Spam Account? No - Spam Forum

So, have you seen those spam IG accounts where they just post random stuff about their thoughts, their day, or anything they like on their IG? And they make a whole new account for it bc it’s a spam account?
Well this is the thread for it. Use this thread as a “spam account” where you can update about your life, your thoughts, wanna rant about anything bad that happened, etc.
I had a personal spam account that I don’t use anymore, and since I use SWF a lot more, I thought I’d make one for myself and others too but on a forum! :cowboy_hat_face:
Feel free to go off topic whenever you want. This is a spam thread :star_struck:


I’ll start: today wasnt so bad tbh. I got a 100% on my English project :star_struck: see — this is why I prefer independent projects. I can make sure everything is to my own perfection and I don’t need to worry if anybody will mess up any section of the work. I feel really good. Tbh, I didn’t even read the book. It was a book I read 2 years ago so technically I kinda cheated? Idk. I was supposed to pick a book I haven’t read before LOL


I wish I could put my thoughts into words more easily, but it’s hard when you either think in 3 languages at once, have a song playing on repeat in your heat that blocks out everything else or your head just switched into void mode where you can’t even express your thinking process :eyes::sparkles:

I also want to throw a human out of the window because they promised to do their part of the assignment but haven’t contributed anything so far :eyes::eyes:


This is my biggest pet peeve in group projects. Have you tried speaking to them?

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Yes, they take 3 days to reply but the assignment is due tomorrow…

I’d remove their name and privately message the teacher bc that would be unfair if you get an A. You’re basically giving them a free grade for the work they made you do :eyes:

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No- :grinning:

But it’s not really getting graded and we aren’t allowed to work alone… It’s kinda like an overview for what we plan to do. :eyes::sparkles:

It’s more common than you think :eyes: a lot more common

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I’ve never had a problem where I wasn’t allowed to remove anyone. But whenever that happens I usually just message the teacher if I can’t reach the person :eyes:

Well i dont use insta much so like yeah-

Smh sm k bye

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IT HAS LED ME TO THIS :triumph::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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This whole post is me everyday

I’m supposed to be studying but I’m not even sure if I’m gonna be tested on this topic

Should I waste my time and learn it or procrastinate- :star_struck:

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Learn it just in case :eyes:

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But that requires effort :angry:

I have so many tabs open :sob: