The Selection - Official RP Thread

// before breakfast //

Sanura let a short chuckle escape from her mouth. In a way it was reassuring that even the prince wasn’t sure what to do. He had immediately wiped away all her prejudices. At his comment about breakfast, she shrugged with a smirk. "I’m someone who lives to the beat of her own drum. Today I happened to be up early and so I wanted to find some places for meself that appeal to me a bit more, especially places outside. If I have to plan when I’m going to eat, then I end up eating little, and become hungry later, no thanks I like to eat well when I need to eat. As Sanura talks she realizes that she sounds a lot like a nagging teenager. “that’s how I’ve always lived, so… it will take some time before I can adapt to all the planned moments” she explains in a softer tone. “Especially since I didn’t even have the time to prepare, I was just thrown in at the deep end,” she jokes with a wink and makes a pushing movement by tapping the air twice with open hands. “I’m actually more surprised that you don’t quite know what to do, I had…and sorry I’m going to be extremely honest so don’t take it the wrong way…I expected you to be more…rehears… .no not really rehearsed but more…prepared nooo…co-ordinated, that’s the word I’m looking for…i would have expected you to be more co-ordinated in the general things that were expected of you. I kinda suspected that from the moment word got out that this was going to happen, they pretty much programmed you in,” she explains, very serious at first but ending with a chuckle. “Don’t worry, you’ve already proven me wrong,” she reassures him with a smile. She would actually be disappointed if she had been right. “I expected you to be much more of a straight serious person, apologies for the bias, but I’m positively surprised that’s not the case,” she added.

@Littlefeets - prince Beckett

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