Share your pfp and why it is special to you! ✨

Quack! :duck:
I’ve just realised that I almost don’t recognize any pfps on here anymore, which is kinda embarrassing, considering that I could name every user by looking at their pfp in the past :eyes::eyes:
So I’ve decided to create this thread to help me (and others) find out more about people’s pfps, so it’ll be easier to connect a person to their pfp :eyes::sparkles:
So please share your pfp and why it is special to you below :eyes::sparkles:
I’ll start :eyes::sparkles:

My pfp and why it is special to me

This pfp is special to me because I created it myself, and because it is a duckling and ducklings are my favourite animals :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::duck:

If something like this already exists, please don’t hesitate to merge my thread with it! :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Meaning of your Profile Picture?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Meaning of your Profile Picture?

Merged with Meaning of your Profile Picture? :sunglasses: