St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

“Yeah dude, but at least we are stuck here together, and hey we will get to Cali together.”

“You should show me around when we get there! Who knows, I might want to come again,” Adrian replied. Might? More like will if he’s asked.

The two reached the auditorium doors, walking in. The room was like any other year, packed with students awaiting the speech. Adrian looked around, recognizing almost half of them. He barely remembered their names at that point.

"And of course you’ll get me some hot girl followers. They will just love your face dude.”

Adrian nodded, distracted. His eyes were turned away from Lorenzo and scanning the seats. He saw no sign of Hope anywhere.

“Yeah, uh… Have you seen Hope?” Adrian asked. “We got here together, but I kinda left her so I could unpack. Haven’t heard of her since.” It was strange, she usually stuck to him.

@ChayChay05 ⁠{✧} Lorenzo Perez


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Jasper let out a small laugh, thinking how it sort of made sense he had come out of nowhere, before talking, “No feathers ruffled on my end either. I suppose I just have a knack for popping up unexpectedly.” As Jasper responded, he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms casually, his gaze fixed on Brex. This conversation had also taken Jasper by surprise in a sense.

“Oh, that’s legendary! Growing up around rock music must have been a real experience, mate. I’m keen on the bass and electric guitar; they add such a unique energy to the music.” A playful glint sparkled in his eyes as he smirked, his body language inviting but maintaining a sense of mystery. While Jasper was a theatre kid, and he enjoyed that as a way to express his creativity, his taste in music wasn’t in musicals, he enjoyed rock music, and well, what was known as more emo music. He could just find himself relating to those genres of music more than musicals.

As Brex leaned into his space, Jasper’s eyes lingered on him, and he bit his lower lip, a small, almost unnoticeable, gesture that hinted at both curiosity and a touch of flirtation. Jasper couldn’t help but find himself to be intrigued by this guy’s demeanor. It was not often Jasper felt such an intensity in a conversation with a guy.

Jasper grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Well, my main gig is usually the theatre, but I’ve been known to have a crack at some drumming.” He understated his skill in drumming, as alongside theatre, it was something he had invested his time in since his childhood and something he was fairly skilled at. “Not as often as my love for the stage, but it’s a ripper outlet for some rhythmic expression. I’m always up for a musical conversation. I reckon you play rock too? What’s your favorite song to belt out on the bass?” Jasper felt some curiosity whether it was a song he knew, and maybe even could play on the drums.

@bpalmer - Brex

Aria listened attentively as Liv shares about her sister's relationship twist and the complexity of family dynamics. When Liv mentions her own sexuality, Aria smiles, already being aware of Liv's identity and having guessed already her statement had to do something with that. Part of their friendship had been build upon them both being part of the LGBTQ+ community after all.

“I totally get what you mean about family. It’s this mix of love, chaos, and figuring each other out. And you’re right, family is something special.” Aria offered a warm smile and a nod to Liv, expressing her agreement on the importance of family bonds. Aria had always been super close with her parents and brother, sure, they fought verbally from time to time, but they always made up and she was really raised to see family as something unique and special and she felt blessed with her family.

As Liv shares about her sexuality, Aria, being aromantic and asexual herself, brought an unique perspective: “I totally understand what you mean about navigating relationships. It’s different for everyone, and each journey is valid. I appreciate your openness, Liv. You know, being aro/ace, I’ve had my own unique experiences with relationships - or lack thereof.” Aria herself wasn’t interested in romantic relationships in any way, yet it seemed people always seemed to have their opinions about it. Thinking she would grow up and at one point wanting romantic love, that she would grow out of it, that she just hadn’t found the right person yet. Aria knew that wasn’t true, aro/ace was simply who she was, that was not ever gonna change, and she hated the stigma that was still surrounding not desiring that typical life of falling in love, getting married, have 2 kinds, the house with the white picket fence, that was not what she wanted. “It’s a journey we each navigate in our own way, and it’s great that you embrace and own your identity. If there’s ever anything you want to talk about, I’m here for you.” she gave Liv a smile. Aria’s response reflected her understanding of diverse experiences in the realm of relationships, creating a supportive and open atmosphere for their conversation. “No pressure, of course. It’s your journey, and you share what you’re comfortable with.”

