St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread


He smiled as she spoke to him “Hi there Camila, I’m amazing. And you?” He asked. “You know, you’ll never have to be aggrevated by me if you’re next in line with me waiting for food.” He pulled out a piece of paper with today’s date. “The guidance counselor helped me get these so now I’ll know exactly what’s on the menu before I even come in here … And by on the menu I mean all the nutrition facts and the things I need to know in order to eat something. This has really helped me, as you can see.” He shows off his plate which is now much richer than it way yesterday when it was just mashed potatoes. Now it’s a tomato soup with grilled cheese and a plain salad on the side with a bag of baby carrots on the side which he brought himself. He put the bag closer to the middle so she could take some if she wanted. “Do you care for some?” He offered. This was still hard for him to offer, sharing food always made him think of the germs and it sometimes disgusted him, especially if he knew the person probably didn’t wash their hands, but since he worked a bit on his problems with food, he felt heroic and wanted to help himself with this two … Killing two birds with one stone.

@ChayChay05 - Camila

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Hope had spent the previous day locked up in her room, ruminating over every single mistake she’d made at the party. It wasn’t only embarrassing but shameful. If Adrian found out how she’d acted in front of his roommate, he’d never let her live it down.

But it was a different day. Another day to make a change and look to the future.

Hope was standing near the door of the cafeteria, her eyes wandering across the tables. She was hoping she’d spot a familiar face in the crowd, preferably someone rich. Then all of a sudden, something collided into her and sent her stumbling forward. She almost lost balance with her shoes, awkwardly spreading her arms out so she doesn’t fall. Hope let out an exasperated sigh as she steadied herself, the stranger’s words only adding fuel to the fire. Composing herself, she forced a smile and turned around as if nothing had happened.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t notice I was blocking the path!” Hope gasped, putting a hand over her mouth. “Are you hurt? You sound really frustrated…”

It was a tall and muscular boy with an intimidating presence. Hope paused and looked at him with a coy expression, taking the time to analyze the situation.

@Kate ✿⁠.⁠*⁠・~ Koda Gambino


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Ezra knew he had kept Braxton up late the night before and honestly felt really bad about how it had him dragging today so badly. Ezra worried a little when Braxton almost forgot to get lunch. “You know if you are really tired we can eat in the room you can take a nap Ill wake you before lunch is over.” Ezra offered as he kept his arm on Braxton’s shoulder but wrapped his other arm around Braxton to giving him a bit of a hug. “Lets get some food in you and maybe a little caffeine. You look like the walking dead. I really am sorry I kept you up so late though last night. I just lost track of time.”

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“It’s all good man. You can call me Mateo or Teo whatever you want but Birdie sounds like a cool nickname.” Ken relaxed, realizing his roommate was chill. He even smiled. “No man we can start from the beginning if you want it’s been a lot for me too but probably not in the same way.” Ken nodded, finally getting the clue to shut the door behind him. He went to sit on his bed. “Im Mateo Garcia you can call me Teo though if you want. Where are you from? Im from Texas.”

“Wow, that’s pretty far from home. I’m actually from here, my house is almost walking distance.” Ken mused, itching to google how far it had taken to get here from Texas. At least two time zones, right? “I guess it’d be polite to ask how settling in has been, and probably apologize for not meeting you sooner.” Ken rubbed the back of his neck, pushing the last two days out of his head to focus.

@bpalmer • Mateo • ahh, I love Teo so much!!

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Teo smiled honestly meeting his roomate had gotten him off edge a little. He wasnt as overwhelmed or anxious. He honestly hadnt realized that at least a bit of his anxiety was coming from the fact that he hadnt met his roommate yet. He still was nervous about some of the stuff he knew he had to tell Ken. Ken seemed to be open minded so far but some things about Teo drove people away pretty easy or caused them to lash out at him and that honestly was still a worry. He felt like Ken deserved to know they were going to be living together and honestly it wasnt like Teo could hide some of his secrets very long while living with Ken anyway so it was better to just put everything on the table but he was going to ease his way into it.

“Yeah it really is. Helps my twin sister is here with me at least its a little more like home with her being around here too.” Teo smiled but bit his lip. Teo giggled a little when Birdie said he should be polite. “Ive been ok settling in and its ok we didnt meet sooner was a little anxious about you and still am truth be told but it is really nice at least being able to put a face to the name I have had only on paper.” Teo joked but took a deep breath he was just going to put this all out there right now. If it went bad it was better to know right away and be able to move out then have some kind of issue later on. “Hey Birdie…” Teo trailed off a little “Please dont take this the wrong way but are you accepting of the LGBT community?” He knew plenty of people that hated him back home for who he was and had said more than a few hurtful things about it he just wanted to make sure he was safe here.
He is such an anxious baby but so glad you love him

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“Yeah it really is. Helps my twin sister is here with me at least its a little more like home with her being around here too.” Ken nodded, agreeing while heartily. He’d take one of his siblings along any day of the week. “I wish one of mine was here, well, sorta one of mine. I guess I have a lot a people I consider family,” Birdie shrugged.

“I guess it’d be polite to ask how settling in has been, and probably apologize for not meeting you sooner.” “Ive been ok settling in and its ok we didnt meet sooner was a little anxious about you and still am truth be told but it is really nice at least being able to put a face to the name I have had only on paper.” Ken’s face relaxed as he pulled his legs up to sit crisscrossed applesauced. “Yeeeah, me too.” He thought back to accidentally introducing Mateo to him not even five minutes ago.

“Please dont take this the wrong way but are you accepting of the LGBT community?” Ken tensed up a bit, sat up straighter, and hoped this wasn’t going in the direction he thought it sounded like. He hoped Teo didn’t really notice his change in position, but he mentally kicked himself knowing the longer it took him to respond the more awkward this would get. “Uhh, yeah, I think so.” He liked guys, and girls, was that accepting? He was part of it then, right? “Why, umm, why do you ask?” He asked, a hair away from sitting pin straight.

@bpalmer • Mateo • oooh :eyes::sparkles:

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Teo smiled as he listened to Birdie talk about how he wished one of his siblings had come with. “So I take it you have siblings too? How many? I mean I have my twin sister Camila and my younger brother Diego.” Teo wanted to try and make a connection with Birdie because he was honestly hoping that having him as a roommate would go well

Teo really didnt mind that much that it had taken them a while to meet. He was sure that Birdie had his own stuff going on and that was more than enough reason for Teo. He was just glad it had happened sooner rather than later. Birdie seemed to relax as he sat on the floor and Teo followed suit but let Birdie have his space still. “You were nervous to meet me too or you think its nice to put a face to my name or I guess both?” Teo asked hoping for a little clarification on what Ken had meant exactly.

The big question. Ken seemed to tense up and Teo tried so hard not to panic he didnt want to have a panic attack right now. It took Birdie a while to respond and that sent yet another wave of panic through Teo. He moved a little farther away from Ken and pulled his knees to his chest as he took deep breaths. This had to go well. He didnt need the stress of yet another change if his roommate was against him and the community. When Ken responded Teo let out a deep breath he hadnt realized he was holding. “Um well I only ask because Im trans and I know that some people arent really comfortable with that. I didnt want to live in a hostile situation or make you live in one if that was something you disagreed with because im not changing myself.”

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Koda thought the way she was talking and how she did not move that she was actually a dumb girl but fits with her kinda blondish hair as they say dumb blonde. “No do I look like I am hurt small person? You just are stupid for blocking people’s paths. I don’t think you want to get your little white dress or clothes or whatever the hell you are wearing dirty now do you little princess?”

As he was waiting for her to respond he was looking to see if his girls were there yet or around and still has not seen them. He was going to text them in a minute or two and see if they were coming or not. He needed to think of a backup plan in the mean time in case they don’t come. Hey maybe he can have some fun messing with this girl in front of him.

@idiot.exe - Hope


Katrina was surprised by the sudden hug that enveloped her, by once she realized what was happening, she broke down and squeezed her back, crying once more. She really liked him and now, now she had no one, all because she wouldn’t do one simple thing he wanted. Something obviously came so easily for other women to do. Maybe, maybe he was right, this was all her fault. When Victoria let go, Katrina wiped the tears off her face, "How are you holding up, Katrina?” She just simply shrugged and sat on the couch, snuggling up with a 10’ x 10’ blanket.

@Jass ~ Victoria


Judging by the guy’s appearance, he didn’t seem of high status. And the tattoos, they were a clear sign he’s someone she should stay away from. But hearing him speak to her in that tone, insulting her where everyone can see, she didn’t want to back down now. Hope’s lips twitched as she strained to keep her smile. She didn’t move an inch from where she was standing.

“Hm, you don’t look hurt, no,” she answered, tilting her head. A pause followed as she struggled to continue speaking. Arguing with him wasn’t an option, but neither was making a scene. She giggled lightly, twirling her hair. “You must be mistaken, I’m not a princess, but I am a daughter of the Beaumonts. I’m glad it shows,” she smiled, before looking down at her dress. “But dirty? Where? I don’t see anything, but I’d love if you could point it out. You seem very honest.”

