Questions Thread- Littlefeets

Ok I’m doing these out of order, but I’m answering each of them.

It’s not how I would have hoped, but it’s heading in the best direction for the situation.

I’d prefer for them to make up, but it does fit their characters more for them to not.

You know. I had to stay on the edge of going completely out of character for Kai to keep him and Jess apart.

I would definitely consider actually writing a book

That is such a hard question that is almost impossible to answer, but… I have to say Zendaya as Jess.

Yes. We had some amazing plots out of those

Hard choice, either CHB, Saw, or Grenopia High.

Yes. I want to. It’s just a matter of actually making it happen. Especially since for SG writing my confidence in myself is not high…

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I knew you were going to say that :joy:

Interesting hmm

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:joy: We both know how much I had to do out of character for him.

It’s really hard to imagine anyone else as Dan or as Jess, but I feel like it’d be easier to have someone else pull off Dan than it would be for someone else to pull off Jess.

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soooo so much

so much trauma


I think i’d do the same as you

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What’s something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do?
What uncommon thing would you like to see become more common?
What thing from childhood do you still enjoy to this day?
What do you wish you understood better?
What is something that will instantly annoy you?
Do you have an app on your phone that you use even though you hate it?
What are your top five snacks?
What snacks do you hate?
What animal do you think best reflects your personality?
What doesn’t exist, but should?
How do you make decisions?
Would you consider yourself decisive or indecisive?
If you could be anywhere right now , where would you like to be?
If you lost all of your possessions but one, what would you want it to be?
What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of?
Favorite city?
How have your priorities changed over time?
If you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be?

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hey @Littlefeets, I don’t have much to ask at the moment as I’m still getting over the christmas weekend XD but how was your weekend? what did you do for fun?

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How would you have hoped Kai’s storyline went?



“Common” sense

What childhood things don’t I still enjoy? :joy:

Myself, and how other people function.


I don’t think so?

:thinking: I’m not sure actually

Goldfish crackers and any hot/spicy snacks

I really don’t know what animal would…

Very carefully and often times painfully

I’m soooooo indecisive

Either still at home like I am right now, or at Disney World.

My stuffed animal bunny that I’ve had since I was about 3. I would never be able to handle losing her.

RPing I guess? Off forums that’s something that most people don’t know about.

I don’t have a favorite city.

I’m not actually sure. Somehow I’ve really always seemed to stay the same with my priorities and goals.

Ah no, I don’t know. I’m someone who has never really wanted a tattoo, so I’ve never really thought about what I would get. I guess if I absolutely had to, it would be something Disney related or something just cute.

My weekend was great! I spent it with my family. On Christmas we opened presents and sat together and caught up on a tv show, and did a murder mystery game that we had which was awesome.

Of course I would have loved for Kai and Jess to have ended up together, but I wish it could have at least gone in a way that would have left Kai happier with his life. Where he could have been living in New York, the circumstances in a way where he had control over his own life so he could be himself.


Ohh that’s really nice! i’m glad you enjoyed it :dizzy::green_heart:

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Hey @QuestionsThread people, I need to choose (randomly spin) the new star for next week soon, so if you want to be it then please ask questions!

Guys, you haven’t had a thread yet, please ask @Littlefeets a question!

@angelic, @Daya, @Oofalumpa, @Quinn, @Sk_Supernatural, @Sophia1233

Also, @Alison3, if you want to be the question star one week, then just join the @/QuestionsThread tag and ask a question or two. (wink)

For those of you who want to be the question star again, please ask @Littlefeets a question!

@Acorn06, @aesthetic, @AnnSza, @AS007, @katabasis, @benitz786, @Blegar, @Bonswayout, @Cadborosa, @liyahsdiamond, @courtana, @Danielle318, @Divcp, @Edelgard, @Eliza, @ethereal, @KiaraTheSnek, @Konix, @lamecast88, @Madilnel, @Megan, @Nil, @OhSumana, @passionfruit, @raviola, @Rxttenx, @ShanniiWrites, @Skyler2, @SnowyStar, @StarMaryGoth, @unsungcheerio, @Yomama

  • Have you ever looked at your butt in the mirror?
  • Is it possible that every new day is just the same day over again?
  • What’s one movie every girl loves?
  • What would happen if makeup didn’t exist in our culture?
  • Why do round pizzas always come in a square pizza box?
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Hey there.
How are you?
How has your day been?

What is your favorite color?
Favorite movie?
Favorite thing about the forums?

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Are you motivated today?
What’s your favourite theme of SWF?
What’s your favourite conspiracy theory?
Which new invention or discovery do you think could make our daily life easier than it already is?
How do you want to bring change in society against everything toxic?

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I have

Hard to say. That possibility leads into the question of how time actually functions.


People could understand natural beauty more and have more confidence in their own features as they are

I suppose a square box is simpler to make, potentially cheaper, and much easier for storage.

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I’m doing good

It’s been pretty good


I really don’t have a favorite. There’s too many I love, and I am far too indecisive.


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I suppose so

I like the Dark theme and the Dark Alt theme.

Im not really sure

Ah so much could and right now im kinda blanking on anything specific

Im really not certain

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What is/was your favourite subject in school? Why?

What was your dream career when you were 10-12 years old? And has it changed?

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Hi again, @Littlefeets,

  • If a tarot card reader can see your future, do you think they knew you were coming?
  • Do you think self-help authors don’t need advice?
  • Why do we walk dogs, it seems more like the dogs are walking us?
  • Is it entirely possible to cry while you’re swimming underwater?
  • If you were a kitten, what would your name be?
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Ok, so that’s always been a hard one for me to answer, because I like different subjects for different reasons. But I guess I’ll say science (especially biology and a bit of chemistry too) because it’s always so interesting.

To be an engineer, and to work for Disney.
Hasn’t changed since I was 6 years old.

Possibly. Depends on how much attention they were paying to that point in time

They may not necessarily need advice in certain areas, but they probably need advice just as much

Its a partnership and depends on the dog. When we walk them, we make sure that the dogs get that exercise and it also is exercise for the person walking the dog too.

Well, you could cry, but how tears work would be questionable

:thinking: I don’t know, that’d be a better question to ask someone else for what they would name me