St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

“And just how many did you have to bribe to get that answer?” He asked teasingly. Kendrie feigned an offended look, placing a hand dramatically over her heart. “Bribe or blackmail? Oh, Ethan, you really underestimate how captivating my personality is. It’s called being genuine and kind, something that seems to scare you, considering you only thrive on sarcasm and insults.” She couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.

You’re right it’s not attractive, neither is you wearing push-up bras but here we are.” Kendrie’s eyes widened in surprise as Ethan’s words hit her like a ton of bricks. She couldn’t believe that he had the audacity to bring up her bra choice. She wasn’t even wearing a push-up right now! Kendrie rolled her eyes and scoffed at Ethan’s pathetic attempt at a comeback. “You’re such a perv, Ethan. I’m taken aback by your high level of intellectual wit. It’s remarkable how you managed to come up with such a pathetic response.” She pushed her lips out in a pouty face. Pausing for a moment, studying Ethan’s face with exaggerated amusement. “You know what’s hilarious? How you think wearing a push-up bra is the only thing that can accentuate my attractiveness. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it takes a lot more than a piece of lingerie to be attractive. But hey, I guess you wouldn’t know what that feels like, given your lack of any redeeming qualities.” Kendrie couldn’t help but let out a victorious smile. That was great. She mentally gave herself a high five.

@Bluecookies • Ethan • Hope this is okay :eyes::sparkles: again, ur post was great :joy::heart:


I reluctantly take his hand softly. I wasn’t sure why I did honestly but it felt kinda nice, as our hands met I felt the electricity shoot through me. It was like I had butterflies in my stomach. I thought if this is how it feels when we hold hands. How would it feel when we kiss. I smile as we go to the door hand in hand. We finally reach outside but I don’t let go of his hand. I honestly had forgotten we were holding hands. “How is it fun to speak a language I don’t understand?” I inquired as we start walking towards the town. Then I stopped and look at him. “Who said I was spoiling you?” I giggle and push him playfully breaking our hands apart. “I mean just because I want to spend money on you and treat you out to lunch means nothing.” I said as I tried to convince myself that very fact. I was nervous and scared he would realize that I liked him like really liked him. My feelings for him honestly scared me.

@eunoia Enzo

I smile and nudge him back playfully. He was really adorable. I had already unpacked. I wondered if he wanted my help to unpack. At the same time I didn’t want to bother him or keep him from meeting new people. “Well come up to my room if you want to go grab something to eat.” I said then I thought about phones. “Or I could give you number and you could text me anytime. I mean for like anything.” I smile as we make it to his room.

@eunoia Ken
It’s up to you if you want to continue or let them be open for others.


“Bribe or blackmail? Oh, Ethan, you really underestimate how captivating my personality is. It’s called being genuine and kind, something that seems to scare you, considering you only thrive on sarcasm and insults.” “Ah, yes, your personality which is about as captivating as daytime television.” He shuddered then rolled his eyes. He then watched her stunned expression with a smile of satisfaction and a sliver of guilt that he had probably taken it too far. That was until she fired back in response, “You’re such a perv, Ethan. I’m taken aback by your high level of intellectual wit. It’s remarkable how you managed to come up with such a pathetic response.” He raised his eyebrows, “A battle of wits? I am flattered you think so high of me as qualified to play. Though I am sure you struggle to keep up.” She pouted before studying his expression with a certain amusement, “ You know what’s hilarious? How you think wearing a push-up bra is the only thing that can accentuate my attractiveness. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it takes a lot more than a piece of lingerie to be attractive. But hey, I guess you wouldn’t know what that feels like, given your lack of any redeeming qualities.” Damn, she’s right about that. The only thing more attractive than lingerie is the woman wearing the lingerie "I don’t know. Mama says a compassionate heart isn’t a bad quality at all, too bad yours is black as coal.”

@eunoia ~ Kendrie


“Ah, yes, your personality which is about as captivating as daytime television.” Kendrie only stuck out her tongue at him.

This comment seemed to take Kendrie aback, but she quickly regained her composure and replied, “At least my heart isn’t as cold as yours. You should try being kind once in a while.” She quipped, a little more frosty than usual. Taking a deep breath, Kendrie replied, “I’m sorry you think that, Ethan. But I assure you, my heart is not black. It might not look like that to you, but I care deeply about the people in my life and the causes I believe in. Maybe you’ve misjudged me.” She shrugged, as if she was still keeping up. But hey, “Hey, but at least you’re good at making snide remarks." Kendrie chuckled at, but there was a hint of hurt in her laughter. She couldn’t deny that she liked him, but their prickly and sarcastic interactions had left her feeling a little, tiny bit… very minuscule… just a tad…hurt. But she smiled at him anyway, big and cheap.
@Bluecookies • Ethan • I feel like I should have found a happier playlist when writing this :sweat_smile:


“So you want me to use my good kid card. Ok yeah I can probably do that you are just going to have to be fast if anything goes sideways I cant just flee.” I say as I nod at him and start to write down what he was saying about the details that should go in the message. “I think that sounds like a good message.”

“Yeah no she has crazy talent couldnt even touch her level with a ten foot poll if it I wanted to.” he admitted and turned his phone over in his hand the case was even something she had painted for him last year for christmas. “Yeah you should come watch me play lacrosse or swim sometime those are the two im best at.” Teo told them as he smiled and laughed a little. “I mean I feel like there is more than just our bad artwork we can laugh about.” Teo looked over at his sister and smiled when Phoenix gave her a thumbs up it honestly warmed his heart even if she was talking to someone else and paying them no mind.

Teo smiled and nodded a little. “Phoenix you know if you want to hang out you can just ask me. I would say yes. We can try other thing and get to know eachother better those kind of things.” Teo said as he noticed that the speech was over. “I mean it seems like we are free now. I was going to head to my room and unpack a bit but if you want to do something or hang out im totally down.” Teo admitted as he started to pack his things back up a little



I smile at him. “yeah mate, but I promise nothing will go sideways. I got this. In and out without detection.” I smirk at him as he writes down the message. “thanks. I hope people actually show up.”



Oh … Discretion? Coltrane wondered why she would need discretion, and if he should be worried. He didn’t exactly understand why she wants to be discreet, is it becuase she doesn’t want people to know she’s learning it from him or is it because she’s in danger and doesn’t want people to know about it. Maybe she has an abusive family member or boyfriend who can’t know about this at the risk of domestic violence. Whatever it is, he’s prepared to help her out, but still, just to be clear, he asks. "Well, I’m allright with dicretion, but I’d have to know what level of discretion we’re talking about. I mean do you want to keep this a strict secret or something?



Owen wasn’t at all bothered by her not taking any of the crackers, he could understand. Owen, sensing the mix of emotions, offered a gentle smile. “I’m glad you like the place.” Truthfully, this part was one of the places Owen spend the most time out of the academy, it had a nice basketball court too, especially when it’s nice weather he made sure to go out there. “Parks can be pretty magical places, especially when you’re not in them too often.” Sometimes Owen felt like he couldn’t get himself to enjoy the park as much anymore as the way he saw Lila enjoy it, how her whole demeanor showed her amazement by the place, it must be a special experience for her. “And yeah, the snow can be something special. It changes everything, doesn’t it?” His thoughts went to many a snowball fight he had with Aria and his friends over the years, Chicago was the perfect place for snow. “If you ever need someone to spend some time with here in the park, or share the joy of the first snow, count me in.” He maintained an open and friendly demeanor, expressing his willingness to share these experiences with her. “Sometimes, enjoying these simple things can make a world of difference.” He said so more for Lila than himself, he himself, he found himself to be somewhat bored of those ‘simple things’ he spoke of, bored of this place quite frankly. However, he would enjoy the experience of seeing Lila enjoying these types of things, it was quite special, and sort of brought a new appreciation for those things, those small things often getting overlooked.

After a brief moment of silence, he wanted to address the elephant in the room, the reason he had come out with her, to show he was there to support her with whatever she was dealing with, “Just know you really don’t have to talk about what’s going on. I’m here tho. No pressure, of course. Just want you to know you’re not alone, and if there’s anything I can do to help, I’m all ears.” He kept his tone reassuring and non-intrusive, leaving the space for her to open up if she felt comfortable.

