St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

Leo sighed as he put on shoes. “okay. Let’s go.” He said as he got up and walked slowly with Killian. “What do you remember from last night? I know you didnt tell me everything so im not sure about everything that happened last night.” Leo stood there frozen for a minute. “Well I remember talking with you and Katrina. Then I walked away and went to the dance floor. I met a girl there. We kissed then things got fuzzy.” He sighed knowing it had to be something really bad since he couldn’t remember and obviously he hurt himself.

@bpalmer Killian
@Bluecookies Katrina mentioned
@eunoia Kendrie mentioned


Finn stood there listening to Jasper as he spoke. Jasper said “Never been to a party, mate? Well, that’s a fresh perspective. Town and dinner sound pretty chill though.” Finn nodded his head. “Yeah, I’ve never been to a party before, so I was nervous and stuff and my friend didn’t want to go either.” Finn offered a smile then Jasper talked about the drama. Jasper said

“As for the drama, you wouldn’t believe the twists and turns. There was this whole scene that unfolded like a Shakespearean play. You know, love triangles, unexpected confessions, something about a dare, the whole shebang. Classic high school drama, really. Anyway, it added a bit of spice to the night, that’s for sure!” Finn took this all in. “Oh wow that seems like a lot. Must have been entertaining yet sad.”

Finn felt his phone go off… He was nervous to look at it. Maybe Shiloh finally responded. “One second, let me see who this is texting me. It might be my sister” He said with a smile as he picked up his phone. He looked at it.


Don’t worry about it Finnick, I assumed you went to your dorm to hide all the noody mags before your roomie got there. But why should I care, it’s not like we’re friends. How did you get my number though?

Finn sighed. He then reread the text. He couldn’t believe what she said to him. “Let me respond to this and then I’ll answer your last question.” He said to Jasper. He didn’t want to be rude to Jasper but he couldn’t let this slide either.

Schmuckstück, We are friends. What are you on about. We have been friends for years. I’ve had your number since last school year. I know you care even if you don’t want to show it. I don’t know why you’re mad at me but hey it’s all good. No worries :wink:

He hit send and sighed. He then looked back to Jasper who said “You’re a freshman, yeah? What brought you to this school?” Finn smiled “Well yes I’m a freshman, and I’m on scholarship. What about you?”

@Jass Jasper
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh texted
@eunoia Evelyn mentioned

Piper stood there listening to them. Piper laughed at Koda. Piper smiled “It wasn’t that bad, and yes why haven’t you slept?” She asked as they unpacked her bags. She was so happy to be back with her best friends. She knew they would keep her secrets.

@Kate Koda
@idiot.exe Roux (sorry for the short reply.)

Liv smiled at Madi. The things Madi was saying was so sweet. “Thanks, I mean I guess. I couldn’t believe it myself to be honest. That they came all that way to see me. I’m glad they did though. This school is so nice and the people I’ve met so far are wonderful as well.” She said with a big smile. She was liking Madi more and more.

@Kate Madi

Lorenzo smiled at Chloe. “Yeah, they love you. I’m sure they will love that you said hey. So I’ll be sure to tell them that.” They reached the town and went into a coffee shop. “What kind of coffee do you want?” He asked with a smile as they stood in line. He wanted to get her whatever she wanted. He knew she had her own money but still he wanted to pay for her.

@Kate Chloe


Brex and Jasper had hung out for most of the night and lost track of time. That meant that Brex didnt get back to his room until extremely late. He had realized his roommate was already asleep so he changed and showered as quickly and quietly as possible before going to sleep. Brex had gotten up early, he didnt ever sleep well in new places for the first few nights. He had started to make breakfast before his roommate was up. Brex didnt know the guy’s name but was willing to offer him breakfast as an ice breaker or a peace offering if things went bad. He heard his roommate speak and looked over to him from where he was holding a frying pan making eggs and bacon. “Hey mate Im Brex.” Brex said with a nod. “You want breakfast? I made plenty.”

“I went to the music room and played with one of my friends Jasper then we went to the party for a bit.” Brex looked at him and wondered why he had asked. “You do anything?” Brex asked softly as he got plates out to put the breakfast on.


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Owen, hearing Lila express her desire to see where things lead, would respond with a genuine and warm smile. He might say something like, “I’m really glad to hear that, Lila. I’m excited about what the future holds for us.” He followed up by mentioning, “Actually, I’ve got something in mind for that date we talked about. How about the classic, movie and a dinner after, tomorrow? I think that’s a perfect first date for you, even if it’s a touch cliche” he let out a small chuckle. “What do you think?” He wanted to surprise her with an already planned date, and add a touch of excitement to their budding connection, so he hoped she enjoyed what he had thought off.

To Lila saying she had enjoyed the kiss, Owen responded quite playfully and flirtatious, saying, “Guess we’ll have to make things like that a regular thing then. How would you like that?” He couldn’t hide the spark of delight in his eyes, and his body language subtly leaned in, indicating his continued interest. Owen’s fingers gently traced small circles on the back of Lila’s hand, a non-verbal gesture that mirrored the playful banter of his words.

As Owen and Lila shared their intimate moment, another of Owen’s basketball teammates, Jake, unexpectedly appeared. “Hey, Owen! Where’ve you been, man?” Jake called out with a friendly grin, attempting to draw Owen’s attention back to the ongoing party.

Owen, realizing the need to rejoin the social gathering, smiled apologetically at Lila. “Looks like duty calls,” he said, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll see each other again tomorrow, okay? I’ll pick you up at 2” Owen leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on Lila’s forehead before turning to address his teammate. “Coming, Jake!” he called, turning away with a wave, leaving Lila with a promise for more moments later.

He enjoyed the rest of the night at the party, even if it got a touch dramatic with Leo. He understood the anger everyone felt towards him but he couldn’t help but feel a touch of sympathy for Leo, it must not be easy to have everyone against him, even if he massively messed up, how public this was must be heavy for him.

He then went to bed, having had a few more drinks during the party, he had gotten quite drunk. He felt good though, the best he had in a while. He enjoyed the blossoming romance with Lila, being back with his friends, just good vibes all around. Thinking about the kisses he had shared with Lila, he fell asleep quickly with a smile on his face. Every moment they had shared that day, it made him feel stronger and stronger about Lila.

As he woke up, it was 11AM already, clearly having gone to bed lately, he had managed to sleep in that late. While he was excited for the date in a bit with Lila, he needed to get some of his excitement out of his body, so, as Owen did when he needed to let off some steam, he went to the basketball court. He worked on his shots for about an hour, really trying intensely to improve and nail every shot, even if his body wanted, his mind seemed distracted however, he couldn’t quite make it work as he was quite giddy about the date. Well, good thing the first training isn’t for a little bit, he thought to himself. He had enough time to get this out of his system and see how to balance all these feelings with his basketball and school, it was a lot.

He decided to go back to his dorm, have some lunch and a shower, and put on a nice outfit for their date. He didn’t go quite formal, but he wore a button up shirt and his nicest jeans. Feeling quite confident about himself, he put on some of his cologne, fixed his hear for the last time and then went to Lila’s dorm to pick her up for their date. He knocked on the door, waiting for her to open it.

@ChayChay05 - Lila (hope this is okay with you?)

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As Kayden’s eyes opened a little more he noticed his roommate was cooking breakfast. The guy introduced himself as Brex and offered him some breakfast. Kayden stayed quiet for a minute thinking if he wanted anything. He decided he would since he was a little hungry and Brex seemed to be trying and being nice so he felt it was the right thing as well. “Yeah if you don’t mind Brex. Also do you need me to assist you with anything? I’ll be glad to help if you need it.” He smiles at his roommate.

His roommate then answered his other question about the party and said that his friend and him went to the party for a little bit. That explained why he never saw his roommate all day he was out and then the party which he figured. “Oh that sounds like fun and that is good that you hung out with one of your friends. As for me, I met someone after the assembly and we went into the next town over and ate dinner and just talked it was nice. We both weren’t really in the mood to go the party, but hope it was fun.” Kayden was excited but nervous meeting his roommate since he is nervous that he will do something wrong or say something wrong but he was not going to try. “So where are you from?” he figured he would get to ow his roommate a little better.

@bpalmer - Brex (sorry I was eating dinner that is why my response is a little delayed)


Killian was glad that Leo had agreed to go especially all things considered. Killian knew more than he was pretty sure that Leo remembered but he wasnt sure how much of this pain he wanted to put Leo back through. He listened to Leo tell him what he remembered and sighed. “There is a lot more after that an some not so great things. One being how you slept with the girl you danced with and Katrina walked in on you…” Killian mumbled and sighed. “You got upset enough you boxed the mirrors in the bathroom.”

Brex put some eggs and bacon on each plate. He was hungry and he wanted to know his roommate a little bit. Brex handed one of the two plates to Kayden. He hoped that he liked his cooking especially since Brex enjoyed to cook and usually made a decent breakfast every morning. “No Ive finished cooking and I woulnt feel bloody right asking you to clean up my mess.” Brex mentioned as he got out silverware. “Thanks though for the offer.”

Brex wondered what his roommate had been up to especially since Brex hadnt really been at the party too long before Jasper and him had left together. Honestly he wasnt sure even if he had seen his roommate that he would have known it was his roommate. “Yeah Jasper that i met before the assembly and I just went to the music room and jammed for a while.” Brex listened to Kayden talk about what he had done and honestly it sounded like a really nice time. “That sounds really nice honestly. I myself wouldnt have gone if I hadnt known Leo before coming here. Felt obligated to at least show my face.” Brex said with a shrug as he ate some of his eggs. Brex could tell Kayden was nervous and was really trying to be as open as he could to help clam the kids nerves. “You can relax im not that scary am I?” he asked softly with a gentle smile. “Im from London but ive traveled a lot.”



“Let’s see if my Sims can navigate life better than I did with that loose wire.” Paris laughed at that one, and he remebered something. “Well maybe if you’re as demanding as your sims are, by which I mean if you would not go through a door if at the floor undearneath the door there was a thin, crossable object … Well maybe you wouldn’t get hurt so often. Or maybe you should opt out to making your cables a bit safer. I bet there’s some sort of a cable organiser you could order online.”
When Noah opened the Sims, Paris walked over and sat down next to him. The familliar loading screen showed up and played the nostalgic music and Paris was happy enough just listening to it and watching it, but Noah was bored enough to ask him "You mentioned you knew some coding, right? How did you learn?”
Paris realized he shouldn’t have phrased it this way becuase as in all things he’s interested in, he’s a newbie. “Oh … Well I don’t actually know much about it. In primary school there was an elective class which I took on HTML and the basics of it … Back then HTML5 wasn’t a thing yet so now all the knowledge I have on HTML is outdated. In my last school we started learning C++ and we were supposed to get to C# later on, but I was kick … I left the school and came here.”


Lila woke up at 10am. She looked over and saw her roommate sleeping in the bed. She must have been asleep already when her roommate came home from that party. She didn’t know Hope well, just knew of her. She got in the shower then got dressed. Her outfit was cute and kinda of girlie but still her at the same time. When she started her makeup she thought about yesterday and last night. She smiled as she remembered the events between her and Owen. She really did like everything he said. She was so excited for this date. She couldn’t believe she was finally going on her first date.

This was probably going to be her first boyfriend ever or at least she hoped. She had walked the new guy over to the party. Where Owen was waiting outside for her. They started talking and she was so happy. Then they kissed and was talking again but they got interrupted by his teammate. Then Owen said he had to go. Lila was sad but she just smiled and waved bye to Owen. She then headed back to her dorm and fell asleep. As she finished her makeup she heard a knock on the door. “Hold on a minute. I’m coming.” She said as she was putting her stuff down. She finished her make up and got up. She grabbed her bag. She went to the door and opened it. She saw Owen and smiled huge. “Well hello handsome.” She said as she walked out and shut the door behind her.

@Jass Owen
@idiot.exe Hope mentioned

Leo heard what Killian said. “WAIT… WHAT!!!” Leo said shocked and confused about what happened. Then it all came flooding back to him like a bad dream… He froze up and stopped walking. His anger started growing. He tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down. He didn’t think it was working though. Then he heard Killian say “You got upset enough you boxed the mirrors in the bathroom.” Leo shook his head and laughed. “wait I boxed a mirror?” He said laughing at himself. He had gotten anger before and punched things but never a mirror. "Well I guess there is a first time for everything.’ He said with a laugh. He then looked to Killian. As he turned to Killian a smile came across his face. He knew… He knew he needed to tell Killian. So he faced Killian as he took a deep breath. “Killian… There is something I need to tell you… I… I don’t know how you will take this or how you will react to what I want to say but… I need… I need to tell you.” He paused for a moment and took another deep breath. He was trying to prepare himself for what he was about to say. He wasn’t sure how to say it. He wasn’t sure what words to use. He wasn’t sure how Killian would react. As he stood there frozen he thought Just say it. Just tell him how you feel. Don’t be a chicken! What’s the worst that can happen? He tells you he just wants to be friends. Just spell the beans already. It was like a voice was yelling at him in his head. He took one last deep breath. Then he blurted out I love you… I’m in love with you and I have been for a long time now. I was just too stupid to see it." He said mumbling and quietly. He almost hoped that Killian didn’t hear him. He didn’t wait to hear or see Killian’s reaction. He started to walk to the clinic. He didn’t want to be rejected by the man he loved. Especially not after everything that happened last night.


Camila lost track of time last night. She didn’t remember getting back to her room. However when she woke up she was in her bed. Camila must have had fun at the party. I mean how else could she have forgotten how she got back. She had a headache. She decided to get out of bed. She went to the bathroom. She took a shower and styled her hair. She then got dressed in her outfit. She sprayed on some perfume. She then walked out the dorm room closing and locking it behind. Shiloh was already gone. She walked to the cafeteria. She walked in and waited in the line. It was moving slowly then all of a sudden the guy in front of her stopped. She sighed and waited. Next thing seh knew it had been five minutes, “Come on dude. Hurry up. I mean like others want to eat too.” She didn’t mean to come off rude but she kind of did since she was hungover from the night before.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Robin??



Robin had no problems buying his own food last year, but his mother and his therapist told him to try eating something on the cafeteria menu once in a while. Since he’s never eating in the cafeteria before and he always found it overwhelmin, but he also wanted to do the exercise and he’ll be able to eat normal food after a decade. He woke up early, but not early enough since there was already a line. He joined the line, but he was more scared of having to take the food he’s given and just eat that withouth knowing what’s in it or not. He looked back to see how many people are behind him and he noticed nobody was there and he’s been in the line forever. He turned back, less scared, knowing he won’t dissapoint people behind him if he asks a few questions to the cooks. So when the line finally cleared and he was there, he asked a few questions which was enough for him to learn there was something on the menu he’d find edible. However, when he was about to ask something else the girl he didn’t realize was behind him told him to hurry up. He turned around, bewildered by the fact there was somebody behind him. He took his food and stepped of to the side so the girl could get her food but so he could talk to her. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know there was somebody behind me. Had I known you were there I wouldn’t have kept you so long. I’m just really picky and some common foods I’m unable to eat withouth having an anxiety attack.”



“Hey Cutie, it’s okay. You’ll get the school figured out in your own pace. Wanna go for a walk?” Ken pretended to look around at all the students passing by them, hiding his pink cheeks from Rodney. “Yep, lead the way.” He mumbled, clearing his throat.
As Ken walked alongside Rodney, he looked up at him. “So, did you do anything fun last night?” he asked, trying for conversation.

Rodney • awww I love this :sob::heart::heart:

“Vince… I’m so glad it wasn’t a dream.” She said as she gently touched his cheek. Vince leaned into her touch, a breath escaping his lips. “Me too,” he agreed, a smile on his lips as he looked at Jayda. Enzo kissed her nose before he sat up. “You hungry? I’m hungry.” he stated, more than asked.

@ChayChay05 • Jayda

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Camila took a deep breath. She really wasn’t trying to seem mean. She listened to what he said. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know there was somebody behind me. Had I known you were there I wouldn’t have kept you so long. I’m just really picky and some common foods I’m unable to eat withouth having an anxiety attack.” She smiled at him. “It’s okay. I’m sorry. I’m just hungry and tired.” She said with a smile as she got her food. “Wanna sit with me?”


Rodney smiled as they started walking side by side. “I actually went to the party. I looked everywhere for you. What did you do?” He smiled at Ken. It made him so happy to be walking with Ken. He wanted to… He decided to ask. “Is it okay if I hold your hand?”

Ken Me too :purple_heart::heart:

Jade smiled and giggled as Enzo sat up. “I could use some food.” She said as she sat up with him. She was relieved that it wasn’t a dream. She was so happy it was real. That all this was real. Finally after three years it finally happened. She then slowly got out of the bed. “Let’s go get some food yeah?”

