St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

Calypso became lost in their project, the calm atmosphere of the library making the perfect environment for work. Aria’s presence and encouragement motivated them to continue sharing their ideas, working together for a change. They had a vision of a future they wanted to see come true. It was nearly unbelievable how they could voice their opinions and make it a reality with their own hands.

Before long, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow on the table. The lights switched on, preparing for the night ahead. Cal looked up from their notes, their eyes slowly adjusting to the change. They’d been so focused, they barely noticed the passage of time. Their mind felt fuzzy.

Soon, the two decided to wrap up their work for the day. They agreed on a time to meet again and parted ways.

As Cal walked down the halls to their dormitory, their wide grin wouldn’t fade from their face. For the first time in a while, they felt hopeful for tomorrow and the days to come. All their worries were over and behind them, letting them bask in the joy of the present. At least, for the moment.

Cal woke up early that morning, expecting the familiar sound of their alarm. As they opened their eyes, they were met with the rising sun. Their brows furrowed in confusion for a moment. The room was warm and the bed felt soft, a quiet serenity lingering in the air. A weight was lifted off their chest at the realization that they’re no longer “home”. They sighed, a small smile forming at the corner of their lips.

As they stretched, their gaze landed on the bed next to them, noticing their roommate. They hadn’t talked by that point, thanks to Calypso’s avoidance. They didn’t even know each other’s names. With a groan, they got up and prepared to get ready for the day. That was a problem to deal with later. Preferably after they showered, had breakfast, exercised, just turned their brain on in general.

Cal returned to the dorm. And in the process they swung the door open full force. “Holy sh*t you’ll never believe this!” The door bumped against the door stop, making them flinch. “Oops, habit,” they chuckled awkwardly. “Is it normal to be surprised that the bathrooms here have mirrors that aren’t broken or straight up missing? And showers?” They closed the door behind them, slowly this time. They pulled their headphones down, facing their roommate. “Anyway I’m Cal. How’s your day been?”

@Ouijaloveletters // :wilted_flower: // Greer Wilkes
@Jass // :wilted_flower: // Aria Parker // Mentioned


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After realizing she’s wasted a day on a party she didn’t even have fun of, she realized the reason she had no fun there. Angrily, she opened her phone to re-read the text Finn sent her yesterday which she forgot to respond to … Or rather she didn’t know how to respond to it, until now. But it wasn’t the text that made her angry, it was the person. She responded

Don’t worry about it Finnick, I assumed you went to your dorm to hide all the noody mags before your roomie got there. But why should I care, it’s not like we’re friends. How did you get my number though?

Shiloh actually gave him her number a few years ago, and she knows it, but she’s acting as if she forgot or doesn’t care about him, because soon it might be true. She realized the rivalry between them is what she was interested in, and she failed in trying to make his sister her new rival, so instead of being all focused on school like her mother wants her too, she instead decided to go focus on one of her sports activities. Since she doesn’t actually have to focus on training, she can just relax while training and blow off some steam.
Thinking about how Finn got cuter now than last year she picked an outfit to wear. She clothed, took a water bottle and a towel wit her to the gym. She wasn’t taking in anything around her and her eyes were only focusing on empty machines or mats. She spotted an empty one and started walking towards it, when she lost the grip on her water bottle and it drop to the ground. It wasn’t a big deal to pick it up, which Shiloh did immediately, but it was hard to get up when her view from the position where she was picking up the bottle was amazing. She saw a blonde muscular girl, sweating on a machine, not showing an inch of pain or trouble on her face as she’s exercising. Drawn in to her muscular body, Shiloh came closer to her withouth realizing it. Now she was in the girl’s space and probably looked as if she was waiting for the girl to finish on the machine, which seemed idiotic becuase there were more machines just like the one she was using, completely free, which must’ve angered or annoyed the girl using the machine.

@ChayChay05 - Finn mentioned and texted
@Bluecookies - Finally meeting Sigrun


“It’s nine already!?” Roux jolted up. She might’ve exaggerated by saying it’s three, but she expected it to be five at least. How had time passed so quickly? The late students were already arriving, and before they knew it classes would start.

She rubbed her eyes, groaning. “Ughhh, I’m not hungover, just…” She stood up, stretching her back. Her body felt limp, as if she was about to collapse any minute. “I haven’t slept for two days and I just managed to. Then you showed up.” She remarked, exaggerating an eye roll. But I’m glad I didn’t, wouldn’t wanna miss your grand entry!" She laughed, making her way to the doorway. Roux put her arms around Koda’s neck, pulling him into a hug. “Man, I haven’t spoken to you two in yeaaars!”

She then turned to Piper, answering her question. “There was a party yester…night and I didn’t realize I stayed up so late. Honestly, still couldn’t meet people as cool as you.” Roux moved towards Piper, hoping to help her get settled in. She looked over at the luggage, searching for the heaviest one. “How was your trip?”

@Kate :star: Koda Gambino
@ChayChay05 :star: Piper Fitzgerald



Greer had somehow managed to make it through the rest of the party after splitting from Paris. They just hoped his friend was better. They made it back to the dorm room at about eleven, ready to pass out. A while later, they were completely conked out, not even noticing their roommate enter. In the morning, they had left the room after their roommate, still not having said a single word to them. Not that it was a big deal. After going through their day, they returned to the dorm after dinner to read. Thirty minutes into Little Women, Greer’s roommate practically ripped the door off the hinged, causing them to screech, tipping backwards in their chair. Ahhhh! Who died?!” Getting the wind knocked out of them, Greer groaned, panting. ”Believe what…? That you can get a concussion from falling out of a chair…? I’m fine, by the way.” That was a joke. They were fine, just annoyed, and would probably have a headache later. Sitting up and making sure their glasses were ok, they stood. ”If you live in Flint or Detroit, yeah. Not here. I take it your hometown wasn’t very great?” Greer rubbed their head, sitting down on their bed. They shrugged. ”I’m Greer. My day has been pretty good. Just reading some Louisa May Alcott. Nice to meet you, I guess.”
@idiot.exe - Cal

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Liv smiled as they talked. Madi asked what else is Liv into. Liv had to think for a few minutes. Liv smiled and said “Dancing, running… singing actually.” She smiled to Madi. Then Madi said “Also I remember you saying last year that you were from New Zealand, what brought you to St Andrew’s and how did you hear about the school?” Liv thought of the memories of how she got here. “Actually… I only heard about the school because they came and watched me play volleyball. They actually wanted me to come here.” Liv didn’t know the only reason they heard about her was because her brother sent in a video of her playing and kept calling the recruiter everyday. They finally gave into him and came to see her. Then they offered her the scholarship.

@Kate Madi

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Lorenzo smiled as they kept walking. He listened to Chloe as she talked about her siblings. He nodded to her about this. Then she asked about his parents. “Jim and Diane seemed fine last time I talked to them.” He shrugged. His parents were always so busy. They weren’t around much to be honest. That’s why he always got money from them that did come out of his savings.


Ken wandered hesitantly through the boys’ dorm, feeling a tad lost amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces and narrow hallways. An uncertain frown pulsed on his face as he contemplated turning back or worse, asking for help. Just as Ken was about to text Rodney, his eyes caught a familiar figure across the corridor. There he stood, the endearingly cute boy he had met just the day before. A surge of excitement mixed with relief coursed through Ken’s veins, overpowering his previous doubts.

With newfound determination, Ken made his way towards Rodney, his steps growing more confident and his unsure frown quickly replaced by a friendly smile. As he approached, he felt a fleeting flutter of nerves, “hey, Rodney!” Ken called out, his voice carrying faster than he made his way over. “Sorry I’m late. I can’t figure out this school for the life of me,” Ken chuckled, now face to face with Rodney.

“Good morning Vince… so…. So… it wasn’t a dream?” Jayda asked, waking up Enzo more. “A dream? No, Amore mio. It was real, molto reale(very real).” As he said it, Enzo felt an anxious whisper behind his ears. Yeah, she had said it was real last night, but was it true? She was drunk last night, and so was he, and he didn’t know what to feel anymore. What if she wanted this to be a dream? E se non mi amasse affatto? (What if she doesn’t love me at all?). Enzo closed his eyes, not ready to betray his fear to her. “ Jay, per favore non mentire,(Jay, please don’t lie)” he mumbled more to himself, “are… You okay?” He paused, to look at her. “You had a lot to drink last night.” He said, hoping she would crack first. “I hope you don’t mind that this wasn’t a dream,” he tried, with a small smile.