@Kate ✿⁠.⁠*⁠・~ Koda Gambino


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Camila smiles at him. “I’m good thanks.” She smiled and looked at her food as he talked. “Well that was cool of the guidance counselor to help you out like that.” She giggled as she remembered getting aggravated with him yesterday. She smiled as he offered carrots. “sure why not” She said as she took two.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Robin

Braxton smiled. “It’s okay. I think caffeine and food sound perfect.” He said with a smile as they waited in line. “What are you thinking for lunch?” He asked as they waited.

@bpalmer Ezra


Chloe has been having so much fun the last few days and she is happy her parents sent her here. It was nice to be able to talk to Lorenzo and apologize for her cheating and just talking in general. Classes so far Chloe have been ok, kind of boring but she knew she needed to do well and prove to her parents that she is still the smart girl that she was before she went wild and stopped listening to them. As she was grabbing her lunch she was about to crash into a kid in what looked like to be an EMT uniform which surprised her since she did not know kids could work as EMT’s but maybe he was 18. “Oh hey sorry I almost bumped into you. I was not exactly paying attention was lost in my thoughts.”

@Bluecookies - Ethan


Koda just laughs at the girl since she was sarcastic and he didn’t mind it but it was fun to annoy people especially girls but he was not sure why. [color=#E9967A] "Oh princess I am not hurt, I highly doubt you can hurt me your very small and maybe even weak but it’s okay to accept that. For your information little lady I don’t know or care who your family is, no one can scare me. He then decides to dump his food on her, one to piss her off but 2 he wanted to know what she would do and if she would fight him

@idiot.exe - Hope


After that rather embarrassing ride to school this morning, Ethan settled into his AP calculus class followed by AP Anatomy, then AP Physics, Then the bell rang and it was time for lunch. He debated whether or not to go grab something off campus real quick or just get something from the cafeteria. He decided against spending money today, thinking of his savings account. Just then, he almost ran into a rather pretty girl who seemed to apologize instantly, " Oh, no, Miss, the fault is all mine. I was the distracted one. Are you ok? Do I need to check you out, I am certified after all." He chuckled at that last part, “So, that probably sounded creepy and I have made a fool of myself and should probably walk away now.”

@Kate ~ Chloe

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Chloe chuckled at his response when he said he was certified after all. I mean she could clearly tell that he was certified but it was cute that he seemed a little nervous for some reason. “No it’s all good and I am ok so no need to check me out.” she smiles at him. She looked around and hasn’t seen Lorenzo around so she figured it was time to make friends with people, she just wasn’t sure if her first friend was a guy was the best thing especially since she cheated on Lorenzo and she isn’t sure how he would react but again she needs friends and people don’t tell her who she can or can’t hangout with or talk.

“No that doesn’t sound creepy at all, just seems like maybe your a little nervous for some reason. Plus you are an EMT so it is your job to actually make sure people are ok.” Chloe realized that she never actually introduced herself yet to him which she felt silly for not saying her name earlier. “i’m Chloe by the way, it’s nice to meet you and do you want to sit together and have lunch?”

@Bluecookies - Ethan

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“So I take it you have siblings too? How many? I mean I have my twin sister Camila and my younger brother Diego.” Birdie smiled, his eyes crinkling at the subject. “Well, eleven.” Ken itched to pull up pictures of each one of them. “I was in foster care—technically, still am. But I’m with an amazing family. Anyway, I’ve met so many boys and girls, people who basically are my brothers and sisters, I can’t imagine them being anything else to me. It’s true, we don’t all talk everyday and they don’t all know each other, but if worse came to worse,”[/color] he shrugged, a grin playing on his lips. “I know who’d be in my corner.” One thing Kenneth was, was crazy about his family. Chosen, family. “How old is Diego? And, like, cool. A twin? Do you feel her pain?”

“You were nervous to meet me too or you think it’s nice to put a face to my name or I guess both?” Birdie raked his hands through his hair. “Both,” He squeaked out, glad he hadn’t ever seen Teo to be a victim of his pickpocketing.

Ken felt a cold wave pass over him as Teo pulled his legs to his chest. Had he messed up already? “Um well I only ask because Im trans and I know that some people aren’t really comfortable with that. I didn’t want to live in a hostile situation or make you live in one if that was something you disagreed with because I’m not changing myself.” Ken slouched a bit, glad this wasn’t another ambush… crush, ambush. “Oh. That’s cool.” Ken didn’t really know what to say. So slowly he tried to piece it together. “Why… uh, why would I be uncomfortable? Other than if I was homophonic—which, I don’t think I am. But I’m not sure. How would I know?” Ken hoped he didn’t let on how much he didn’t know of this world.

@bpalmer • Teo • super exciteddd!!!