Owen couldn’t ignore the fear that spoke though Lila’s eyes. While Owen wanted to attend the opening speech, as they had proven quite useful the previous years and there was often something mentioned surrounding the sport teams, he acknowledged the fact that his attention was now required on something more important. Being there for someone, the fear he had seen in Lila’s eyes, they just confirmed for him that she really needed help. That she needed someone to be there for her. So, he sat aside his own reasons for wanting to be there for the speech.

Owen sensing that Lila is willing to possibly open up to him, sharing something personal, changed his tone to be reassuring as he spoke, “Hey, Lila, I get it. The same old speeches can be a drag. And no worries, we don’t have to stay for the opening speech. If you’d rather spend some time somewhere else in quiet or talk about what’s on your mind, I’m here for you. We can do whatever makes you comfortable. You don’t have to go through anything alone.” Even if she looked at the ground, he tried to catch her eyes as he talked to her. His every word was meant to convey that in this moment, Lila’s well-being is his priority.

@ChayChay05 - Lila

Chan e, chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh sin. Victoria gracefully processed the unexpected response, taking a brief moment of silence. Firstly to realise that the girl had spoken in a mostly unfamiliar language, then to process what language it was, Scottish Gaelic, then to think what it meant. She managed to translate the word “chan” as “no” and inferred that the girl was indicating the seat was not taken. Therefore, she decided to take a seat and said with a warm smile, “I appreciate it. I’m Victoria Ainsworth-Montague. Delighted to make your acquaintance. Do you have Scottish origins, if so, whereabouts in Scotland are you from?” she asked, hoping the girl was Scottish. Victoria would love to become friends with someone of British origin. It would bring her some comfort being surrounded by someone from her homeland.

@Bluecookies - Katrina


“I’m assuming the trip wasn’t too fun?” Eve shook her head. “Oh, that’s one way to describe it.” She scoffed. Eve crossed her arms and as they continued on. “It just doesn’t make sense, you know? I had been looking forward to spending the summer in Germany, working on swimming, meeting new people… It was supposed to be summer break.”

Eve followed Hope’s gaze and nodded. “Yeah, that’s fine. Let’s get them before someone else does.” She couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement as they weaved through the crowd, making their way towards the vacant seats. But her thoughts shifted back to Hope. The annoyance that had replaced her smile still lingered on her face, and Eve couldn’t help but ask, “Is everything okay, Hope? You seem a little frustrated.”

@idiot.exe • Hope • Sorry, it’s really short :sweat_smile:


I smiled at him as I started to open up the few boxes that were on my side of the room and dig through them to see what was in each one. I looked over at his side of the room and nodded it was all the stuff he had up last year just with some in different places and then my eyed caught on the pictures on his desk and I smiled even wider. “Is that us freshman year?” I ask as I take a closer look. We were so small. “Its the one from move in day too the one my mum insisted taking of us before we really even knew each other.” I say as I laugh. “We can start by hanging decorations if you want. I mean you know I usually just give you free reign to hang my stuff wherever.” I say as I open my box with most of my decorations in it.


Vincenzo’s eyes sparkle mischievously as he gazes into Jayda’s eyes, the corners of his lips curling up into a playful grin as she giggled. He leans in closer, the warmth of his breath on her head. “Ah, Jayda, mio piccolo uccellino,” he whispers, using the Italian endearment for ‘my little bird.’ "You know I enjoy seeing that beautiful smile on your face, don’t you? It brings me endless joy, capo. Plus, when I wind you up, tesoro(treasure), it’s because your reactions are simply the sweetest thing. Oh—and watching you flail and gape like a fish is more enjoyable than anything I’ve ver seen.” He said, crossing his eyes and putting his hands around his jaw to pretend to be a fish himself.

As Jayda playfully hit him, a mischievous gleam returns to Vincenzo’s eyes. “So Vince how many girls did you hook up with over the summer? Like I know how you are and you can’t lie to me.” Jayda smirked at him and waited for his response. Vincenzo immediately thought back to his cousin’s friend, a gorgeous girl who he had always been on and off with, she was almost perfect but—she wasn’t Jayda. He threw that out of his mind so fast it was as if the thought was never there. “Ah, my beautiful Jayda, summer adventures are a secret I carry with me. But rest assured, my heart belongs to one and one only.” His tone grows softer as his gaze becomes more intimate, focusing solely on her. He could only maintain this for maybe two seconds before looking away. He was a coward. “But, uhh, my cousin’s friend, bella(pretty) girl. She’s… exciting.” Hopefully that throws her off the trail. He cleared his throat. “Uhh, and you?” He uncomfortably asked.

Yeah it’s my second year here. I’m on a basketball scholarship. I actually am from New Orleans, Louisiana. Where are you from?” Kenneth felt a slight buzz in his pocket, but felt around the phone for the button to quiet the notifications. He was a bit preoccupied to be distracted by a phone. “Honestly, I hardly know why I’m here. Apparently I live just barely in the district. I… moved here somewhere recently.” Yeah, away from my dad. Hopefully for good. “That’s pretty far. How were your travels. I can’t imagine. I’ve never been out of state before.” Birdie shrugged.

@ChayChay05 • oof, but lovingly :heart::heart:


Cal’s heart was racing non-stop the past few days. They couldn’t stop dwelling on the scene before they left home.

They’d gotten up earlier than usual that day, if two interrupted hours was considered sleep. They made breakfast for their younger brothers, leaving it on the counter before the two woke up. Alongside the plates was a small note, saying nothing but I’m sorry.

The night before, Cal’s stepfather number 37 had offered to give them a ride to the airport. They wanted to curse him out, to yell out their frustrations before they left, but they only bit their tongue and shook their head. They couldn’t cause a scene. Their brothers’ wide eyes were staring right at them, wondering what was happening. Another fight would’ve been disastrous in front of them.

And the current morning, he was still asleep when it was time to leave. So Cal, alone as always, carried their suitcases to the porch and waited for their taxi to arrive. They swung their backpack over their shoulder and put a hood over their face, hiding the tears welling up in their eyes.

Their life was about to change, maybe for the better. But the uncertainty of it all just added more and more stress.

When will things stop changing?

The plane ride was almost a blur. They tuned out the world with headphones over their ears, watching the movie they’d seen countless of times before. It was comforting and predictable, knowing every line and detail in the script. Before they knew it, their eyes closed. And by the time they opened again, the plane had reached the academy.

After Cal was sure their roommate had left, they made their way back to their shared dorm with a hood covering their face. If only they got a private room. They took off their backpack and threw it on their bed. They closed the door and leaned against it, sinking to the ground. The speech was in a few minutes and the whole school was going to attend. But Cal wasn’t sure how they’d make it without drawing attention. They buried their face in their knees, running their fingers through their hair. Their hands clenched into fists and they grit their teeth, feeling their body fill with rage. It was awful. Just awful.

An academy for nothing but the elite, children of celebrities and the rich, gifted students with an exceptional talent. And what was Cal compared to them? Some kid they paid to kick out of home.

After a few moments of silence, they sighed loudly. They checked their phone for the time, realizing they needed to hurry to the speech. Putting their headphones over their ears, they got off the floor and headed for the auditorium.

And once Cal got there, they sat as far back as they could, hood over their face. They plugged their headphones in and played a movie, tuning out the world.

Approachable kinda



Hope kept her eyes on Eve, observing her body language. She kept a sympathetic smile, nodding softly to encourage her to open up. “I see,” she adjusted her headband as she listened. “I understand your frustration. I wouldn’t expect you to enjoy your break when you were hoping for something entirely different.” She sighed. “I just don’t understand why they treat you like that…”

Hope sat down, crossing her legs. She placed her bag in her lap and adjusted her coat.

“Is everything okay, Hope? You seem a little frustrated.” Eve asked.

Her question caught Hope off guard. Had she really been that obvious? She turned her head towards her friend with a strained smile.

“Yes! Don’t worry about it. It’s just,” she looked around as she spoke, still unable to spot him. “I was supposed to meet up with Adrian so we can attend the speech together, but I can’t see him anywhere,” she explained calmly, trying to mask her uncertainty.

@eunoia ✿⁠.⁠*⁠・~ Evelyn Bauer ~ I think the length is fine! I couldn’t make it longer either :')



Greer was ready to pass out. For them, it was planes, trains and automobiles…well, minus the train part. Luckily, as the whistle would most definitely infuriate their headache. It only took them about two hours to get to the school, but still. At least they didn’t have to drive the whole way. That definitely would’ve sucked. That would mean at least ten hours of driving with their dad making terrible jokes. Definitely not fun. At least with flying, there were those amazing cinnamon cookies. Biscoff, Greer thought they were called. Getting to their dorm, their roommate didn’t appear to be there, so they began unpacking. Having never shared a room before, they were less than thrilled. After unpacking, they begrudgingly headed to the auditorium for the welcoming speech. Putting in earbuds, they walked to the auditorium, sitting down. Several minutes later, two shadows fell over Greer. Pulling out an earbud, they caught what the first girl had said. ”No, go ahead. Sorry, I’m just tired.”
@Kate - Chloe
@ChayChay05 - Camila


“I use he him. … Identify as? I mean if you dont mind sharing? You non binary?” Phoenix grinned, pushing a glob of hair out of their face. I should have clipped it back. They thought, before remembering they simply hadn’t for the aesthetics. “Bingo bongo, right on the money.” Phoenix said in a sing song voice. “I ask pronounds because im trans masculine and didnt always pass.“ Phoenix’s eyes widened in surprise, a mix of curiosity and understanding brewing within them. Their playful demeanor shifted slightly as they processed Teo’s revelation. They almost could sense the vulnerability behind his nonchalant shrug, though, Phoenix just nodded looking around Mateo at his sister. Cam. “Show me your best llama because mine is going to look like a blob with eyes.” Phoenix chuckled, but as they watched the artist boy… yeah… maybe artists boy wasn’t the nickname for him. Phoenix burst out laughing, not sure what creature they were looking at. “Oh…” Phoenix shook their head. “I should never challenge your integrity, you were right.” Phoenix chuckled mischievously, the sound ringing through the air as they took the drawing challenge with gusto. Leaning closer to, they grabbed a pen from their backpack at their feet and began sketching away, their hand moving in quick, fluid motions. Their eyes sparkled with excitement as they conjured up their not-so-llama creation. As the pen glided across the paper, Phoenix’s masterpiece began to take shape. Long neck, fluffy body, and curious eyes emerged, but there was an undeniable resemblance to a…duck. They couldn’t help but burst into laughter at the end result, the quirkiness of their creation evident. “Ta-da!” Phoenix exclaimed, proudly showcasing their questionable masterpiece. “Behold, the magnificent ‘Llama-Duck,’ a rare hybrid species that has never been seen before!” They gazed at their drawing, utterly amused by the unconventional outcome. “I suppose I switched species!”

@bpalmer • this is so exciting :sob::heart:



I smiled as we sat down. Honestly our rival was all about grades and how she thought she was better than me. Truth be told though, I really liked her. She was so beautiful. “yes I do know we won’t be able to have any kind of conversation when the speech starts, but hey after the speech we will have plenty of time to talk.” I smirk at her. Then I hear her say what she said. I was shocked, confused and like woah. However I smiled and replied. “I do like to take pictures of beautiful things.” I smile at her and look into her eyes like to tell her she is the most beautiful thing I capture.


I listened attentively to Adrian as he talked. [color=teal] “You can come to Cali anytime man. I

mean that.” [/color] I offered him a smile as we took our seats. He then asked me about Hope. “I haven’t seen her yet today, but she has to be in here somewhere dude.” I offered him a smile and tried to scan the crowd for her.


I smiled at her as she talked. It made me feel calm and happy to know I had someone to talk to. However with her being aro/ace I didn’t really want to talk too much about my relationship. “always good to know you have someone to talk too. I’m always here for you as well Aria.” I smiled and thought about what else I could say without going into too much detail. However at the same time I wanted her to know why I chose to be this way. I take a deep breath and sigh. “Well when I was twelve; I dated an older boy who was sixteen. He forced me to do something I wasn’t ready for. As a result of what he forced me to do. My body started changing. However I had gotten into a fight and lost the baby. It was something I never wanted anyways. So after that I swore no boys ever again. It just didn’t feel right I guess. Well maybe I was born a lesbian but it took that to figure it out.” I shrug trying not to let my emotions show as I told her about that. It was something only my sister knew about. My parents didn’t even know.

@Jass Aria

I listened to him careful. It made me feel good to know I had someone to talk to; however at the same time I was scared to talk to him. What if my dad found out I told someone. What if my dad hunts him down. What if the gang finds out and they go to Illinois and find him. I sighed. “but what if something bad happens? And are you sure you want to miss the speech?” Ia died because I knew he liked hearing the speech.

@Jass Owen

I smiled as he noticed the picture. “yeah bro that’s us freshman year.” I smiled and then he opened his box. I smirk as I think of where to hang everything. I knew he gave me freedom but I also knew how he liked some things. I look through the stuff and start hanging things up for him.

@bpalmer Killian -I do have an idea working while Leo is hanging stuff

I smiled and tried to hide my blush. I really hoped he couldn’t see it. He had this way about him. It was like I loved but hated him at the same time. He then talked about some girl and I rolled my eyes. “well hey one is better then none I guess.” I also heard him say that “ my heart belongs to one and one only” I could only assume it meant the girl he talked about after that. I smiled at him. “oh me, well there was these two girls I hooked up with. They were pretty hot.” I smirked at him. “oh my and the three guys. Not all at once are anything.” I giggled at myself. “The one guy was very sweet. He kinda reminded me of you, but of course was a lot less annoying and full of himself.” I smile at him. The truth was I loved Enzo. I had for some time now. I would hookup with random people just hoping to get my mind off of him. It never worked though.

@eunoia Enzo

I smiled as we stood there talking. I was lost in our little world I guess you could say. “yeah, it was far but it’s just a plane ride. And it’s pretty cool you live close to here. Means you can go home on weekends and stuff.” I smiled at him. He seemed a little nervous to talk about where he lived. I didn’t want him nervous. I was really enjoying getting to know him.

@eunoia Ken

I smile at the person. “well thank you so much for allowing us to sit.” I say not noticing I actually talked. I sat down and looked away. did I really just talk to a stranger. Twice in one day. What’s wrong with me?

@Ouijaloveletters Greer
@Kate Chloe



Before Assembling • :sunrise:

It was seven am and I already felt late. There weren’t any classes for some time, and Sadie definitely knew that, but being back on campus definitely gave her the jitters. She didn’t know why—okay maybe she did, it was that this year broke her five year tradition. Usually Mike would drop her off on the first day, and they’d joke about it, even though she was a teacher. She took a deep breath, a bright pink v•pe in her hand. She had never really needed to v•pe, but after the breakup with Mike she’d been using it way more. Over the summer break she hadn’t used it once, now her longest streak without it was maybe two hours. She shuddered, glad the sun was finally coming out. Tucking her v•pe away, she approached pretty much the only car in this part of the parking lot. Here I go, she thought, a little nervous.

She tapped on the window “Lav?” She asked, second guessing her decision.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond • Lav • Wasn’t sure how much to have her say just yet :sweat_smile:


The Latina girl smiled at them, and Greer smiled back. ”It’s no problem. I’m Greer. Interesting name, I know. I think it’s Scottish. My parents are interesting people. Not in a bad way, though. Sorry, I’m not much of a talker.” Greer explained, removing their other earbud, as they had a feeling the principal would speak soon. The room was deafening to them, and they flinched, shifting uncomfortably. It would quiet down soon enough, at least. Then, they could go back to their dorm…and deal with their roommate. Well, that would be fun. Note the sarcasm. Hopefully their roommate wasn’t much of a talker. If they were…well, Greer didn’t want to dwell on it.
@ChayChay05 - Camila
@Kate - Chloe


“Done flirting with the office ladies?” Ethan rolled his eyes, “It’s called being nice.” He said with a condescending tone, “You should try it sometime, I promise you it will get you further in life.” “And of any choice of cloth on the earth, what are you wearing? Okay, we get it. Uniforms are hot. But people are gonna think I’m sick or unstable or whatever if a paramedic keeps tailing me.” Ethan raised an eyebrow, "Choice of cloth? No wonder I find you annoying you’re not even from this century if you’re speaking like that. However if you simply must know, I am on call today if they need me. Ethan then smirked upon realizing what she had just said, “So you think I’m hot?” He straightened his tie, adjusted his collar, and ran his fingers through his hair, though he’s not that vain, he enjoyed the thought that it would push her buttons.

