Rebranding - For Feedback/Help!

Then I’m gonna say I agree with you here


Ive always associated this place with role-playing


Yeah me too, and the communit that comes with RP-ing


Defining Future Forum Identity

So from above, it has pretty been decided. However, just to double-check, let’s do an anonymous poll to see where everyone does stand. Please do vote!

  • Friendly Discussion Community
  • Gaming focused
  • Music focused
  • RP/SG-focused
  • Writing focused
  • Something else (Comment below or PM me)

0 voters



I think it could be an all inclusive writing themed forum, and by all inclusive I mean it could include RPs, book writing, discussion about writing and so on. If it’s writing themed it could always include RPs becuase that’s kind of like writing.


That was the gist of what everyone was suggesting above, yes. (wink)


oof! I haven’t been here in a minute. I miss being on almost daily and hope to do more again in the future. The writing community here is great imo so to me I’d love for the focus to stay there.

The only suggestion I have is about revenue and exposure on Twitch, YouTube, FB Live.

It’s not super hard to gain affiliate on Twitch (I hustled for 2 weeks to get my husband there) and after you do, you get paid from ads. Payout requirement is $100 and my husband is only halfway there. BUT the community here is bigger than his followers. Possibly better chances of faster payout!

On YouTube, lives can be done OR the Twitch broadcasts can be uploaded to YT to get more exposure out there. It takes a lot more work now to become affiliate for YT though.
I have no clue how FB Live/Streaming works so I’m not much help there. If the videos can be uploaded to a forum FB page, I don’t see the harm in doing so.

While streaming, blogs can be read out loud, talks about forum topic of the day, book reviews/discussions, virtual novel app reviews/discussions, and other writing discussions.

I suggest Twitch to be the first way to go because again, easier/faster access to ads then money.
Time may be an issue because of work, life, and I’m currently handling my husband’s Twitch channel and social media, but I can try my best to help set this up.


Do you think people would be interested in an English teacher streaming? Is that something I could get partnership for?


I guess it depends on what you are streaming? I don’t really know what an English teacher could stream…besides a play OR DND :star_struck:

Yo, I’m down to see the mod staff do a play directed by Shanni


I think so! There’s people that stream themselves doing just about anything.

There’s lots of people out there who like to see and hear more so maybe the streams can be just you reading your blogs out loud :woman_shrugging:t2:
And you don’t have to show your face if you don’t want to.


You could teach idk English lessons via roleplay/dnd

Its pretty unique

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[quote=“ShanniiWrites, post:48, topic:28306, full:true”]
Do you think people would be interested in an English teacher streaming? Is that something I could get partnership for?

I would say twitch May work because I do usually check out the gaming channel aka streamer. It may be a good English teacher thing.
Also you can partner with twitch but here what they required below

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I was thinking: near exams, I could stream how to actually answer exam questions to get 100%. Like, step by step


That’s smart, I’m sure a ton of procrastinators will watch that in masses


I know there are a lot of teachers on TikTok and YouTube, perhaps you could join that community?


Sounds awesome

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What I’m noticing is quite a slowing of momentum. When I first announced that I wanted to stop funding the forums, many people were willing to step up and make this place work. However, now that we’ve got some people funding July, people have quietened down again.

This was part of the reason why I wanted to stop with the forums tbh. It’s happened many many times. I ask people for help with traffic but the interest in helping lasts for only a week or so.

If you guys wanna do this, the interest needs to be more consistent. Don’t devote your whole lives to the forums for a week and burn out. Be more moderate but more long-term.


I’ll try to post more on topics I find interesting as well as promote the forums on my insta. Not sure how much traffic that’ll get because I don’t have that many followers, but we’ll see.


Also I’m gonna do it!

If you feel like supporting me, I’m gonna start from August


Any followers would be a big help! To get to Affiliate ASAP