🥧 The Baking Thread 🥧

Welcome to the baking thread! :pie:

This is where we can talk about what we have baked and what we want to bake! I have been baking a lot more recently and wanted to make a thread about it to share the recipes and experience with you guys. @Jass and I had the same idea after I messaged a group chat that I made some muffins! So I thought “Okay well since I’m not the only one who likes this idea, I’m gonna do it” and now here we are :joy:

Btw this is the recipe: Vegan Applesauce Cinnamon muffins

All recipes that I make will also be on The Official Cook Book Thread


I want to bake a chocolate tart. :purple_heart: :butterfly:

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omg that sounds so good!

Fr. :drooling_face: :purple_heart: :butterfly:

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I wanna eat a strawberry tart

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I’m very bad at baking. :thinking::white_heart:

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I just made these for my mom’s birthday!

and this is the recipe

(i had to take this with my mom’s phone cause my phone vanished)


Made these today… They really taste great!


Mmm :yum:

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:drooling_face: :purple_heart: :butterfly:

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bump bump, hoo hoo

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Apple pie…

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I never posted this here, made this a few days ago… It was delicious :yum:


:sleepy: those look too good to be real.

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Omg how are you so talented???

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Make merignes (don’t know how to spell it) people!

(found a photo online since I haven’t made them in a while)


How have I not seen this thread before?!

I love baking! My family says I am the master of chocolate chip cookies. I’ve got a recipe that I always use that is amazing.

There’s a lot of stuff I want to try baking, and I really need to come up with a good sugar cookie recipe.


I’ll make a chocolate cake tomorrow and hopefully it turns out fine :sweat_smile: I love baking and decorating cakes and cookies but I often just eat the raw dough… :joy:

I want to try baking different things more often but whenever I have time I just watch my Mum make a cake and I eat it :joy:


raw dough is unfairly delicious :joy: