After the Coach left the party, Paris was still wondering if Noah was all right. He wanted to calm himself, knowing Coach would take care of him so Paris could enjoy himself at the party since it’s the first party since he’s free from his horrible parents. However, Paris thought having a drink would help him not have a bad time at the party, but he was wrong. He noticed an unopened coke can on the bar and took it before the older guy coach was with noticed it. He opened it, hoping a carbonated drink would make him more relaxed and be able to enjoy his first party. Unbeknownst to him the can was previously shaken up and now it exploded as Paris opened it, and the contents sprayed all over his face and clothes. Paris realized there was now way he could enjoy himself at the party now, and he excused himself to Greer saying “I’m sorry, I need to go back to my dorm. Not only do I need a change of clothes, but I also don’t feel like partying AND I would like to check on my roomate.”. After saying goodbye, Paris came to him dorm and silently tried to open the door. Peeking into the crack after opening the door just an inch he noticed the lights were turned off and the light from the hall just about lit the dark room up enough for Paris to be able to make out the outline of Noah sleeping in his bed. Coach must’ve left already, which means the injury was taken care of. Paris took a quick shower, put his clothes in the wash bin and went to bed.
The next morning he just about opened his eyes to notice Noah doing the same. “Good morning.” He said as he rubbed his eyes. “Nice to hear I helped. Great to hear your ankle is okay.” He answered to Noah. Paris wanted to respond his question about the party and how it was for him, but Noah suggestion to game and talk about coding made him forget about that question. He shot out of bed and said “Oh my god, Yes! Let’s do that!” with the wides smile possible. Noah mentioned something about games being his therapy, so Paris responded with “Talking about therapy, can we play the Sims first?”
@Ouijaloveletters - Greer mentioned
@idiot.exe - Robert’s prank, since I forgot about it, but also mentioned