Random School Opinions

You’ve came up with very good points on how incompetent teachers are. Honestly, it’s ridiculous how they are so freaking incompetent!! There’s always immature students in every year.

No wonder why students are so stressed out that they resort to smoking, alcohol, drugs and self harm!


I’m making a second post because my next three points are so long but bear with me:

  • School’s are way too obsessed with the assertive personality:
    They consider it to be the “best” way to be and this is toxic - there is no such thing as a “perfect” personality. It’s exhausting and just incorrect that the ONLY way to be successful in life is to be loud, lively and “out there”. Quiet kids are always told we need to be this way and for what exactly? We’re always told we need to be at the front leading the pack but if everyone’s leading then who’s following? The behind the scenes jobs are JUST as rewarding and as valuable as the ones centre-stage. Assertiveness has downsides just like being turbulent. Stop putting the focus on talking and put it what people are actually saying.

  • Categorising children as “good kids” and “bad kids” is horrible:
    How can you judge someone’s entire character when their age isn’t even in double-digits yet? You’re putting students in boxes early and this will have negative impacts as they get older. Constantly telling “bad kids” that their “bad” is telling them that they’ll never be good enough and for the “good kids” you’re putting them under pressure to be perfect otherwise they’re failures. If childhood is supposed to be the easiest part of life then maybe don’t put extreme pressure on children? Just a thought.

  • I’m tired of classism + pretentiousness in education:
    Not everyone can solve problems with travel, cost of travel, cost of uniform and cost of equipment. And not just that but the pressure we put on people who do have access to these things. Success is different for everybody and it’s more than a sheet of paper. You can have a life outside university and higher education. So what if the Grade 7,8 and 9 kids don’t want to be doctors and lawyers? You should do a job you actually enjoy not just because it’s “challenging”. Why should you do something that’s challenging anyway? I’m doing the work, not you!
    And finally, what’s wrong with “ending up picking up rubbish or working in McDonalds”? Like who do you think empties your bins and keeps your street clean each day? Someone has to do it. What makes the cashier at the fast food till any different than the person serving your coffee before you enter the school building? You look down on the students going into these low paying jobs and yet you benefit from them.


Again, these are very great points. I swear teachers act like our parents, pushing career ideas onto you when you know that you’re gonna be miserable from it. Trust me, I instantly regret doing media because I listened to my aunt and I wish I never done it. Especially when people expect too much from you.


I can’t stand when adults try to “live” through children. It’s our future so let us make our own choices! I took triple science for GCSE because I did well on the unofficial entrance test in Year 9. It was great that I did well but what did I gain from doing it though? 3 handouts every lesson? Beating myself up because I was 4 marks away from the grade I wanted? Seriously, we put too much pressure on students…


I’ve typed so much and I’m really tired put I’ve got one more point (I swear this is the last one :joy:):

There is NO excuse for picking on your students. I don’t care if you’re “stressed from marking”, it does not and will never justify ruining the confidence of a child who you know can’t fight back. I and a bunch of other students have our own issues and yet we always have to suck it up for the sake of making the class run smoothly, so why do you get a free pass? You are the adult in the situation, so act like one. Case closed.


my Dad chose all my GCSE’s and I’m still salty

I did the exact same ones as my brother and I failed computer science. I could have taken music for crying out loud I was good at it but no my Dad was all like “you won’t get anywhere in life with that” well guess what? I won’t get anywhere in life with a failed computer science GCSE but hey at least I didn’t waste my time doing something I enjoy.


Seriously? That must have been terrible. The creative subjects are just as good as the academic ones. There’s so many creative things such as art movements, musicians, dance etc which have had a huge impact in the world.


I don’t see anything wrong with talking iPods & MP3 players to school.

Music does help you concentrate. :headphones::headphones::headphones::headphones::headphones::musical_score::musical_score::musical_score::musical_score::musical_score::musical_note::musical_note::musical_note::musical_note::notes::notes::notes::notes:


In my class last year we were allowed to listen to music but now the rules are so much tighter. I don’t even see the problem, I’d rather listen to music than really loud typing.


Exactly! It was such a pisstake when teachers consficate your MP3 players & phones. I’d rather listen to music than listen to someone’s bullshit. Seriously, girls at school were fucking horrible!!


I always wanted to know… why do teachers get mad at students when they fail the subject? Like, why? What is it with you? How does it hurt you in any way?


Best sleeping therapy.

  • Schools do need to take bullying more seriously
  • Financial classes are honestly needed the most in high school
  • pressuring college onto high schoolers is terrible
  • school should help kids find their passions not just ace a test

It hurts the teachers ego and the way that other teachers look at them if a student fails


I swear bullying. Thank godness I was those kind of whiners who complained to my parents every single thing that happened in school, which includes bullying.

Despite reporting to the teachers, not much action has been taken, so annoying, at least fhe bully stopped.

But not everyone’s personality is like mine, some of us like to keep it to ourselves. So, nu-uh. This bullying this has to be something that people need to take it seriously. Like, you may not only physically hurt that person but mentally as well. Seriously, victims should not be the ones transferring, bullies should be expelled.


I’ve just had to take care of mess myself and getting my friends to help me. Because oh my chocolate I bring up bullying to any teacher they just roll their eyes (literally) so I’m like :woman_shrugging:t5:

Right and not just saying they’ll take it seriously then when you really tell they actually flip all the way out.


Because it’s a major issue and some teachers are too lazy to solve. because it’s basically unsolvable to them


I apologise if I sound a little rude or mean…just wanted to share my opinion. :neutral_face::two_hearts:

  • There’s no need to start screaming and squealing to your friend. Go ahead and mess around, slack off a little and talk quietly if you want, but some people are trying to do their work.

  • Dress codes exist for a reason. Breaking the dress code doesn’t make you look cool, and if you don’t care, don’t complain. Wearing t-shirts with offensive words on them, unbuttoning your shirt and rolling up your skirt will get you a detention.

  • Bullying is wrong and should be taken seriously. Teachers should try to stop it, instead of ignoring the situation, or making things worse.

  • Teachers, if you see someone being excluded and sitting alone, don’t point this out to the entire class. It’s a little bit embarrassing and makes the situation worse.

  • Some days, it’s ok to break a few rules. It’s ok to fail a test. It’s ok to hate school.


Schools need to take mental health more seriously.

