St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

Ezra blushed softly as Braxton told him that he loved his voice. Honestly he hadn’t ever really heard anyone say that before. It was usually things closer to shut up Ezra or Ezra I wish you would just stop talking. It really felt nice to hear that someone loved to hear him talk and the fact that it was Braxton made it even better. He smiled wide still leaning his head on Braxton. Ezra smirked when Braxton wrapped his arms around Ezra’s waist and he leaned into him a little cuddling in. It just felt right. Ezra keep a hold on Braxton’s hand as they looked for somewhere to sit and Ezra headed towards an empty table near the back.

Luca hadn’t even waited for a response before he started to walk towards Theo’s office. He figured if mr. Halstead wasn’t there right now he would just wait for him. Luca tossed his backpack over his shoulder and kept walking to Mr. Halstead’s office.

OK Im on my way. Do we have practice today because I love practice but im so tired.

Luca saw Theo as a father figure from the moment that he had stepped into Luca’s life and Theo always was there for Luca he usually didn’t even have to ask which was a comfort in itself. Luca walked into his office smiling. “Hey.” Luca smiled and set his bag down out of the way. “How was summer for you?”

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Leo smirked as she talked. He kind of found it a little funny. “Ma’am see it’s not that easy to talk to them after school since I have sports. by the time I get done with that it’s too late to call or text them because they are five hours ahead of us. So before classes actually start is the only time I have to talk to them. I mean the teacher had only said one thing. I was finishing my text and putting my phone up. Then they sent me here.” He leans back and smiles at her. “Mrs. Joy, I mean come on you know me. I’m a good kid really.” He crossed his arms.

@Kate Joy


Finn and Shiloh got their food. As they exited with their trays from the line into the big cafeteria. She stopped and looked at him. She asked who are you sitting with. "Not sure to be honest. Want to sit with me? and hey I wasn’t looking at you creepy. I was looking at you like i like you Shiloh… I mean… Don’t you understand that yet? Don’t you know I like you and want to see how or where things are going for us. I mean not like there is an us, but still. Like sometimes you act and say things that make me think you like me as well.’ He sighs. His mind then drifts back to Kaden. A smile creeping across his face as he searches the cafeteria Kaden in the sea of people. He was hoping to maybe even introduce Shiloh and Kaden. He spots him and the smile on his face grows even bigger.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh
@Kate Kaden mentioned

Camilia took in what Robin said. “I’m so sorry for your loss, but Robin… That doesn’t make you any less of an artist just because you became one after something dark or not great happened to you. It doesn’t matter what got you in to art. You are an artist either way.” She smiled sincerely at him.


Braxton walked behind Ezra. He wasn’t sure how to tell Ezra about his feelings for him. He figured he would drop little clues here and there. He was gonna wait and see how being roommates went and all before he confesses his undying love for the guy. He had a crush on him for a long as he could remember. “So whats on your mind today then E?” They reach the table and sit down.


Theo had gotten a text but knew Luca wouldn’t be long. So he just waited for Luca to walk into his office. Luca came in and dropped his bag out of the way then sat across from Theo. “Yes we have practice this afternoon. starts at 4 and ends at 6. You know my summer was the same as always. wild and fun.” Theo smiled at Luca. They were so close that Luca actually knew all about Theo’s personal life and how he goes to parties and have random hookups with meaningless people. Theo was kind of ready to settle down but finding someone to settle down with isn’t so easy.




Robin gave her half a smile and said “Well if you, a propper artist,” he joked “say so, then it must be so.” He had some of his food and after chewing it out, he wanted to stop the silence before it turned boring or worse, uncomfortable. He asked. “I don’t mind being called an artist for being good at painting, but I always thought it odd that people that perform or make other forms of art other than painting, drawing or sculpting are mostly reffered to by their professions and not called ‘artists’. For instance if a person who directs movies and has become critically aclaimed is in most cases called a director, and rarely an artist, but movies were considered as art since they were first made. Or a person that writes beautiful orchestral or even new music, is mostly called a singer, musician and simmilar terms but rarely an artist. While a person that paints well or sculpts fine sculptures are painters, sculptors and artists all in the same breat and interchagable with one another. I suppose I see myself more of a painter than an artist though, although a lot of people don’t know the difference when somebody is good at it, but I believe I’m just mediocre so I shouldn’t be praised by being called an artist, although most people say ‘painter’ and ‘artist’ interchangibly, I still hold to there being a difference, even if you can’t tell it’s there. But I think you do know the difference, don’t you? What is the difference between a painter, director, musician AND an artist?”



