Should Physical Education be made compulsory for students in schools/colleges?

So, should P.E. be made compulsory for school and/or college students?

In my school, it is compulsory for students up till 10th grade to have P.E. as a subject after which it becomes an optional subject.

I personally don’t like it as studying P.E. has no utility for my future prospects and also, the P.E. practical tests are kinda hard in my school (not to mention the P.E. teachers there are indifferent to a student’s health and sometimes rude also).

So, what are your opinions on P.E.? :cowboy_hat_face:


I dont like :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I don’t know really, I feel like exercise should be encouaged but maybe kids should be encouraged to find sports they actually enjoy or just allowed to do the activities they want to in class, I literally only enjoyed netball, I hated my bare feet too much to like dance and I got made fun of for everything anyway so I don’t know if I can say I think it should be compulsory or just heavily encouraged.


Ha. No.


Ok :smile:

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Should Physical Education be made compulsory for students in schools/colleges?

Answer : No because not all students may be able to exercise and that might come as forcing it upon students. It should be a choice whether you wanna participate in sports or not. :woman_shrugging:t5:


YES DEFINITELY!!! :+1::+1::+1:


Yes! It should be optional.


I mean I don’t know if this is the same, but like here you need at least one PE credit to graduate, but you can take it in like any grade you want
My school has more than one PE course you can take to earn the credit too which I think is a good thing because then you at least have options

I don’t think you should be limited to take it any specific grade, and I also think there should be several different options you can choose from for me to like it being made compulsory


Yes it should be compulsory, but students should be allowed to have different PE options to pick from


Useless class. I barely go anymore, I only go for the credits.


I say yes, but only if P.E. got a serious reform. More and more kids are obese these days, and making them take tests on footballing and hoopnetting isn’t helping. Teach them how to actually exercise, make themselves a schedule and a meal plan, and just teaching healthy lifestyles overall.


No. All of the PE teachers I’ve ever had are just youth sport coaches looking for a day job. They always favor all of the super athletic and competitive students. The only things I get out of the class are humiliation, frustration, and getting called by my last name more times than I can count.

I’m fairly certain that I burn more calories sleeping than in PE class


I don’t think it should, at least for highschoolers. Little kids have a lot of energy and I see the use of it in elementery/middle school. But like… unless you’re teaching us how to work out and stuff I seriously don’t see the use. And there are so many other important things we need to learn about.


i actually did a research project on this concluding that it physical exercise should be required but there are much better alternatives

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I mean…I did get a boyfriend out of it…but also many panic attacks.

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To me, I think some warm-up or zumba exercises before the beginning of school will do.


Added some tags! :innocent:


I think it should be compulsory since exercise is essential for our health, but students should have more freedom to choose physical activities that are suited for their interests, capabilities, and health condition.

In my case, I hate my current physical education class because we are required to do heavy workout, which always gives me fatigue. And our grading system isn’t fair since it only favors the athletic students.


Added the debate tag :blossom: