St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread


Before the assembly, Lav would usually either be in his office, but since it’s the first day of school he knew he wouldn’t have many visitors there, especially since everybody would be packing or getting their dorms ready, so he wasn’t there. No, today he was in the parking lot, like every first day of school … It became a tradition of his. He wouldn’t smoke, knowing he’s an influence to his students, but he wanted to give in a have a smoke whenever he was in that parking lot on the first day. Sitting in his car and listening to music on such a low volume you can barely hear it, he was so deep in thought he didn’t see the girl approaching his car. And the woman, she asked for him by name. He cranked opene the window to see her better and lo and behold it was a familliar face … One he saw around the school for about two years now? Or three? Anyways, he saw her in passing but never knew who she was, so based on her youthful look and the fact he’s been seeing her here less than 5 years, he assumed she was a student. “It’s Coach Coltrane to students.” he continued “Do you need me for something?” He hasn’t mentioned he hates being called by his first name, but he figured he’d tell her on another occassion.

@eunoia - Mr. Sadie Rollins.


Hope wasn’t sure how to feel.

If she looked at it from one perspective, Eve was an ungrateful kid who stole a car and got herself into danger. The poor parents. Making a decision for her seemed to come out of care, even if it wasn’t in her best interests. After all, wasn’t it good to reconnect with family and spent time learning about your roots? Family was important, they were they people you’d turn to when no one else had your back. But Evelyn… She didn’t seem to care about their efforts.

Hope couldn’t possibly understand why she was acting that way. But she couldn’t risk saying the wrong thing. If she could pry more, she might be able to get more answers - she thought.

And at that point, it became more like a puzzle she needed to solve, rather than comforting her friend in need.

“That’s awful. I’m sorry they don’t listen to you,” she put a hand to her chest, trying to show sincerity. “If only they could understand how you’re struggling. But it seems I’m the only one that does.”

"…I mean, it’s always a little nerve-wracking when plans don’t go as expected, especially when it involves someone like Adrian. He’s, um, quite the enigma, right?”

Hope laughed, “He really is. I don’t understand him sometimes.” But Hope could tell there was something more going on with Adrian than what appeared on the surface. He wouldn’t avoid his own sister the entire summer if everything were fine. He was making it painfully obvious. But Hope couldn’t get a chance to find out. She almost wanted to open up to Eve and ask her for advice, but it would quickly become Hope ranting about her detailed theories like some mad conspiracist.

Well, she didn’t need to know. They weren’t truly friends… Even if it almost felt like they were. Hope could almost feel a strange feeling, maybe happiness, every time she spoke to Eve. Hearing her open up to her and trust her for support, even the meaningless small talk they’d have. But that was all so she could form connections… Right?

“But hey, I’m sure he’ll show up soon…” Evelyn continued, trying to comfort Hope.

She sighed. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Thanks,” she smiled. That was enough about her. It was time to shift the focus back on Eve. “Brothers, right? I don’t assume yours is this difficult to understand?” She asked, chuckling. She hadn’t met him in person before. But now that he went to their school, he could become another way to form connections to their family.

That was her goal to begin with.

@eunoia ✿⁠.⁠*⁠・~ Evelyn Bauer ~ this ended up pretty long djdjdjdj


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“It’s Coach Coltrane to students.” Sadie raised her brows, in her best ‘teacher surprised’ expression she could muster. It was flattering, of course, but she didn’t wanna appear like a student. “Do you need me for something?” Clearing her throat, Sadie wasn’t really prepared for Lav to think she was a student. If she remembered correctly, they’ve definitely been in staff meetings in the same room and possibly a holiday party or two.
"Ah, my apologies for any confusion, Lav. I can see why you might not… recognize me immediately, since we haven’t interacted formally before. I teach History? This will be year four?”
She tried to jog his memory.

“Anyways, I actually wanted to talk to you about something outside of the classroom.” Sadie paused, to gauge his reaction. “I’ve heard that you have some knowledge and experience in self-defense. And… in recent events in my personal life, I’ve been feeling a bit on edge. I thought it might be helpful to learn a thing or two about protecting myself in various situations. I hope that doesn’t sound too strange or out of the ordinary." Wow, I pretty much said my script to a tee. Sadie tried her best to maintain her composure, not wanting to come across as vulnerable or too dependent on others. She wanted to be able to take care of herself, both physically and emotionally. This was step one, and going fairly smooth… she hoped.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond • Lav


Katrina beamed at this girl who had introduced herself as Victoria. She had never met an English speaker who can speak Gaelic so making any friends her first year in America was tough. Though she can speak English as well, her tendency to speak Gaelic first as well as English being a second language made her feel shy and insecure. She hugged the girl for a moment before stopping, “An urrainn dhut Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn?! Tha seo iongantach!! Chan eil mi air coinneachadh ri neach eile an seo as urrainn a bruidhinn. Abair ceist neònach, tha fuil Albannach agam agus tha mi às an Aghaidh Mhòir, Alba. Ged a tha sinn a’ fuireach beagan nas iomallaiche air a’ Ghàidhealtachd. Dè mu do dheidhinn, cò às a tha thu?”

@Jass ~ Victoria



When she said she wasn’t a student he was surprised a bit. He wondered why he didn’t remeber her if she was a teacher, especially if she was here for the last 3 years, but then she said she was a History teacher and it made sense to him. “Oh, I’m sorry.” He apologized. “I didn’t know you were a teacher. It makes sense I didn’t get to know you yet, I don’t like history.” He got out of the car and said. “Now, Miss, Rollins.” He might not have known her face, but he heard her name around the school. “I’ll help you with anything you need, but please, don’t call me Lav. Either call me Mr. Coltrane, Coach or Coach Coltrane. I’ll also accept Colt since we’re colleagues, but I hate the sound of my name.”
"Anyways, I actually wanted to talk to you about something outside of the classroom.” If he had a nickle for every time … He’d be rich. “Go on.” He said, hoping it wasn’t something unreasonable. When she asked about self defence classes. He realized he’s never thought about teaching self-defence. Of course, he wouldn’t dare think about it since he isn’t trained to teach self-defence, but if this girl is in some kind of danger, he cannot lie still tonight unless he knows she’s safe.
“Okay, so … I don’t know what you’ve heard but, I cannot teach you self defence … Not profesionally. See I haven’t got a licence to teach self-defence, I teach sports, but I do have knowledge in it. It all depends on what you need. I could hook you up with contact to some of the best teachers, but the ones I know are too expensive for a teacher’s sallary, and the ones that are cheaper won’t teach you anything good. I’d teach you but you’d have to keep it to yourself and if anybody finds out say that I’m just your friend who’s just relaying knowledge he’s learned from self defence classes to you. Would after assembly be too soon for you? Becuase I’m free then and then not at all until Saturday, unless somebody cancels on me on time, I won’t be able to push you in this week if it’s not today or on Saturday.”



“You should try it sometime, I promise you it will get you further in life.” Kendrie smirked, “The boys back home think I’m nice.” She waggled her eyebrows, totally bluffing. She only saved her niceness for teachers and important people. Usually not…Ethan.

"Choice of cloth? No wonder I find you annoying you’re not even from this century if you’re speaking like that. However if you simply must know, I am on call today if they need me.” Of course he was. What a good soul. Eww. Kendrie scanned the crowd, not looking for anyone in particular. “So you think I’m hot?” Then he said it, she sighed heavily and dramatically, before turning back to him. Ethan was running his hand through his hair and of course he was—“Eww.” Was all Kendrie could muster. She didn’t trust her words just yet. So she rolled her eyes to stall. “Ethan, please. Don’t flatter yourself. That’s just…” Kendrie was grasping at straws. “Desperate. And by the way, running your hand through your hair doesn’t make you any more attractive, just saying."

@Bluecookies • Ethan • :eyes::sparkles:


“That’s awful. I’m sorry they don’t listen to you,” Hope put a hand to her chest, “If only they could understand how you’re struggling. But it seems I’m the only one that does.” Eve nodded, appreciation evident in her eyes. “Thank you, Hope. It means a lot to have someone who understands. I just wish my parents would see things from my perspective. All I want is for them to trust me and let me have a say in my own life. To just let go of the one mistake I made.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. Thanks,” Hope smiled. “Brothers, right? I don’t assume yours is this difficult to understand?” Eve shrugged, generally not knowing. “I mean, he never shuts up but is also… shy? Yeah, shy is the right word. He’s like the more mellow version of me.” Evelyn laughed. “He’s a good kid, but I’m pretty sure we’re avoiding each other right now.” Evelyn looked around, as if she would find him, and shrugged.

@idiot.exe • Hope • your post was great!!

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Teo giggled a little at Phoenix’s response to him getting their gender identity right. He was also pleasantly surprised that Phoenix didnt make a big deal about how open he was about his own identity. Part of Mateo’s bangs slipped out from under his hat and he tucked them back in to keep them out of his eyes. Boy he needed a hair cut but it would have to wait. Teo pulled out his phone to show off some of Cam’s art just to further prove that she was certainly the artistic twin between two and Teo had no problems with that at all. He watched Phoenix draw and at first it wasnt looking too bad but it started to go down hill fast. It wasnt quite as bad as what Teo had drawn but it wasnt a llama. Mateo felt ok laughing about how rough it was when Phoenix burst out laughing themself. “Ok so neither of us are the most artistic I see.”



“I love that man I have one of us last year to put up too.” I say as I laugh and start to put some of my clothes in the dresser. “Leo Im happy that you were my roommate that first year. If I was with someone else I dont know if I would have came back sophomore year if Im being honest.”
@ChayChay05 oooo im all ears for any ideas


I smiled as I heard them say they weren’t much of a talker. Since I wasn’t either. “I’m Camila. Nice to meet ya.” I smile trying to seem friendly but it was a shy smile still.

@Ouijaloveletters greer
@Kate Chloe

I smiled at her. “yes you can hug me.” this is why I didn’t talk about it. People always felt sorry for me. I didn’t like that really. “I don’t really like to talk about that much. It’s in the past and I like to look at the future. So I promise we won’t talk about that again, but it is nice to know I have someone to talk to if I choose to.” I smile and we hug.

@Jass Aria

I grabbed my stuff too. I smiled weakly at him. “thanks.” I said as we headed to the door. I wondered where we would go though. “where do you want to go?”

@Jass Owen

I giggled at him. “As expected, you can’t get me out of your luminosa(bright) head.” When I heard him say his line. “don’t flatter yourself. You aren’t in my head. You are like the annoying person I can’t seem to get rid of.” I giggled more. Truth was I liked him a lot. I have for the last year, but I could never tell him I actually liked him. “oh it would be a much better life I’m sure.” I joked. I loved joking and stuff with him. It actually made my days easier. It took my mind off the fact my parents weren’t around much. They substituted money for their absence. That’s how I had my hair died professionally every chance I could and the reason I had my piercings and tattoos. He was my steady place. He was my calm and regular. I wasn’t sure if that made sense if I ever said it out loud though. I couldn’t let him know how much I cared for him. We made our way into the auditorium and I slightly pushed him playfully of course. “you’re something else Vince.” I smiled at him then we were inside. “where do you want to sit? Together?” I asked as we looked around for seats.

@eunoia Enzo

“What’s Louisiana like? In my head I picture this always hot, oceanish, crocodile, Mardi Gras capital. Pretty much—I know nothing of it.” I smiled when I heard him. I chuckled when he said crocodile. “actually it’s alligators not crocodiles.” I laughed “it is hot most of the time. We don’t have ocean. We have the Gulf of Mexico which is dirty Mississippi River water that meets the ocean. It’s not beautiful like the ocean in Florida. Yes it is the Mardi Gras capital. Where I live is where everyone comes for Mardi Gras actually. Bourbon street is not a place you want to be at Mardi Gras time. It smells like throw up and pee.” I shivered as I thought about it. “only cool thing is the floats. They throw all kind of stuff. Some throw beads, candy, cups, and all sorts of little things but some throw Jell-O shots into the crowd. The night time parade is the best. All the beautiful lights on the floats. It’s so nice. Maybe one time you can come home with me for Mardi Gras break.” I smile at him.

