a few things that I wish I had done differently.
Just a normal, average person.
Yes. When people kill, torture, or hurt others with no remorse.
I think so but I also believe that God created us with a free will to make our own decisions, so even though many things were meant to happen, I think there are a lot of ways we can change our future.
No, I’d feel too guilty about hurting someone else.
Only if I knew in advance that it would be better or just as good.
I think both.
To live a life that I’m satisfied with and to have the people I love most with me always.
I wish, but there’s just too much evil in the world. Hate, greed, intolerance, selfishness…
I believe in the afterlife. I don’t believe in ghosts or lost spirits much, but there are people who claim to have seen or hear them, so I won’t say it’s impossible. There are plenty of mysteries in this world unknown to any living person.
Respect. I think respect is more attainable than admiration. In order to achieve admiration, most of the time you have to be very talented, extremely intelligent, or prodigal at something. Whereas in order to obtain respect, you don’t really have to be particularly fantastic at a particular thing— you just need to respect others and treat them with the respect that you expect to receive.
Don’t worry, you didn’t!
Five-year-old me loved to dress up with beautiful dresses and accessories, so probably play dress-up.
Talk about technology, cell phones, video calls, and what my daily routine consists of.
How to write stories, teach English, lettering, cooking, and religion.
Something related to driving… like crashed into someone’s car, or accidentally run over a person who was crossing the street at the wrong time.
If it had been anywhere from September 2018 to June 2019, they’d probably assume that I had thrown the most annoying student in my class out the window.
(Because I had some HORRIBLE students that school year with no respect whatsoever for adults or anyone)
Very peaceful but probably boring since I’m not a very adventurous person.
It might not be the weirdest but one thing that definitely comes to mind was when I went to the house of a family from church for the first time… they had an adorable Siamese cat that meowed by QUACKING LIKE A DUCK! Instead of saying ‘meow’, she said, ‘quack’!!
A few months later, she passed away,
and they got another cat which they called House. Whenever she would meow, she would say the word ‘hoouuuuse’.
Maybe flying horses? People could ride them to work and school and there would be less traffic.
Whatever you want to know is here… but be careful.
A lot of people seem to think it would be cats.
However, I think snakes would be the rudest because they seem like the type that enjoy stirring up trouble. And the rudest insect would be mosquitoes because they love annoying people.
I’d probably get bored of anything I like if I had to eat it for the rest of my life.
Sometimes, I believe the theory that COVID-19 is being blown out of proportion, and that the hospitals are reporting deaths from other diseases as if they were COVID-19. But I’m not really sure about that. We don’t really know the truth about it; so I’m kind of halfway believing everything that I hear.
The last thing I did for the first time… I just re-decorated my living room for the first time today.
Play a mobile game or check social media.
This drab shade of pink that looks just dirty and boring… this color:
Teaching experiences and my stories
Probably inventors, to ask them what prompted them to come up with their inventions and how hard it was to make them a reality.
I’d keep some for spending and put the rest in the bank. Definitely pay off my credit card, though.
Someone that actually looks like me… but not only their facial features. They should also have a similar build and height.
Having two of my stories appear on a shelf, and the progress I’ve made in my career since I started teaching.
This is my favorite song since December 2019.
Right now, I just like songs because in order to have an absolute favorite singer, I’d have to like almost every song by them and at the moment I don’t like every single song by any singer. When I was a teenager I had multiple favorite singers, though.
Pale pink and yellow
Boneless wings (although technically they aren’t wings)
Chiles en nogada (not the ‘original’ recipe with goat cheese, though… the one that has cream cheese in the cream instead)
Lebanese food from my relatives’ restaurant
French fries
Fried chicken
Ice cream
Coffee, especially cappuccinos and frappuccinos
10 because I love it when my students get this grade (10/10, the maximum grade in our schools)
None in particular
None in particular
Yeah! There’s actually a scene in one of my stories where people discuss which is better, open windows or AC, and they all give their reasons for it.
Hmmm… maybe if the door wasn’t closed properly, and the vibration of your voice moved it so that it opened…
Rats, roaches, and any creepy crawler.
The ones you can find on ugly tablecloths and upholstery.
Like this:
I like sunflowers not only because they’re a happy flower, but also because of the song. First it was my nephews’ favorite song, and then when I couldn’t spend time with them for a few months, the flower and the song would remind me of them and the great times we spent together.
Do you remember your dreams?
What’s the most recent dream you remember?
I actually put salt in celery flavored water… it’s got celery, lemon, and salt in it.
I like seasoned salt, too.
Dining table chairs
I want one for my kitchen
Talk to it and try to reason with it
90 degrees
A gold one
I think that the architect that made the door did a poor job
I’d say sourdough because it’s MY favorite
That microwave is so fast! The sink doesn’t stand a chance against it!
Because it’s chicken or turkey
It needs the right kind of wings
30 degrees, maybe?
It could be purple or pink…
Hide a charger inside the baguette
I have now
Baking soda to get rid of the rust
I like it because my mom’s name starts with a K
It hurts
People texting that don’t feel like writing out ‘okay’?
I think English because I use it more… at work, I’m always speaking English because English teachers aren’t supposed to speak Spanish to the kids (to encourage them to get as much practice as possible). Also, I went to school in the USA, so I spoke English more often than Spanish during my childhood.
Sew them to the pillows… but then it would be harder to wash them.
I wish I could get a Freedom Couture wig or any good human hair one, but they’re EXTREMELY expensive. I just saw one today from a Mexican wig company that costs about $300 dollars…
I think when I lived in Greece and started drinking frappes, when I was 16.
But I started drinking powdered cappuccino when I was 15, and that’s when I started liking coffee. But the frappes made me a big fan. I like the taste, and the fact that it helps me feel more energetic in the morning and afternoon.
But there are two types of coffee that I do NOT like: Instant, and café de olla
Usually I remember them.
Last night, I had this weird dream that I was going to some kind of massive church event, and this woman asked why was it that when we went to that event last year, I sat all the way on the side of the van. And I said that it was because the driver and some singer came with us. And then I remembered that I got some singer to come to the event, but he was in love with some girl that traveled with us. So he confessed his love to her, but she replied that she liked someone else. And I thought he’d be really hurt, but he seemed… numb. I also remember putting a glittery pink sticker on my arm in the dream.
It didn’t make any sense to me.
Why? Were you born in the US?
What type of coffee is that?