Secret Santa Year Four Sign-ups!

oooh understandable!
makes sense ^^


While I had plenty time the last days and upcoming 2/3 days, I will actually be on the go again soon. Traveling one place to another every other day, meaning I won’t actually have time to sit for hours and work on something. Then I just can’t promise I’ll get it done for sure anymore, and I don’t want to disappoint anyone I might get as a result. So it’s sad, but I think I might have to drop out of the secret santa if I don’t hear for who I am a secret santa and what I have to do this weekend, as the next few days are basically my only real opportunity to work on it. Sure, I understand live and stuff gets in the way and things change, but when signing up I was under the impression I would have known at least a week ago now, and that makes a huge difference for me…

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I’ll have the pairs done by tomorrow! Sorry for the delay!


Alright, everyone the deadline for presents is from December 21st to December 24th. We are 8 days away! This means we need to start sending responses in the chats if you have not done so already. Let us know if you still need time or are almost done! I will be working on Christmas eve until 7pm CST. I extended the deadline an extra day for that reason. We will pass out gifts on Christmas day. @CrazyCaliope and I will remind you on this thread plus in the chats the closer we get to the deadlines! Good Luck everyone! Please Reply or Like this post so that we know you’ve read it!

@Ouijaloveletters @Jass @CrazyCaliope @Caticorn @OhSumana @LunaticLeviTheSecond @RainyDay @Aria_Anderson @liyahsdiamond @lollipoplady @Trenchcoat @Meekepeek @april.writes @bpalmer


What exactly does this mean just so i know if ive fone this yet or not


Oh, it just means to respond in the chat you have with me or Cali depending on who sent one to you. You will need to respond to that one if you need anything or are ready to send the gift.


Oh ok got it ive done that


Okay cool! Then you are all set!


Still working away


Okay cool! No worries!


Hiiiii, so sorry, I’ve been… EXTREMELY busy with finals… I might need extra time!


Ah… how much time since Christmas is next weekend?


A few days. Maybe 3


That should be okay. If we can get it before the weekend, even better. (wink)


Sorry, just finished exams and now sorting holiday stuff lol.

Busy week


No worries! Just let me know if you need more time!


So, I might not be active for the next few days. My dog Scrappy has taken a turn for the worse. He might not make it until Thursday. I’ll try to answer questions but I won’t be on right away during this time.


Oh my god! I didn’t even know anything was wrong! What’s wrong?!


It’s okay! I didn’t want to say anything until it was certain that he wasn’t going to come back from this. It’s the big guy who is short-furred. He had an episode back in July where he had to be taken to the vet. He had HGE but it finally passed like the vet hoped after medicine. We thought he had started recovering but he lost a lot of weight about 3 months ago then slowly had leaking issues which we were putting diapers on him to help out. In the past few weeks though he has gotten much worse. He started to lose his vision which went in about week and half of the first signs. After that, he started getting physically weak and started stumbling around. We thought it had to do with the blindness but it wasn’t the cause. He was struggling to walk and go up the stairs. He stopped eating a day ago and only drank a little bit today. He is blocked in his intestines I think. There isn’t much we can do for him at this point. He has also been vomiting anything he has ate in the past week. Right now, he is downstairs with my dad, Scooby, and Milly. I’m not sure he will survive until tomorrow night. He can’t walk at all at the moment.


Oh my god, Wolfie. I seriously don’t know what to say. That’s terrible.