St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

Aria felt a sense of relief as Liv said they had each other and were friends. She really did care about Liv, and really did not want to lose her as a friend. Aria had a warm smile and said, “I’m really glad to hear that, Liv.” As Liv started talking about this new girl being her roommate, Aria said, “Oh, I’ve met Victoria, still making my mind up what I think about her.” She then went on to answer the question who her roommate was, “Seems like I’m stuck once again with Evelyn, don’t understand how I get paired with basically the only person in this school I can’t get along with.” A smile sigh escaped her lips, Aria never liked to talk negatively about anyone, but Evelyn was just so polar opposite of who Aria was, where Aria was very down-to-earth and caring about others, Evelyn was such a privileged, spoiled and vain person. They never really had found mutual ground in their previous year of being roommates, and Aria wasn’t quite sure whether it would be any different this year.

@ChayChay05 - Liv
@eunoia - Evelyn (mentioned)

Owen replied with a friendly smile and said, “Awesome! The park is a nice spot to unwind. We’ll find a quiet spot to chat. It’s not too far; just follow me.” This way, he acknowledged her agreement and reassured her about the proximity of the park. He maintained a friendly and casual tone in their interaction.

As they walked toward the park, Owen made some light conversation to ease any nerves and build a more comfortable atmosphere. He said, “I don’t think you’ll be disappointed; it’s a serene place. Do you usually spend time outdoors, or is this a change of scenery for you?” He wanted Lila to share a bit more of herself, while keeping a comfortable and naturally flowing vibe to their conversation.

@ChayChay05 - Lila

Jasper responded with a playful tone, maintaining his mysterious persona, “Well, ‘appearing out of nowhere’ does have a certain dramatic flair, don’t you think? Adds a touch of magic to the moment.” He accompanied this with a mischievous smirk to keep the banter light.

Jasper, intrigued by Brex’s revelations about his childhood, responded with genuine interest, “Ups and downs make for the best stories.” subtly showing interest to hear more from those times how he had been raised. “And hey, unconventional is often more interesting. I bet there are some wild tales from those days.”

With a playful glint in his eye, Jasper responded, “Oh, mate, I’m a bit of a musical Swiss Army knife. Drums, guitar, a bit of piano - take your pick. Variety’s the spice of life, right?” He said this with a touch of humor, showing that he’s not limited to just one instrument. Sure, the drums had always been his favourite, but he knew how to play some guitar and piano too, his parents had at least taught him the basics of a bunch of instruments. He playfully continued, “But, gotta admit, drums hold a special place in my heart. There’s just something about that rhythmic heartbeat of a song that gets me every time. It’s like the heartbeat of music itself, you know?”

Jasper felt some excitement hearing the guy wished to jam with him. Jasper then playfully responded, “Well, my drum kit might need its own room, and these dorms are a bit cozy for that. At least the school’s got one we can use. We’ll just have to make do with that for now.” He then continued with an enthusiasm in his voice, “Absolutely keen to jam together! The music room is not too far, I can show you where it is. I’m sure it’ll be your favourite room in no time. Haven’t found a more chill room here.” While Jasper enjoyed the theatre, and it was super dear to him, he always enjoyed the vibe of the music room much more.

Jasper’s voice carried a mix of genuine interest and understanding, saying, “Band backup since eight? That’s impressive, mate, to have that level of skill on more than one instrument! Your old man sounds like a real rockstar, raising you on a tour bus and all. I can’t even imagine what that was like, and I am sure it had downsides, but it must’ve been a unique journey.” He then gave a small grin, “By the way, if you ever want to give drums another shot, I’m game. Maybe we can even teach each other a thing or two.” he was sure he could teach Brex a thing or two on the drums, and he could most certainly learn on the guitar and base from Brex, based on what he heard what drew him to talk to Brex in first place.

Jasper responded with a casual tone about missing the opening speech, saying, “Yeah, the opening speeches can be a bit of a drag, to be honest. Been there, done that. As for what it’s about, well, they usually talk about the school year plans, sports, clubs, yada yada.” Jasper honestly didn’t care too much, the speech he attended the last year wasn’t too interesting honestly.

He then took a quick break before continuing about heading to the music room, “Sounds like a plan! I can help carry stuff if you need me too. Let’s grab your gear, head to the music room, and make some magic happen.” A mischievous grin painted his lips as he spoke, he was seriously excited about this chance to jam together with this guy.

@bpalmer - Brex