@eunoia Enzo


Madi smiles and nods her head to the point of the its a nice school and that she met some wonderful people. “Yeah it is pretty and the people are alright. I heard though that headmistress can be very strict though, never been there but heard so just don’t get sent to her but everyone else is good here. It makes sense yo be glad that they did come all the way to you, I would probably feel honored to.”

@ChayChay05 - Liv

Chloe just laughs at what Lorenzo said about how his parents love her. She is pretty sure that no parents love her. After there breakup and if she met a guys parents they would give her these dirty looks it seemed or the way they talked to her she could tell they were not fans of her for some reason but she honestly could care less. “That is a good one Lorenzo, I highly doubt that they love me but thank you for telling them I day hi when you see or speak to them” . Lorenzo then asked me what kind of coffee I wanted “Just a hot coffee with cream and sugar please.” Chloe could tell that Lorenzo wanted to pay for her so she let him since it was a nice gesture, but if they hangout again she will pay since it is only fair.

@ChayChay05 - Lorenzo

Kayden grabbed the plate from Brex and sat down. He wanted to do something for him whether that is doing the dishes or make him something sometime. When he was in the adoption center he cooked a few times for himself and some of the younger kids since he was independent so he knew how to cook. He wouldn’t say he is a good cooker or anything but he does know how to. “Welcome but let me at least do the dishes man it’s not a big deal really. I am used to cooking and doing dishes. It’s only fair that you cooked that I do the dishes.” He smiles at his roommate.

Kayden also hated the fact that his roommate could tell he was nervous but he seemed nice so far and didn’t make a big deal or make fun of him for being shy and nervous. He also explained that he was in the music room earlier where he is from and that he travels a lot. “That sounds like a lot of fun to be honest as well. I used to play drums but stopped playing a year ago so I would probably be rusty now but I will have to make a pit stop there sometime.” he smiles at him. Kayden always wanted to travel but his family never had the money to travel much and if they did it was to visit his parents friends that lived far away and they would have to drive there.

[color=maroon] “To answer your question, no you are not scary dude. I just can be shy and get nervous sometimes when I meet new people sorry. I hope being here will help me get bac to how I used to be. That’s cool that you are from London and traveled a lot. Do or did you like living in London?”


Since classes start tomorrow, Joy has been talking to teachers all day and figuring out what lessons they will be teaching this year and what her expectations are of them this year. She was about done her list she only had Theo to do who was the Guidance Counselor so she figured they would just talk about some students perhaps this year or if he has any concerns. She called Theo on the phone since she was not sure if he was in his office or at home.

@ChayChay05 - Theo


Liv smiled as Madi talked. She was lost in her train of thought though. She then looked to Madi. “Well I will have to try and remember not to get sent to her.” She wondered if her and Madi could possibly become best friends. She figured Madi was not into girls. “Wanna go get some food?”


Lorenzo smiled at Chloe. He prefer their coffees. Then he smiled at her as he paid for them. He took the two coffees and handed her hers. “Here ya go.” He said as he handed it to her and they walked out the coffee shop. He brought her to a cute little bench. “Let’s sit down. Then we will talk more?” He asked as he sat on the bencand waited for her to sit with him.


Theo was sitting in his office. His cell phone started ringing.

Boss Lady

Flashed on the screen. He answered it. “Hello Mrs McGrath. What can I help you with?” He said as stood up. Figuring she would want him to go to her office. Which was up the hall from his.

@Kate Joy

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Madi looked at Liv and saw that she was thinking or something but she didn’t push it. Eventually Liv got out of her train of thoughts and continued the conversation about her mom and how she will remember not to get sent there. “Well that is a good thing that you will try not to get sent there and yeah food actually sounds really good right now I am starving.” She smiles at her and gets up and pick ups her notebook and put it under her arm. “Anywhere specific you want to go and get food?”

Chloe took the coffee from Lorenzo and they started to walk out of the shop. “well thank you handsome.” She smiles and winks at him. She was not being serous she was just messing with him. That was the good thing about there friendship they could flirt with each other and know they are joking around. The only time they won’t play flirt with each other is if one of them was in a relationship since it would not end well. “Yeah we can sit and talk that sounds good to me. You can tell me about your life and about the school to since I’m new I should probably know a little more information.”

She let the phone ring a few times and as she was going to hangup Theo answered the phone and asked what he can help her with. “Hey Theo can you come to my office? I want to talk about the year and about any students that you feel like we need to talk about or concerns with anything. Do you have some time?”



“I actually went to the party. I looked everywhere for you. What did you do?” Ken couldn’t help but picture Rodney looking for him. It was a good thought to say the least. “Yeah, sorry I didn’t go. Unfortunately I don’t usually follow random messages,” Ken said, slightly nervously. He didn’t want to seem prudish. “Exploring the school and stuff. I met this… strange,” pretty much n•ked “girl. In the gym. That was something,” Ken said, remembering it. And her lack of clothes. As they continued, Ken almost stopped in place when Rodney said, “Is it okay if I hold your hand?” It caught me completely off guard. What? After about two seconds and realizing Ken had stumbled a bit and was staring he cleared his throat. He hoped he wasn’t blushing. “Me?” As soon as he asked for the clarification he definitely felt his face heat up, if there wasn’t already blush. “I—I mean, uhh,” He was panicking and couldn’t get the three letters out. Instead he covered his face in the crook of his elbow and extended his other hand to Rodney and nodded. He looked forward, too embarrassed by his response. “Yeah.” he squeaked, hoping Rodney could hear him.

Rodney • @Bluecookies ~ Sigrun mentioned

“I could use some food.” Enzo smiled. “And, I hope you couldn’t tell, I could use a toothbrush too.” Vincenzo joked. He kissed her cheek one last time before getting off the bed. He stretched his arms in the air, then bent his back. It popped once, then twice. “Let’s go get some food yeah?” Enzo turned back to Jade as she was crawling out of bed. He couldn’t help but stare. Shaking himself out of it, he went to put on his pants. “Anything you want in particular?” he asked, distracting himself from staring.

@ChayChay05 • Jayda

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Liv smiled as they both got up. As Madi grabbed her notebook. Liv grabbed her bag. “How about the cafe in town? Their food is so good.” Liv smiled at Madi waiting for her answer.


Lorenzo smiled and chuckled at Chloe when she flirted with him. “What would you like to know about the school?” He asked as she joined him on the bench. He took a deep breath. He really needed to tell her what was on his mind. “Hey Chl. Are you single?” That was the easiest way for him to try and start this conversation.


Theo smiled. “Yes ma’am. I’m on my way.” He said as he walked over to her office. He walked in and shut the door behind him. He sat down in the chair across from her. He smiled at her. “Hey there Mrs McGrath.”

@Kate Joy

Rodney smiled at how nervous Ken seemed. However Ken said yes to him. He smiled and grabbed Ken’s hand. “So where do you want to go handsome? And that sounds like a fun night as well.” He said as they walked hand in hand. This made Rodney so happy. He really wanted Ken to be his.


As she put back on her dress. She had slept in her underwear and bra. She smiled as she could feel him looking. She loved that he stared at her. “I’m fine with whatever you want.” She said as she slipped it on and turned towards him. “You’re so handsome baby. We could probably both use a toothbrush.” She giggled as she put on her heels and walked over to him. “Well with these heels I’m your height.” She giggled more.

@eunoia Enzo


Once they were ready to start walking Liv asked about the cafe in town which Madi was fine with. “Yeah that sounds like a really good idea to me. I think I know exactly the one you are referring to as well since i’ve been here for awhile.” Madi then remembered though that Liv was on her way to Volleyball and she does not want her to miss practice or training on her own. “Wait Liv? I thought you were going to Volleyball though. Are you sure that you will have enough time to eat and then practice?”

Chloe thought for a minute when Lorenzo asked what she wanted to know about the school. “How strict is the school on rules? And should I try to avoid any teachers?” She was not exactly fully sure what she wanted to know but she guesses that is a start. Then Lorenzo asked if she was single, to her surprise and did not expect him to ask that. Also she was not exactly ready to have the conversation but she guesses it was the time. She talked to Adrian yesterday at the party and he told her to tell him her feelings but was she really ready?

“Am I single? that is very random and unexpected question, but to answer your question, yes I am single. I am assuming that you are single to since you seem to be flirting and liking Hope.”

Joy hung up the phone with Theo and waited for him to come to her office. She had the door open so he could just come in without knocking. A minute later Theo enters her office and shuts the door then sits down. “Hi Theo thank you for coming into the office. I was not sure if you were in your office or home that is why I called your cell not the classroom phone. Are you ready to start the meeting?”

@idiot.exe - Adrian and Hope Mentioned


Killian heard Leo panic when he told Leo what had happened. “Yeah Leo you made some pretty bad choices last night.” Killian reached out to him though when he froze. “Its ok it was certainly messy but we can try and see how much we can fix.” Killian knew how beat up Leo was about this and honestly he just wished he could have been there to stop him before the whole situation but now he was here to pick up the pieces. Killian softened a little when Leo laughed at his little joke about just how Leo had punched the bathroom mirrors, “Not just one mirror both mirrors in the floor bathroom so im sure the floor will be fined for that Leo.” Killian said half jokingly. Killian knew that Leo often faugh inanimate objects when he was mad but yeah it was a first for a mirror. “Yeah I tried to get all the glass out of your hand but Im not sure if I did or not.” he said with a sigh. Leo smiled and it made Killian smile back. He was such a sweet guy he just didnt always use his head and think. Killian heard Leo and turned to look up at him “You tell me whatever you need to tell me.” he said looking a little confused at Leo. “Just tell me whatever it is Leo you know me im not going to act out of turn or anything crazy.” Killian was kind of worried what Leo had to say. Killian reached for Leo’s hand to try and calm him down when Killian saw how genuinely worried Leo was about whatever he was going to say. Killian smiled but looked at Leo shocked when he heard what he said. Killian was nearly convinced that he had to have heard Leo wrong. “Wait really?” he asked softly as he struggled to put everything together in his head. “Because I love you too and have since the first time we kissed.” Killian told him looking away and blushing hard.

Brex leaned his back on the counter as he ate his breakfast. He honestly wanted to know his roommate and get along with the guy so he tried to stay relaxed and hd decided he wasnt going to try to hide anything from Kayden if Brex shared his secrets and Kayden used it against him he would just have to accept that. “How about we do them together pal. Cant let you clean up my mess even if i did cook.” he said with a nod as he looked at Kayden. Brex honestly would have felt guilty to let Kayden clean up the mess he made all by himself.

Brex was trying not to appear on edge hoping it would make Kayden more relaxed too. Brex didnt know this kid’s history and knew some kids here came from pretty rough backgrounds so Brex didnt want to scare his roommate. Brex had always been the one who would cook especially because when he was younger he was left on the bus by himself most nights while his dad and the band were out at bars and parties. “If you like to cook maybe we can cook together sometime Kayden. Use it as a chance to get to know each other better. I mean we will be living together here so we probably should be pretty open and honest with each other.” Brex said and took a deep breath.

Brex looked at Kaydens half of the room trying to get a bit more of an idea about him. All things considered Brex knew his side of the room told a lot more about him than he had even really intended for it too but he found himself not minding all that much. Brex smiled as he heard Kayden say he used to play drums. “Man you should come play with me sometime. I mean Jasper that I was with yesterday plays drums too so maybe we could all hang out or something sometime.” Brex wanted him to feel welcome to join at any time and his roommate also being a musician at least to some degree made him feel a lot more at ease.

Brex nodded hearing that Kayden was kind of shy. “Im that way with bigger groups of people so I get that. Im here if you ever need to talk about anything though promise man that if you need or want a friend i would be honored.” Brex smiled at him and stretched a little. Yeah I love London its so nice I like my grandmas place in Kentucky in the mountains better though." Brex thought about how to explain why he traveled so much “I traveled a lot not because I wanted to but because my dad is a single father and a big musician.”



Liv smiled and giggled. “Well. I don’t have tryouts or practice today. I was just doing some drills by myself. So I’m not missing anything.” She smiled as they walked. “So don’t worry. I’m free. So we can make a day of it. Eat, shop. Hang out.” She smiled at Madi.


Lorenzo listened to Chloe’s questions. “depends on the rule. Some they are more strict on then others. As for teachers to avoid I would say try and avoid the headmaster.” He shrugged. He wasn’t too up on what to avoid at the school. He didn’t really get in trouble. She then answered his question. The way she started it made him really nervous. He smiled though not letting his nervous show.

She said “Am I single? that is very random and unexpected question, but to answer your question, yes I am single. I am assuming that you are single too since you seem to be flirting and liking Hope.” He smiled and looked at her in her eyes. “Well… Yes I’m single… I don’t really know if I was liking Hope, I mean yeah she is pretty but that’s it. I don’t really like her. Not like that. I mean she is cool but I don’t like like her.”