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Rodney stood there waiting for Ken. It felt like he was waiting forever then throw the sea off boys he saw Ken. The smile on his face grew what seemed like ten times the size. Ken said “hey, Rodney! Sorry I’m late. I can’t figure out this school for the life of me,” The hey Rodney! Reached him before Ken did. Rodney thought his excitement was so cute. “Hey Cutie, it’s okay. You’ll get the school figured out in your own pace. Wanna go for a walk?”

@eunoia Ken

As Jade laid there looking Enzo in the eyes. He spoke some Italian she smiled even though she wasn’t sure what all he was saying. As they laid there still cuddled up in the hotel bed. Enzo said “You had a lot to drink last night. I hope you don’t mind that this wasn’t a dream,” Jayda smiled and kissed his cheek. “Vince… I’m so glad it wasn’t a dream.” She said as she gently touched his cheek.

@eunoia Enzo

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Jasper had had a pretty fun evening at the party, the highlight being seeing Brex again after their jam session. After sleeping in, he woke up, his roomate was still in bed. He hadn’t properly met the guy yet, but he didn’t want to wake him up just to introduce himself. So, Jasper quietly took a shower, got dressed and when he got back in the room his roommate was up. When he walked in Jasper said, “Morning mate. Had a blast at the party last night too?” He approached the guy and held out a hand to introduce himself, “I’m Jasper, I believe we’re roomies for this year.”

@ChayChay05 - Finn (short but something to get us started I guess)

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Kendrie’s mind was a cyclone of confusion and regret. Last night plagued her thoughts, each piece of the puzzle trying to find a place in her fractured memory. What the h•ll did you do?

From what she did remember, Kendrie had drowned herself in alcohol. Why? Oh, easy. Because of her other stupid choices. She had just wanted her body to be appreciated, and he was an all too easy escape. Upon discovering that the guy she had slept with, Leo, was already taken then she had been walked in on by the girlfriend who he then exposed that he only used her for her body. Honestly, the girlfriend and Kendrie both. But Kendrie had been looking for the same thing. In a twisted attempt to spite Ethan for his hurtful comment about her body, Kendrie had aimed to find validation through someone else’s touch. But all she had achieved was a hurricane of guilt, inflicting wounds upon both herself and Leo’s unsuspecting girlfriend. Katrina, if she remembered correctly.

And what was the cherry on top? After sulking to a corner to drown herself in booze, guess who came to the most inappropriate for a “I’m never off work” paramedic type? The hazy recollection of Ethan escorting her home flitted through her mind, hinting at a shred of comfort amid the chaos. Yet, here she was, sitting disoriented in her car with a throbbing headache, longing for breakfast and redemption.

If she remembered correctly, Ethan had almost apologized, something she desperately craved, but for reasons blurred by the alcohol, he hadn’t followed through. Probably her fault again. She did so much last night, and her timeline wasn’t so accurate, she figured it could be for a couple of reasons. His failure further fueled her anger, her inebriated mind randomly lashing out by hurling insults at him… she did however remember calling him an underpaid doctor. Gah. She hit her steering wheel.

Embarrassment gripped Kendrie’s heart as she found herself stuck in a seemingly endless stream of traffic, her thoughts an indistinguishable mess. For some reason, something she may never know why, she looked out the window for a distraction. Her bleary eyes locked on a surreal sight. Ethan, adorned in a harness, stood amidst a group, a toddler clinging onto him tightly. At first, she questioned the reality of this scene, suspecting her mind was conjuring illusions in its hungover state. It was only what she wanted to—what she had been thinking about.

But curiosity compelled her to roll down the window and listen to the clamor surrounding Ethan. The regret and hurt from the previous night began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound appreciation for Ethan’s character. Plus, she stared shamelessly. He was a hero, of course. And her role? She didn’t dwell on what flashed into her mind.

