Brex nodded when Jasper commented about how he had a knack for popping up unexpectedly. “Honestly seems like you do didn’t even know you were in the hall before you started to talk. Just took me by shock was all.” Brex honestly wasn’t minding talking to this guy too much which for him in a completely sober state was pretty unusual.
“It was certainly something. I mean from what ive gathered it was strikingly different from what most kids grow up around. My mum was a bassist so it holds a place in my heart my pops is a singer and taught me guitar pretty early on so they have easily become my go to.” Brex shocked even himself when he shared some pretty personal information with Jasper and he honestly didnt know why he would do such a thing so openly. “Spent lots of time with lots of famous bands especially in the rock and the punk scenes.” He admitted adjusting his jacket a bit. He wondered if this kid was just into the music or if he kept up with the tabloids around the musicians he liked. Brex honestly was hoping it was the first.
Brex knew he was kind of in this guys face but honestly the way this kid reacted was far from what Brex had guessed it would be. That being said Brex smirked at him and give him a small eye roll and leaned back against the wall.
So this kid did theater. Brex was not a theater guy he could respect it though because he knew what it took to get on a stage and preform. Hearing Jasper dabbled in drumming at least made Brex move back onto the offensive and move in close again. “You have a drum kit here?” Brex found himself asking as he thought about his answer to the question about what hsi go to was. Honestly it was kind of a bit of anything it was way more a mood thing for Brex. “Whatever has caught my brain at the moment. But I mean I know my dad’s entire discography without a single though so something from his band if i dont want to even think about what im doing.”