Lila sat there taking in his words. She hadn’t even noticed she had smiled. So that made her giggle for a second. A sound she had never even heard herself. She was a little shocked and self conscious about it when she heard it. What was that noise? Was that me? I’ve never made that sound before. What do he thought it was weird. she thought as they sat there.
She did like the fact that her smile brightened his day. She had never been told that before. If he only knew that just being around him brightened hers. She could never express that to him though. There was no way she could tell him the things on her mind about him. She didn’t know how to express those. She never had those feelings before in her life.
The feelings actually scared her some. However she wasn’t gonna let her fear win this time. She had so many thoughts running through her mind yet again but she kept her composure as she thought Will he look at me differently if he finds out? Does he even like me? What if he thinks bad about me after I tell him? What if he decides he doesn’t even want to be my friend after this? She didn’t let the thoughts consume her like she normally would.
So, what brings you joy, Lila? Any favorite things or activities outside of sports that never fail to lift your spirits?” She heard him say. She had to think about this. “Honestly, other than field hockey… I’m not sure. I haven’t really ever been allowed to do anything.” She admits to him as she tries to think of something, anything that brings her joy. She then looks deep into his eyes. She then blurts out without thinking “You bring me joy.” As soon as she said it she regretted it. Not because it wasn’t true, but because she was nervous about the way he would react. What he would say.
She quickly looked away from him when she said it. She looked at the ground as she waited for his response. She was scared and nervous about what he would say to that. However out of the past four to five years, these last three years with him were the best of her life. Even if this was the first year they were really getting to know each other.
@Jass Lila

He slowly gets up and studies this guy he bumped into. His face was soft and sweet looking. He took this boy in as he got up. Luckily his camera was safe. “yeah, I’m good. Thanks.” He smiles at the boy. He offers him his hand to shake. “I’m Finn. Finn Bauer. You look as lost as I am. I’m sorry for bumping into you. I’m not usually this lost and clumsy. So I do apologize. On your way to the dorms?” He asks with a gentle smile. He could since the was nervous and used a soft friendly tone to try and ease the boys mind.
Finn was really good at reading people usually except for Shiloh. She was a hard one to read. Has he stood there talking with this handsome boy with this brown hair and these pretty brown eyes with yellow or gold specks in them and darker around the edges then by the pupil. He kinda got lost a minute in this boys eyes.
Then he shook his head and turned away. Being unsure of your sexuality sucked. This wasn’t the first time that this happened to him. However Shiloh was the only one who really caught his attention most of the time. The lighting was perfect for a great photo of this strange guy.
Without thought or hesitation Finn pulled out his camera. He then clicked a few photos. He then realized this guy probably didn’t want his photo taken. “I’m so sorry. The way the light was bouncing off your face made for a prefect photo of you. I’m so sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I can get rid of them.” He said as he realized he seemed crazy for taking the photo in the first place.
He usually takes pictures of strangers from a distance. Not so up close and personal. Finn really hoped that this boy didn’t mind his picture taken. He was kinda nervous now. He had to stop being so awkward. He thought about Shiloh again and smiled and waited for the guy to react and speak.
@Kate Kayden
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh mentioned