Shiloh’s day was different than the rest have been so far. Unlike other days she didn’t spare a thought for Finn, and she wasn’t trying to avoid thinking about him like she usually would, she just didn’t get to think about him, which is new for her. She instead thought of her upcoming schoolwork and tests, her mother, Victoria, the volleyball team, Victoria’s upcoming lessons and the tea they had the last time they saw each other.
It wasn’t until the lunch period, when she thought of him, and that was only becuase she saw him. Immediately she noticed how little she’s thought of him. She wanted to avoid him, and she was doing a good job, until it so happened that he stood right behind her in the waiting line, and she couldn’t just ignore him. “Hi Finnicky, what’s up.” She greeted him with less fervor than she would’ve have, and it sounded more like she was only greeting him becuase she was obligated to because he was there, and there was no joy and no teasing in her tone of voice.

@ChayChay05 - Finn
@Jass - Victoria mentioned


Robin was both happy Camila took some of the carrots he’s offered althought they’re just plain carrots, but he was also happy for the fact he wasn’t grosed out by sharing food. Therapy was really working. Or maybe he just trusts her to wash her hands between meals. “Oh I’ve never had a complaint against him … I never got to see him upclose before though. Didn’t expect him to look so unique and young. I thought to myself that he was real easy to draw because of these differences, so I’m attempting to see if I’m right. Are you experienced in drawing or painting or art in general?” He asked.

@ChayChay05 - Camila

Ethan pursed his lips, “Not so much nervous as cautious, miss. I work in a profession where I could get sued for saving someone. Heh, probably not a great mindset to have when making new friends though. As for you, I am glad to hear that you are ok.” The girl introduced herself and invited him to sit with her. Ethan smiled, “Nice to meet you Chloe, I’m Ethan, and yes I’d like that.”

@Kate ~ Chloe

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Hearing the guy speak gave Hope mixed feelings. Small and weak? She covered her lips, chuckling silently. He sounded so delusional to her, stuck in his own beliefs which were far from the truth. “Are you feeling okay?” she asked, curling her lips into a smile so she seemed more friendly. She straightened her back and lifted her chin up, attempting to appear taller. “Small? I really don’t see it.”

But as fun as it was playing around with him, the way he spoke to her made her blood boil. She wasn’t some princess, nor a “little lady”. Letting out an unamused chuckle, she continued. “I wasn’t trying to threaten you, sweetie, I was—”

Hope gasped, her speech cut off as he dumped food all over her clothing and hair. She stood frozen, her body curling up as it started to fall all over her. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her jaw hanging open in shock. She grit her teeth and dug her nails into her palms as it slowly sunk in. It was only the beginning, yet that was the final straw. No arguments? She wasn’t Adrian, and frankly not afraid to get into a mess.

Without hesitation, she screamed out at the top of her lungs, demanding the attention of everyone around them.

@Kate ✿⁠.⁠*⁠・~ Koda Gambino


° ~ . * ✧ ⁠* . ~ °

If it weren’t for classes starting that day, Adrian’s thoughts would’ve only spiralled further. Finally, he had something to take his mind off things, at least until exams rolled around.

And yet, five minutes into his first class, he found himself bored to death and scrolling on his phone.

By the time the bell rang for lunch, he was already questioning his choices. Maybe it wasn’t too late to run away from home and marry a rich, older person who would mysteriously disappear and leave the inheritance to him. But that was a last resort. Ever since the party happened, his thoughts kept going back to the offer Chloe made him. She was actually willing to help him study and fix his grades. But there was no way it could be that easy. How could he possibly accept help? He’d lose the small bit of dignity he still had after the argument.

Adrian was lost in his thoughts as he made it to cafeteria, head turned down. He thought how he hadn’t even spoken to Lorenzo since that day. He couldn’t keep postponing it, it would only cause more problems. They were friends, roommates — Lorenzo would understand regardless of what he heard.

With his attention elsewhere, Adrian ended up colliding into someone. His eyes widened, snapping back into reality. In his panic, he held an arm out to hold onto the person. But as he realized who was in front, his blood went cold and his face turned pale.

Speak of the devil, it was Lorenzo.

@ChayChay05 ⁠{✧} Lorenzo Perez


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As Chloe and the guy who eventually introduced himself as Ethan were walking they eventually found a table and sat down. “I can understand that you can get sued for assisting which really sucks to be honest. Like you are there to try and help people that need it. And it’s nice to meet you officially Ethan.” As they sat there she started to eat the cafeteria food which was her first time. At her old school the food was horrible so she is oping the food here is at least decent.

“So Ethan tell me how you became an EMT. I mean don’t you have to be 18 or something like that? And what made you want to become and EMT?” In her party days a few moths back she had seen a lot of EMT’s come and go but luckily she never had to be checked out by them or go to the hospital, so she was thankful for that.


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