He was enjoying every minute of her before he was suddenly tackled to the ground by some hilly billy. "WHAT THE FUCK MAN YOU THINK R*PING A GIRL IS OKAY?YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!” followed by a few punches afterwards. It took a second before he was able to get his arms up in a defensive position, blocking the incoming punches. This riff raff was on him and making it near impossible to get out of. He could taste blood in his mouth. “this fucking Asshole!” he thought to himself. He recalled a foster family had taught him some moves from wrestling, unfortunately at the time he didn’t bother paying attention. Oh how he was regretting his choice now. He just smirked a little. It had been a long while since anyone had thrown any good punches his way, it was a matter of time. But his opinion on Piper seemed to have changed as well. It seemed she had a man and yet she was choosing to fool around. He honestly was surprised, she seemed a tad bit timid for such things.
He found a opening when Piper came over and tried to pull this over sized monkey off of him, he throw in a punch to the riff raff jawline, knocking him off of him. He took this chance to get on his feet. He spit out some of the blood from his mouth before wiping some of it away… He smirked a little. “Listen man…I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding here.”
She kept the number on her screen just as a precaution. As the lady went over to pull Koda off of the guy. She watched while wondering if that lady was Kodas crush or his friend he was trying to protect. She felt a bit jealous but shrugged it off… She watched as the guy punched Koda off of him and got on his own feet. She started at the guy…he looked familiar to her but couldn’t figure it out. “Hey man…I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding here.” She looked between the man, Koda and the lady.
@Kate Koda
@ChayChay05 Piper