St. Andrew’s Academy Official Thread

She smiled as she looked at him. For some reason she felt like she could relax around him. Was it due to sharing part of her secret? She wasn’t sure. “I must of misheard.” she laughed a little. “Food does sound good though…any place that serves food will work with me.”
@Kate Koda

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Finn smiled and blushed as Kayden named off things he loved about him. Kayden chuckled and this made Finn smile even more. “Well, I was excited to finally be at our destination… So I can do this.” HE said then he kissed Kayden again.

Madi hugged Liv. Liv hugged her back as they sat on Liv’s bed. “Thanks. Well about four to six weeks after it happened… I noticed I was tired all the time and I was throwing up a lot. Almost every time I would eat I was sick. So, I went to the doctor and found out I was pregnant.” Liv sighed again. What happened next was the hardest for Liv to talk about. She had always dreamed about being a mom, but after that experience she couldn’t handle the thought of it. She knew it wasn’t fair to the baby what she had decided to do, but she always knew that she couldn’t live with the other outcomes. “I decided to have an abortion. That decision is something I have to live with everyday. I don’t regret it, but at the same time… It was a shitty choice either way.” She said as she looked away.

@Kate | Kayden & Madi

Theo smiled as Ace did this. It was exciting and new. He loved that about it most. He freed his hands from Ace’s grip. “I need my hands for a minute sexy” He said then started taking off Ace’s shirt followed by his own. Once they were both shirtless he ran his hands up and down Ace’s chest before allowing him to pin his hands up again. He smiled as they started kissing again.

@SotaForgotten | Ace


He allowed Theo to free his hands to remove their shirts but quickly allowed Ace to pin him once more. They quickly went back to making out. Ace found himself craving this man with each taste of him. He felt like this was what was missing in his life.

@ChayChay05 Theo


Theo was happy to let the taller man take control of this. Theo was used of being in control but with this man… he was willing to be different. They kept kissing and slowly went further.

@SotaForgotten | Ace


While Ace continued to kiss Theo, he slid one of his hands down Theos arm, slowly trickling his fingertips against his skin as he continued to move his hand down his chest, stomach…this man was fit. He had to swallow back a bit of his hunger… it was a battle that he was losing.

Skipping Details

Ace laid there on the bed, trying to catch his breath. He wasn’t sure when, or how, but they had managed to moved things to the bedroom in the mist of the heat. Looking over at Theo, he couldn’t believe he allowed his impulse to take control, but…this man before him was just too…flavorful. His mouth began to water a bit at the thought of Theo. He was craving more of him. The fire was burning and he didn’t want to let the torch burn out. But he looked away, reminding himself that this needed to be a professional job with professional co-workers. Whatever this was…it couldn’t happen again… But… Would he be able to resist it after a tastes of something so sweet? He was unsure.

@ChayChay05 Theo


Koda just shrugged at that remark of that she must have misread. “So basically anywhere got it. I guess we will just stop and find the first food place we see, I mean there’s tons of stores and businesses so I am sure we are very close to a fast food place or a restaurant or cafe or something. Does that sound good to you?”

@SotaForgotten - Lexi

Kayden kisses him back as well with a lot of passion. It was a very scenic view and a quiet spot which was perfect. After a few seconds Kayden pulled apart, “well this spot is perfect like you love. Did you know that? Also you really are perfect to me, I don’t think you can do no wrong.”

Madi listened to Liv talk more, and how she felt tired and throwing up a lot especially when she would eat she would feel sick. " “I decided to have an abortion. That decision is something I have to live with everyday. I don’t regret it, but at the same time… It was a shitty choice either way.” Madi took a breath and then turned Liv’s chin to her. “Hey don’t think like that, it was not a shitty choice. I’m sure it was a hard choice, and sadly yes you have to live with it everyday, but you did what was best for you and your baby and I know you didn’t want to give it an unfair life by just seeing the baby everytime you be reminded of what happened and hate the baby or not be able to look at them the same way you would any other child. You need to remember that and remember when you say you have live with it everyday that everyday you know the baby will not suffer or be treated unfairly. And say even if you gave it up for adoption you never know who they would go to and how they treated them, sometimes its bad and sometimes some kids sadly go to foster care, so really you did yourself and the baby the favor of not suffering and be treated fairly or reminded every day of what happened. That doesn’t mean that you don’t love that baby, or care for it, but you did what you thought was best for you both. There is nothing wrong with that Liv.”

@ChayChay05 - Finn & Liv


Theo laid there in bed with Ace beside as they both tried to catch their breath. Theo usually didn’t do one night stands or even relationships with co-workers. However, he couldn’t seem to resist this new found co-worker. His grey eyes just drew Theo in like he had never been drawn in before now. Plus his blonde curly hair was just so sexy. He knew this man wanted him just as bad as he wanted the man. That made Theo want to jump for joy. He felt the need to make this man want him even more. So, when Ace turned away… Theo couldn’t help but turn himself towards Ace and kiss his neck softly.