After he had his speech she said. “If only you had b*lls when you were second best at school. If you think I liked the rivarly you’re right, and I might’ve succumbed to liking you too if I thought it was more than a rivalry … But this is a high school and you were only second best last time I saw you. Now there’s bigger competition and if you won’t be the best or second best, or a worthy rival, then I’m not interested and don’t like you that way. If you still like me enough … Well you might show you’re worthy or a rival, because I like to be challanged, and so far this year I think you won’t be as big of a challange as you used to be. Plus, back then you had nothing to do aside the studying and having to have good grades and I had an actual job. I know this will sting, but it’s the truth. I suppose I distanced myself becuase knowing you were still second best when you did nothing after school while I had a job, I lost faith in you being good enough to qualify for my rival. So I lost interest in you.” She looked around the cafeteria, hoping to find Victoria. She’s grown quite a liking to her and she understands Shiloh better than Finn did, although at one time she thought he understood her best. Suppose not, thinking on it now. Now having found her, she looked back at Finn to accept his proposition to eat together but his gaze was on somebody else, smiling. She looked to see who he was looking at and said to him. “Why don’t you just eat with your friend, then? We don’t belong to the same groups anymore, so I can’t sit with you and your friends, or I’ll have a worse time than sitting alone.” She wanted to tell him she would wait for Victoria, but she wasn’t sure if Victoria would eat at a place like this, and she doesn’t know the other sporty girls yet, but was hoping to get to do so today, if Victoria would introduce her … Assumeing Victoria knew them already, that is. In case she didn’t come though, she didn’t want to give Finn the impression she was lonely so she pretended she preffers to eat alone, which might be true sometimes.

@Jass - Victoria mentioned

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Joy listened to his reasoning and she understood that his friends were 5 hours ahead and it was not as easy to talk to them as someone in the same time zone as you. “I understand that Leopold but you can talk to them before school then or at lunch. It does not matter if teacher said one thing or a lot of things, you are in class to learn and listen to your teachers not be on your phone as they talk. And you know that is not how to address me Leopold. You know it is Ms McGrath and that is it to you. Even when you dated Madison you called me Ms McGrath. Anyways I will give you this one warning Leopold if you are caught again I will make sure to take your phone before school starts and it will be in my office until lunch then I will take it after lunch again until end if the day. Do you understand me?”

@ChayChay05 - Leo


Camilia listened as Robin talked. She nodded her head as he talked. She waited for her turn to speak. “Well yes, there is a difference. A painter is someone who makes beautiful art with painting, a director is someone who makes movies or shorts, a musician is someone who makes music, and an artist is someone who draws, or does art by oil pastels.” She smiles to herself as she finishes eating.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Robin


Finn looked at her like she was crazy with all the sh!t she just talked. He sighed, he wasn’t sure what was going on with her but he didn’t really like this side of her much. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on with you. Neither do I care to try and figure it out. I thought we were on the same page but I guess not. It is what it is. I will be number one this year actually. You just wait and see. You think you know me but you don’t Shiloh. You know nothing about me. Yes I have some friends, but they are eating with others that’s why I thought we could eat together and talk, but I guess I was wrong. So I guess I’ll eat by myself as well. Don’t bother texting me if you are just gonna be a rude person.” He sighed again. He didn’t want to go off on her, but he felt he didn’t have a chose. He wasn’t gonna allow her to talk to him that way.

“Also, just so you know I I wish the best of luck this year. Just don’t be too shocked when I’m number one and you are like number five. Like you said it’s bigger competition here. Do you really think you can hack it with being a Model and sports? plus the harder schoolwork? probably not. You will fail at something, and I will be there to enjoy your failure.” He said and then sat at the empty table that he had spotted for them to eat at together. He wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t sit with him. However, he was done being ran over by people and especially by Shiloh. He did like her but this… this wasn’t like her. He sits down and starts eating.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Shiloh

Leo sighed. He hated when she acted so mean. “Yeah, I understand but I was listening. I always pay attention to the teachers. It’s called multitasking Ms. M.” He just looked at her and waited to see what she would say or if he would be able to leave now.