@ChayChay05 - Lila

Aria met Cal’s gaze with a warm smile, appreciating the familiar face. “No trouble at all,” she assured, shaking her head. “Just happened to spot you here, and I thought, why not say hi? No need to worry about anything. Besides, it seems like you were deep into something there, wanted to make sure you didn’t get locked up in here or something.” She chuckled, trying to keep the atmosphere light. “How’s everything going for you? Adjusting to the changes okay?” Aria’s tone was inviting, allowing Cal to share as much or as little as they felt comfortable with. Aria remembered how overwhelmed she had felt on her first days the previous year, even if she had her brother and she loved him dearly, it was not easy suddenly being in a boarding school.

She then realised she might as well get to the point why she actually was here, talking to them, and said with a small grin. “I was actually hoping to catch you because I’ve been thinking about our conversation yesterday. You know, about working on something together? I’m all in for it, and I thought maybe we could chat a bit more about what you’re passionate about. If you’re up for it, of course. No pressure, just wanted to throw the idea out there and see what you think.” Aria kept her tone friendly, making it clear that the proposal was an open invitation for collaboration on whatever Cal felt comfortable with.

@idiot.exe - Cal



When the speech was over, Shiloh didn’t want to continue talking to Finn. She wanted to meet somebody else since she didn’t want her nemesis to be the only person she talks to. She wanted to say goodbye to him and hopefully meet her roomate, if nobody else, but at that very moment, he stood up and left withouth a word. Shiloh was surprised, becuase he just suggested they stay afterwards and talk, and now he’s just up and left withouth a word. Has she offended him so? It’s hard for her, because he is her academic rival, but she’s starting to like him more. In order to not make it obvious, she tried balancing it out by being mean to him, but maybe she went a bit overboard and lost his rivalry. She stood up and went to her room, hoping her roomate would be there. She knocked on the door to check if somebody is in there, prepared to enter if it’s empty.

@ChayChay05 - Camilla
ORP: If Camila is inside or hasn’t yet come to the room is up to you … You can even have Camila come to the door a second after Shiloh knocks and have them greet there.


As he spoke it pulled me out of my daydream. I slowly smiled a little. I then turned to him. I looked at him as he spoke. “Just know you really don’t have to talk about what’s going on. I’m here tho. No pressure, of course. Just want you to know you’re not alone, and if there’s anything I can do to help, I’m all ears.” I was a little nervous but at the same time I wanted to tell someone. I thought for a moment. The silence hanging over us like a cloud. I then started to speak.

“Well it’s very complicated to be honest.” I said being truthful to him. I was only nervous for his well being. “I’m scared if I tell you that something bad might happen to you.” I said as I tried not to let him see that I was truly petrified. I shook those thoughts out for just a moment. “I mean, I don’t want anything to happen to you”

@Jass Owen

I had walked away from Greer and Chloe. I went to find my room. The girl dorms were all the way across campus. I sigh as I walk. I finally got there and as I approached my room. I saw a girl at the door. I smile at her. I was scared and nervous but I was trying to be out of my box today. “You must be my roommate.” I say as I approach the door.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh
Orp: my next post will be longer gotta drive somewhere.



As Shiloh was abput to give in and take out her copy of the key to the dorm, out of the corner of her eye she saw a girl approaching her. When the girl revealed she was her roomate, Shiloh smiled and said "Oh great, Im just now unlocking it so wait a second. Shiloh unlocked the room and took her singular backpack in, and left the door widely open for her new roomate. “Come on in. Do you need any help with luggage or anything?” She asked, trying to be helpful.

ORP: Nah don’t worry, I didnt give you anything to respond to so I kind of expected a shorter post



Brex chuckled a little very soft breathy laugh. It was almost under his breath if that was possible. He could tell Jasper was trying to keep the mood light and that was something he could appreciate. “If poping out of absolutely bloody no where is your specialty you better take up magic or something of the sort.” Brex commented as he playfully rolled his eyes. “Oh Im sure it wont be either but at least now I will know to be more on my toes.”

Brex appriciated that Jasper seemed to take everything he said in stride and had yet to push him for any more information than he was willing to give up himself. Even if Brex could tell Jasper wanted to know more about some things he didnt push for it. That was new that wasnt the reaction Brex usually got and honestly it made him relax with Jasper a lot. “Thanks for offering to listen when Im ready to share Ill keep that in mind. Just done a lot of sharing about me lately that wasnt exactly on my terms. I hope you can understand that.”

