Tips for surviving high school from El

These are some tips that may or may not help you survive high school. That portion of my life is over and I have had plenty of time to reflect on what I would have told my younger self!

Step 1: Don’t be mean

Everybody and I mean everybody has their own issues and stuff going on. We all say stuff we don’t mean and can be somebodies worst enemy whether intentionally or not. While it is true you can’t please everyone that doesn’t give you an excuse to be mean! Not now! Not in high school! Never! If you make mistakes like everyone make up for it and be nice. Admit to being in the wrong learn from it and don’t do it again. Nobody likes a meanie!

Step 2: Be yourself

I know I know big cliche “be yourself and all will be peachy” it might not be 🤷 you might be a terrible person but that’s all part of growing up there will be times where being yourself might land you in a sticky situation whether it’s because of personality clashes, bullies or not really having many social skills (hi!) But at least if you are yourself you can say you were you. You didn’t pretend to be someone else just to make friends. If you are yourself and not fake, you will be okay, you will grow. You will learn. If you pretend to be someone else, you won’t learn anything other than people don’t like you for who you really are 🤷

Step 3: Make friends with the “weirdo”

I was a weirdo in high school, was that my fault? Probably! But being a “weirdo” meant I could meet the other “weirdo’s” and actually form friendships based on common interests! Nobody should be left on their own. Nobody deserves to be excluded. Popularity isn’t everything and it doesn’t last. Stick your neck out and make friends with people who need friends.

Step 4: Always remember, you can be the difference between somebody having a good day or a bad day.

Think before you speak, enough said.

Step 5: The whole “peer pressure thing”

I’m not gonna sit here and tell you not to give into peer pressure because it’s far easier said than done. If you have the willpower to resist social urges then my friend I salute you because even the people who try to be “different” end up following a crowd. I smoked a cigarette once in high school, I hated it, I’ll never do it again but at least I learned. You see, making all this stuff seem scary just makes you wanna try it more. I suppose the only advice I can give you on peer pressure is think to yourself “do I want to do this or do they want me to do this?”

Step 6: Never be afraid to show your interests

What’s the worst that could happen? Somebody not liking the same thing as you (AHH DIFFERENT INTERESTS) in all seriousness, I’ve always waved my interest like a flag I will not shut up about the things I love. Even on here the majority of things I talk about are band related :joy:. You can find people that like the same stuff as you if you tell people what you’re into. Drop names here and there. In college I met some of my friends by the fact I had a tokyo ghoul bag! I know that there are some nasty people out there who say mean things about the things you love but remember, despite what they say, it will never change the fact you love what you love. People say mean things about bvb all the time and that doesn’t change the fact I own 3 shirts and all their albums 🤷 haters gonna hate.

Step 7: Bullies

Oh dearie dear bullies. Here’s my advice. Talk to people. Open up. You’re not alone. You’re never alone. All of us here at ShanniiWrites are here, we love you. Your family loves you. You are loved. Never ever forget that. If you want the bullies to go away but the teachers and your parents can’t help you. Then go straight to the top, contact the goveners 🤷 or the PTA. Make some noise and never give up.


This is really coincidental considering I’m going into my first year of highschool this year (well, after this school year is over.) Thankfully, my bestfriend of 7 years (yep, from 3rd grade till now) is also going to the same highschool. So imagine by senior year, I’ll have a bestfriend that I can rely on (and have been) for 11 years.

That is, if nothing happens between us where we could stop being friends :woman_shrugging:t4:

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That sounds really nice! You might end up making more friends too! Truth be told I grew away from my old friends but in all fairness I know many people who still have their childhood friends! Good luck in high school.

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Thanks! :sparkling_heart:

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Ah, this makes me feel old all of a sudden.


Same lol


I’m gonna be a senior, that’s why. And it’ll be my last time seeing a freshman and having to teach the young ones. Ahh…

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I am a sophomore in college, almost a junior now wow!! That’s crazy. I


I wish I had this guide a year ago :sob:

I’m already almost done with my second year of hs

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Oof :joy: well it may still come in handy but I’m sure you’ll be fine!

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True :joy: And lol, thx

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Congrats! You’re almost there (towards being a senior)

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Step 8: Don’t wear your light up sketchers to school if you have enemies :grimacing:

If you understand this you have dark humour like me :wink:


This is gonna be my 2nd year in high school and I agree with everything you said!

Try being friendly with everyone, no matter how annoying or rude they are, don’t pick fights, just be polite.
Focus on your school work, but also have fun, cuz these are the best years of your life!

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Sort of yeah! I have an extra semester added on though so! But I have lots of knowledge on high school and especially college too so I’m here if anyone has questions too!!

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I remember that in my first year of high school, this movie came out that was about the singing group The Temptations. Now, when I like something, I am very obsessive about it… a very all-or-nothing person. So after that movie came out, I became obsessed with that group, and I didn’t care that they were a sixties group. Music doesn’t have an expiration date. So I carried a picture of them in my purse, and one day during a break in P.E., I showed it to some girl that wanted to be my friend, and I started telling her all about them.
So, the next day, I heard her telling someone, ‘I don’t want to sit with her because she’s always talking about The Temptations.’
I mean, seriously?? That’s rude. She only talked to me once.
My true friends didn’t care about those things. We shared our interests even when they were different. We learned from each other.


Yeah some people are just rude to be honest, you are allowed to like whatever you like and express yourself.

… I thought you were referring to the bullies and I was like- confused :joy::joy::joy:


The best tip to survive high school? Just don’t go there :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

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That’s not surviving that’s avoiding. You can’t survive a situation you were never in in the first place :joy: