St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

“Oh wow,” was all Phoenix could say as they saw Cams art. “That’s … wild. Beautifully wild,” they corrected. Phoenix leaned back in their chair, still giggling. "I think we should stick to our respective talents instead. You can amaze everyone with your athleticism, and I’ll… well, I’ll just continue to be myself. Besides, who needs to be Leonardo da Vinci when you have friends who can appreciate your terrible artwork? Of course, Cam you keep doing what you’re doing. Amazing work.” They gave Cam a thumbs up, as if she was following along.

The laughter subsided, but the lighthearted atmosphere lingered. Phoenix leaned closer to Teo, a mischievous smile playing on their lips. “You know, we should make this a regular thing. ‘Terrible Art Tuesdays’ or something. We can gather all our friends, attempt to draw something, and have a grand old time laughing at our artistic skills. It could be our little tradition.” Boom. Just like that Phoenix tried to loop Mateo into being their friend. Phoenix personally thought it was brilliant, and quite clever on their end.

@bpalmer • Teo • I’m playing around with banners, so there might be a couple from here on out :sweat_smile::sparkles:

@ChayChay05 • Camila • mentioned ~


Don’t flatter yourself. You aren’t in my head. You are like the annoying person I can’t seem to get rid of.” Enzo grinned. “ Nella tua testa”(In your head), he said in a sing song voice. “How could I not be flattered? I’m in your head one way or another.” Enzo laughed. “oh it would be a much better life I’m sure.” Vincenzo rolled his eye endearingly. “Whatever you say, Capo(boss).” They said it in the auditorium, “you’re something else Vince.” She smiled at him, “where do you want to sit? Together?” Enzo nodded, pulling Jade by the hand to find some empty seats. “Of course piccola ragazza(little girl). How about…” he scanned the crowd and there were no two seats together. “Ehmmm,” Enzo, still holding Jades hand, found an end seat. “Here. You can sit, Amore. I’ll stand.” He genuinely smiled, gesturing to the chair.

This could go… well :eyes::sparkles:

The night time parade is the best. All the beautiful lights on the floats. It’s so nice. Maybe one time you can come home with me for Mardi Gras break.” Ken was already enjoying just watching a nice boy talk, but he awkwardly coughed as Rodney said the last part. He used his elbow, as if blocking this cough—to block his blush. Clearing his throat, Ken kept his arm up as he spoke. “Yeah, that would be cool. Super cool.” As he fumbled, he noticed the principal go up to the stage, without a moment’s hesitation Ken was moving. Facing away from Rodney as his face cooled off. “Let’s sit. Assembly and all that.” He offered, a lame excuse really.

@ChayChay05 • yay :smiley: I love these interactions honestly :sob:



Camila said that she wasn’t a very talkative person and I felt bad I felt like I was making both her and Greer uncomfortable since Greer advised they are not a talkative person either. “Hey it’s ok not knowing what sexuality you are. As long as you are yourself and true to yourself then thats all that matters and you will figure it out. But I guess I should go dign up for a sort and go find my roommate. I’ll see ya guys around hopefully”



“Have you tried talking to them about how you feel?” … Or do they still not listen?” Eve shrugged, her eyes darting away for a moment. “I did, but they dismissed my feelings. They look at me like I’m some unhinged crazy… person, who doesn’t have any self control. They made it seem like I was being ungrateful or rebellious for even suggesting an alternative. It’s disheartening, really.” Its not like it wasn’t my first time driving either. For once, Eve kept that part to herself. It would just confirm how little she really had cared at the time.

Is that normal?” Eve shrugged. Was it? She had been so busy going through her own stuff that she hadn’t even really noticed until the school year started. “Well,” she thoughtfully said, “I guess it isn’t… or shouldn’t be at least. I didn’t have a whole lot of time to talk to him before school and… well one good thing about going to North Carolina was I didn’t use my phone as much.” Eve shrugged.

@idiot.exe • Hope

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Aria felt a sense of relief as Liv said they had each other and were friends. She really did care about Liv, and really did not want to lose her as a friend. Aria had a warm smile and said, “I’m really glad to hear that, Liv.” As Liv started talking about this new girl being her roommate, Aria said, “Oh, I’ve met Victoria, still making my mind up what I think about her.” She then went on to answer the question who her roommate was, “Seems like I’m stuck once again with Evelyn, don’t understand how I get paired with basically the only person in this school I can’t get along with.” A smile sigh escaped her lips, Aria never liked to talk negatively about anyone, but Evelyn was just so polar opposite of who Aria was, where Aria was very down-to-earth and caring about others, Evelyn was such a privileged, spoiled and vain person. They never really had found mutual ground in their previous year of being roommates, and Aria wasn’t quite sure whether it would be any different this year.

