Share Your Coming Out Story

Share Your Coming Out Story

Hey there, gyals. So in this topic we are gonna talk about our coming out stories, how you came out to your mom, dad, aunt, grandpa, dog, etc.

So I recently came out as queer and I told my…

Sister: She accepted it although she believes I am young and I will figure it out when I am an adult.
Mom: She said ‘That’s nonsense’ and she didn’t believe me, but she is also homophobic so…

So what are your stories? Share them below.


Well my main coming out story was a Facebook/Instagram post that lowkey went viral
There was a whole thing in my country at the time where lgbts weren’t allowed to adopt children and it was a whole mess so it was also about that kinda
I care out to my mum, my ex, and my closer friends before I made the post tho
I came out to my mum and she said she saw it coming haha
I came out to my ex, who was my best friend and the person I loved at the time,
And after we got together a while later we did the whole coming out to friends deal together, made it a whole lot easier
I was like 15 tho


Aw, they took it well.

Even at my age :grinning:

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One of my friends didn’t at first
It took her a long time to accept it but eventually she did

My grandparents still don’t know because they’re homophobic and religious af and they’ll probably disown me

But other than that I guess I just know who to keep around me and who not to,
I don’t have homophobic friends, racist friends or anything of that sort, you suck, stay away. Simple

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How old are you? What’s your sexuality? You don’t have to answer, of course.


One time I felt anger and fear was when my sister told my mom I was pan. My sister thought I was gay, but I was too scared to contradict her. I remember sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast at 5:40 am, and suddenly my mom dropped the bomb. She said my sister had seen something on my phone and told her. She started sternly saying that I wasn’t asexual, which was what I was looking up. I knew I wasn’t, I just wanted to know more about it. Then, she completely misinterpreted what asexual meant. I wanted to correct her, but I knew that if I did, I’d have a neon sign above my head, saying I was queer. I definitely didn’t want that. So I’m almost crying into my cereal, my appetite gone. I forced my food down, running upstairs.


I haven’t came out to my family but people in my school know I’m queer and they don’t care. :eyes: I kissed my best friend when I was 5 so I’ve always known it, I just wasn’t sure what I was because at this time this guy and I had crushes on each other. :joy: I’m abrosexual btw.

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I’m not out to my family, but I am out to most of my friends. I came out to one of my friends because she asked about the rainbow ribbon I have tied onto my backpack. Usually I end up telling my friends because they got a vibe from me and asked.

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I’m not allowed to have anything rainbow


Queer and i am 15

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Geez, I thought you were my age!


No, which being 15 and coming out can be difficult since apparently i am young and i am saying nonsense. How old are you?

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I came out in eleventh grade, so…seventeen?

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My parents don’t know what it represents so I can without them realizing. :eyes:

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I can’t-. They know.

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I was at a sleep away camp, and was singing “Secrets” by Mary Lambert for a talent show. I’d borrowed a rainbow shirt from a friend to wear, and as I was packing up to go home, he knocks on the door and gives me the shirt. I almost cried. Unfortunately, my mom and sister were right there…I still have the shirt and will wear it later, if you want to see…on like, Friday or something.


I’m out to my friends, but not my family. I also told my ex as well… :woman_facepalming:t3:


Forgot I said I’d show a picture of the shirt.

My other friend gave me the shirt underneath. It’s also rainbow.


I’d like to start by saying I’m not out to my parents yet.

In high school, in year 8 I came out as bi during class to a girl I thought was my friend then this guy filmed me saying it. Instead of my friend deleting it she showed alot of people and word spread like wild fire. I had people coming up to me, treated my like I was some zoo animal.

People demanding I don’t flirt with them as though they were irresistable. Got called a pervert in the changing rooms, that carried on for my entire time at school.

Then one day it went a bit far and I decided to say I wasn’t bisexual. Not sure how many people believed me, I stayed out of the closet for one person after that. I reported the two worst bullies it kinda died down after that.

But to this day I still feel ashamed of jumping back into the closet. Thinking back I should have just been brave, told my parents and maybe today I’d be out to them and I could just completely be myself.

But when I was filling in forms to apply to uni my Dad decided to take over :upside_down_face: and in the box about sexuality he put that I was straight. That was a form I wish he’d have let me fill in myself.

Now I kinda have a fear (even though uni will never show anyone that form and high school was ages ago) that people will accuse me of pretending to be bisexual. I’m not. I’m bi and now I’m proud, I wouldn’t let anyone push me back into the closet now.

And I know I’ll eventually have to tell my parents and when that day comes I just hope it’ll be okay. But not yet, I’m not ready.