St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

Katrina’s smiled slowly faded upon hearing the girl speak, “I’m terribly sorry, my dear. I must confess, my Gaelic is rather limited, perhaps you could find some time to help me study more? For now, could we perhaps continue our chat in English? I’m originally from London, England. And you, where do you call home?” Heat rose to her cheeks turning them red with embarrassment, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ramble.” Hearing her wanting to learn more, Katrina half-smiled a little, “If you can help me with my English I would be delighted to,” she said softly. “Aviemore. I am from Aviemore, Scotland in the Highlands. A bit more remote but we manage.” “By the way, I must compliment your outfit. That green pleated skirt paired with the white cropped shirt is rather fetching. It suits you splendidly.” Katrina blushed and once more tried to pull the small shirt down to cover her tummy to no avail. “It was laundry day, I didn’t have anything else.” She replied meekly, still blushing from the compliment. “Have you managed to grasp the entirety of the speech? If not, would you prefer a recap or any clarifications on the headmistress’s remarks?” Katrina nodded slowly, “I-I have more trouble in English class with grammar and spelling and pronunciation…” She said with embarrassment she wanted to disappear in this moment, back to her quiet life in Scotland where everything just made sense.

@Jass ~ Victoria

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