St. Andrew's Academy Signups & Chat

Yes, Please!! I am so sorry! It’s just work and going back to community college for that more affordable degree has been a lot. :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :tired_face:


A good bit and on Friday classes will start.


@LunaticLeviTheSecond I’ll have Sadies reply out today!!
sorry for wating so long :sweat_smile:

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Np, I was kinda busy so I forgot to notice

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I’m gonna be responding in main before bed tonight. Sorry with being sick and taking care of the baby it’s been rough.

@eunoia it’s your response on misc with Enzo and Ken

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I’m curious, is anyone reading the Brex x Jasper interactions, cause me myself I am lowkey obsessed with them and they bring me so much happiness :pleading_face: But also it’s a bit emotional, I think this is the first time Brex really managed to be able to have Jasper be truly vulnerable with him, I feel Jasper might actually cry in his next post, something he never does really…


I’m not, can you link me the fist one, now I want to read em


It’s a lot of back and forth main and misc but give me a little bit and I’ll organise it for you!


I will at least start my reply for them soon so there is stuff on the way too

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Omg thank ypu so much! Take your time though because something suddenly came up and now Im gping to be really busy

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@eunoia dud you see my response on main to Eve?


Hey Chay, did you see Robin’s respnose? You didn’t like it so I figured you might not have seen it

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Brex and Jasper’s story

First Meeting

1 - Jasper
2 - Brex
3 - Jasper
4 - Brex
5 - Jasper
6 - Brex
7 - Jasper
8 - Brex
9 - Jasper
10 - Brex
11 - Jasper
12 - Brex
13 - Jasper
14 - Brex
15 - Jasper
16 - Brex
17 - Jasper
18 - Brex
19 - Jasper
20 - Brex

At the Party

1 - Jasper
2 - Brex
3 - Jasper
4 - Brex
5 - Jasper

The Visit the Next Day

1 - Jasper
2 - Brex
3 - Jasper
4 - Brex
5 - Jasper
6 - Brex
7 - Jasper
8 - Brex
9 - Jasper

@bpalmer should I keep updating this so in the end we have a nice overview of their full interactions? :eyes:
And tagging you @LunaticLeviTheSecond as you were curious, think it would take a little while to read but I think it’s quite interesting


honestly that might be really interesting to have a full play by play of the entire story. If you want to continue to update feel free but dont feel like you have to

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I think I’ll keep updating it, I would love to have it myself too honestly!

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I think I can squeeze a quick Victoria post in before sleeping, and I think I’m all caught up for this RP then :thinking:


oh no, I haven’t :sweat_smile:
imma search really quick!!

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casually book marks :eyes:

Im so tired :pensive: This week was hell and the next one might be the same

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Going respond now. Sorry I have been under the weather. Still sick but feeling a little better today. Sorry for the delay on my response everyone