Rebranding - For Feedback/Help!

Honestly, I love the writing-focused aspect of the forums, as well as the discussions and chatting about general topics. I still write on Episode, and some people write on different apps or in Word/Google docs, so maybe we could have different sections and chats where we could discuss, for example, our stories, our characters, the general writing process, etc.?


So your suggestion would be to continue as a writing-based forums?

Personally, I think we need to be more writing focused. That includes writing in all forms. Everything from our RP/SG community, to novel writing, to even poem or song writing.

RPs and SGs are basically a collaborative group form of writing that we can do together, so that should be a shining feature of a writing community. Its practice, inspiration, and can even become the base for world building and character or plot development that can be used in some other platform, such as a novel or even with luck one day a tv show or movie. This place doesn’t need to be primarily RPs and SGs, but this form of collaborative writing is such a valuable tool that it should be a big deal, not just an added bonus.

We need to talk more about writing in general as well, share what and how we write. Actively help each other grow and improve. We can help each other all build our writing, develop our stories and characters, similar to how in the RP/SG section we’re all actively working to help ourselves and each other grow. This doesn’t mean just talking about how to do something, that means actively writing and sharing. Sharing about what our characters are like. Talking about what we’ve written and what we want to write. Even talking about what our goals are and how to reach them, (whether it be finishing a short work to post here on the forums, or a series of full length novels) there should be a way to talk and help those who would want to take the next steps towards being a published author, etc. We can help push each other to make those goals happen, or at least provide moral support and feedback. This should be somewhere that we can be proofreaders for each other and find minor edits that should be made, or see if a plot and character is good or not. For anyone that does want to take the next steps toward making their work public, we should be the place a fan base can start. After all, if someone from here becomes famous for their writing, we would all love to be able to say we were their first fans, before anyone else even knew about them.


Hey @Caticorn, @katabasis, @OhSumana, @sunflower.flow, and @LunaticLeviTheSecond, what are your thoughts on the future identity of the forums? What type should we be?

Just noticed you liked but didn’t comment. (wink)


Well I think I can’t possibly say what this RP is because I’ve always only been interested for the RP section and maybe a little discussion here and there, but very rarely.
That’s why I think the most important part for me is RP/SG part and that this should be rebranded as a RP/SG part. I think Shannii did start this RP for discussions about writing and about her own writing advice, but since she is leaving and the forum won’t bear her name anymore(even though we will promote her website and be in a kind of partnership) there’s not much we can discuss about writing and her writing tips if she won’t be part of the plan. That’s why I’m sticking with RP. Hope some of you agree.


Yeah, agree with this if we do indeed leave it as a writing forum. I should be for all types.

YES! Marketing slogan much. HAHAHA


I mean, she’ll still be here occasionally.


I personally agree with what Brooke said, especially with the idea of focusing on all forms of writing. I think she phrased it really well and that’s what I envision for the forums as well. I do love the general chat categories and I think they’re a lot of fun but our primary focus should be writing/role-playing


Umm what about the forum games? Is it included?


I don’t mind if more user talk about mobile game that are coming out and a Mobile game group was made.

Or if not maybe maybe music will be great like from talking about composer and their history or other music around the world this does include other instruments of course.

Without Music Life Would B flat

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What about them, included in what?

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So you’d like this place to turn into either a gaming or music forum?


I meant to ask, is keeping the forum games section being considered?

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I think a forum for writers and readers could be a good idea. There are many different writing platforms and most of them have their own forum/discord server where writers can get specific help for that platform. However, many writers post their work on more than one platform to get a bigger fanbase. Maybe here could be the place where those writers can reach people from all platforms and find more readers. There are many websites that offer advice for writers and what’s really needed are readers, beta-readers, etc. and probably artists for covers and all that. RPs could be part of that, writers and readers can create something together!
Self-publishing became a big thing in the last few years and the authors need to advertise their own books, maybe we could catch the attention of some of those authors and they can bring their fans with them :smile_cat:


Well, yea. But music help in mobile game for me, i do sight reading the game I play. Everyone could be a mobile game master / music master.

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My post deleted which is annoying cause i typed it all ob my phone but imma sum it up and say I agree with Brookes 100%





Yes. Of course. Nothing is being taken away. If anything does, it’ll be a forum decision.


I think at this point it’s not necessarily about what will/won’t be included. At this point the discussion is about what the focus of the forums should be. What type of community are we?