St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread


As I was studying the map and processing all the things that they said in the auditorium when some person bumped into me and I fell down since I was not expecting that and I was caught off guard. I look up and see a guy. “y-y-yeah i’m fine” I say and get up. “I was probably in your way” I say with a frown. I then stay quiet which I know was probably my bad but i couldn’t help myself. “A-a-are you ok?”. I never had a studder or anything it was just my shyness and nervousness.



Lila sat there taking in his words. She hadn’t even noticed she had smiled. So that made her giggle for a second. A sound she had never even heard herself. She was a little shocked and self conscious about it when she heard it. What was that noise? Was that me? I’ve never made that sound before. What do he thought it was weird. she thought as they sat there.

She did like the fact that her smile brightened his day. She had never been told that before. If he only knew that just being around him brightened hers. She could never express that to him though. There was no way she could tell him the things on her mind about him. She didn’t know how to express those. She never had those feelings before in her life.

The feelings actually scared her some. However she wasn’t gonna let her fear win this time. She had so many thoughts running through her mind yet again but she kept her composure as she thought Will he look at me differently if he finds out? Does he even like me? What if he thinks bad about me after I tell him? What if he decides he doesn’t even want to be my friend after this? She didn’t let the thoughts consume her like she normally would.

So, what brings you joy, Lila? Any favorite things or activities outside of sports that never fail to lift your spirits?” She heard him say. She had to think about this. “Honestly, other than field hockey… I’m not sure. I haven’t really ever been allowed to do anything.” She admits to him as she tries to think of something, anything that brings her joy. She then looks deep into his eyes. She then blurts out without thinking “You bring me joy.” As soon as she said it she regretted it. Not because it wasn’t true, but because she was nervous about the way he would react. What he would say.

She quickly looked away from him when she said it. She looked at the ground as she waited for his response. She was scared and nervous about what he would say to that. However out of the past four to five years, these last three years with him were the best of her life. Even if this was the first year they were really getting to know each other.

@Jass Lila


He slowly gets up and studies this guy he bumped into. His face was soft and sweet looking. He took this boy in as he got up. Luckily his camera was safe. “yeah, I’m good. Thanks.” He smiles at the boy. He offers him his hand to shake. “I’m Finn. Finn Bauer. You look as lost as I am. I’m sorry for bumping into you. I’m not usually this lost and clumsy. So I do apologize. On your way to the dorms?” He asks with a gentle smile. He could since the was nervous and used a soft friendly tone to try and ease the boys mind.

Finn was really good at reading people usually except for Shiloh. She was a hard one to read. Has he stood there talking with this handsome boy with this brown hair and these pretty brown eyes with yellow or gold specks in them and darker around the edges then by the pupil. He kinda got lost a minute in this boys eyes.

Then he shook his head and turned away. Being unsure of your sexuality sucked. This wasn’t the first time that this happened to him. However Shiloh was the only one who really caught his attention most of the time. The lighting was perfect for a great photo of this strange guy.

Without thought or hesitation Finn pulled out his camera. He then clicked a few photos. He then realized this guy probably didn’t want his photo taken. “I’m so sorry. The way the light was bouncing off your face made for a prefect photo of you. I’m so sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I can get rid of them.” He said as he realized he seemed crazy for taking the photo in the first place.

He usually takes pictures of strangers from a distance. Not so up close and personal. Finn really hoped that this boy didn’t mind his picture taken. He was kinda nervous now. He had to stop being so awkward. He thought about Shiloh again and smiled and waited for the guy to react and speak.

@Kate Kayden
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh mentioned


Aria chuckled at Cal’s response, appreciating their light-heartedness even in the face of potential embarrassment of being locked in. “No worries, being locked in here wouldn’t be the best way to spend the day, that’s for sure,” she replied, sharing a moment of amusement with Cal. It was clear to her that Cal had a sense of humor and a down-to-earth attitude, making the conversation feel more relaxed and comfortable.