@eunoia ~ Kendrie


“I just don’t understand why they treat you like that…” Eve sighed, her frustration evident in her voice. “It’s pretty much a punishment. They didn’t have to say it, but I know that’s what it was. Because, for starters, they didn’t even consult me before deciding to stay in North Carolina. It was like they made all the plans without considering what I wanted. And when I brought it up, they claimed it was for my own good, a chance to reconnect with my roots there, visit family.” Whatever that means. She scoffed again.

“Yes! Don’t worry about it. It’s just,” Hope raised her looked around, getting eve to follow suit. “I was supposed to meet up with Adrian so we can attend the speech together, but I can’t see him anywhere,” Evelyn also searched the crowd, to no avail. “Oh, Hope! No need to stress about it, seriously. I totally get how you must be feeling right now. My brother is… somewhere too. I mean, it’s always a little nerve-wracking when plans don’t go as expected, especially when it involves someone like Adrian. He’s, um, quite the enigma, right?” Evelyn obviously knew Adrian was subjectively hot but… he was a bit weird. Dare she say scary. Ha. She thought. “But hey, I’m sure he’ll show up soon. Maybe he’s just caught up with some friends or something. You know how he can be a bit elusive sometimes. It’s probably nothing to worry about.” Evelyn tried her best to be comforting, but that had really always been Hopes job. She still thought she was doing good though.

@idiot.exe • Hope • wooo :sob::heart:

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I sat down as well and Greer and noticed themselves Tony’s. “I’m Chloe by the way nice to meet you Greer and I like your name by the way” I smile at them. I took out my phone to see what time it was. Part of me was excited to know who I am supposedly sharing a room with and hope there not complete asses and like to have some fun.



Aria was a shocked by what her friend had just told her, it was really intense what had happened to her friend. Therefore, Aria’s initial reaction was that she didn’t quite know what to say, something that did not happen too often for her, she usually always had exactly the right words to say. After a brief pause, she gently asked, “Can I give you a hug, Liv?”

In that moment, she found her words back to actually discuss more what had happened. “I can’t imagine how difficult that experience must have been for you. I’m so sorry that happened to you, It’s unimaginable…” A small chuckle escaped her, breaking the tension. “Boys really are sh-t, don’t you think?” Over the years Aria had heard enough of these type of examples of guys who had treated their ‘girlfriends’ so poorly, and she really hated seeing that. Wouldn’t you think you would care about and have respect for who you call your girlfriend? Wasn’t love and genuine care be supposed to be the foundation for a relationship?

She then gave Liv a smile, “You’re so strong though Liv, like for real. That you’ve found the strength to use that to figure yourself out and embrace your identity. Everyone’s journey is unique, and I’m really glad you’ve found clarity in understanding yourself. Your feelings are valid, and I’m here for you, Liv, no matter what. If you ever want to talk more about it or anything else, I’m here to listen.” She wanted Liv to feel like she was a safe space for her, where everything could be discussed with honesty. Anything, even if it had to do with

He felt her hesitation in talking about it with him, “It’s fine Lila. You are so much more important than this opening talk.” Those words were spoken absolutely truthfully, he really did care more about supporting her than attending this talk he had seen a few times already, sure some matters McGrath would discuss might be relevant to him, but he was sure he would hear those things through his friends. So with a certain determination he said, “Come on, let’s go. I won’t force you to talk if you’re not comfortable, but I think it’s good for you to get out of here and have some fresh air, and I’ll be there with you.” He grabbed his stuff, preparing to leave the auditorium.

@ChayChay05 - Lila


Brex nodded when Jasper commented about how he had a knack for popping up unexpectedly. “Honestly seems like you do didn’t even know you were in the hall before you started to talk. Just took me by shock was all.” Brex honestly wasn’t minding talking to this guy too much which for him in a completely sober state was pretty unusual.

“It was certainly something. I mean from what ive gathered it was strikingly different from what most kids grow up around. My mum was a bassist so it holds a place in my heart my pops is a singer and taught me guitar pretty early on so they have easily become my go to.” Brex shocked even himself when he shared some pretty personal information with Jasper and he honestly didnt know why he would do such a thing so openly. “Spent lots of time with lots of famous bands especially in the rock and the punk scenes.” He admitted adjusting his jacket a bit. He wondered if this kid was just into the music or if he kept up with the tabloids around the musicians he liked. Brex honestly was hoping it was the first.