@SotaForgotten | Ace


Finn smiled as they kissed and pulled apart. Then Kayden said some sweet things. Finn responded “Aww baby, I’m far from perfect. However, I’m glad you think I’m perfect, because I think you’re perfect too.” He smiled as he looked around and loved the spot they were at.

Liv listened to Madi. She took a deep breath “I guess you have a point. See… now that I don’t… Well… that experience turned me off of guys. That’s the reason I became a lesbian. So, I know I will never have the chance to have my own child again. That’s why I say it was a shitty choice. Yeah, Jason knew what he did. However, Jason didn’t know I got pregnant and did what I did. Honestly, after the thing happened… Jason didn’t come over for a while, just the other two did.” Part of Liv was scared about going home again. She luckily hadn’t really seen Jason much since her brother moved out and got engaged.

@Kate | Kayden & Madi


“Nonsense my handsome dude you are, like I said at least to me you are even if you really aren’t just like i’m not perfect. No one is perfect, but I like to think that you are perfect or well perfect for me. Do you think your sister would like me if I ever met her?”

Madi nodded her head as in listening to Liv explain why she became a lesbian could understand to a point. A bad experience and traumatic experience can make someone not like someone or someone or in this case a gender. “I mean it is good that he didn’t know and that you haven’t really seen him it keeps you safe. Maybe if he does come leave the house or hag around your parents or something that way you are safe and i’m sure this Jason idiot wouldn’t try anything in front of your parents. You may still be able to have your own kid again Liv, there is sperm donation, or this may be awkward but if you have a good guy friend that you really know and trust maybe he can be the dad, and donate the sperm, or even though your lesbian try to have sex with him that way you can become pregnant again that way. You would have options girl.” Madi smiles a little to give her some comfort but she was not wrong either. Madi then quickly takes out her phone and sees her mom texted her and she was pissed, using her full government name. She sends her mom a real quick message

Kinda busy will come home later.

"Sorry had to quickly message warden back before she sends a search team for me. But I am back fully in action with you.

@ChayChay05 - Finn & Liv


She nodded. “that sounds good to me.” In truth, she was satisfied with anything that would sweeten her taste buds.

@Kate Koda

As he laid there in thought, he felt Theo shifting, followed by a pair of lips, against his neck. This sent a shiver down his spine. He turned his head to look at Theo. He wasn’t entirely sure what to do now but he needed to see where this would take him. The moment his eyes locked onto Theos eyes, he felt hungry once more. He leaned in and kissed him passionately.
@ChayChay05 Theo


Koda nodded and they walked for a few minutes but not too long and then he saw a place come into view and it didn’t look and. “hey lex what about this place? It doesn’t seem that bad and there’s a few people I saw go in. Also seems like a semi fast food place but not fully. So we can prob do take out or just eat there if ya wanted.”


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Finn smiled at Kayden. Finn thought about his sister Evelyn and if she would like Kayden. He felt she would, but then again it’s Evelyn and since last year she doesn’t like many people. “Honestly baby I think she would like you a lot. I mean you are so good to me. So, she would appreciate that. Maybe later today we can meet up with her if you want. I mean I could always text her and see if she is free baby.” Finn smiled and kissed Kayden’s cheek. He didn’t want to bother Eve unless Kayden was okay with him texting her.

@eunoia | Evelyn mentioned, maybe texting next response.

Liv listened to Madi’s suggestions. “Well, it’s also about my partner later in life as well. I mean I don’t want to do anything to upset them.” She giggled. She knew that eventually she would find a girl to be with for the rest of her life. She just wasn’t sure who it would be or how they would feel about what Madi was telling her. “However, that’s things to think about for sure. So, thanks.” She smiled. Part of Liv wanted to see Jason again and confront him about it all. They never actually talked about it after it happened. Liv just acted like nothing happened. She did flinch if he would touch her, but luckily he didn’t touch her in front of anyone. Which means he didn’t touch her often at all, because they weren’t ever alone. Except maybe once or twice after the incident.

@Kate | Kayden & Madi


Theo smirked wildly as Ace kissed him passionately. This just made Theo feel great about what was going on. Theo meant Ace’s passion as they kissed. He wasn’t sure where this was gonna lead. They had just gotten done, but that didn’t matter to Theo. It was like he was craving Ace. He wanted nothing more than to feel close to Ace. He wanted to kiss Ace all over. From head to toe and everywhere in between. He couldn’t help the hunger he felt for this man. He could see the hunger in Ace’s eyes which just made it even hotter. He reached his hand downward as they kissed.

@SotaForgotten | Ace

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Finn said that he thought his sister would like him and that he could always text her if Kayden wanted. Kayden’s bought about it he wasn’t sure if he was ready to meet her yet, nor that he didn’t want to but he wasn’t sure if it was too soon or even if he was prepared yet for that. He just wanted to ask in case he ever was ready. “maybe in a little bit baby. First I want a little alone time with you since we haven’t really in awhile then we can talk again soon and figure out if we should text your sister or not”

Madi knew what Liv was saying how it’s not just her it would be her future partner which Madi obviously knew. “girl I was talking about like if your significant other agreed. Like this was the case of the after you talked or agreed silly goose. I wasn’t thinking you and only you. But you got time with that stuff.” Madi laughed a little.

