Thread For Christians! ✝️

One of them is about salvation right?

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This thread popped up on my feed…awkward :joy:

Maybe it’s a sign

No, it’s because I friended you. I’m atheist, sorry…

Alright, Wish you well.

Thanks, you too

I’m not christian but I find this thread really interesting! I’m more spiritual. Hit me up if you wanna talk lol. I have gotten signs that pointed towards christianity but rn I more so believe in guides as in personal angels that kinda guide you. I believe that they want me more so to do something else instead of being religious, but if I were to be religious they wouldn’t care/they would support it. I have had weird dreams with Jesus in them, but that was a while ago. But aside from that I don’t feel drawn towards any religion, although it does interest me. Wishing you guys peace and love :yellow_heart:. Great thread.


I believe in ghosts and demonic entities

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AMEN GIRLLL :heart: :pray:

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I’ll help you bump despite not being religious

Has anyone written Christian characters in their stories that actually practice their faith?
Not the ones that use their religion to treat others like trash, or ones that grew up religious but abandon their faith, but characters who actually pray during difficult times, go to church (or mention something like, ‘I just got home from church’) or read the Bible?
I always see people saying things like, ‘We need more representation of religion in stories because not everyone is Christian’ and I always ask… Where have you even seen Christian representation in stories that isn’t the ‘evil religious person’ trope?


I haven’t but I’m working on a heaven-like RP With Blue soo guess who’s about to create one :wink:

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same! I read one story where the MC was catholic and her faith was important to her, other than that I can’t think of any other positive representation of Christianity in any stories :confused:


Added religion tag

I haven’t but I’m working on a black male character who is a Christian and bi.

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I am too a Roman Catholic.