Ah! It’s because you appeared third in my tag mentions since you tagged me in your original post in this game. So in order of mentions, you appeared third, and the killer was the third item on the list.
How did you- lol I doooooo that
Waking up in your own Horror Film…
- First to die: @Caticorn
- The person who runs upstairs instead of out the door: @raviola
- The killer: @lollipoplady
- The accomplice: @Danielle318
- The cop who doesn’t have a clue: @Rose24
- The person who hides in the closet: @Davideogurl
- The person who hides in the shower: @astxrism
- The one who saves the day: @CerealKiller
Vincen’t the invincible for the rescue
I guess it’s meant to be.
Week Twelve! - @Gaming
Make sure to read the OP, don’t just name the users you want to. That’s not the game, use your mentions.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show! You are Frank-N-Furter but who are the others?..
- Brad:
- Janet:
- Riff Raff:
- Magenta:
- Columbia:
- Rocky:
- Eddie:
Me, a killer??
Dang, I wonder what made me kill you
Lol I guess that’s better than being the first one on the list.
How did I do this again?
I love this movie so I really wanna do it.
You find it all here. In the OP.
- Brad: @LunaticLeviTheSecond
- Janet: @Kbail
- Riff Raff: @eunoia
- Magenta: @discobot
- Columbia: @CrazyCaliope
- Rocky: @raviola
- Eddie: @astxrism
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
Who are these peopl
Rocky Horror picture show. I’ve never actually seen it, I just like Time Warp.
- Brad: @Danielle318
- Janet: @Davideogurl
- Riff Raff: @CrazyCaliope
- Magenta: @Isabella.writes
- Columbia: @eunoia
- Rocky: @liyahsdiamond
- Eddie: @Ebx
I think I did that right, I just went down my notifications list.
Whatever that means. Hopefully it’s a compliment?
You can tell I don’t know these people.
Oooh who’s Eddie?
Brad is the guy who’s being married to Janet. He’s like a goody two-shoes-guy.