@ChayChay05 - Liv
@eunoia - Evelyn (mentioned)

Owen replied with a friendly smile and said, “Awesome! The park is a nice spot to unwind. We’ll find a quiet spot to chat. It’s not too far; just follow me.” This way, he acknowledged her agreement and reassured her about the proximity of the park. He maintained a friendly and casual tone in their interaction.

As they walked toward the park, Owen made some light conversation to ease any nerves and build a more comfortable atmosphere. He said, “I don’t think you’ll be disappointed; it’s a serene place. Do you usually spend time outdoors, or is this a change of scenery for you?” He wanted Lila to share a bit more of herself, while keeping a comfortable and naturally flowing vibe to their conversation.

@ChayChay05 - Lila

Jasper responded with a playful tone, maintaining his mysterious persona, “Well, ‘appearing out of nowhere’ does have a certain dramatic flair, don’t you think? Adds a touch of magic to the moment.” He accompanied this with a mischievous smirk to keep the banter light.

Jasper, intrigued by Brex’s revelations about his childhood, responded with genuine interest, “Ups and downs make for the best stories.” subtly showing interest to hear more from those times how he had been raised. “And hey, unconventional is often more interesting. I bet there are some wild tales from those days.”

With a playful glint in his eye, Jasper responded, “Oh, mate, I’m a bit of a musical Swiss Army knife. Drums, guitar, a bit of piano - take your pick. Variety’s the spice of life, right?” He said this with a touch of humor, showing that he’s not limited to just one instrument. Sure, the drums had always been his favourite, but he knew how to play some guitar and piano too, his parents had at least taught him the basics of a bunch of instruments. He playfully continued, “But, gotta admit, drums hold a special place in my heart. There’s just something about that rhythmic heartbeat of a song that gets me every time. It’s like the heartbeat of music itself, you know?”

Jasper felt some excitement hearing the guy wished to jam with him. Jasper then playfully responded, “Well, my drum kit might need its own room, and these dorms are a bit cozy for that. At least the school’s got one we can use. We’ll just have to make do with that for now.” He then continued with an enthusiasm in his voice, “Absolutely keen to jam together! The music room is not too far, I can show you where it is. I’m sure it’ll be your favourite room in no time. Haven’t found a more chill room here.” While Jasper enjoyed the theatre, and it was super dear to him, he always enjoyed the vibe of the music room much more.

Jasper’s voice carried a mix of genuine interest and understanding, saying, “Band backup since eight? That’s impressive, mate, to have that level of skill on more than one instrument! Your old man sounds like a real rockstar, raising you on a tour bus and all. I can’t even imagine what that was like, and I am sure it had downsides, but it must’ve been a unique journey.” He then gave a small grin, “By the way, if you ever want to give drums another shot, I’m game. Maybe we can even teach each other a thing or two.” he was sure he could teach Brex a thing or two on the drums, and he could most certainly learn on the guitar and base from Brex, based on what he heard what drew him to talk to Brex in first place.

Jasper responded with a casual tone about missing the opening speech, saying, “Yeah, the opening speeches can be a bit of a drag, to be honest. Been there, done that. As for what it’s about, well, they usually talk about the school year plans, sports, clubs, yada yada.” Jasper honestly didn’t care too much, the speech he attended the last year wasn’t too interesting honestly.

He then took a quick break before continuing about heading to the music room, “Sounds like a plan! I can help carry stuff if you need me too. Let’s grab your gear, head to the music room, and make some magic happen.” A mischievous grin painted his lips as he spoke, he was seriously excited about this chance to jam together with this guy.

@bpalmer - Brex


Adrian smiled, realizing Lorenzo was thinking the same thing. At first he was a bit concerned he’d come off as petty, but hearing it from his friend reassured him. It didn’t matter that Lorenzo was saying it in a more joking tone and Adrian had some inferiority complex. He wasn’t going to address that. Important thing is, he agreed.

“That’s not a bad idea. But…” he leaned on his palm. “Wouldn’t the speech bore them too?”

As the headmaster McSomething gave a speech, Adrian leaned in closer to Lorenzo and began whispering. “Wanna get other students involved? Get them to say their thoughts, flex on the unfortunate and all,” he laughed, making his statement appear more lighthearted than it really was. “But seriously, would be fun to film something together. As a welcome back, in a way.”

@ChayChay05 ⁠{✧} Lorenzo Perez ⁠{✧} I’m honestly running out of ideas on what to say, do we make them leave the auditorium and start?


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Brex just shook his head but a light smiled continued to tug at his lips. This kid was something else and honestly Brex was here for it. “Not as much in the way you did it. I mean you certainly caught me off guard.”

Brex shrugged when Jasper said that ups and downs were good for stories. “But are colossal down falls?” I mumbled under his breath. “Maybe but my life wont make a good story there is too much to it for that I promise that.” Brex could tell Jasper was curious and wanted more but honestly Brex wasnt sure he was really ready to give more. At least not right now if he shared much more his demons would definitely come out of the closet and he didnt know how that would go.