“Is the kid okay?” she called as loud as her raspy voice allowed. She flinched at it herself, as she cleared her throat. Maybe he hadn’t heard her.

@Bluecookies • Ethan • hehehe I actually loved writing this :heart::heart: though I didn’t know what to have her say

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Finn woke up to the sun shining through the window. He sat up in bed and smiled as he remembered the events from the night before. He looked over to his roommate’s bed and his roommate wasn’t there. He had his first kiss. He met what would be one of the best friends he has. He was in his little world remembering his walk with Kayden. Their conversation. He was so happy. His roommate then came in from the shower. His roommate said “Morning mate. Had a blast at the party last night too? I’m Jasper, I believe we’re roomies for this year.” Finn smiled at him and replied “I didn’t go to the party actually. I’m Finn.” He smiled at Jasper and shook his hand.

@Jass Jasper

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Jasper listened to Finn saying he hadn’t been at the party, which actually made sense. He hadn’t seen Finn at the party, while not quite unrealistic as there were quite a few people, something made Jasper feel that he would have remembered if they had in fact crossed path. He offered a firm yet friendly handshake, accompanied by a genuine smile. He was curious how this year his experience with his roommate would be, if it would be quite as strong of a friendship as the one he had formed with his past roommate.

He then went on to reply, “Fair enough, Finn! Missed out on a ripper party, even if it got a touch dramatic towards the end. Anything specific keeping you away, or just not your scene?” Jasper’s eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as he continued, “You know, parties here can be a mixed bag - wild, unexpected. You know, the kind of stuff that becomes the talk of the school for weeks. I reckon everyone’s got their own reasons for showing up or staying away.” Jasper’s playful tone took some pressure off Finn to elaborate on why he wasn’t there the previous night.

@ChayChay05 - Finn

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Killian had managed to get Leo cleaned up the night before but couldnt get him talked into going to a doctor before they had went to sleep. Killian hadnt fallen asleep well that night so it had taken him a long time to fall asleep and therefore get up the next morning. He didnt feel great but honestly he had expected that. He was a bit hung over and his pain was definitely to a point he would be using his pain meds today. He heard Leo get up but was slow to get up fully himself. He didnt know how much of last night Leo really remembered.

Killian had sat up in his bed and was starting to stretch as he saw Leo come back in from the bathroom and get dressed. “You going to let me take you to get your hand looked at now that you have sobered up?” He asked softly with a yawn as he rubbed his eyes, Killian was honestly pretty worried about him. “You messed it up pretty good and if its broken and you dont get it set Im not sure you will have a scholarship Leo.”


Finn stood there smiling as he thought of Kayden. “Well my friend and I didn’t want to go. So we went into town and got dinner and talked.” He knew he had to be blushing by now. He continued “Plus I’ve never actually been to a party before in my life.” Then Jasper talked about the party more. “Well it’s a good thing you had fun at least. What drama though?” Finn asked really curious.

@Jass Jasper
@Kate Kayden mentioned

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Leo looks at Killian. “I guess you can take me.” Killian did have a point after all. Leo couldn’t afford to lose his scholarship in the last year of school. He sighed as he sat on the bed. “What happened last night?” He asked Killian really not remembering.



Killian nods and puts his shoes on and gathers his things to take Leo to medical. “Lets go to medical cant let you loose your scholarship now and im woeeied about your hand.” He said sighing and grabbing some keys. “What do you remember from last night? I know you didnt tell me everything so im not sure about everything that happened last night.”



The previous night coach had come over and taped Noah’s ankle, that helped with stabilising the ankle for now. He was fairly sure this would just pass naturally, in a week from now he probably wouldn’t even remember this. Still, Coach had told him to be a bit careful for now, and to possibly seek medical help if his ankle would get worse or really swollen.

He had, after quite a rough night, woken up with a somewhat sore ankle, but not anything worse than how it had felt the previous night. So he decided to just go about his day as usual. He saw Paris was already awake as he woke up.

Flashing a kind smile, Noah expressed his gratitude, saying, “Hey, thanks for summoning Coach last night. Ankle’s holding up – not too bad, considering.” He showed the tape on his ankle to Paris showing him what Coach had done, “Hope the party treated you well. Since I’m on ankle watch today, how about a gaming session and some coding banter? It’s my version of physical therapy.” He added a touch of dry humor, giving a soft chuckle.


Jasper listened as Finn told him about his night and how he hadn’t been to a party before, “Never been to a party, mate? Well, that’s a fresh perspective. Town and dinner sound pretty chill though.”

He then took a second to think what he was gonna answer to the question about what drama had happened, Jasper didn’t quite feel it was his place to give details. It wasn’t about him. “As for the drama, you wouldn’t believe the twists and turns. There was this whole scene that unfolded like a Shakespearean play. You know, love triangles, unexpected confessions, something about a dare, the whole shebang. Classic high school drama, really. Anyway, it added a bit of spice to the night, that’s for sure!” He kept it quite vague, while still hinting at what happened with Leo and Katrina.

Curiosity sparked a bit about Finn, so he figured he’d throw it out there, “You’re a freshman, yeah? What brought you to this school?” He asked with a casual tone. He didn’t want to much details in the answer, like he did not desire a life story, but he felt this general answer would give a lot away about who Finn was as a person.

@ChayChay05 - Finn


Koda listened to Roux talk and that she has not slept much and about a party that happened last night. He was bummed that he missed it, but maybe it was for the best, plus he didn’t have to worry about the girl’s drinking and having a certain secret get out. He knows the girls are very careful and would never but somehow, someway her secret got out at the last school so, and when people drink they don’t always think properly.

[color= #E9967A] “Well that is good that you are not hung over I am happy to hear that. But Roux why have you not slept for 2 days?” [/color] He askes worried about one of his best friends but he knows that both ladies can take care of themselves. Roux then got up and hugged Koda pulling him into a hug back. He hugged her back and as he was hugging her, he picked her up and spun her around once and laughed then put her back down. [color= #E9967A] “Girl it has not been that long” [/color] he chuckles.

[color= #E9967A] “Aww bestie your so sweet! But of course no one is better or cooler than us. If they are then Pipes and I will have an issue and we will make sure that they know we are the best. As for the trip it was fine a little turbulence during takeoff but of course it was raining so.” [/color]

@idiot.exe - Roux
@ChayChay05 - Piper

Madi listened to Live talk about what else she does and how she heard about the school. She was amazed at how amazing she must have been since the school went to see her in New Zealand. She needs to ask her mom sometime how they hear about all these students or athletes from other countries like if they have scouts for sports that purposely look all around the world or faculty for academics.

“Oh that is cool in the things that you like to do. Running isn’t bad and singing can be fun. I think I am a pretty good singer myself but don’t usually sing around people. I can not dance though for the life of me.” She was honestly shocked how much she and Liv had in common, she didn’t think that they would be completely different and not get along but she was not exactly sure if they would have anything in common. Liv seemed more put together than Madi and for some reason felt like she came rom money where Madi doesn’t exactly come from money which she is fine with she is happy with her life but she was always a little jealous of Liv.

“Well you are really good then at the sports and I am sure your academics are good as well. I mean New Zealand is like 12 or more hours from here so the fact that they went that distance to watch you is amazing and means that you are worth it and special.” She smiled at her but she was being honest at that as well.

@ChayChay05 - Liv

Chlor listened and nodded her head. She knew that Lorenzo and his parents love each other but they were gone a lot and that is why Lorenzo stayed with his grandma in the summer when he was a little younger. She knew that he didn’t mind his parents being gone a lot since they give him a goo amount of money which is nice but she also knows that he wished that they were around more and spend time with them. He always enjoyed going to her house for a family dinner since he did not have much of those.

“Well that is good to hear. When you talk or text them please tell them I say hello, I miss them and your grandma to honestly. When I was home and we saw each other we would only say hi and that is basically it. Before the breakup we would talk more heck sometimes she would invite me over and we would drink tea or coffee and just talk about school, life, us even when we were together and not together. Your grandma is a sweet lady.”

Sometimes Chloe looked up to Lorenzo’s grandma and felt ore comfortable talking or asking her advise than her own parents which she was not sure why. I guess because her parents have this image of what they expect of her and who she needs to be while his grandma just treats her as a normal teenager and hears her out more.


Finn and Kayden got back pretty late at night and when he got back his roommate was not there yet and he was so tired so he changed into pjs and went to sleep and slept all night. It was now the morning and Kayden just woke up and was sitting up in his bed. He noticed that his roommate was back that he has not met yet. Kayden was a little nervous since he did not know if they would get along or not. He noticed that the his roommate was up now as well. “Hey there, sorry we did not get to meet yesterday. I’m Kayden” I tell the guy next to me. It was of odd not meeting on our first day.

“Did you do anything yesterday or go to that party?” Kayden was generally curious if he went to the party since it seemed like everyone did. Then Kayden thought what if he is a big partier and nosy? What if he stumbles in everyday at like 4AM? Kayden was not sure if he could deak with that and was hoping for the best.

@bpalmer - Brex
@ChayChay05 - Finn mentioned



After the Coach left the party, Paris was still wondering if Noah was all right. He wanted to calm himself, knowing Coach would take care of him so Paris could enjoy himself at the party since it’s the first party since he’s free from his horrible parents. However, Paris thought having a drink would help him not have a bad time at the party, but he was wrong. He noticed an unopened coke can on the bar and took it before the older guy coach was with noticed it. He opened it, hoping a carbonated drink would make him more relaxed and be able to enjoy his first party. Unbeknownst to him the can was previously shaken up and now it exploded as Paris opened it, and the contents sprayed all over his face and clothes. Paris realized there was now way he could enjoy himself at the party now, and he excused himself to Greer saying “I’m sorry, I need to go back to my dorm. Not only do I need a change of clothes, but I also don’t feel like partying AND I would like to check on my roomate.”. After saying goodbye, Paris came to him dorm and silently tried to open the door. Peeking into the crack after opening the door just an inch he noticed the lights were turned off and the light from the hall just about lit the dark room up enough for Paris to be able to make out the outline of Noah sleeping in his bed. Coach must’ve left already, which means the injury was taken care of. Paris took a quick shower, put his clothes in the wash bin and went to bed.

The next morning he just about opened his eyes to notice Noah doing the same. “Good morning.” He said as he rubbed his eyes. “Nice to hear I helped. Great to hear your ankle is okay.” He answered to Noah. Paris wanted to respond his question about the party and how it was for him, but Noah suggestion to game and talk about coding made him forget about that question. He shot out of bed and said “Oh my god, Yes! Let’s do that!” with the wides smile possible. Noah mentioned something about games being his therapy, so Paris responded with “Talking about therapy, can we play the Sims first?”

@Ouijaloveletters - Greer mentioned
@idiot.exe - Robert’s prank, since I forgot about it, but also mentioned


Noah, still shaking off sleep, responded with a nonchalant nod, a hint of amusement in his waking eyes. “Morning. Yeah, you helped more than you think,” he said, conveying a sense of genuine gratitude.

Paris’s contagious enthusiasm for gaming and coding grabbed Noah’s attention. He couldn’t help but chuckle at Paris’s eagerness. “Alright, easy there, turbo. Sims it is,” he replied, fully on board with the game choice. While The Sims wasn’t Noah’s top pick, he embraced the spontaneity and the lighthearted approach to their gaming therapy, reminding himself to enjoy the lighter side of the day.

With a chuckle, he added, “Let’s see if my Sims can navigate life better than I did with that loose wire.” The anticipation of gaming and coding banter injected a fresh burst of energy into the morning, and Noah was ready to embark on a digital adventure with Paris.

He walked over to his gaming setup and boosted up the sims. As the game loaded, Noah’s curiosity got the best of him. Turning his attention to Paris, he asked, “You mentioned you knew some coding, right? How did you learn?” The question hung in the air, signaling the start of not just a gaming session but also their dive into the world of coding discussions. Noah, ever the tech enthusiast, was eager to explore the intersection of their interests.