She nodded in understanding as Cal shared their feelings about being away from home and the unexpected adjustment to a new environment. “I get that. Adjusting to a new place can be a lot, especially when it’s a whole new continent. But hey, sometimes a change of scenery is exactly what we need. And breaks from family, well, that’s relatable too. Families can be… let’s say, interesting.”

To Cal saying they should talk outside, Aria replied with a touch of humour, feeling safe to joke like this with them, “Haha, true! We wouldn’t want to end in the classic ‘locked in together’ scenario. No dramatic love stories here, though. I’m more into the drama of fixing the world’s problems than romance.” she hinted at both her activism as well as her asexuality. She grabbed her stuff and followed Cal.

As Cal mentioned the prospect of working together and expressed their willingness, Aria’s smile widened. “That’s great to hear. I believe we can create something meaningful together,” she said, having caught up with Cal’s pace.

When Cal delved into their passions and dislikes, Aria listened attentively. She appreciated the honesty and vulnerability in Cal’s words. As they mentioned their admiration for social activism, Aria’s eyes lit up. “Absolutely, I think it’s crucial to address the injustices in the world. It’s inspiring to meet someone who feels strongly about making a difference,” she said, acknowledging the shared commitment to social causes.

As Cal inquired about Aria’s writing topics, she considered her response. “I often focus on issues related to equality, diversity, LGBTQ+ and the power dynamics that perpetuate injustice. It’s important to shed light on these matters and encourage conversations that lead to positive change.” She then thoughtfully said, “Isn’t that a massive issue in movies and shows, a severe under representation of the LGBTQ community?” She actually didn’t know too much about it, but based on some things she read here and there it still seemed to be an ongoing issue. This topic actually might be interesting to work on with Cal, she thought.

@idiot.exe - Cal

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Adrian stood aside as Lorenzo set up the camera. He looked around for anyone they could ask.

"You think Hope will do it?” Lorenzo asked with a smirk. Adrian found it strange, but decided not to pay it much attention.

“Hmm, yeah. If you’re planning on making the video two hours long,” he laughed. “She’d kill for a chance to brag about herself, I swear.” Though, at least she had things to say, unlike Adrian. Bitterness was part of the reason he felt the need to joke about it. But he began to feel a little shame, his brows furrowing. He decided to follow up with “Kidding, of course. We should ask her, I’ve been meaning to talk to her.” His expression returned to his usual smile, as if unaffected. Lorenzo seemed distracted, he hopefully hadn’t noticed the change in his expression.

As the two set up the camera, a girl suddenly walked into their view and straight into Lorenzo. Adrian’s widened briefly. He covered his mouth, holding back a laugh. He stepped away from the wall and walked towards the two, wanting to check on them. But as he made eye contact with Lorenzo, he muttered, “Watch this.”

Adrian furrowed his brows in confusion, but decided to stand aside and let him handle it.

“You’re gonna be sorry if you do it again,” Lorenzo spoke with an altered voice.

Adrian stood frozen, his confused expression remaining unchanged. The way Lorenzo spoke to the girl was concerning, Adrian almost wanted to step in. But quickly after, he noticed how his friend was fighting back a laugh. In a moment of realization, Adrian tilted his head up and smirked. Ohh, this should be interesting.

@ChayChay05 ⁠{✧} Lorenzo Perez
@Kate ⁠{✧} Chloe Yang

ORP: Sorry for taking so long!


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As I was getting up with no help from the guys I looked at my phone to see if it was cracked or damaged and luckily it was not. I also heard the guy say your gonna be sorry if you di it again in a voice that sounded like he was trying to hard but I didn’t care. “Yeah well aren’t you Mr Perfect that and a hot thinking that he can just be mean to anyone. Maybe you are in the way of everyone with your dumb cameras ever thought of that you sensitive ass”. I then look up from my phone and see that it is my ex boyfriend Lorenzo. “Oh my god Lorenzo?! I should have know that it was you, since the voice sounded fake and somoene was trying to hard” . I also see another guy as well right next to Lorenzo. “Im guessing your one of Lorenzo’s friends. I’m Chloe” I smile at him.