Brex sighed a sigh of relief that he didnt even realize he was holding in when Jasper lightened the mood again without Brex ever having to tell him to. The topic change was honestly a welcome one. “Yeah they arent that much different than the neck of a guitar you know like frets to keys. That makes sense right?” Brex wasnt sure if that would be a logical connection of the two instruments for anyone other than himself. “I never thought about it. I mean Ive not had consistent access to one before now. When I was learning it was the keyboardist that was teaching me while we travled and he wasnt really part of the band he was only contracted for one album and its associated tours. So he left after that and it wasnt something that was just laying around.” Brex admitted as he shrugged and honestly thought about picking it back up again especially if Jasper could tell him how to identify and fix any of his mistakes.

Brex agreed with Jasper one hundred precent about the bass and drums being the heart of a song and how they could really make or break an instrumental set but he had meant being able to physically feel the bass line. The vibrations that even when he wasnt the one playing he could feel rattle around in his chest just a little bit. “The physical feeling of the bass line is amazing though. Yes it stylistically and based on technique really can make or break a song but the rattle in your chest that you can feel just vibrate through your body that is like magic right there and it has always had me hooked.”

“Honestly if it bothers him I will find somewhere to go just havent ever lived with anyone who complained about it so Im not sure how I would fully handle it,” Brex admitted as he looked around his room for his notebook and thought about what he needed to bring to the music room with them. He found the gray leather bound notebook and stuffed it into his jacket pocket so he didnt loose it.

Brex could tell that Jasper had put a lot of what he had said about his family together and he took a deep breath. He was waiting for all the questions. When they didnt come Brex looked at him not only with confusion but shock as a genuine smile crossed his face. “My last name is Gray if that helps you figure out just who raised me.” Brex supplied it wasnt because he felt like he had to tell Jasper it was because for once Jasper didnt expect Brex to share every bloody detail of his lif in excruciating details the first moment that they had met.

Brex smiled a little more when the subject was changed back to the possibly boring speech that they had missed. “So with that said thanks for giving me an excuse to miss it then Jasper.” Brex joked as he started to gather his things and toss them into his bag so that they could go hang out in the music room.

Brex smiled even more when Jasper talked about his display and beamed when his base was complimented. “It was my mom’s my nan gave it to me when I was about ten. I stayed with her here in the states that summer.” Brex picked it up and placed it in the case that was on his bed. He made sure that it was secure before closing the case lid and locking the latches. Brex nodded as Jasper told him to just bring his preferred instrument. “Ok then I should be ready.” he replied as he picked up the that even was decorated with a cute little mountain scene that someone had painted on it. He then tossed the notebook that was in his pocket into his backpack and grabbed that too. “Im ready when you are but if you need anything I probably have it in here.”

@Jass -I honestly am loving them together and Brex is opening up because Jasper expects nothing from him. Also let me know if this doesnt make sense or seems off because I wrote half of it then fell asleep and came back to write the other half

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Hope grinned. There was nothing better than someone complimenting her success or intelligence. “Aw, thank you!” I know. “I’ve worked hard all these years, I’m sure I will get in my dream school too.” One thing she couldn’t exactly say was the reason why she’d worked so hard to advance. She would’ve had little problem staying in her grade and learning at a slower pace. In fact, it would’ve been relaxing, having more time to dedicate to each subject. But it was so isolating, being the shy, reserved student who had no clue how to communicate. She had no choice but to stick with the only person she knew. It was almost embarrassing how much she relied on Adrian. But here she was now, talking to people and making friends with minimal problems. If those could be considered real friendships…

She looked at Eve, continuing “But, um… I’m sure you’ll make it too! Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.” She gave her an awkward thumbs up.

As they stood up, Evelyn suggested they both go to her dorm. “Uh, yes, sure. Thank you for the offer,” she replied. It was a great opportunity to learn more about Evelyn and get information she can use against her. But despite her plans, Hope couldn’t hold back a smile forming at the corner of her lips.

She made her way to the door of the auditorium, holding it open for Eve. “You’re having trouble with your roommate too? My roommate is so shy, I get what you mean. It’s almost impossible to read her.” The hypocrisy. She sighed, adjusting her jacket. That aside, Hope was a bit suspicious of her roommate’s intentions. She’d met her before they got assigned the same dorm, but the encounter wasn’t exactly pleasant. “Do you know Lila? Lila Atwater?”