She had gone to her classes, and it was lunch. I went to the cafeteria, hoping to see my man. She saw Kendrie and walked over to her. “Hey girl, how are you?” She smiled as she sat beside her at the table with her food.



ORP: @ChayChay05 sorry I was thinking how I should respond and I completely forgot that I never did respond. What I was thinking about, yeah after some time I thought I posted it, but when you tagged me I learned that I didn’t, so I’m sorry for taking so long!


Shiloh was confused by Finn’s response. She was right to doubt his capabilities. He didn’t manage to surpass her in middle school when she also had a job and some extraculiculars and he had much less on his plate and much more time to study and surpass her. When he left, she was left standing and thinking. What was she thinking, giving up her rivalry with him? She could always keep it up and take it easy, instead of being pushed by her mother to have a job, do sports each season AND fight to be on top, when she can relax a bit in her studies and still be fighting with Finn? She can still be somewhere on top, keep her rivalry with Finn, and not be completely burned out! She also realized how what she says and how she says it sometimes seems hurtful. She didn’t realize it yet, but she always focused her resentment towards her pushy mother onto others because she was afraid to confront her mother and go her own way. She sighed, because to a growing young person, it’s always hard to admit when they’re wrong. She collected her courage and came over to the table where he sat alone.
She sat in silence, not saying anything, but her avoiding directly looking at him and looking down showed her regret for what was said.
Finally she spoke “I’m sorry … Sometimes I’m brutal in my words. I hoped you’d realise that sometimes when I’m mean I don’t ever mean it, no matter how animated I seem … Makes sense you’d be slowly getting more and more angry with me, not knowing that. Let it be known that most of what I said … I didn’t mean it and I’m sorry … again.” Before saying this her chest was tight and her stomach had butterflies, but when she said sorry both of those feelings suddenly left. She wasn’t usually the person to get nervous like this, but she couldn’t go on with her day knowing Finn was angry with her and right. He is the last person she wants to hurt and knowing she just ruined a potential friendship with the first person who she was able to relate to and has a history with. When she finally said sorry, her next words were more cheerful. “You’re right. I have no doubt that now that we’re more serious, you could be number one.” And she thought for a second time. Why keep the rivalry? Yes it seemed like they were friends before, not just fighting, but she felt now that she’s tired of pretending to dislike him, make jokes on his account, and from the way he reacted today it seems like he might be tired of it too. “There is bigger comptetition here than when it was just the two of us against each other. There are people here who will jump at any opportunity to strike and win, no matter how tired they are already … It would be a really tiring task of you to go against such people like you used to when I was your only academic rival … It would be too tiring for me too. Finn … I kept thinking how our rivalry would have to change to conform to this new setting, or to just not be around anymore since a lot of things are different to how they used to be … Why not … Instead of that …” She was getting choked up making this suggestion, and by this point it was no longer coherent enough for him to understand what she wanted to say, so she stopped in the middle of the sentence and decided to just vomit it all out at once. “Finn, instead of pinning the two of us against each other, why don’t we work together and study together to be on top togetehr, and fight together against all the others?”




Robin thought on it a moment. He wasn’t really satisfied with the answer she gave. “Oh … So if you went to an art museum you would only see oil pastel drawings? Are paintings done with watercolors or maybe by charcoal not art? If I took some oil pastels and drew a dot it would be considered art but a watercolor painting that was absolutely stunning with a rich history or amazing tehnique wouldn’t be considered a painting, but not art since it wasn’t done with oil based paint? By that logic, one of my favorite classic painters, Elizabeth Murray, wouldn’t be considered an artist because she painted exclusively in watercolors?” He chuckled, letting her know he was only joking. “Don’t worry I don’t think you believe that … I think you missed the point of what I meant to say though.”

@ChayChay05 - Camila


Joy just sighs, she was trying to be patient with him but she was starting to lose patience. “Before I let you go what was your teacher talking about then?” She was not going to take his phone away if he did not know but she would just say one thing and let him go. If he listen then good for him but it’s still not appropriate.