The mood quickly picked back up again when Jasper spoke about how he could play much more than just drums. The soft smile returned to Brex’s face. “Well you know my favorite but piano is not something Ive honestly put much effort towards trying. Seems fun but not something I spent a lot of time around. I know some basics from when we had a keyboardist for a year but not too much beyond that. I was picking it up pretty fast though.” Brex nodded honestly kind of pleased that this guy had stumbled into him tuning his guitar. “You and drums are like me and bass.” Brex commented as he nodded thinking about it all. “I love the feel of the baseline in your chest its just so strong and calming. Makes you forget about all your nerves and lets you just focus on the music,” again Brex was talking without thinking about what was coming out of his mouth at all. This seemed to happen a lot around this guy and honestly he didnt know how he felt about that.

Brex was lost trying to keep himself from spiraling about being so randomly open with this guy for no reason. This wasnt like Brex he has ten foot tall walls built around him and he made people work so hard to get in they usually gave up and left but this kid it just was different. Something about him it just clicked with Jasper and he couldnt figure out why. Jasper’s enthusiasm knocked him back to reality and what Jasper was saying. “Honestly yeah it probably will be especially if my roommate doesnt appreciate me playing in the room.” Brex nodded and tugged on his sleeves a bit again.

Brex nodded when Jasper seemed shocked that he had been thrown in as back up more than once by age eight. “Yeah I mean my dad is really famous so I was kind of drilled in music pretty early and my mom was in the band with him until she got pregnant with me.” he admitted as he nodded and thought about it all. “It was an experience I cant say it would be something I would choose if I had been my dad but it was what he went with and it definitely was unique.” Brex was trying to choose his words carefully and make sure he didnt say too much. He just kept hoping that when Jasper found out who he was that all of his dirty laundry wouldnt be immediately aired. Brex wanted to tell him in his own time if they kept talking and got closer.

Brex listened to Jasper give him the general run down of the speech from last year and sighed. “Yeah that sounds bloody mind numbing. Would have either fallen asleep in it or walked out anyway it seems.” Brex was not in any way upset that he missed it especially if thats what it was about and especially because he met Jasper instead which was a good surprise.

Brex was honestly excited to get to do this with someone much closer to his age than he usually would play with. “What all do I need to bring. Is there an amp in there? If so I can just bring my instruments or even my acoustic?” Brex asked as he walked back to his room and let Jasper follow in behind him. It wasnt fully organized but Brex had all of his instruments displayed and hung on one of the wall. Well all except his bass his bass was on a stand at the foot of his bed the case for it sitting open on his bead. The instrument didnt look like what anyone would expect him to play. Both his acoustic and electric guitar were both just simple his electric was black and a bit beat up and had various stickers stuck to it. His acoustic was also black but it had a rib cage on it. In contrast his bass was extremely different and didnt look like it even belonged to him. It was covered in a floral nature motif and had all kind of moths and butterflies on it. The only thing that made it seem even slightly like his guitars was that the background was black this was set of by the ornate brown leather strap with floral embossed in it. The strap was warn and so was the base but it was incredibly well taken care of. “What should I bring with?”

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Despite seeming nonsensical to Hope, Eve seemed to be genuinely affected by what had happened. She would’ve assumed she’s being ungrateful at first, but she had to consider all the factors. After all, she’s known Eve for a while, they were on the swimming team together and Hope somehow became a person to be trusted.

She thought back to the origin of those rumors, appearing sometime after she’d been outed as gay. It was one event after another, completely isolating Eve. Her entire world must’ve changed, and Hope could guess how lonely she must’ve felt. It was almost too easy to become her friend. Especially jarring for someone like Hope, who was used to following a template of generic responses. Without them, she was completely clueless.

Once she thought it through, she continued. “It’s heartbreaking to hear that they couldn’t empathise with your struggles. Especially since I’m sure they’re aware of everything that’s happened.” She sighed. “I wouldn’t know what to do without my family’s support. They’re supposed to be the first people you’d come to…”

“Well," Evelyn spoke thoughtfully. "I guess it isn’t… or shouldn’t be at least. I didn’t have a whole lot of time to talk to him before school and… well one good thing about going to North Carolina was I didn’t use my phone as much.”

Hope smiled. “There was a positive thing! That’s good,” she leaned against her seat a bit, straightening her back. “And hey… If you want, it could be an opportunity to talk to him,” she shrugged. “If you want. Best not to leave problems for later.”

As the two spoke, Hope almost lost track of time. She’d barely noticed the headmaster was already on the podium, preparing to give her speech. When she cleared her throat, Hope turned away from Evelyn and focused her attention to the headmaster. She gave Eve a nod, trying to communicate that they’d finish the conversation later. Whether she’d understand her was a different story.

It was the usual speech, but Hope listened with full attention. She was almost frozen in place aside from her breathing, her eyes locked on the podium. If there was any opportunity to get information, it was from the announcement. From academical growth to personal skills, Hope grinned in excitement at the possibilities that awaited her. All the guest speakers and upcoming events were about to be living rent free in her mind, as she patiently waited for their beginning.