“I’m Kayden and yeah I’m new. I’m just studying the map” I say and look at him. I did see he took a photo and he apologized. “I-it’s ok I guess I don’t really like pictures it just reminds me of something but it’s fine you can keep the picture just please don’t share it with anyone please”

@ChayChay05 Lorenzo, Finn
@idiot.exe Adrian


He smiles as she looks at him. He laughed at met her gaze. “I had you freaking out for a minute. Didn’t I though?” He laughs again and hugs her. She then sees Adrian. “He is my friend and roommate. This is Adrian. We are actually making a video for my channel. Wanna be in it?” He ask with a smirk on his face.

@Kate Chloe
@idiot.exe Adrian


He took in what the guy said. “no problem, and I won’t share it. I promise. Wanna find the dorms together?” He asked as he smiled at him.

@Kate Kayden



The girl declined her offer saying she only has that one suitcase. Shiloh sighed and said “Lucky you, becuase my mother signed me up for a bunch of sports I have a ton of luggage!” while comically only having a small backpack, with the afore mentioned luggage remaining nowhere to be seen.
“No, I’m not fussy, pick whichever side you want.” She said, looking around the room.
When Camila introduced herself, Shiloh turned around and put out her hand, offering a handshake, as she replied “Nice to meet you Camila, I’m Shiloh. Is that Camila with two Ls or just one?”


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She smiled and shook the girls hand then the girl said her name. “Nice to meet you too Shiloh. It’s with just the one L.” She smiled at her. She looked and decided to pick the right side of the room. She noticed Shiloh said she had a lot of luggage however Camila didn’t see any. “So your other stuff isn’t here yet either. Mine either actually. Well my bedding.”



Adrian’s eyes grew wider the more the girl spoke. He looked away and laughed to himself, unsure if he should interfere. After all, it was Lorenzo who started it, Adrian was merely a bystander.

And to his surprise, the girl seemed to recognize Lorenzo after she looked up from her phone. It was one plot twist after another and Adrian was just about to grasp the situation.

“Im guessing you’re one of Lorenzo’s friends. I’m Chloe,” the girl’s introduction snapped Adrian out of his confusion.

As Lorenzo introduced him, Adrian quickly changed his expression to a confident smile. He stepped closer, extending his hand “Nice to meet you, Chloe,” he winked.

He then turned to Lorenzo. “You two know each other, huh? I have to admit, you caught me off guard too,” he chuckled, making light of his confusion.

@ChayChay05 ⁠{✧} Lorenzo Perez
@Kate ⁠{✧} Chloe Yang




Shiloh smiled. She wished she only had bedding, but no, her mother’s routine for her not only keeps her busy but makes her life filled with clutter. But then, knowing Camila would have little to no room for herslef, Shiloh sighed and told her about it. “Only bedding? I wish. I’ve pack everything I need in this backpack, but my mother has a different idea of what I need. Apparently, I need a whole suitcase filled with makeup and stuff for skincare not including some devices, then there’s the sport equpment and the school books my mom got me. So if all of a sudden this place seem crowded … You’ll know why. On the other hand, if you need any makeup, or to borrow a dress or something, or anything, feel free to, it’s the least I could do for taking so much room with the sh*t my mother thinks I need.”



I chuckle a little when Adrian winked at me and I hugged Lorenzo back. As I hugged Lorenzo I also winked back at Adrian “Well nice to meet you to Adrian and sorry that you have to live with this idiot right here. And Lorenzo I wanted to hit you so bad and you know I would have to”. I let go of the hug from Lorenzo and look at them both. “Adrian yes I do know him we are best friends and he is my ex as well. As for you Lorenzo you know I always love to be in your videos so yeah sure I can be in your guy’s videos as long as you’re both okay with it? Also is there anywhere that is good to get a drink around here?”