@ChayChay05 - Leo


Kendrie stared into space, replaying the last fifteen hours over in her brain. Cheating (cheating?) on her not boyfriend, destroying a stranger’s relationship by sleeping with her boyfriend (to be fare, she hadn’t known Leo was with anyone), and then drunkenly confessing her deepest secrets to Ethan, causing offense in ways she couldn’t even remember. Literally. She had tried to get passed out drunk. Instead, just became a loose lips Lucy. Only to wake up stupidly hungover to have brunch with Ethan. Love that for me. So yes, she was taking a moment to stare aimlessly into the abyss. “Hey girl, how are you?”

Kendrie hadn’t even notice her best friend, doubled as roommate, Jade approach until she was sliding in next to her. She released a breath, actively relaxing. She had, in passing, saw Jade getting comfy with Enzo at the party, even though they had sworn they hated each other. Kendrie smiled tightly, trying to hide her distress. “Umm. Excuse me?” She paused, to build tension. “Someone didn’t come home last night,” She said, referring to Jade, “and, if my eyes were right, was getting allll up close and personal with Vincenzo Coppola?” Kendries brows shot up in question.

@ChayChay05 > Jade > eheh… im back :sweat_smile:



Finn took in everything she said. He listened carefully as he ate. He thought about it as she spoke. He sat there in silence for what seemed like forever when she stopped talking. He had to take in everything she said and the last part more than anything. He was kind of confused by her. Does she like me? Does she hate me? What is her deal? Why did I just tell her that I liked her. How could I do that. What if I hurt Kaden. He took a deep breath before responding to her. “Well I guess that could work Shiloh. Just know I am busy a good bit with someone, but when I’m not busy with him. Sure, we can work together.”


Camilia smiled and giggled. “Yeah, I think I misunderstood you.” She ate some more food. She was super hungry. “sometimes I don’t listen fully and just start talking without thinking of what I’m saying. Sorry for that.”


Leo smiled at Joy. [color=cyan] “The teacher was just welcoming us back to school and the bell had just rung like one second ago. I was putting my phone away but the teach didn’t give me a chance. Just told me to go to the office. The teach didn’t even give me a warning Mrs. McGrath.” He smiled


Jade laughed. She smiled and blushed as Kendrie said Enzo’s name. “Well… it just kind of happened. Yes, I didn’t come home last night. I was with Enzo. We stayed at a hotel in town. We just weren’t ready to end our night together when it was time to come back.” She giggled and smiled. “I heard you got with Leo… Why?”

@eunoia I believe it’s your response on misc. and anyone else you want to talk with my characters?


I sigh and understood but still he clearly did not put it away right away or fast enough. “Listen Leopold, just go back to class. You are not in trouble jut a warning is all. But please try not to get to sent to my office much this year. You are almost done with school and me so can you try to be on your best behavior this year.”

@ChayChay05 - Leo

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She could tell Finn had a short wave of confusion from the expression on his face, and she thought he was about to say no and end their friendship or the potential to having a friendship, right then and there. But to her surprise and relief, he agreed to the idea and Shiloh sighed.
“Thank you.” She said slowly reaching his hand on the table to grab hold of it, but quickly retracting it before it was too late when he mentioned having a friend. She didn’t know why she retracted it as if that motion can’t be friendly, but she was so glad for him to accept that she was ready to grab hold of his hand. “Of course you’ve made friends alredy. You were always too nice and too sweet not to have a ton of friends by the time I get one. Well, I got one friend already and I’ll be more surprised by the fact you haven’t got at least 10 friends since we got here.”


Robin chuckled “No, I don’t blame you. I didn’t explain myself good. I was just saying that if a painter does a good painting that’s called art, and if a sculptor makes a good sculpture it’s also art, but if you see a god movie you see very few people calling it art, even though cinema is also an art. That’s all I meant by that.”

@ChayChay05 - sorry

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He smiled at her then shook his head. “yes ma’am. I will try not to get sent here too often.” He then got up and walked back to class. He sat down and smirked at the teacher.


Finn smiled at her. "I actually only have mayeb two friends.’ HE chuckled at himself. He then thought about how he spent as much time as he could with Kayden. Kayden did mean a lot to him already. It was like they just clicked and understood each other in a way nobody else could.

