Second-hand Book shops

I used to go to second-hand book shops a lot when I was younger because back then I didn’t have any ebooks and I was a fast reader. I really liked them. You never knew what books you’d find and sometimes they had really good ones!

Do you go to second-hand book shops?
Do you have books from second-hand book shops?
Did you ever give books to a second-hand book shop?


We don’t have that here but it sounds amazing :(


Ahh we have this second-hand bookstore that’s really interesting but it’s on the other side of the country. I’ve never been to them but I’m intrigued to because, I agree, everything’s a surprise! :star_struck:

Plus they might just be my chance to be able to buy the limited books I didn’t get to buy :’))

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I visited one once, but there aren’t that many near where I live.

I’m pretty sure I bought my Twilight books at a second-hand book shop. (it was a few years ago, so I don’t really remember)

I do think that second-hand book shops are interesting because you never know what you’re going to find. You could end up finding a book that hasn’t been on the shelves for years or you could leave with something completely different from what you went in for.

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They closed the last second-hand book shop here last week :sweat_smile: Nobody seemed to be interested anymore, now they just collect the books that the people don’t want anymore and send them to people around the world who can’t afford them.

@Bookworms Are there any second-hand book shops in your area?


AMAZING! Love them. We also have these little box libraries popping up everywhere around town, that are about the six of a 90’s computer monitor. So not too big. You can put your own books (you’ve finished or don’t want any more) and take one (or more) that’s in there if it interests you.

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Seriously, @Discussions, are there only five of us here that like second-hand books?


I’ve been to a few of them, but never have found anything good. I’m a picky reader and usually only like best-sellers for some reason. I have found a kinda good book at one of those tho, but the ending was bad.


I do!


Really? Only best-sellers? Oh my-! But how do you find the undiscovered gems?!

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I like Second and Charles.


My mom has mostly found books for me. I quite honestly don’t know what I like and don’t know how to look for books.
I did used to but that was when I was younger, that’s the only time I actually found good books lol.




What genres are you into?

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All of them? Idk, it’s more about the writing style for me. Like I can be into fantasy, but sometimes it’s just written in a bad style or I don’t like how it sounds or something, sci-fi, memoir-ish stuff kinda? Comic book a lil, mostly stuff about women, yeah. I want to get more into Shakespeare but it’s hard for me to read without getting a headache lol.


Second and Charles. That’s the name.


Rn I’m reading Educated by Tara Westover, that’s a memoir, I’ve read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi but don’t tend to look for that now. I tend to like books where the MC goes through some sort of self discovery and goes from a bad situation to a good one and kinda recounts their life and all these different memories. So I don’t really know what I like tbh.
I just read one that someone let me borrow that I thought would be good called They Both Die In the End or something, and it was kinda just subpar. Like it was okay, but I expected something different and had kinda high expectations for something that was kinda just meh.


Historical fiction?

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