Should Gun Laws in America Be Stricter?

We all love a good debate! And we have a lot more people to discuss with since the abortion thread, so let’s tackle another controversial topic!

  • Do you think that gun laws should be stricter?
  • What do you think of concealed carry laws?
  • Would you want to get rid of civilian firearms all together?

I’m interested to hear your points!

As always, try to keep the debate as civil as possible. Of course, it’s ok to get heated, but attack ideas, not people! And try not to swear too much. We wanna keep the ads up :wink:

Happy debating!

I think I might do Brexit next, but I dunno how much people know about it :stuck_out_tongue:




Jokes. Yeah I would like for all civilian firearms to be taken away personally. But I think at the very very least gun laws should be a hell of a lot stricter than they are now.

Like not allowing mentally ill white supremacists access to automatic assault rifles maybe?


Say it louder please!!


For me, one of the biggest things that needs to change about America is the attitude to guns. That’s so much harder to change, though


I personally don’t have a good liking or favor to guns. :neutral_face: I feel gun laws though should be more strict especially in America. What I don’t like about guns is how the positions are. When a white man has a gun, it’s okay but any person of color has one, they’re seen as a threat or dangerous. :woman_facepalming:t4:


Because America is stupid and full of idiots.


Like so many European countries have firearms for civilians. They just don’t worship them, collect them or treat them like fashion statements






I’m not sure about what the laws are exactly in America, but what I’ve heard in the news makes me think that guns are like mobile phones in America: Everyone has one and nobody thinks it’s weird if you’re running around in public with a gun.

In my country, you have to get a licence to own a gun and another one for using a gun. I only have the licence for using, so I’m not allowed to have a gun at home or somewhere, but if someone else gives me his gun, I’m allowed to use it. (The reason I got this licence is that I was part of an archers club, it was my Hunger-Games-/Katniss-phase…)
To get the licence, I had to get a check-up and prove that I haven’t done anything illegal and that I’m not mentally ill. Additionally, I have to get this check-up every 5 years or I’ll lose the licence. I think that’s a good way of deciding who can own/use a gun and who can’t. I’m not sure why only very few countries have similar laws.

And here it would be really weird to see someone running around with a gun or even only talking about owning one. Yes, there are a few people who talk about their guns, but that’s really rare. Even the cops have to put away their guns if on private property and the owner asks them to. Many of the “low-level cops” (I don’t know what to call them correctly) don’t even have real guns.

So I think America’s gun laws could be a lot stricter but it’s also important to stop glorifying them. It’s just really weird for me. Why would you want an object at home that can kill someone?


Lol this kinda made me laugh cause when I read it I instantly thought “runs in the kitchen look at all these kitchen knifes”


Alright, good point :sweat_smile: But knives have another purpose that’s more important than hurting someone


First off, they really need to get rid of these guns. I’ve seen so many reports of innocent children playing with them and then boom, they accidentally killed themselves because of that firearm that is inside the house.

Why do we have all of these firearms that can kill people? Sigh, crime is still rising in my country, and these people won’t stop. :sob:


Yeah I know, I just thought it was funny (I have twisted humor)


Also how about the ‘smart gun-owner’ thing of

“Well, my kid won’t kill himself ith a gun because it’s in a safe!”

Oh yeah? Then how is it for defense you self-obsessed moron. In a safe? where you’d need time to get to it? Idiots. It’s either a danger to your kids and family, or it isn’t in your damn home. Simple as


In my area, they’re trying to pass (or passed- I don’t keep up to date with these things) a law that says you can own a gun without any kind of license what so ever. So yeah, I think that they should be stricter!


That sounds really stupid. No matter what people think of gun laws, I think most of us can agree no one should be making it easy for unstable people to get hold of them


Last I heard, some students were going to court to try to stop it before it got to this one person who would have to appeal it, because we knew that that person would appeal it. I’m not a very political person, so of course I don’t remember names or specifics as this happened a while ago.

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No. Obviously we have a lot of problems with guns, but it’s not the gun themselves that are killing people. It’s the people behind the guns. It’s like if I shoved a shopping cart at you, and you fall and die. Is it my fault or the cart’s fault? Plus, people kill can others easily with other objects. I think the laws we have right now are pretty good. Getting rid of guns will cause people to just get them illegally, and switch to other methods of murder.
This is a great topic, @ShanniiWrites