Once the speech ended and the students were dismissed, Hope turned to Evelyn. Her smile hadn’t faded yet. “Another year! I’m so excited! I can’t believe this will be my last,” she sat up, placing her bag on her shoulder. And then, her muscles tensed up as she stood in place. She wasn’t sure whether she should leave or wait for Eve. She didn’t have a lot of friends and it wasn’t common to be left alone with someone.

Hope took a deep breath. “Um, what are you planning to do after this?”

@eunoia ✿⁠.⁠*⁠・~ Evelyn Bauer ~ I hope it’s fine that I added the speech part? :eyes: So they’re not stuck in the auditorium after everyone else leaves


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Katrina’s smiled slowly faded upon hearing the girl speak, “I’m terribly sorry, my dear. I must confess, my Gaelic is rather limited, perhaps you could find some time to help me study more? For now, could we perhaps continue our chat in English? I’m originally from London, England. And you, where do you call home?” Heat rose to her cheeks turning them red with embarrassment, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ramble.” Hearing her wanting to learn more, Katrina half-smiled a little, “If you can help me with my English I would be delighted to,” she said softly. “Aviemore. I am from Aviemore, Scotland in the Highlands. A bit more remote but we manage.” “By the way, I must compliment your outfit. That green pleated skirt paired with the white cropped shirt is rather fetching. It suits you splendidly.” Katrina blushed and once more tried to pull the small shirt down to cover her tummy to no avail. “It was laundry day, I didn’t have anything else.” She replied meekly, still blushing from the compliment. “Have you managed to grasp the entirety of the speech? If not, would you prefer a recap or any clarifications on the headmistress’s remarks?” Katrina nodded slowly, “I-I have more trouble in English class with grammar and spelling and pronunciation…” She said with embarrassment she wanted to disappear in this moment, back to her quiet life in Scotland where everything just made sense.

@Jass ~ Victoria

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Sorry my reply too so long yall.

I smile at him. “well if you keep the old lady busy I could sneak in and get the numbers and back out easily without anyone seeing.” I then listened to him more. “let’s go with… Party tonight starts at 8pm at the shed right off of school grounds. Bring everyone you know. Drinks provided. Let’s have some fun before classes start in two days.” I hoped that sounded good. I couldn’t wait to send the text out and have this party.

@bpalmer Killian

The headmistress walked out on stage. I pushed him in the chair and decided to sit in his lap. I really hoped he didn’t mind. However I wasn’t gonna stand this whole time. Her speech was short thankfully. When the speech ended I didn’t get up right away. I mean everyone was rushing out the door and I didn’t want to get caught in all that. As I sit on his lap and people are walking out I turn and look at him. “I hope you don’t mind. If you did sorry not sorry.” I giggled. As everyone rushed out the doors and looked like they were running from the zombie apocalypse. I just sat on his lap taking in this little moment of hidden pleasure being so close to him. The guy I have had a crush on for years now. Truth be told. I had a crush on him from the moment we met three years ago when he was a freshman. It was so cute how lost he was. I can remember it like it was yesterday. It was right before the welcome speech. I was running late since I had gotten here like five minutes before the speech started. I was literally running to the auditorium and ran smack dab into this guy who was taller then me but looking lost and confused. When I ran into him we both had fallen to the ground. Me landing on top of him. Our eyes meeting for a brief second before I got up and blamed him. (I mean I was the higher class man and knew where I was going. It couldn’t be my fault) He then informed me he had no clue where he was going. So I called him a pet name and showed him. Ever since that day we had a rivalry going but secretly I liked him. It’s always been so much fun to pick with him. We riled each other up but honestly it was so fun. the years we have gotten to know each other pretty well even though we don’t always get along. I then snapped back to reality. “So where are we off to now?” I asked as
westayed seated me in his lap and people still i .
@eunoia Enzo hope it went well enough for ya. lol

I smile and follow him to some seats as the headmistress talked. I smiled about the sports stuff. Then the speech ended. “now do you want me to help you find your room? I know first years can be hard and not knowing where to go sucks.” I smile at him and wait for his response

@eunoia Ken honestly me too

I smile at her as she says this to me. “thanks. And yeah hopefully we will see you around” I smile at Chloe. We wait for Greer to speak. “I probably need to go find my room. Meet my roommate and all that stuff” I say while we wait before leaving.

@Kate Chloe
@Ouijaloveletters Greer

I smile at Aria. I was so happy to have her a friend. Someone I could rely on and talk to at anytime. It made me so happy. “well hopefully we get along. I guess I better go to
my room and finish decorating. I’ll see ya around.
Have a good day.”
I part her with a smile.

