Calypso became lost in their project, the calm atmosphere of the library making the perfect environment for work. Aria’s presence and encouragement motivated them to continue sharing their ideas, working together for a change. They had a vision of a future they wanted to see come true. It was nearly unbelievable how they could voice their opinions and make it a reality with their own hands.
Before long, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow on the table. The lights switched on, preparing for the night ahead. Cal looked up from their notes, their eyes slowly adjusting to the change. They’d been so focused, they barely noticed the passage of time. Their mind felt fuzzy.
Soon, the two decided to wrap up their work for the day. They agreed on a time to meet again and parted ways.
As Cal walked down the halls to their dormitory, their wide grin wouldn’t fade from their face. For the first time in a while, they felt hopeful for tomorrow and the days to come. All their worries were over and behind them, letting them bask in the joy of the present. At least, for the moment.
Cal woke up early that morning, expecting the familiar sound of their alarm. As they opened their eyes, they were met with the rising sun. Their brows furrowed in confusion for a moment. The room was warm and the bed felt soft, a quiet serenity lingering in the air. A weight was lifted off their chest at the realization that they’re no longer “home”. They sighed, a small smile forming at the corner of their lips.
As they stretched, their gaze landed on the bed next to them, noticing their roommate. They hadn’t talked by that point, thanks to Calypso’s avoidance. They didn’t even know each other’s names. With a groan, they got up and prepared to get ready for the day. That was a problem to deal with later. Preferably after they showered, had breakfast, exercised, just turned their brain on in general.
Cal returned to the dorm. And in the process they swung the door open full force. “Holy sh*t you’ll never believe this!” The door bumped against the door stop, making them flinch. “Oops, habit,” they chuckled awkwardly. “Is it normal to be surprised that the bathrooms here have mirrors that aren’t broken or straight up missing? And showers?” They closed the door behind them, slowly this time. They pulled their headphones down, facing their roommate. “Anyway I’m Cal. How’s your day been?”