That’s perfectly fine, I’ve been very busy and out of the mood these past few days
Did anyone else feel the cute little tingles for Eve and Liv? No? Just me?
I love Liv so much!!!
No worries hun, I hope things start looking up for you
happy birthday as well
Happy birthday!!!
I felt it too girl.
I’m glad you do
Oh thank you guys
Happy belated birthday!!
I’m behind on replies here
That’s okay, I hate having tooo many messages and calls on the actual day so having some late messages is preffered than adding onto the amount of messages on the day
Felt, when it’s my birthday I suddenly get calls from relatives I never even knew existed
That’s ok!
Mood. They come out of the damn woodwork!
Oh speaking of, I think it’s your turn for Greer and Cal (no rush though just in case you forgot)
Wait٫ seriously? Oh my god. Please link. I’m sorry!
No worries! I was pretty busy during that time anyway
@ChayChay05 do we end the interaction with Theo and Robin? I don’t know if there’s anything we can add to it
Yes we can
@LunaticLeviTheSecond, just letting you know I’ll wait a bit with replying to Shiloh, cause idk, Victoria’s post might change depending on if Camilla is in the room or not… Don’t think @ChayChay05 answered that question yet…
She is in town with Mateo. Sorry. I didn’t see that.
Okay, thanks for answering! @LunaticLeviTheSecond expect a reply in the next hours probably