The Writer's Ranting Thread 🖊 📝

I’ve hit a forum block, ‘cause when I’m not at work, I try to write. Ha


Lucky you, I wish I could hit a forum block!

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Am I? (pleading_face) You wanna disappear again?

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Think of what you are trying to accomplish in the scene. Does it play any part in how you want the story to end? Is the scene a necessary learning moment for the main character? If not, I’d say scrap it and dig into your main character’s core for inspiration on where you want them to go. I know it’s easier said than done, but writing’s never easy.


For this scene I want to re-introduce a character, since I’m writing a comeback scene where she has more power now. She’ll also be facing off the second villain. Basically, “I’m back and I’m better than ever. I’m here to destroy you for what you did to me.” This scene is coming after a year-long time skip.

This character is a central character. Not the main one.


Noooo, no more hiatuses for a while. Hahaha.

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YAY! I’m very relieved and happy to hear that.

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Yup, I’m back. When I’m not doing work tho lol. I like to chill here

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bumpity, y’all got any rants?

It’s not a real rant, but I’m feeling an “I want to start writing this story already” feeling without having all of my cards on the table yet. As in my personal history with “winging it” stories on the fly, I always end up creating major plot holes or missing important things at the begging chapters whenever I go that route, which is bad bad bad.

I’ve become more patient over the years, making sure I know the path I want the story to take before putting it down on paper and missing all the key elements. My aged mind can’t recall details anymore, so I have come to create charts to help organize things in a way I don’t HAVE to remember the details, I just go to the chart and check.

Screenshot from 2022-01-03 12-56-59

But, it takes a lot of work to put all of the pieces together and present it all in a non-confusing way while remaining focused on the most important character growth that the MC has to go through without deviating to the much more fun and carefree side characters and doing it all in a gradual manner that doesn’t seem forced… :scream:


That happens to me a lot. Especially when I’m writing an actual story


Ok, I think a major reason why I keep stuck on my story is because I’m probably undecided.

I have a lot of scene ideas I wanna write and I wanna present it in a grand, organized, and dramatic manner. For example, the introduction/grand return of a major character. I have like 3 different ideas for it and I can’t pick which one seems the most appealing to me

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I cannot, for the life of me, find a good hotel building background for my story.

It’s either I end up using a real building for the background, or make a palace background into the hotel instead

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Episode backgrounds, I assume?

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Have you tried Amanda Michele, Catthegirl, Episode Axiom…? Their free drives are still up, and they’ve got plenty of backgrounds on there.

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None of them have what I’m looking for, sadly.

Maybe search other places to see if you can create your own?

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I could try that.

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(fingers crossed) Hope it works.

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