@Jass Aria
Approachable Now

I was shocked when he asked about me going out. “honestly back home. No I don’t get outside often.” I say as we walk. I didn’t say why right now. I was gonna wait till we got to the park to talk about anything. I just keep following him and listening and talking a little. I was kind of nervous to be honest. I mean I’ve never been alone with a nice guy. In my mind all men were pigs.

@Jass Owen

I smile at his idea. “Yeah dude. Let’s go do that. How will we get people to want to be in the video though? I mean we can’t force them.” I shrug. However most of the kids here would probably die to be in a YouTube video as famous as my YouTube channel. I asked as we got up and went out of the auditorium before the speech started.

@idiot.exe Adrian sorry for the shortness. My head is sort of hurting right this minute.


The speech was over. However instead of even saying anything to Shiloh; or allowing her to know she did get under my skin before the speech; I just got up and walked out. Well I actually walked out right before the speech was over. I went to walk around and try to find my room. This campus was so big with over 2,000 acres of land and a pond. I had a feeling I would get lost a lot this year.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh-mentioned
Approachable Now


Jayda’s playful words hung in the air as she sat comfortably on Vincenzo’s lap, unaware of the internal turmoil he was experiencing. His jaw clenched and his gaze remained fixed ahead, an attempt to hide the surge of emotions stirring within him. Slowly, Vincenzo turned his face towards her, mustering up the courage to respond. “It’s alright,” he managed to say, his words strained, revealing the uncomfortable truth lurking beneath the surface. His arm found its way around her waist, gently settling his hand on her hip, though the weight of the situation pressed heavily on him. His voice adopted a sober tone as he continued, “It’s…fine.” The room was much too full for anyone to pay attention to them. They fell silent as the principal finished her short speech.

Despite the bustling atmosphere of the crowded room, their interaction went unnoticed amidst the chaotic sea of people. A heavy silence draped over them as the principal concluded her brief speech. With a flurry of individuals eager to vacate the auditorium, Jayda, still comfortably settled on Vincenzo’s lap, turned towards him, breaking the silence that surrounded them. “So where are we headed next?” she inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.

Vincenzo couldn’t resist the opportunity to playfully yet snippily respond, knowing that she wouldn’t understand his Italian remark, making it all the more enjoyable. “Ah, Jayda, una rivalità che si trasforma in un’affezione sospetta,”(Ah, Jayda, a rivalry that turns into suspicious affection) he muttered, amusement dancing in his eyes. But as he said it, he couldn’t resist giving her a quick, affectionate squeeze around her waist, before gracefully lifting them both up. Enzo knew she wouldn’t understand, and that’s why he said it. “Whatever you want to do, Capo.”(boss)

Now do you want me to help you find your room? I know first years can be hard and not knowing where to go sucks.” Ken was almost convinced that Rodney was trying to give him a hear attack. “That would… actually be great. It’s B107. I have no clue where I’m going honestly,” Ken said nervously. Ken walked side by side with Rodney.



I jumped a little when he put his hands around me at first. It was unexpected. It felt nice at the same time though. She had settled in comfortably as the headmistress gave her speech. Then Enzo lifted me up both of us getting to their feet. I tried to hold my composure while I found my balance. “Want to go to town? Maybe go shopping?” I asked as I thought about everything I could buy with my credit card. Both of my parents gave me one not knowing the other gave me one. So I had more than enough money, plus I had my debit card and they would put 2,000 in a week to make sure I had money for whatever I wanted or needed. I smile at him as we head for the door. “it’s my treat. Maybe we can get some lunch. I can buy you whatever you want.” I smile at him. Not that he didn’t have money it was my way of trying to let him know I liked him without saying it. I then remembered he spoke Italian knowing I couldn’t understand why he said. I sighed “why can’t you just speak English to me? You know I don’t understand your Italian. For God sakes I took Spanish.” I say as we get out of the auditorium and I wait to see what his response is about going into town.

@eunoia Enzo
They are too cute….

I smiled as we start to walk the medium distance from the auditorium to the boy’s dorm. The girl’s dorm was all the way across the school grounds form the boy’s. The school was over 2,000 acres of land, but the school grounds(where the classrooms and things were) was a little smaller. As we walk I point out important things to him. “I know where that is. My room is B220. So I’m upstairs.” I smile hoping he would take it as he can come up anytime.

@eunoia Ken


Jasper could appreciate Brex’s clever comeback in their banter, getting a small chuckle out of Jasper. He continued however with a slight smirk on his face, “Well, keeping you on your toes is my specialty. Gotta keep things interesting.” he gave a small laugh before continuing, a slight challenge in his voice as he spoke, “Bet this won’t be the last time I’ll catch you off guard”

Jasper, noticing Brex’s hesitation, softened his expression, sensing the weight behind Brex’s words. “Fair enough,” he said gently, not pushing for more. “Everyone’s got their own stories, and some parts are tougher to share than others. Whenever you’re ready, I’m here to listen. No rush, mate.”

He then shifted the conversation to a lighter topic, giving Brex the space he seemed to need. “Oh, really?” Jasper’s eyes brightened with curiosity. “That’s impressive. Picking up the keys quickly is no small feat.” His voice then turned more casual instead of intrigued, “I mean, if you find it fun, why not dive into it more? Seems like you were onto something there. What kept you from spending more time with the keys?” he asked, with a somewhat serious tone, wanting to understand this part of Brex better. “Too many other tempting instruments stealing the spotlight?” He flashed a playful grin, emphasizing his friendly and inquisitive nature.

Jasper gave Brex a nod of agreement. “I get that, mate. Drums and bass, the heartbeat of the music, right? It’s like they have this power to pull you in and let everything else fade away. Music has a way of doing that, bringing people together and giving them a moment of escape. You’re spot on about the bass - it’s the backbone of a good groove.” He smiled, trying to convey his appreciation for Brex’s musical perspective. When listening to music, Jasper truly appreciated the bass, maybe even more so than the drums. The drums often were safer, in the background, where a bass could really make or break the instrumentals of a song in Jasper’s opinion.

“Gotcha,” Jasper replied, catching on to Brex’s concern of how his roommate would react to him playing in the room. “Well, hopefully, your roommate can appreciate the musical magic happening in there. Otherwise, I’m sure it’s his loss.” Jasper shrugged, as he subtly complimented Brex’s skill on the bass again.

Jasper, in that moment pieces everything together. It made sense now, why he had been raised in a trailer. He was actually talking to the son of a famous artist, from a band he might even know. He was interested in the genre his father’s band was in after all. He sensed however, that Brex did not want to talk too much about it, so his reply was somewhat muted and casual, “Huh, that’s something, growing up in the thick of music like that. Your dad being famous adds an interesting layer to it all.” he sort of processed as he spoke. His tone stayed easygoing, making sure not to pressure Brex to feel like he had to share any more.

“Honestly, mate, you’re not wrong. It had ‘snooze-fest’ written all over it last year,” Jasper replied with a grin. “You probably would’ve found a more interesting time rearranging your sock drawer. But hey, at least you missed the boredom and stumbled into meeting me instead. Quite the upgrade, I’d say.” He added a playful wink, appreciating the lighthearted tone of their conversation. It couldn’t be ignored Jasper had quite a flair for dramatics.

Jasper followed Brex into the room, eyes scanning over the displayed instruments.“Nice setup you’ve got here,” he commented, nodding towards the guitars and bass. “And that bass, mate, that’s a piece of art. Love the floral motif - it’s got character.” he wasn’t quite sure whether he meant it seriously or half sarcastic himself. There was something special about it, even if it didn’t strike him whatsoever as an instrument Brex would play. “As for what to bring, bring whatever you feel like playing. If you’ve got a preference for acoustic or electric, go with that. Pretty sure amps are covered, so no need to lug one around. Just bring one instrument you vibe with, and your passion for music, and we’ll see where it takes us.” He grinned, eager to see what kind of music they could create together. His invitation to carry something didn’t quite seem needed after all, yet he was glad he had offered, as this brought him an unique insight into Brex.

@bpalmer - Brex. Why am I loving their interaction more and more, even if I feel some second handed embarrassment for Jasper :joy:

Victoria smiled warmly, recognizing Katrina’s embarrassment and wanting to make her feel at ease, “Oh, don’t you worry. There’s absolutely no need to be embarrassed about your English. Learning and speaking a language that is not one’s native language can be challenging, and I’m more than happy to help you with it. I can definitely help you with your English, and if there’s anything you’re unsure about, feel free to ask.” she gave her a reassuring smile, “Learning is a two-way street, so if you’re willing to help me with my Gaelic, I’d be delighted as well.”

Then the conversation switched to their respective backgrounds, showing genuine interest in Katrina’s home in Aviemore, Scotland. “Aviemore sounds lovely. I’ve been in the Highlands, but never to Aviemore. I’ve heard it’s incredibly picturesque though.”

Victoria could feel herself turn red a little too as she saw the effect a simple compliment had had on the girl. “And about your outfit, laundry day or not, it suits you perfectly. No need to be shy about it.” she looked Katrina in the eyes as she said that, a gentle smile on her face showing she was genuine in what she said.

She noticed her embarrassment relating English class, and Victoria gently placed her hand on Katrina’s for a brief moment, a subtle reassurance of support. Their eyes met, and in that shared understanding, Victoria silently communicated that she was there to help.

She then, a brief moment later, followed up using words, “As for English class, don’t be too hard on yourself. Grammar, spelling, and pronunciation can be tricky for anyone, especially when English isn’t your first language. If you ever need help or want some extra practice, feel free to reach out. I’m more than happy to assist you in your language learning journey.” she repeated once again. “We’re here to support each other, after all.” By responding in this manner, Victoria aimed to create a supportive and friendly atmosphere, one to show she was there to help Katrina, even if she was struggling in some moments. They were all here, on their own, no parents, and even if Victoria had maybe contributed to Katrina’s embarrassment, she wanted to help her wherever she could to make this a comfortable place for her.

