Is that-
Haha I don’t mind anyone answering is fine!
Christianity isn’t about making you feel comfortable. Truth often doesn’t, does it? I’m not trying to say this in a cruel or as a why if shaming you. You spoke frankly about your beliefs, so I’d like to do the same. I’m going to speak from an entirely Christian worldview, in which Christianity is the only true religion.
God doesn’t judge you in a teenage girl kind of way, the way you’re making it sound. He judges you like an official judge, who judges criminals. He isn’t looking down upon the earth like, “oh that person screwed up. What a loser.” In fact, God is saddened by man’s sin.
You’re still thinking of God in human terms. He isn’t bounded by time, or space, or any human limits. He is omniscient(all-knowing) and omnipotent(all-powerful). He doesn’t just “bother” to care about every single thing in the universe. He genuinely cares about everything, because he made everything. The existence of God before the world came to be is harder to explain, because it’s past the limits of our human brains, but I think it’ll suffice to say that he isn’t bounded by time, so don’t think of “before the world” as a time. Time didn’t exist before the world came to be, but God did. As I said, it’s tricky stuff.
Now onto the next thing. The reason of everything. Since all my life I’ve always believed in God and known that he created everything, it’s very hard for me to understand why someone couldn’t see that someone created everything. Putting aside God for the moment, let’s talk about intelligent design. To me it’s obvious, especially in any science class. The intricacy and attention to detail and all the specific functions that have to be exactly the way they are in… anything, really. It just doesn’t seem possible to me it could’ve happened by chance.
To start off with, people weren’t being “jerks”. They had become so morally corrupt and wicked God need to punish them. I’ve heard this argument a lot. “If God loves everyone, why did he do so and so?” Here’s the rub. Yes, God loves everyone. But he has to punish the wicked. He’s like a judge. A judge isn’t going to let a murderer just go back out into the streets scott free, right? In the same way, God can let sinners who don’t repent and follow him into heaven. They must be punished for their sin. Back to the flood story. Because humanity at that time had fallen so far away from God and become so wicked, God judged them and punished them accordingly. But, he saved Noah, who followed God and was morally upright.
Now onto your second concern. God didn’t get “mad” when people worshipped a cow statue instead of him. Moses got “mad”. God’s wrath was just and pure. The people who were worshipping the cow statue were his chosen race who he had just freed from slavery, and when their leader took too long receiving laws from God, they made themselves another god. Compare it to this. Say you have a best friend. You’ve gone through all kinds of things with your best friend, and you two are always together. You have promised to be best friends forever. Then you have to leave for a week, say it’s spring break. You come back, and now your best friend is no longer your best friend. They have a new best friend. But they go even farther than that. They deny they ever were your best friend. How do you think that would make you feel? I’d feel pretty upset, I know. Probably even angry.
And finally, you point about narcissism. God is not narcissistic. He created everything that ever existed, and instead of using humans as slaves, he gave them a wonderful earth and free will. And us sinful humans used that free will to turn away from God. We give glory to God because he deserves it, and taking that rightful glory and giving it to something else is wrong. It’s like plagiarism, stealing someone’s artwork. You take it and say it’s yours, or someone else’s who did not make it.
Sorry this got a little long. I hope you can understand it, I know I talked about some more weighty stuff. If you wish to know more you can always PM me! I didn’t mean to offend you in any way if I did.
I understand your reasoning.
I believe that the world was created over billions of years when debris in space fused together. The Big Bang, and all that. Oh, another thing. Some people thing that god hates us. Us being the LGBTQ+ community. I can’t believe in something that hated me.
I asked this pastor about it and he said that romantic relationships are only supposed to be between a man and a woman. I mean…ok. Whatever you say. It still hurt.
I’m a Christian, and if someone wants to know about my God, I am more than happy to tell them about Him and my personal experience. However, if people only ask me about my beliefs because they want to debate or make fun of me, then I will not answer because I am a non-confrontational person, and having someone mock me and talk to me in a disrespectful way because they disagree with my beliefs really upsets me.
It hurts me when other Christians are rude and hateful towards others because it turns people away from God. Whatever happened to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’? It’s true that God does not tolerate sin, but we all sin in some way or another. It doesn’t make us better than someone else because we don’t commit THAT particular sin. And God is the only one that can judge us, not other human beings. We can choose not to sin, but we do not have control over what other humans do. If they truly want to know God, and what is considered sinful, then yes I am willing to teach them. If they don’t care, then I cannot force them to believe what I believe.
I have to agree with you on the sin part. If god hates sinners, then he’d have to hate everyone, which he doesn’t.
Ah wtf - if that was me I couldn’t talk this dude ever again. Like dude, nobody asked you. Keep it to yourself.
Lol. He didn’t mean any harm.
Update: The dude’s a player, and keeps calling me.
Why are people like that??
This is EXACTLY the type of people that I mentioned in another thread that I never, ever want to be associated with.
Because of these hypocrites, who do not practice what they preach, a lot of people hate Christians.
It’s sad, really.
Yeah…and my friend was r*ped by their uncle who’s a preacher…yep.
I’m officially not religious.
He won’t stop contacting me.
Tell him to stop