@eunoia ✿⁠.*⁠・~ Evelyn Bauer
@ChayChay05 ✿⁠.*・~ Lila Atwater (mentioned)



Owen’s expression softened, recognizing the weight of the conversation, “I get that, complicated things can be tough to put into words. You don’t have to rush or force anything. We can take it one step at a time.” Owen maintained a calm and supportive demeanor, aiming to convey patience and openness.
He responded with reassurance and understanding, “I really appreciate your concern for my well-being. It means a lot to me. But you don’t have to worry. Whatever you share with me stays between us, and I’m here to listen without judgment.” He gave her a small smile, “Right now, let’s focus on you. I’ll be okay.” Owen gave her a reassuring smile. Showing she did not have to worry about him, whatever she would say.

Owen, based on mostly her physical language and fear he saw in her eyes, had the feeling something traumatic had happened to her, yet at the same time he felt she was ready to share a bit more, so he decided maybe gently asking a question to get the conversation started would help, “You don’t have to answer me with words, nodding or shaking your head is fine too. But is it something traumatic that happened to you?” He asked, his voice soft as he spoke.

@ChayChay05 - Lila


Camila left and I decided to go sign up for the sports I was going to do or try out for. It’s been a year or two since o really did any sports since I’d rather party and sell drugs to make money, plus it was risky since I could have gotten caught at any time. After I sign up I decide I would leave and maybe go to my room and see if my roommate is there or not. I start walking out and check my phone and respond to a few text messages and as I wasn’t paying attention of course I bump into someone and think to myself crap. “Sorry I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking” I said to the person and pick up my phone.

@ChayChay05- Lorenzo
@idiot.exe- Adrian


She smiles as she walks into the room as well. She had her backpack and a small suitcase. She didn’t really have much so she didn’t need help. “I got it. Thanks though. I just have the one suitcase.” Then she also had her art bag. Her bedding was suppose to be
delivered. She really hoped her boxes with her sheets, blankets and pillows arrived.

As she walked into the room. She noticed it hadn’t arrived yet. She sighed at this site. She was upset. She hoped it would come before bedtime. She looked to her roommate “Do you have a preference on which side of the room you want?” She asked as she stood in the doorway. She waited for the girl’s reply.

She stood there thinking as she waited and then she realized that she didn’t even say her name. “I’m Camila by the way.” She tries to offer up a smile and try to not act shy. However truth be told she was shaking a little with the nervousness going through her body.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh

She sat there taking in his words very carefully as she thought about how if the guys found out she told someone they would come hurt them. She then heard his words. “You don’t have to answer me with words, nodding or shaking your head is fine too. But is it something traumatic that happened to you?” This made her freeze. She thought for a moment. Should she speak or just nod her head. She didn’t want to seem rude.

A few moments passed before she could react. She took a deep breath. “yes.” She finally got out her mouth. It had felt like it had been forever since he asked the question. As she said yes she slowly shook her head. Now how did she go about talking about it without getting him into trouble.

She sat there thinking for a few minutes. What if I tell him and they find out. What if they have my phone tapped. What if they know where I am and have someone watching me. She then slowly looks around the park to see if anyone seemed to be watching her. She slowly shook that thought out of her head.

They can’t know where I am. There is no way they have people following me. I am safe. I’m okay. I’m here with Owen. She then looks up at Owen’s face and a small smile comes upon her face. She then realizes He is handsome. I’ve never noticed that before. She thought as she sat there in her own little world but now not thinking about the bad things. Now she was thinking about how safe she felt with Owen and how she might actually maybe kinda like him.

@Jass Owen

He was standing outside the auditorium waiting on someone to want to be in his video. When all of a sudden someone bumps into him. “What the fuck!” He exclaimed as he almost fell over but caught his balance. “Sorry I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking” He heard the voice say. However he didn’t even need to look to know that voice.

He knew instantly who it was. It was his ex girlfriend Chloe. He thought for a moment What the hell is she doing here? How the hell. Is she following me? So many thoughts running through his mind. He then looked at her. Hoping she wouldn’t look up as he spoke. He smiled and mouthed to Adrian “Watch this”

He then spoke. He tried to disguise his voice so she wouldn’t recognize it. “You’re gonna be sorry if you do it again.” He tried so hard to hold back his laughter as he played this prank on his good friend and ex girlfriend. He waited to see what she would say. She would probably come back with some snarky remark.