@Bluecookies - Katrina

Aria found it a bit weird that Liv didn’t go into what she had said about Evelyn whatsoever, but she decided to ignore it and she returned the smile, her eyes reflecting the warmth of the moment reassuring their friendship. “I’m sure you will!” she said confidently, even if she had her own doubts about Victoria, she was quite certain Liv and Victoria would get along really well. “Good luck with the decorating! I’ll catch you later. Have a fantastic day!” She waved with a friendly demeanor as they parted ways.

Aria decided that maybe she should return to her room too. Even if she stayed in the same room as last year, and she didn’t need to do any decoration, there were still some articles that needed to be written, and some plans to be made for the school paper this year, something she proudly had been contributing to the previous year, and gotten a higher rank in for this year. More opportunities awaited her. In that moment however, a familiar face caught her attention.

She walked over to her Cal, someone she had already briefly spoken too the day before. She always enjoyed seeing more LGBTQ+ people, and Cal seemed to have an interesting story and the same activist nature as Aria had herself. They had briefly discussed possibly working on something together, and Aria was more than helping giving Cal a stage and a means to discuss matters that mattered to them possibly, if they could work things out. As she approached them, there was no direct contact, Cal seemed to be into something on their device, listening through their headphones. “Cal” she said their name, but that was not helpful either. So she gently tapped their shoulder, hoping that would make the contact.

@idiot.exe - Cal
@ChayChay05 - Liv (ending)

“Got it,” Owen replied, picking up on the hint of nervousness and surprise, not pressuring her to explain herself more, “I try to at least go on a walk every day, something about the fresh air really helps clearing the head” He looked at the park ahead of them as he spoke. It was something he sort of meant as advice for Lila, something that might be good for her to do as well, while saying it in a casual manner, relating it to himself only.

A little bit later, they reached the park. It luckily wasn’t that busy. “I know just the right place to sit”, he said, a smile on his face. He guided them to a nice bench, in a not too remote area, but that still felt somewhat secluded. He didn’t want to take her somewhere too private, in no means did he want to make her feel unsafe, yet he also wanted it to be private enough for her to feel comfortable talking. The bench was under a nice big tree, a view of a pond and the winding pathway. As he said down, Owen turned to her with a friendly smile, saying, “How about a little snack before we get to some talking? I have some crackers. I know crackers aren’t the best, but feel free to dig in if you’re interested.” His body language was open as he said so. He hoped she at least appreciate the gesture of him sharing the food he had on him right now.


I sat down beside him. Feeling safe yet a little nervous if I was being honest with myself. I shyly smiled as he offered me crackers. Luckily I had a water with me. “I’m good right now thanks.” I say as we sit and I look around at the park amazed by what I see. Since I was always inside back home I never actually saw a park or this much sun. It was nice to have a change in scenery for sure. I looked at the tall trees and the way the sunlight shined through the leaves. “it’s so beautiful.” I said as I keep looking around. I was lucky that I had clothes for the winter because I didn’t have any money. My dad refused to give me any money. I couldn’t wait to be outside with the snow. Something I always wanted to do back home but never could. “I can’t wait for the snow.”

@Jass Owen


Adrian stood up to leave with Lorenzo, sneaking past the crowd of people. It was difficult to go unnoticed, considering everyone was seated and they had to squeeze past the rows of people. Not to mention the headmaster likely saw them, with so few listeners gathered. But Adrian, refusing to let himself look awkward, decided to stop right before the door.

And wave.

At the headmaster.

Adrian turned around, laughing quietly to himself. He then walked out of the auditorium, as if nothing had happened. He threw his jacket over his shoulder and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. “So, what were you saying back there?” he stopped to remember.

“Wait, right. Okay.” he looked up, thinking. “Well, who would say no to us? I mean, I’m handsome, obviously. You’re famous and it’s literally your channel we’re talking about. Yeah, we might not be special compared to the rest, but come on, no one can resist us,” he added in a lighthearted tone. Though at that point, he was starting to enjoy flattering himself.

He looked towards the door, waiting for a crowd of students to come out. “Anyone specific on your mind?”

@ChayChay05 ⁠{✧} Lorenzo Perez


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Cal was sitting near the wall, their feet up on the chair. They hugged their knees and held their phone in front of them, eyes locked on an old tv show. It was a series they loved to watch through their childhood, bringing a sense of comfort even after so many years. But their attention wasn’t entirely there, their vision blurred and doubled.

