St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

Jasper let out a small laugh, thinking how it sort of made sense he had come out of nowhere, before talking, “No feathers ruffled on my end either. I suppose I just have a knack for popping up unexpectedly.” As Jasper responded, he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms casually, his gaze fixed on Brex. This conversation had also taken Jasper by surprise in a sense.

“Oh, that’s legendary! Growing up around rock music must have been a real experience, mate. I’m keen on the bass and electric guitar; they add such a unique energy to the music.” A playful glint sparkled in his eyes as he smirked, his body language inviting but maintaining a sense of mystery. While Jasper was a theatre kid, and he enjoyed that as a way to express his creativity, his taste in music wasn’t in musicals, he enjoyed rock music, and well, what was known as more emo music. He could just find himself relating to those genres of music more than musicals.

As Brex leaned into his space, Jasper’s eyes lingered on him, and he bit his lower lip, a small, almost unnoticeable, gesture that hinted at both curiosity and a touch of flirtation. Jasper couldn’t help but find himself to be intrigued by this guy’s demeanor. It was not often Jasper felt such an intensity in a conversation with a guy.

Jasper grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Well, my main gig is usually the theatre, but I’ve been known to have a crack at some drumming.” He understated his skill in drumming, as alongside theatre, it was something he had invested his time in since his childhood and something he was fairly skilled at. “Not as often as my love for the stage, but it’s a ripper outlet for some rhythmic expression. I’m always up for a musical conversation. I reckon you play rock too? What’s your favorite song to belt out on the bass?” Jasper felt some curiosity whether it was a song he knew, and maybe even could play on the drums.

@bpalmer - Brex

Aria listened attentively as Liv shares about her sister's relationship twist and the complexity of family dynamics. When Liv mentions her own sexuality, Aria smiles, already being aware of Liv's identity and having guessed already her statement had to do something with that. Part of their friendship had been build upon them both being part of the LGBTQ+ community after all.

“I totally get what you mean about family. It’s this mix of love, chaos, and figuring each other out. And you’re right, family is something special.” Aria offered a warm smile and a nod to Liv, expressing her agreement on the importance of family bonds. Aria had always been super close with her parents and brother, sure, they fought verbally from time to time, but they always made up and she was really raised to see family as something unique and special and she felt blessed with her family.

As Liv shares about her sexuality, Aria, being aromantic and asexual herself, brought an unique perspective: “I totally understand what you mean about navigating relationships. It’s different for everyone, and each journey is valid. I appreciate your openness, Liv. You know, being aro/ace, I’ve had my own unique experiences with relationships - or lack thereof.” Aria herself wasn’t interested in romantic relationships in any way, yet it seemed people always seemed to have their opinions about it. Thinking she would grow up and at one point wanting romantic love, that she would grow out of it, that she just hadn’t found the right person yet. Aria knew that wasn’t true, aro/ace was simply who she was, that was not ever gonna change, and she hated the stigma that was still surrounding not desiring that typical life of falling in love, getting married, have 2 kinds, the house with the white picket fence, that was not what she wanted. “It’s a journey we each navigate in our own way, and it’s great that you embrace and own your identity. If there’s ever anything you want to talk about, I’m here for you.” she gave Liv a smile. Aria’s response reflected her understanding of diverse experiences in the realm of relationships, creating a supportive and open atmosphere for their conversation. “No pressure, of course. It’s your journey, and you share what you’re comfortable with.”

Owen couldn’t ignore the fear that spoke though Lila’s eyes. While Owen wanted to attend the opening speech, as they had proven quite useful the previous years and there was often something mentioned surrounding the sport teams, he acknowledged the fact that his attention was now required on something more important. Being there for someone, the fear he had seen in Lila’s eyes, they just confirmed for him that she really needed help. That she needed someone to be there for her. So, he sat aside his own reasons for wanting to be there for the speech.

Owen sensing that Lila is willing to possibly open up to him, sharing something personal, changed his tone to be reassuring as he spoke, “Hey, Lila, I get it. The same old speeches can be a drag. And no worries, we don’t have to stay for the opening speech. If you’d rather spend some time somewhere else in quiet or talk about what’s on your mind, I’m here for you. We can do whatever makes you comfortable. You don’t have to go through anything alone.” Even if she looked at the ground, he tried to catch her eyes as he talked to her. His every word was meant to convey that in this moment, Lila’s well-being is his priority.

@ChayChay05 - Lila

Chan e, chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh sin. Victoria gracefully processed the unexpected response, taking a brief moment of silence. Firstly to realise that the girl had spoken in a mostly unfamiliar language, then to process what language it was, Scottish Gaelic, then to think what it meant. She managed to translate the word “chan” as “no” and inferred that the girl was indicating the seat was not taken. Therefore, she decided to take a seat and said with a warm smile, “I appreciate it. I’m Victoria Ainsworth-Montague. Delighted to make your acquaintance. Do you have Scottish origins, if so, whereabouts in Scotland are you from?” she asked, hoping the girl was Scottish. Victoria would love to become friends with someone of British origin. It would bring her some comfort being surrounded by someone from her homeland.

@Bluecookies - Katrina