The “N” Word Discussion

I do see alot more people speaking out against it. But I feel like it’ll be a slow (stubborn) process :woman_shrugging: Hopefully, more people will take into consideration the meaning of it and the history behind it.


I don’t really mind unless a person that is not black says it.


I don’t really care if a non black person says it, but if they say it and someone decides to beat their ass for saying it, I will not jump in and help them

  1. WTF no, that’s racist/ discriminatory/ whatever it’s called
  2. Ummm No, it shouldn’t be illegal to use it if it’s not meant in a racist way
  3. Yeah, unless you are using it in the wrong way. If it’s a joke then I’d say it’s fine, between friends it’s fine. Just don’t go around shouting ‘YOUR A NIGTA” at random strangers, or using it in a racist way

But the word will always have a racist/discriminatory meaning, no matter the way you say it or how it’s used. :skull:


Well yeah it would be weird, but for the murder situation of course not legitimately. You can’t really blame people for thinking about certain things as long as they’re not like actually planning to murder or harm someone. Like I’m thinking about the word rn because of this discussion, I don’t get how that is different from them saying it alone in their room- not like at anyone or harming anyone with it, I don’t see how it’s harmful to do that.

People don’t say the N-word here at all and I do think that it is a bad word to say but I have friends from different communities who say it’s normal to say it. I try to take a neutral approach because I don’t really know both sides that well, for now, the only thing that I can say is that I don’t think its wrong if someone says something really bad but in private and if they don’t mean it. I believe the way we say things and the way we use words give them meaning. Obviously some words have a dark history and that’s why we shouldn’t say them, but not all communities are like that and I’m not gonna hate on a community that I’m not actively a part of for saying that word when they view it neutrally.

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But what’s the point of saying that in private anyway you know? Thinking about it in terms of having an educational discussion is different, no harm in learning the different thoughts about it.
I get what you mean about the community part. The black community in my hometown don’t see it as in issue. They aren’t placing a negative value on it. Should they? Probably.
But I can’t dictate their emotions, thoughts, and associations with the word. Not even sure how or what could kickstart that change :confused:


Yeah, I just like don’t wanna judge anyone for saying it. I like this discussion but I’m trying to take a neutral approach cuz I don’t really know enough about it to make my full opinion.
I’m not gonna say it but I’m fine with people saying it with their friends in private. Which would probably be the purpose.

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Hopefully this discussion helps. I’m still learning myself and trying to be as respectful as I can be. Lots of self-reflection :weary:
Everyone should grow and learn. To do better, be better :heart:


Yeah I just use my opinions on all really bad words/things in general. All I’m saying here is not specific to the N-word, I’d say the same thing about the c-word used against white people as well.

Totally agree.


Ew, what a foul word.


The fact that a group of individuals would theoretically say it in private means they already know that they shouldn’t be saying it in the first place. There are no excuses.

I cannot stress this enough.

I understand this mindset I really do but how long is this supposed to take? How long does it take to think “hey maybe we shouldn’t say racial slurs?” Speaking for myself as a black individual, it shouldn’t be down to me or other black individuals to “educate” people on how to treat us as basic human beings.


:clap:t4::clap:t4: Someone had it say it. Talk :clap:t4: That :clap:t4: Talk! :clap:t4::speaking_head:


I think that it’s only bigotry if they keep saying it in front of people after they ask them to stop or something. That would be them not respecting other people’s opinions/beliefs, by saying it in private I still don’t get how it hurts anyone. This goes for any really bad word- just putting this note in here.

People would say it in private because people have different opinions on it. Most of us find it offensive but some people don’t.

Would you have this same energy with any other slur? What about the “f word” against the LGBT+ community? I don’t think saying it in private makes it any better because you’re still saying the word. Thinking it in your head is another thing but out loud even in your privacy doesn’t make it any less offensive.


I mean what if you’re making fun of the word by saying it out loud? I just think it depends on the intention. Yes if they use it AGAINST LGBTQ+ people in private, that is totally wrong, but if they’re not using it for that purpose or have any mal intent for the word I don’t get how it’s wrong to use. In private, just for the sake of like saying it.

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Right. Just because no one is watching/listening doesn’t make it less bad IMO :woman_shrugging:


You can’t say a slur without “mal intent” because then it loses the purpose of it being called a slur for a reason.