I was talking to this guy I know and told him I’m an atheist, and he’s a pretty devout Christian from what I’ve gathered. I think you can tell where this is going…he wants to “help” me find God. So that got me thinking. Atheists or people of different religions, has someone ever tried to “help” you? I harbor no I’ll will against this guy, he’s my friend. I’m just…annoyed.
I mean… kinda. Just by my parents, I’m not really sure if that counts. My mom’s a Christian where as I’m more agnostic. Try not to take it personally as I’m sure he’s just trying to help you in his own way.
Oof on behalf of Christians I apologize. Personally I’ve done this with WILLING PARTICPANTS WHO ACTIVELY WANTED TO GET TO KNOW MY GOD.
Otherwise just keep it to yourself oof.
I understand where he’s coming from, I just nodded and was like “uh huh.” I try not to be rude.
Thanks. Yeah, he wasn’t shoving it down my throat or screaming at me, he’s just like “I can help you.”
Awww, okay that’s a lot better than what I thought
I mean like Sky said then he’s honestly trying to help you in his own way but ultimately up to you <3
Anyone who’s trying to “help” you counts. Parents, friends, your great aunt Gladys…
What did you think?
That he was like “I can help you!!! LISTEN TO ME YADA YA YA” That’s often how these stories happen.
My mom’s just worried about me. What she doesn’t understand is that I don’t like relying on anyone, including gods.
No, he just left it at being able to help me. He then asked if I had a bible. Nope.
I see. Is she worried you’re going to Hell, or something?
That’s a really nice thing to quote and frame on a wall…may I?
I’ve been an atheist ever since I was thirteen. I mean…the idea of a god…it’s illogical in my opinion. Of course, I’m not trying to be mean to anyone. This is just my opinion.
Personally I’m Christian but I’m very different aha. I’m not what you’d call a medium, but I can talk with spirits and I know how to use divination methods. I do believe in different things so oftenly people are like “yOu’rE toEing the LiNE.” Or “ThAt’s nOt reAL chRistiaNity!” I personally think that if they mean no harm and try not to force it on you it’s alright you know? Brush if off aha. It’s where they start pressing and criticize you and your beliefs that really start to chafe me.
As someone who likes to speak with spirits and random entities and often questions her sanity I get that. Each to their own, nothing wrong with that.
Damn. I wish I could do that. I definitely believe in spirits, just not a higher power.
No, I don’t exactly believe in hell either. I think the worlds a lot more morally grey than that.
Long term depression runs in my mom’s side of the family - though I doubt I’ll get it as I have things such as the ripple effect and the butterfly effect - and she just wants me to have something to lean on when I get “down.”
Uhhh, sure?
You can do anything with enough research ^^ Just be careful and protect yourself. I make sure to sanctify my space and I know my God often protects me when I do that stuff it’s just always best to learn how to protect yourself in case anything goes wrong.
Because things can definitely go wrong.
You’re an icon Skyler