@Kate Chloe
@idiot.exe Adrian


“Maybe I’ve been secretly practicing my disappearing act. Watch out, I might vanish right before your eyes!” Jasper chuckled, letting a mischievous glint play in his eyes. “But don’t worry, I promise not to make a habit of it. Wouldn’t want you to think I’ve joined a circus or something. Although, that might be an interesting career move, now that I think about it.” He chuckled, keeping the playful tone alive. “Anyway, magic or not, life’s full of surprises, right?”

Jasper nodded in understanding, “Totally understand, mate. Your story is yours to tell, and I’ll be here whenever you feel like sharing.” Jasper was not on to push someone, sure he was curious, yet, it was absolutely legit that people might, for various reasons, not wish to share something that was quite personal. Jasper was definitely was not one to pry, in fact he was happy with any way someone felt comfortable enough to share something with him, no matter how little or big it was.

As he listened to Brex’s mentioning the frets to keys, he initially was a touch confused, but thinking about it, it made sense to him actually, “Must say I hadn’t thought about it that way, but you’re spot on. The transition from guitar to keys isn’t as big as it may seem, especially when it comes to the structure of the music.” He then listened to the story of the keyboardist, appreciative of the little stories Brex told him here and there about his childhood, seemed like it truly was a unique one, far from the sheltered seemingly perfect life Jasper had been living himself. “Tour life can be hectic, I’m sure. Makes sense why you didn’t continue with the keys back then.”

Jasper grinned, nodding in agreement. As Brex expressed his connection with the music, the invisible thread that tied them to the beats and rhythms, Jasper subtly mirrored his enthusiasm. A shared spark ignited in Jasper’s eyes, conveying an unspoken understanding of that unique, visceral magic Brex described. His fingers, almost involuntarily, started tapping in rhythm on the nearest surface, an unconscious response to the idea of feeling the music deep within. It was as if the beat in him had taken hold of him, a silent celebration of the shared passion for the enchanting vibrations that resonated through their chests. As soon as he realised what his was doing, he snapped out of it, pulled back his hand and said, “Absolutely. It’s like the music wraps around you, becomes a part of you. That’s the kind of magic that keeps us coming back, isn’t it?”

Jasper offered a reassuring smile, understanding the potential dilemma Brex was contemplating. “Don’t worry too much about it. I’m sure the magic of the music will win anyone over. If not, well, we’ll find a way to make it work. Maybe I’ll offer him a pair of noise-canceling headphones as a peace offering,” he added with a playful glint in his eye, hinting at a solution wrapped in humor.

Jasper’s eyes flickered with understanding as Brex dropped the piece of information about his last name. His genuine smile widened, appreciating the unexpected revelation. The guy in front of him was Brex Gray, suddenly it all connected for Jasper. He knew his father’s band, and had heard quite a lot about Brex himself too. However, instead of bombarding Brex with questions, he chose a more relaxed approach, maintaining the atmosphere they had built. “Gray, huh? That rings a bell,” he said playfully, clearly acknowledging he recognises who Brex is, but in a casual manner, it not changing how he sees the guy. His body language remained relaxed, and he didn’t press for more details. It was a subtle way of expressing that the conversation could evolve at its own pace, and he was ready to go wherever Brex felt comfortable taking it.

He let out a chuckle and gave Brex a nod when he thanked him for giving him an excuse to miss the opening speech. Then the attention returned to the instruments. Jasper grinned, genuinely enjoying Brex’s enthusiasm. “That’s a pretty special piece then, handed down like that. Must carry a lot of memories with it,” he commented, appreciating the sentimental value attached to the bass. He sensed Brex’s readiness and eagerness, so he nodded in agreement. “Sounds good! Let’s head to the music room then. And seeing you’re well-prepared, I think we’re in for a good session,” he said with a friendly wink, subtly expressing his excitement for the musical collaboration ahead.

@bpalmer - Brex


Cal smiled, appreaciating Aria’s concern. While everyone walked out without paying them any attention, she stopped specifically to talk to them. Her simple gesture was strangely comforting for them. “Thanks! Wouldn’t wanna be locked here, that’s the last thing I need today,” they chuckled.