“Thanks I know it probably weird to ask that favor but I am sure it came out good. As for finding the dorms together sure that sounds good to me, I would probably get lost in the woods if I tried to find it alone” I give him a small smile.

@ChayChay05 Lorenzo, Finn
@idiot.exe Adrian


Camila smiles at the offer. “thank you so much. That would be nice. I don’t have much clothes, and I have a little makeup.” She said as she sets her art bag and booksack down at the desk. She then goes to the bed and sets her suitcase on the bed. “I’m not usually too talkative just so you know. Just in case I’m ever silent. You know why.” She said as she starts to put her little bit of clothes away. She had 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs leggings, 8 shirts and her flip flops that were on her feet plus a pair of tennis shoes. She put her shoes by the end of the bed. She of course had plenty of underwear and bras. “So how old are you?”

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh

Lorenzo looks at Adrian when he winked at Chloe. He didn’t know how to feel about this to be honest. Then Chloe said they were exes. Lorenzo hd told Adrian about Chloe. He wasn’t sure if Adrian remembered. He wasn’t even sure if he had actually told Adrian her name but he did tell him about how they broke up because she had cheated on him. “yeah, yeah, I know you.” I smirk at her. “We have known each other for a long time. Kind of grew up together.”

@idiot.exe Adrian


Finn smiles at him as they talk. He got excited when the guy said they could find them together. “I mean you could look at the map as I navigate us where to go. And I can make sure you don’t run into anything”




I laugh a little when he mentions that he will make sure I don’t walk into anything. “Okay sounds good to me” I say and look down and figure where we are. I show him and we start walking to the dorms. “So what brought you here?” I asked him. I figured everyone has a different story on why they are here or how they heard of the school

@ChayChay05 Finn



Finn smiled as they started to walk and talk. “I’m here because of my grades, I’m on scholarship. I was the top of my class in my last school.” Finn wasn’t gonna tell him that he was actually tied for top spot in the class because to Finn that was embarrassing. However him and Shiloh was always neck and neck. So the school couldn’t decide who was top student so they had to share the spotlight. This did upset and disappoint Finn. However he wouldn’t ever let anyone know. “We should be almost there.” He says as they approach a building with guys standing around it. “What room are you? I’m B216.”

@Kate Kayden



When Camila said she wasn’t talkative, Shiloh replied with “Perfect. I’m talkative, sometimes, but I won’t be here most of the day and if I will be here I’ll either be studying, eating, reciting my lines or doing my makeup for a gig. If we’ll ever talk it’s most likely going to be in class or during breaks. Infact, besides sometimes on weekends, this is the most free time I’ll have until Christmas.”
Shiloh watched as Camila put a small amount of clothing into her closet with jealousy. "I’m 14, What about you?



As Lila talked about how Owen was something that brought her happiness, he couldn’t help but feel some butterflies in his stomach. A feeling only strengthened by their lingering eye contact, something that said even more than words did in this moment. What was this, why could he just not put his feelings for this girl aside? What she was going through mattered more than his emotions, didn’t it? “Lila, you bring joy to my life too.” There it was, his emotions towards her coming out. “Honestly, spending time with you has been the highlight of my days. And if there’s ever anything you want to explore or talk about, I’m here for you. Maybe we can find more things that make both of us happy, and do that together?” His response subtly conveyed romantic interest while maintaining the supportive and caring tone, still careful not to put too much pressure on it.