@Kate (Kayden mentioned)

Camila laughed. “Oh, I get it.” She giggled and smiled. She felt knid of stupid to be honest that she didn’t understand what he meant in the first place. She then continued eating.


Evening time. So after school everyone is free to do whatever they want.



Owen had a full day of classes, he really didn’t feel like being there more of the time. No, Owen enjoyed playing basketball, being with friends, and newly added to his list, his time with Lila, all much more than spending time studying. It just wasn’t for him. Sometimes he felt jealous of his sister, who more than excelled at her studies. It’s not that Owen didn’t want to, it just never came to him as naturally.

After his classes however, he had his first basketball training of the day. It had been good being back in the grind. Not that he ever fully was out of it, even in the summer he had continued training to stay in shape. The more structured training environment, and team aspect to the training, it worked well for Owen. From the warm-up, to practicing his shots, to a practice game, Owen was filled with adrenaline and his competitive spirit had kicked in towards the end, leading to his team winning the practice game.

Owen felt a sense of accomplishment and optimism. He headed to the locker room, chatting and laughing with his teammates, already looking forward to the next practice. As he walked out of the gym, he pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Lila.

“Just finished my first practice. It was intense but awesome! Can’t wait to tell you all about it :blush: Wanna come over to my dorm in 10? My roommate shouldn’t be there”

After sending the text to Lila, Owen felt a rush of excitement. He hoped she would come over, cause he couldn’t wait to see her again. Owen quickened his pace, heading back to his dorm. He wanted to make sure his room was presentable for Lila. When he arrived, he did a quick tidy-up, picking up clothes and books strewn about. He grabbed a couple of snacks and drinks, figuring they might get hungry later.

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Victoria was waiting in the volleyball hall for Shiloh. She wore her athletic gear and carried a bag with essentials for their training session. As she reviewed her notes, she made a few last-minute adjustments, ensuring she had a clear plan for the session. From the things she needed to explain Shiloh, to the exercises she wanted to do, she wanted to be prepared in detail.

When Shiloh arrived, Victoria greeted her warmly, “Good afternoon, Shiloh.” She gave her a gentle smile, “Are you prepared for today’s training session?”

“We’ll begin with a warm-up to prepare our muscles. Let’s do some light jogging around the gym and a few stretches.” Victoria took once last look at her notes, before deciding to put them aside and just go with the flow, “As we do, I can explain basics of volleyball positions and the roles each player assumes, sounds good?” She tied her hair in a tight ponytail, before starting their jog around the gym.


The sun was setting over the campus, casting a warm orange glow over the emptying halls. Ken had just finished his first track meet–they had gotten out a bit early–and he was feeling a sense of accomplishment and relief. He walked down the hallway, lost in thought, his eyes fixed on the floor.

As he turned a corner, he stumbled upon a gym that he hadn’t noticed before. The sound of bouncing balls and cheers caught his attention, and he felt a sudden urge to slow down and take in the scene. He peered through the open door, and his eyes widened as he took in the sight of a group of boys playing basketball.

His gaze was drawn to one player in particular–Rodney, the cute boy he had met the other day. Ken’s heart skipped a beat as he recognized him, and he felt a flutter in his chest. He found himself rooted to the spot, unable to look away from the game unfolding before him.

The other players were skilled, but it was Rodney who seemed to be the star of the show. He moved with ease, his movements fluid and confident. Or maybe Birdie was biased. Ken found himself smiling as Rodney sunk a shot, feeling a sense of excitement and joy .

As the game came to a close, Ken realized that he had been sitting there for quite some time, mesmerized by the action on the court. He felt a little embarrassed, but he couldn’t help himself. He had never seen anyone play basketball with such passion and skill. As the team cheered and congratulated each other, Ken’s eyes met Rodney’s across the court. For a moment, they just looked at each other, and Ken felt a spark. He didn’t know what it was, but he knew that he wanted to see Rodney again. He let his eyes skirt away in embarrassment, maybe Rodney wanted to hangout with his sport buddies right now. He’d let Rodney make that call.