@ChayChay05 - Finn & Liv

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Finn smiled “Whatever you want baby. I’m fine with time alone.” He winked at Kayden. “Why don’t we sit here and just hangout?” He said as he took a sit right where they were standing.

Liv nodded her head. She was over thinking about this for now. She had to go home over Christmas break, because it was gonna be her brother’s engagement party and stuff, or maybe it was his wedding and stuff. She couldn’t remember which it was. She knew Jason would be there. It really sucked, because not only did she have to see Jason, but she actually had been paired to walk down the aisle with him as a groomsman and her as a bridesmaid. Jackson was a groomsman as well but James was the best man. Liv had hoped Jason would be the best man. Since she was only a bridesmaid then she wouldn’t have to walk with him. How could she possibly tell anyone about this. Oh, Christmas was gonna be an event for sure. “Yeah, I get it.” She giggled

@Kate | Kayden & Madi

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She looked to towards the place he saw. It seemed like a place for food. “I wonder what they have to offer?” she asked to no one but the wind as they walked in. The smell wasn’t anything impressive but the site of more of a gas station on one side, and a fast food joint on the other. Either way good for her. She looked up at Koda, not realizing they were close in each other’s spaces. “wow… he’s really does look like one of my teddy bears…” Her cheeks felt slightly warm.
@Kate Koda

There was something about this man that felt like a drug to Ace. He wanted more of him. As the passionate kiss continued, Theo had moved his hand downwards. And if on que, he heard his grandmothers voice in the back of his mind, “Bring home a nice woman.” Instinctly he felt ashamed of what he had just done. He grabbed a hold of Theos hand that was down below, and pulled away.“I’m…ummm…I can’t do this…” He felt bad for leading this incredible man on, having his way and basically ditching him, but he was still struggling with his own sexuality in a way.
@ChayChay05 Theo


Theo was shocked by Ace’s reaction, and what he said. He stopped what was happening. He could tell Ace was struggling with something. The way Ace flipped from wanting whatever was happening to not wanting it. Theo has seen this before in other men who seemed to struggle with their sexuality. “No worries. I’m sorry.” He said as he laid back on his back. He thought about getting up and going find his clothes. But what if the guy wanted to talk. Theo took a deep breath, “I can go if you want me to… unless you need to talk to someone about something. Then I’m here to listen.” He offered.

@SotaForgotten | Ace

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He got off the bed and started putting on his boxers and pants. Not bothered about being topless. [Color=cyan]“no…I think I got some unpacking to do…”[color] in truth he just wanted to distract himself from the guilt he was feeling. But every touch Theo had still lingered on his body, making it hard to actually move to put his pants on. He stiffened in place trying to figure out what to do

@ChayChay05 Theo

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Theo heard what Ace said. He just shook his head and got out the bed. He went to find his clothes leaving Ace with his thoughts. He really didn’t want to leave, but he didn’t want to make things harder on Ace either. He walked out the room and found his boxers right outside the bedroom door. He glanced back at Ace then started to look for his pants. He knew his welcome in Ace’s house was over at the moment.

@SotaForgotten | Ace

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He waited till Theo was out of sight before he sat on the bed, placing his hands on his head as he rested his elbow on his thighs. Letting out a sigh. He had wanted to keep everything professional yet he had already f^ked that up, literally… Things could get awkward or very uncomfortable between the two. When he heard the front door open and shut, he laid on his bed and continued to contemplating his choices he made. He knew he owed it to Theo to explain, but there was too much on his mind to fully process anything. He pulled out his phone from his pocket along his earphones. Putting them in, he laid back in the bed and listened to some music to help drown out the thoughts.

@ChayChay05 assuming Theo left

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Theo found his pants and put them on. Then he found his shoes. He went to the door. He contemplated leaving or staying for a few minutes before making his decision. With a deep breath and sigh, he walked out the front door closing it behind him. He walked to his golf cart and drove across the little street. He went in his home. He sat on the couch and started thinking.

How could things be so… passionate and hot… The he turn cold and bitter… This didn’t make sense to Theo, but luckily for him he has been through this type of thing before. The last person who acted this way wasn’t sure what he wanted. Thank goodness for Theo that he wasn’t looking for an actual relationship or to be tied down to one specific person.

Theo still wanted to play the field. Theo just hoped that this dude wasn’t reading too much into what they just did. However, by his reactions and the way he was… Theo knew that wasn’t the case. He searched his pockets for his phone as he sat there shirtless on his couch trying to remember where he had it last. Then it hit him… he left his phone across the street. He decided to walk over there. He knocked on the door. He didn’t want to just walk in.

@SotaForgotten | Ace

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