But then, they weren’t sure how exactly they were going to explain watching a show during a lecture. How would anyone understand their reasoning for what they’d done? Their cheeks went red in embarrassment, their hands beginning to tremble. But to their surprise, she didn’t pry. She instead asked how they were adjusting to the academy.

“It’s still kinda weird, I dunno,” they shrugged, slowly calming down. “I woke up this morning expecting to see my own room, until it hit me I’m away now. A whole continent too. Not like it’s that bad though. I needed a break from my family,” they laughed halfheartedly, realizing they’d shared a bit too much. “We should talk outside.” Cal put their phone in their pocket, walking towards the door. They turned around to wait for Aria to catch up.

Aria mentioned the conversation the previous day, about working together. Cal remembered it clearly. It was a nice thing to look forward to during their stay at the academy. Because when they thought about their upcoming year, they couldn’t see anything to be excited for, only more stress and disorder with the thought of home constantly on their mind. But this small deal felt comforting, like it wasn’t all going to be as gloomy as they’d imagined. “Of course! I’d love to,” they nodded.

“Something I’m passionate about? Well, not a lot of things,” they chuckled, looking up as they thought. “I like movies and shows and stuff, I think you could tell earlier,” they pointed to their headphones a bit awkwardly. “But, if you mean passion like anger, then I have a whooole list. There’s so much I can’t stand. Even hate. I mean, the world is so unfair. You get it, right? You said you work on social activism?” Cal admired people who stuck to their values and weren’t afraid to make a change. When it felt like the whole world was falling apart, it was nice to see people working towards fixing it. That was the main reason they’d agreed to work with Aria. “What do you usually write about? Because I could go ooon and on…”

@Jass // :wilted_flower: // Aria Parker


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He was walking not knowing where he was going. He took out his map of the school. He strips there for a moment looking at it. Trying to figure out where on the 2,000 acre property everything was. He looks up and looks around. Still unsure of where to go. He looked around at where he was and the buildings names that he was by. He sighed and looked back at the map.

Where the hell do I go. Where is the boy’s dorms. Where is the cafeteria. Where is the office. This place is so huge. It will take me a while to get used of all this. I kinda wish I wasn’t so embarrassed by my stupid sister Evelyn. Maybe then she could help me out. He stood there thinking as he looked at his map. He looked at the buildings on the map.

He then realized exactly where he had to go. However he had to look down at his map as he walked. He wasn’t paying attention to where he was walking or what was around him or the many people around. He headed in the direction he thought the dorms was in. When he bumped into something or maybe someone.

He usually wasn’t so clumsy and absentminded. However the conversation with Shiloh was replaying in his head. As the conversation replayed her face came to his mind and he smiled as he fell to the ground from bumping into whatever it was. He felt embarrassed by this. However he looked up and realized he had bumped into a person.

“I’m so sorry. My bad. I’m not usually this careless. Are you okay?” He asked the boy as he felt bad and he looked up at him from the ground. He really hoped the kid was okay.

@Kate Kayden
@eunoia Evelyn-mentioned
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh-mentioned


Owen maintained a gentle and supportive smile, understanding the gravity of her saying yes. “Thank you for sharing that with me.” He embraced the silence after that, following her gaze as she seemed nervous, looking around her. Owen could only assume that she was worried about someone observing them or something like that. He then observed a change in her, something in her seemed to soften, not be as worried anymore. The small smile on her face didn’t escape him, and he could not help but smile himself as he noticed that. He was happy to see a smile on her face, even if it was only for a brief moment. He really cared about her a lot, and in that moment he knew he probably cared more about her than as just a friend. However, he felt he needed to push those feelings away, it seemed she was going through a lot, and it wouldn’t be fair of him to put any expectations on her in this moment. No, his intention was just to be a mental support and safe space for her, where maybe he could help her in any way getting over her trauma. However, he felt for now, maybe it was best to keep it lighthearted, maybe he hadn’t picked the right place to talk, as she seemed to have been worried about talking with him here, based on how worried she had looked around her. “You know, seeing you smile like that just made my day a little brighter,” Owen admitted with a light chuckle. “Sometimes a bit of sunshine is all we need, even if it’s just a moment. So, what brings you joy, Lila? Any favorite things or activities outside of sports that never fail to lift your spirits?”

@ChayChay05 - Lila