@ChayChay05 - Lila


“Oh, don’t you worry. There’s absolutely no need to be embarrassed about your English. Learning and speaking a language that is not one’s native language can be challenging, and I’m more than happy to help you with it. I can definitely help you with your English, and if there’s anything you’re unsure about, feel free to ask.” she gave her a reassuring smile, “Learning is a two-way street, so if you’re willing to help me with my Gaelic, I’d be delighted as well.” Katrina half smiled, “It is just…how you say, surreal. Coming to a foreign country to go to school. What is wrong with Mama teaching me at home? Or the schools in Aviemore?” She took a short breath, “I will accept your offer and will teach you my language in return.” This girl, Victoria was very kind and nice, much nicer than those who first greeted her last year when she first arrived. Thinking of Victoria, Katrina almost forgot, “I am sorry, I got lost in my excitement that I did not tell you my name. My name is Katrina, Katrina Ceannaideach. What you now know today and come to pronounce as ‘Kennedy’.” She said shyly. "Aviemore sounds lovely. I’ve been in the Highlands, but never to Aviemore. I’ve heard it’s incredibly picturesque though.” Katrina nodded with a smile, thinking of home. “Yes, it is. I live with my mother and grandmother in the Highlands northwest of the village. We manage but sometimes I think mother is worried. I try to tell her I am ok, that we are ok but I am not sure she believes it.” “And about your outfit, laundry day or not, it suits you perfectly. No need to be shy about it.” Katrina blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “I just have never really shown this much skin before. The thigh-length skirt, the shirt that’s too small. It feels…weird.” She said, letting out a small laugh. Then her and Victoria locked eyes, Katrina could just tell that this was someone she could trust. It sounded naive, and stupid having just met her but, she just could. “As for English class, don’t be too hard on yourself. Grammar, spelling, and pronunciation can be tricky for anyone, especially when English isn’t your first language. If you ever need help or want some extra practice, feel free to reach out. I’m more than happy to assist you in your language learning journey.” Katrina smiled, “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

@Jass ~ Victoria


Lila waited for his response. It felt like forever for his response which only made her anxiety worse. Then he finally spoke. She couldn’t help but smile as he said * “Lila, you bring joy to my life too.”* “really? I do?” She asked as she slowly looked back into his eyes. She doesn’t break their eye contact as she talks slowly to him. She still wasn’t sure of how things would go when she told him about the traumatic things that has happened to her. “That sounds lovely. Finding things that brings us both happiness and doing them together.” She then started to think of the things they could do.

We could play sports together. We could play board games. We could go on walks. We could get food together. Watch Netflix. She knew she couldn’t do those things back home. Hell She would be lucky to even be able to sneak her phone and text him. Part of her wanted to reach for his hand but she couldn’t at the same time.



Camila nodded at what Shiloh had said. She smiled then replied “I’m 14 as well. So is my twin brother.” She never referred to Mateo as her sister even though there were both born females. Ever since Mateo became her brother she always looked at him that way. She was very accepting of her brother and how he knew what he was and knew his sexuality. Something she struggled with extremely hard. She didn’t even actually understand all the different sexualities.

She sat there and wondered what she actually was. How do you even find out what you are. she thought as they talked. “So where are you from?” She asked Shiloh as they sat there getting to know one another.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond sorry I just noticed your post. That’s why my response is so late
@bpalmer Mateo-mentioned



He smiled as Killian had distracted the headmistress for him to go into her office and get every students phone number. He smirked as he came out. He first texted Killian

I’m done mate. :grin:

He than returned to their dorm room. He had forgotten what the text was suppose to say at first. Then he remembered and started typing it. He was so excited for this party it was unreal. He knew there would be drinks because he was providing those. He couldn’t wait to get drunk. He also knew there would be weed because he had some. He didn’t have enough for everyone who wanted some but he had enough for him and his close friends.

He smirked as he typed up the text and sent it to every student in the school.

Party tonight starts at 8pm at the shed right off of school grounds. Bring everyone you know. Drinks provided. Let’s have some fun before classes start in two days. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::partying_face::beers::tada::mirror_ball:
He was happy with his text. He hit send.

@idiot.exe @Ouijaloveletters @Bluecookies @Jass @LunaticLeviTheSecond @eunoia @Kate @bpalmer