There’s plenty of RPs I would like to bring back, mostly for nostalgia and conclusion. I think the biggest thing is life lol, I’m no longer 12 and spending all my time writing But, I float back on here for a reason, hopefully eventually I’ll get some very old ideas off the ground
Hmm, I don’t know what you’re mentioning actually was it similar in that it was heavily based on mythology in general or PJO specifically?
I completely understand this
Yes big on mythology but it was inspired by PJO
It’s kind of crazy actually !! I like going back in time and going through my profile. I was 12 when I first started CHB with Brookie and 14 when the big move happened Now I’m 18 in college, and I know some people here who have gotten married and it’s kind of crazy.
Geez… I’m trying to think But i think you were in the community longer than me. Other than Brooke and I’s CHB and Ethie’s FTD I can’t even remeber any rps that was myth heavy much less PJO heavy
Me with Software Engineering and Cybersecurity.
Neuroscience was my second option lmao.
YUPPPP I was actually planning to do a degree in Cognitive Science but I lowkey wanted to do the most and get super gritty into biological bases and computer science seperately so I can do whatever i wanted
this is so funny, I’m doing game dev
why are so many of the rpers in computing what
I don’t think I considered neuroscience seriously, but I did think of going into medicine and one of my topics of interest was neurology
Com sci is a popular major on this forum
I know 4 users who are com sci now
Java hurts my heart, like I thought Python was picky but nooooo
Anyways, I could always ask one of y’all to tutor me since there’s sooo many of us
we’re all soo cooked tbh
java isn’t that bad, it’s actually quite similar to python when you get based the beginning stage
This is coming from a girl who did one of her exams in python syntax instead of java and nearly failed cause of it LMAOOOO. But seriously, just push through, trust.
Oh 100%
I’m just hoping that I can get a job after graduation
I’m so delusional i think the cs market will change when i graduate
I am so delulu that I think having both SWE and Cybersecurity is gonna save me
The only thing I have going for me is no college debt unless I go to grad school
This isn’t delulu this is preparation trust
Girl I’m 25 thousand dollars in debt right now