@ChayChay05 > Rodney

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Shiloh wasn’t sure what to wear, not knowing how vigorous of an excersize to expect. She opted for gray sweatpants and a white halter top but also putting some shorts in her bag if needed and a change of clothing. She arrived there to see Victoria already waiting and smiled and waved. “Hey Victoria. Hope you haven’t been waiting long for me.” she said.
“Are you prepared for today’s training session.” She asked.
“That depends. How hard are you going to work me? If the workout is hard I’d like a warm up. Unless a warm up is already on the agenda for the workout, that is.”
As Vicky explained there would be a warm-up, Shiloh said. “A warm up is included? Just how hard is this workout going to be?” asked Shiloh jokingly.


Lila had a very eventful day of classes. She was in a good bit of classes that took a lot of time. It was the first day and she already had homework in pre-cal, chemistry, and U.S history. She couldn’t believe they gave her homework on day one. However it was easy homework, so she didn’t care. She got through the day though.

After her last class she went straight to field hockey practice. It was a lot of running but she didn’t mind at all. She loved running. It helped her clear her mind. She also did squash but they luckily were at separate times during the year. She loved her sports. He helped keep her mind off the things back home in Detroit. Running helped her clear her mind. That’s why she started every morning with a jog before showering and getting ready for classes.

She had just got done with her field hockey practice. They also did a lot of training. She took a deep breath. A sigh of relief rushed over her as she heard her phone go off. She knew it would only be one person. It had to be her newly discovered boyfriend. She stopped in her tracks. She pulled out her phone and smiled as she saw it was him. She read his message and replied.

I just got out of practice too, give me 20 minutes to go change and drop my stuff off.

She it send and jogged to her room. Once she got there she set her stuff down by her desk. She ran into the bathroom and quickly took a shower. Then she got dressed and smiled as she calmly walked over to Owen’s room. Once she reached his room she felt the butterflies in her stomach as she knocked on the door. She waited for him to answer it.

@Jass Owen


Rodney had been busy all day. He had been thinking Ken all day. However he couldn’t let Ken being in his mind distract him. So he pushed forward and went to all his classes. He did have three classes with Ken which he loved and appreciated. They had second hour, fourth and last periods together. This made Rodney so happy. He did notice Ken.

He wasn’t sure if Ken noticed him in those classes are not. Since they didn’t talk in classes. Rodney was kind of hoping that maybe tomorrow they could sit by each other in those three classes. After their last class together Rodney had to go statist to basketball practice. It was a good practice. Lots of drills and training.

Then they played a practice game. He was happy he was on Owen’s team. He knew Owen would win. After the game was over and they won. He looked across the gym and his heart skipped a beat as he saw the one person that had been on his mind all day. He couldn’t deny that there was always sparks when him and Ken would meet up.

After he got down congratulating everyone. He looked eyes with Ken again and Ken ended up looking away. Rodney then went to and grabbed his stuff. He walked over to Ken. He smiled as he looked at Ken. “Hey there handsome.” He said as he leaned in for a hug.

@eunoia Ken
@Jass Owen mentioned

Jade had been in classes all day. Then she had to go to Volleyball practice. She was happy that she had second and fourth period with Enzo. Second period was public speaking. Fourth period was French III. She was happy to get to see him those two classes. She got done with her last class and went straight to Volleyball practice.

They did some lunges around the court, jumping at the net. They ran a few laps around the gym. They also did suicides. Which is running from one end of the court to the other but stopping at every line to run back to the beginning until they reach the other side of the court. She was so excited for practice to be over so she could see her man.

She knew Enzo had swimming practice. She just wasn’t sure who was gonna get done first. Once she was done she decided to text him to see if he wanted to meet up. Luckily she can shower in the gym. So she went to shower then texted him.

Hey sexy, wanna meet up? I miss your annoying face. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

She sent it and then got dressed in some shorts and a long sleeve shirt. She pulled her hair back up. She waited for Enzo’s response as she packed up her bags.

@eunoia Vincenzo

Liv had been to all her classes and was so happy that the day was over. Her and Evelyn actually had three classes together. The first two and the last class. She had Volleyball practice and Eve had swimming. So she drives to text her after volleyball.

Hey want to meet up?

She hit send and then went to her dorm to shower quickly. She got dressed and waited for Eve’s reply.