He took a deep breath. He was about to do it. He was trying to pace himself so he could break the news gently. However his mind was racing and his mouth went faster than he could think. “Well… honestly… I told Hope last night…. Well I don’t know how you will take this Chloe…” He paused to breathe. Then he continued. “I told her that I was possibly still in love with the first girl I ever loved…. Chloe that girl is you.”


Theo smiled as Joy talked. “Yes ma’am, I’m ready for the meeting. I was here. I arrived this morning. I was just getting my office set up.” He said to her as he sat there thinking about everything he still had to do and set up.

@Kate Joy

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Leo blurted out that he loved Killian. Much to Leo’s surprise Killian responded with “Because I love you too and have since the first time we kissed.” Leo replayed Killian’s words in his head on repeat a few times and stood there shocked. When Killian reached out Leo gave him his hand. He took a deep breath.

“Yes Killian I do. My friend Brex helped me realize that to be honest.” He paused for a moment then continued speaking “Wait… you’ve loved me since we first kissed? That’s when I realized I liked guys too.” Leo finally said it out loud. Or well finally told Killian. He smiled at Killian. Then he leaned down and kissed Killian.

@bpalmer Killian


As Kayden was eating Brex had the idea that they do the dishes together which he was fine with doin that. “Sure man that sounds good to me and fair I guess but I will make lunch or dinner if your around. If not then I will make breakfast I am sure of some sort tomorrow.” He took a few more bites before he talked again “Cooking together sounds good to me as well. Maybe we can do that tomorrow since it will be first day of classes so after we might be tired and hungry.”

As they kept eating Brex told me a little more about his family and why he traveled a lot as well as invited him to go to the music room with him and his friend Jasper. He smiled he a actually felt like maybe he can make a few good friends here and it was nice that rex and him had a few things in common that he knows about such as cooking and enjoying music. “That actually sounds really fun I would love to do that sometime as long as your friend Jasper would be ok with it. That is awesome that Jasper also plays the drums. Do you play any instruments or do you sing?”

He decided that since Brex is being open about his life a little he should to. He was just debating on what to tell him but he knew he needed to be completely open. [color= maroon] “Well that must have been an experience traveling with your dad and that’s awesome that your dad is musician. You probably don’t love to talk about your dad I am but can I just ask what his name is or the band that he plays in maybe I hard of them or him? As for me I stopped playing drums a year ago because my parents died in a car accident and I don’t have any other family around so I was placed in a adoption center so I could not bring it. After they died my whole personality changed but I want to try to go back to my old self so I am hoping being here can do that for me.” [/color]

@bpalmer - Brex

Madi and Liv started to walk to the town area so they can get something to eat. She did say that there was no practice or tryouts she just wanted to work on some drills by herself. Liv then said that they can eat, shop and hangout. “Yeah that sounds like fun to be honest. I haven’t hung out with any girls yet this year only went to the party nd talked to a guy named Brex and my roommate was asleep when I walked back in and this morning when I woke up so. You wanna get something to eat first?”

Chloe was drinking her coffee when Lorenzo first answered the part of the teachers and who to avoid which sounded like it really was mainly one person the headmistress but Chloe had a feeling she would be on the list since she is the head mistress so she is in charge of the school. “Okay duly noted essentially just don’t get into any trouble. I think I can do that easily but good to know. Maybe I will tell you the teachers I have later and you can give me the information on them so I know if they are hard or not”

Lorenzo then mentioned that he might still be in love with Chloe. She had a feeling this conversation was going to happen today but maybe not this soon. She knew she had to be honest back and lay down all her feelings and see where things go she was just nervous that he would reject her, especially since she broke his heart. Chloe could tell her face went pale a little and she took a minute to gather her thoughts. “Wow really Lorenzo? I thought after what I did you hated me and didn’t feel that way about me but you had a reason. Truth be told Lorenzo, Adrian and I talked last night as well and I still may possibly have feelings for you to. I was scared to say or mention anything because I figured you might reject me. I told Adrian that maybe now that we are actually in the same place maybe if we tried things again it would be different tis time.” She blushes a little then looks away nervous and scared.

Joy nodes her head when Theo said he was getting his office set up. “That is perfectly ok and makes sense. Since you probably have a lot to do we can try to make this quick. Are there any students that you have any concerns about this year or that are doing really good so far.”