Brex knew he was kind of in this guys face but honestly the way this kid reacted was far from what Brex had guessed it would be. That being said Brex smirked at him and give him a small eye roll and leaned back against the wall.

So this kid did theater. Brex was not a theater guy he could respect it though because he knew what it took to get on a stage and preform. Hearing Jasper dabbled in drumming at least made Brex move back onto the offensive and move in close again. “You have a drum kit here?” Brex found himself asking as he thought about his answer to the question about what hsi go to was. Honestly it was kind of a bit of anything it was way more a mood thing for Brex. “Whatever has caught my brain at the moment. But I mean I know my dad’s entire discography without a single though so something from his band if i dont want to even think about what im doing.”


Well hey one is better than none I guess.” Enzo shrugged, watching Jayda’s reaction closely. “Oh me, well there was these two girls I hooked up with. They were pretty hot.” At the same time? Vincenzo flinched at how much better Jayda was doing than him. “Oh my and the three guys. Not all at once or anything. … The one guy was very sweet. He kinda reminded me of you, but of course was a lot less annoying and full of himself.” Enzo rolled his eyes, “Oh, che bello. Semplicemente fantastico(Oh that’s great. Simply fantastic).” He whispered under his breath. Taking a deep breath, Enzo tried to jump back into his easy smile and charming demeanor. He could even could tell his smile was too big. “As expected, you can’t get me out of your luminosa(bright) head.” He chuckled, trying to look for the comfort in that. It was… very little currently. “Plus you love it, Jade. Don’t even pretend not too.” He said, not even looking at her. Then he directed them into the auditorium, the volume going up. “What kind of life would you be leading without me dragging you down the rabbit hole of irritation and misery?” He joked.

yeah, it was far but it’s just a plane ride. And it’s pretty cool you live close to here. Means you can go home on weekends and stuff.” Ken nodded, pretending like he was happy about that perk. It wasn’t that he didn’t like his foster parents, they were great and he’d always seen the better part of the foster care system, but his dad knew where he was then. He wished the guy would just give up. One certificate saying he wasn’t a drunk anymore and poof Ken was supposed to run into his arms? He didn’t think so. “The best part.” He lied with a smile on his face. “What’s Louisiana like? In my head I picture this always hot, oceanish, crocodile, Mardi Gras capital. Pretty much—I know nothing of it.” He joked.




When she asked him ‘I thought you like to take pictures of beautiful things’, it was her way of asking him why he wouldn’t be infront of a camera considering he’s beautiful, but when he said “I do like to take pictures of beautiful things.” And then looked at her with a smile, she realized he complimented her, but he also didn’t get that she was trying to compliment him. She realized he wouldn’t get the hint until she pointed it out to him … Of course, this isn’t the only hint he didn’t get, so she helped him out. “No you idiot …” She pretended as if she didn’t realize how he complimented her becuase it might make things awkward to admit she liked it … But it did feel good … Maybe because she likes him too, but maybe because it’s not often you get a compliment from your rival, so when you get one, it’s good. “I meant you. You’re not ugly so your reason for not being in front of a camera is … baseless and honestly kinda biased. I mean … Who told you that you’re ugly that you actually believed them?”

@ChayChay05 - Finn


“You can come to Cali anytime man. I mean that.”

Adrian responded with a genuine smile. For once, it wasn’t one that came from his fake charismatic persona. It was nice to hear, even encouraged him. Because the years before when his friends would ask him to visit or travel together, his parents refused, claiming he was too irresponsible. Ironic, considering he was the older sibling.

Speaking of his sibling…

“I haven’t seen her yet today, but she has to be in here somewhere dude.” Lorenzo replied.

Adrian shrugged. “Nah, it’s fine, anyway. About time she makes friends on her own,” he laughed. “Man, sometimes you’re lucky to be an only child,” he said in a joking tone. But beneath the surface, he was jealous. No siblings, rich, all his parents attention was on him. Lorenzo got everything he wanted and more. Must be so easy for him, Adrian might even believe he had no worries. He was a good friend, really, but sometimes Adrian couldn’t help but wish he had his life.

Feeling a bit annoyed with his thoughts, he checked his watch for the time. “Speech is starting soon,” he said. “I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of hearing this every year.”

@ChayChay05 ⁠{✧} Lorenzo Perez


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