@eunoia Evelyn

Classes were over. Camila decided to walk around the campus some and get more familiar with things. She was sure that Robin and Mateo would meet up. She knew they liked each other. So she didn’t want to bother either one of them. She was walking around looking at everything. She was amazed how big the campus was to be honest.

She walked for what felt like forever. She sure everyone was done with sports by now. So she walked back towards the building. She then spotted the girl Chloe that she met on the first day. She smiled as she saw a familiar face. She walked over to her. “Hey girl.” she said with a huge smile.

@Kate Chloe
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Robin mentioned
@bpalmer Mateo mentioned


“Not to worry, Shiloh. I haven’t been waiting long at all.” Victoria reassured with a warm smile. She looked at what Shiloh was wearing, and she couldn’t deny that she looked good in her athletic wear. “You look great, by the way. And perfectly prepared for whatever the training session brings,” she added, offering a subtle compliment to hopefully boost Shiloh’s confidence.

Victoria would respond with a hint of amusement in her voice, saying, “Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much, Shiloh. The workout will be challenging but certainly manageable. We’ll start with a thorough warm-up to get those muscles ready for action. You’ll be just fine.” Her tone would be reassuring, indicating that she’s prepared to tailor the session to Shiloh’s abilities and ensure a productive yet enjoyable training experience. “A proper warm-up is crucial before any physical activity. It helps increase blood flow to your muscles, making them more flexible and reducing the risk of injury. It also prepares your cardiovascular system for the demands of exercise, ensuring your heart rate gradually increases.” She realised she needed to simplify it a little bit, "“Think of it as priming your body for the main event, allowing you to perform at your best while minimizing the risk of strain or discomfort.” Her explanation was delivered with a blend of authority and care, emphasizing the importance of taking care of one’s body before diving into rigorous exercise.

Victoria chuckled softly, realizing she might have gone into more detail than necessary, “I suppose I got a bit carried away there,” she admitted with a self-deprecating smile. “But it’s always good to understand the why behind the what, wouldn’t you agree?” Her tone conveyed a sense of lightheartedness, acknowledging her own tendency to delve into details while still maintaining her composed demeanor.

As they started on their warming-up, With a poised demeanor, Victoria began to elucidate the rules of volleyball, ensuring Shiloh grasped the intricacies. “Firstly, let’s talk about scoring. In volleyball, teams score points by successfully grounding the ball on the opponent’s side of the court or when the opposing team commits a fault. A point is awarded on every rally, regardless of which team served the ball.” She took a little break, both of talking and running, before continuing, “A set is 25 point, and whichever team manages to win three sets first, wins the game.”

“Next, rotations play a crucial role in volleyball strategy,” Victoria continued, her tone measured yet engaging. “After winning a rally and earning the right to serve, players must rotate positions clockwise before serving. This rotation ensures that players occupy different positions on the court throughout the game, contributing to a balanced and dynamic gameplay.”

“Now, each player has a position, so regardless of where they are located on the court, they know their responsibilities. Let’s delve into these volleyball positions, there are five” Victoria explained, her expression focused yet approachable. “Each position on the court comes with distinct roles and responsibilities, contributing to the team’s overall strategy and success. I won’t bore you with the details of all, however, a brief explanation is essential.”

“The setter is essentially the team’s playmaker, orchestrating the offense by setting up the second ball for attackers.” She acted out a set-up as she was running, “Middle blockers position themselves at the net, aiming to block incoming shots from the opposing team.” Once again, she acted the action, this time a block, “On the other hand, outside hitters specialise in offensive plays, frequently delivering powerful hits to the opposing court.” She jumped up and pretended to smash an imaginary ball, “Similarly, opposite hitters fulfill a similar role but operate on the opposite side of the court, typically receiving more unexpected hits.” She gave a small smirk, “It’s a position I absolutely adore to play!”

“However” she now looked directly at Shiloh, “The role that appears most fitting for you, is that of the Libero. A Libero is defensive, one must be able to have quick reflexes, and almost fly across the court. The first ball, is your responsibility on your part of the court.” She then walked over to where her stuff was, and grabbed some of her volleyballs, “Your main priority for making it through try-outs, is to learn passing and digging for balls, so if you’re in, let’s focus on practicing that!”