They were well aware of their disrespectful behavior - willingly coming to the auditorium just so they could tune out the speech with their headphones on. But they’d tried their hardest to attend. Cal’s head was a disorganized mess the entire morning, fighting an inner battle just to walk into the auditorium. Despite their efforts to face the world and listen to the speech, they found themself unable to take their headphones off. Unable to focus their eyes on the present. Reality hadn’t sunk in yet. They were part of the academy now, a continent away from home. Whether they felt like they belonged or not, they couldn’t change their fate.

Before they knew it, the speech had finished and the seats began to empty. Students left the auditorium and their figures blurred in the corner of Cal’s eyes, whose attention was on the muffled audio of the show.

Cal suddenly felt a tap on their shoulder. They jerked their head up, eyes wide in confusion. As their vision briefly adjusted to reality, they saw a familiar figure standing in front of them.

“Aria?” They slid their headphones to their neck, the corners of their lips lifting to a soft smile. “Hey!” Realizing their position, they quickly put their phone away and feet to the ground.

They’d briefly talked the day before, but Aria seemed like a kind person. Someone with beliefs much like Cal’s. As stressful as the changes were, they found a sense of comfort in seeing her again.

They looked around the auditorium, realizing most students had already left. They grimaced. “Oops, sorry, this is kinda embarrassing,” they laughed awkwardly, slowly standing up. “But what’s up? I’m not in trouble right?”

@Jass // :wilted_flower: // Aria Parker


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I smile as we walk out the door. “nah dude nobody specific. Just whoever wants to do it I guess.” I get my camera out and ready to shoot people. I set it up so Adrian and I can both be on screen as well. I set it up out of the way.

Once I have the camera all set up so it won’t be in the way and get broken. I turn to Adrian “You think Hope will do it?” I ask with a smirk. Hope was hot for sure. I kind of had a crush on her all these years if I’m honest. However I figured she would never like me or even view me as her type of guy.

I stood there in my own thoughts as I wait for Adrian’s response. Could she possible know I exist? Could she like me? Would Adrian even be okay with it? How could I get her to notice me? Would she ever like me at all? Would she consider dating me? Then Adrian spoke and broke me out of my thoughts.

@idiot.exe Adrian I know he hasn’t talked yet since Lorenzo asked but felt it was the best way to play it. lol

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Another year! I’m so excited! I can’t believe this will be my last,” Evelyn made a little pouty face, but it quickly turned into a smile. She was proud of Hope, truly, but that meant she was leaving. “I can’t believe it. That’s maybe the only downside of having a super smart friend.” Eve tried not to be bothered by it, but it had been something on her mind lately. “You’re going to be amazing, and get into your dream school, Hope.” Evelyn said it more as a fact than a compliment. She stood with Hope as people pushed by. Hope took a deep breath. “Um, what are you planning to do after this?” Eve shrugged, no solid plan in mind. “I guess head back to my dorm for now. Hopefully my roommate isn’t there, she’s…. Quiet. And it’s like she doesn’t want to talk to me. I’m not asking to be besties, but you know.” Evelyn rolled her eyes. “Anyways, you’re welcome to come if you want. Might stop in town after.”

@idiot.exe • Hope • I’m sorry, it feels like these posts just get shorter and shorter :sweat_smile:
@Jass • Aria • Mentioned

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“The boys back home think I’m nice.” Ethan nearly spit out his drink he had pulled out from his duffel bag. “And just how many did you have to bribe to get that answer?” He asked teasingly. “Ethan, please. Don’t flatter yourself. That’s just…” Kendrie seemed to pause as if trying to think of something. “Desperate. And by the way, running your hand through your hair doesn’t make you any more attractive, just saying." Ethan laughed and nodded his head, "You know what, you’re right. That is desperate, so when you have elevated your standards, please…let me know. ” He appeared to consider her words only to retort back, “You’re right it’s not attractive, neither is you wearing push-up bras but here we are.”

@eunoia ~ Kendrie


Want to go to town? Maybe go shopping?” Enzo grinned, gauging out her reaction. “it’s my treat. Maybe we can get some lunch. I can buy you whatever you want.” She smiled sweetly. “Aww, of course, amore. That’s so sweet, spoiling me like that.” Vince batted his lashes, smiling. He couldn’t help but chuckle. “why can’t you just speak English to me? You know I don’t understand your Italian. For God sakes I took Spanish.” Enzo started heading for the door, Jade in tow. “Ed è per questo che lo faccio. Fa schifo fare schifo(And that’s why I do it. It sucks to suck).” He shrugged, eyes shining. “Don’t worry, Miele(honey), it’s nothing. I try and speak in English 90% of the time in front of you.” He bowed his head, “Plus, it’s fun speaking a ‘secret’ language you don’t understand.” He raised his brows, offering his hand to her so they could bounce without being separated.

“I know where that is. My room is B220. So I’m upstairs.” Ken smiles back, “that’s good to know. I’ll come bug you if I need anything.” He teasing Rodney with a light nudge on his arm. As they made their way, it really wasn’t that far from the auditorium.

@ChayChay05 • I had no clue how to continue with Rodney and Ken :skull: