Random Opinions

Oh, Polycystic Ovarian System! I was thinking of POTS. :sob:




POTS is actually an autonomic (nervous) system condition! not a heart one!

but anyways
opinion related to all this?
PCOS tends to be seriously downplayed by a lot of people who don’t have it


I got confused. I pride myself on my medical condition knowledge, so this is embarrassing.


That is true, it seems that some people don’t understand how the woman’s body works.


Yeah, I have PCOS. It sucks.

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I have a strong dislike for stereotypical grouping based on the loudest voice of a certain group and like this is mostly shown in the way racism works, but never highlighted as mush in other aspects. Like religion, christian are grouped based on those who use the religion more as an accessory than a life style . Hypocrites who’ll throw out random verse to try and back their agenda. another example would be like with Muslim women who wear hijabs, walking by anyone in America 8 out of 10 times it’s “you know your free now right? you don’t have to wear that anymore.” simply because all they think of is those who are being forced to and sometimes killed for that very hijab in their native land.


Having an anxiety disorder is not quirky, and having severe anxiety is actually hard to live with. Even though a lot of people have anxiety disorders, I don’t think many people understand or validate how hard it can be to live with.

It’s also a bit of a spectrum that everyone experiences differently. Some people don’t have severe anxiety but still have a disorder—they may have excellent coping skills.

It’s also valid to talk about and seek out help for anxiety even if you don’t have a disorder.

All that being said, don’t tell someone who’s confiding in you about something “oh everyone has x” or “everyone has a little anxiety”, it’s just kinda invalidating usually in the way that it is said. If someone is sharing that they feel ashamed or embarrassed because of their anxiety that’s when I’d share some of my own experiences to make them feel less alone.

Don’t joke about having a panic attack. Saying that “X gave me a panic attack” when in reality you were just slightly stressed really just makes panic attacks seem quirky and not at all super debilitating. If I’m having a panic attack I’m gonna need an hour minimum to fully calm down, sometimes it completely ruins my day. I had to leave in the middle of school on one occasion because I couldn’t calm down and cycles of it just kept coming. Not to mention that a lot of people when they experience panic attacks fear that they’re having a heart attack and have to go to the hospital. You being startled or slightly stressed is not the same thing, yet people tend to talk about panic attacks lightly in this way without realizing how severe they can be.


Physical appearance shouldn’t be valued to the extent that it is. Like we don’t need beauty standards. Tf is up with that?


I completely agree. People still hold it up to a high standard in society, when it should be more about what in person; their personality and brain.

What do you think we should judge people on, @Mouschi?


Mostly just morals because morals do say a lot about a person :thinking:


Yeah, yeah, that’s a good one.


I don’t like having my hair up, it makes me look like Mrs Trunchball

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Olives are not the vibe….

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I’ll eat them!!

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