My missions will always have a type of connection to the Lore or something else related to the storyline. Either Lore, Character growth, meeting an important character you’ll need later on or getting an item.
Currently in action missions will continue, the locations will only change a little.
Most of the current missions that are still going haven’t been too far into the progress or can be easily transferred
I probably will be able to finish the big post tomorrow,
@LunaticLeviTheSecond, @Ouijaloveletters and @eunoia you three don’t have to wait for this to continue if you want to keep going now with the mission of Aardal.
The location change is the only thing for you, so I might not add your group in the big post, bc it’s just a debriefing on what has changed, where to continue and what has changed.
But in your case, it’s only the location, so it’s not needed to have a whole debriefing.
I am so, so excited to get started!
Me too
Am I next for Aardal?
I’ll work on it tomorrow, so we cna start then.
Currently I’m working on a character image of another species I made. Its the species I’m using for my book and the one in the image is my dnd character who I’m trying to see if I can that species a dnd character race. But now I wanna add her to this rp as well.
No @Ouijaloveletters is next
Ooh I see
I’m gonna take wailing lake too for nyxia
Do we wait to start the wailing lake mission until after @Meekepeek has posted/shared the introductory one she’s working on?
And when we do get started on the wailing lake mission, is there a specific thread we use or do we do it on this main chat thread??
I am #ignorant of forum roleplaying, and I apologize Please forgive my ignorance!
No worriesss!
I think Meeke will write an intro for our mission on the main thread, tag us, and we start from there
Okee! Thank you for explaining~
Ohh wait just realized you said chat thread
This is the main roleplay thread
Oh, I seeeee!!! Thank you, thank you! Many thanks
I’ll try to get the post done soon, I’m currently a little swamped with last minute stuff.
I’m going on holiday Saturday, but next week I have a deadline for school so I need to finish my essay this week, and pack for the trip, and work and buy a present for Dutch Christmas AND make a poem for my secret Sinterklaas AND do homework for my mental training.
Do what you need to do, @Meekepeek! We’ll be ready when you get to posting it! Just focus on what you need to do!
Second this! ^^
I’m still alive I promise!