@eunoia Rodney


“I meant you. You’re not ugly so your reason for not being in front of a camera is … baseless and honestly kinda biased. I mean … Who told you that you’re ugly that you actually believed them?” I probably made a weird face when she said it. “I don’t think anyone ever told me that. I just don’t see myself that kind of way. That’s all.” I said to her with a smile. “I’m not an idiot. Thank you very much. I just don’t really care about looks is all.” I put my head up higher like I’m not fazed by what she just said to me. I mean I just like photography. It’s my hobby.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh

“yeah it’s boring to hear the same old speech every year. Like it would be different if she changed it up. Ya know?” I chuckle. I look around the auditorium as we talk. “we should do a YouTube video soon” I say as I think about things. Truth was, yes my parents were rich, however I have been making my own money for some time now. It’s just they put most of it into a savings account for me for college. So it sucks but they do allow me to spend some as well. [/color=teal] “So when we done with this why ya doing?” [/color]

@idiot.exe Adrian

I smile as he said what he said. It made me feel good. “I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world to be honest.” I smiled as I kept decorating his side of things. I climb up on the desk to hang some stuff above it for him.

@bpalmer what If Leo starts to fall and Killian catches him.


I smile as I put my clothes away but when I turn around and see Leo standing on my desk I get some anxiety. “Please be careful up there.” I say as I come closer. I was glad Leo helped me hang stuff up but he always made me anxious when he just climbed up on furniture to do it.
@ChayChay05 im sold


I hear him tell me to be careful. “dude don’t worry, I’ll be fine” I say as I reach down and grab the next thing to hang up. I grabbed it and hung it up. Then took a step back to look at it. I didn’t notice that I was on the edge of the desk. Next thing I felt I was going down. “oh f**k I exclaimed as I went down. My one foot was still on the desk but got stuck under something as I fell. Luckily it didn’t hurt my ankle too bad. Well it hurt a little but not bad enough to mess up me playing football. I was falling and unsure of what was gonna happen when I hit the floor.




Shiloh sighed. “Finn, you sound like a insecure girl who says ‘I’m ugly’ constantly just so her friends would contradict her and she could hear them praise her beauty. When somebody compliments you, just take the compliment. And to be frank, you might just be an idiot, becuase when I girl tells you that you look good and you answer like that … Yeah you blew it with her.” She turned her head to him and tickles him, hoping it would make him smile, but also hoping he won’t return the favor.



I watched him as he continued to stand on the desk and I tried not to hover too bad but I was just anxious he would fall. I panicked when he went to step back he was on the edge of the desk but i didnt have time to say anything about it. “Oh shit.” I yelled as I hurried as much as I could to get over to him. His ankle got caught between the desk and the chair but I managed to grab his arm hoping that it was enough to slow him down and his face wouldnt hit the floor. He ended up with a good majority of his body in my lap but he was all at awkward angles as I tried to free his foot so he didnt break his ankle or anything. “Leo good god dude.”



I sighed. Truth was it felt weird for her to compliment me. It wasn’t our normal. So it maybe me answer a weird way because I wasn’t sure how to react to it. I mean we never usually compliment each other. So why start now. So he drives to come back with a joke but kinda being serious too. “you aren’t a normal girl. I mean come on you think I wouldn’t accept a compliment from a girl? It just that it’s you.” he chuckled and smiled at her. “I mean if a random girl, hot or not told me I was handsome I would just say thank you.” The truth was I felt more comfortable around her and I felt like I could be honest with her. However I couldn’t allow her to know I was being honest with her. She couldn’t know my real thoughts and stuff. I cousin imagine what she would think if she knew I really liked her. Yes we were rivals over grades and GPA and clubs and being the smartest and highest in our class. We both wanted to be ranked number one. However my feelings for her constantly kept growing slowly. She went from an annoying girl that was as smart as me to being the girl I was crushing on back to being the annoying girl. I couldn’t help my feelings though. I just wish I could understand them. [/color=lightblue] “Don’t take things so seriously Shi. It’s not the end of the world or anything for me to say I don’t see myself that way.” [/color]

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh

I laugh as I laid in Killian’s lap at all kinds of angles. It was so funny since I wasn’t hurt. “I’m okay dude.” I said to him as I tried to get out of the weird angle. I finally did but I was still in his lap. However now I was facing him. I looked in his eyes as I sat in his lap. Chills ran across my body. I shook my head and looked away for a minute. In that moment though. I thought What if I have feelings for him. No… I can’t… he is my best friend. What if it’s true though. I thought as I shook my head. “sorry for the scare dude. But thanks for catching me or well trying to.” I chuckled as I stood up.



“Right? I wonder how she’s not tired of it.” Adrian looked up, thinking of something. “Listen, if it were me, I’d be including fireworks, smoke. Make it dramatic.” He laughed. “This way I’m falling asleep.”

He leaned in his seat, putting one foot over his knee. “How soon?” he asked, turning to Lorenzo. “Because I was thinking of catching up with my friends after this, but if you want…” he paused. “How about we film something now?”

@ChayChay05 ⁠{✧} Lorenzo Perez


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Hope nodded. So that was the reason, a lack of trust and refusal to hear her perspective. Then again, Hope only saw one side of the situation, so she couldn’t accurately judge it. Even so, she couldn’t help but understand her struggles in a way. The way Eve spoke about it, even Hope began to feel a little bad.

One mistake might have been putting it lightly, though. Eve, you could’ve died.

“Have you tried talking to them about how you feel?” She asked, as the first thing coming to her mind. But a second later, she followed up with, “Or do they still not listen?” They’re family, they should listen. At least, in Hope’s experience. But she couldn’t jump to conclusions just yet. Eve’s situation was a mystery.

Shy? Hope knew that feeling a little too well. She was glad to be familiar with Eve, otherwise she would be sitting in the corner waiting for Adrian to show up. It never hit her until now, she actually felt comfortable around Evelyn. Maybe because she knew she had the upper hand. That had to be it, yes. Nothing else.

“Well, he’ll grow out of it,” she shrugged.

"He’s a good kid, but I’m pretty sure we’re avoiding each other right now.” Evelyn said as she looked around, probably in search of him.

“Oh?” Hope tilted her head. “That’s odd, honestly. I mean, to me, at least,” she stumbled over her words. “Is that normal?” She finally asked.

@eunoia ✿⁠.⁠*⁠・~ Evelyn Bauer


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She regretted trying to convince him he’s gorgeous. He wasn’t exactly her type, looks wise … He was more cute than what she’d go for, but then again he’s never went for anybody, or never had time to, and he only frame of refference were the models she’s met at work. To be fair, she wouldn’t think she looks good either, had it not been for the fact she was a model. Thankfully, he wasn’t having it, and her secret, that she liked him, remained hidden. "Don’t worry Finnick, it’s not like you’re hear that words ever again. At least not form me. She turned away from him, and schooched away from him on the seat. “The lecture is about to start, I don’t want your yapping noises to overshadow actual important information.”



I smile down at him as he lays in my lap. I start to giggle a little when he started to laugh and I knew he wasnt hurt. “You worry me sometimes Leo.” I say as I sigh at him and smile still. It took everything in me when he was sitting in my lap facing me for me not to wrap my arms around him or brush the stray piece of hair that had fallen in his face away. That wasnt something best friends did though and he had a girlfriend I wasnt crossing that line. I hadnt seen him ever have interest in a guy either so it wasnt like there was any way he could want to be more than my friend ever. The way he acted when he looked away kind of had me concerned I couldnt read what the emotion was well but it felt pretty negative. “Hey its fine but are you really ok that looked bad with how your ankle was bent.” I say as I try not to seem overly worried about him


I took in his words. “we could do something now. Yeah she should include some smoke or something. Not sure about fireworks since we are inside.” I chuckled. “what would we film now?” my mind couldn’t think of what to film here and now.

@idiot.exe Adrain


I just rolled my eyes as she said what she did and did what she did. I wasn’t bothered by her this time. “yeah, yeah. My yapping. Like you don’t yap too.” I said as I turned away too. I wasn’t gonna let her know I liked her. At least not yet.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh

I stand up. And jump up and down. “yeah, I’m good. See I can even jump.” I smiled and stopped jumping. It did hurt a little but not too bad and I just hope he didn’t see my little flinch when I first stood up and started jumping up and down. I wondered where Katrina was. I mean I was kinda glad she wasn’t here yet. I couldn’t wait for the party though. I then got lost in my thoughts [color=darkyellow] Maybe Katrina could actually come to this one. Maybe just maybe she would let loose and lighten up some. I mean I’ve never lost a bet. Maybe she would actually

[details=“Summary”] hookup
[/details] with me for a change. If not that was fine too. I just really didn’t wanna lose the bet. [/color] I then came back to reality. “So is there anymore stuff you want me to hangup? Or are we done with hanging stuff?” I ask as I look around at our room.

@bpalmer Killian