Total Drama Island ☼ Official Thread

Total Drama Island

Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa, where you will be staying for several weeks, if you’re lucky enough not to be voted out, in hopes of winning the hundred-thousand-dollar grand prize! You were all told that you would be staying at a five-star resort, but clearly, that isn’t the case as the cabins are run down and your meals consist of gruel and often times are somehow alive. Now that you are here though, you might as well try to win the reality show. The challenges are often times disgusting or fear-inducing, but the winning team gets a prize and the losing team votes off one of their own at the campfire ceremony every three days.

I explained almost everything above! The campfire ceremony will generally be every three days, although it depends on the challenge as some challenges could take longer. In general, the first day of the week will be the challenge, the second day will either be continuing the challenge or just a day to relax and socialize, then the third day will be the campfire ceremony, if there is one since there might not be one every week. One day in the roleplay will be two days in real life, with challenge days possibly being a bit longer. This is may change though.

This RP is set somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario. Also, this RP is based off of the show of the same name, so many things in this RP will be similar to the show.


  • Turn notifications on for this thread!
  • Write at least three sentences per character!
  • If your character is approachable, make them approach another approachable character, don’t just wait for some to approach your character or just post that they’re approachable if you know others are too!
  • Try your best to be active! In the beginning, it’s not as much of an issue, but once there are fewer characters, I’ll need you to be more active.
  • If you have multiple characters, do not neglect some of them and only focus on certain characters!
  • Try to add drama to make this roleplay dramatic! After all, it is called Total Drama Island.
  • Let me know if you are going away! (PM me or let me know in the chat thread)
  • No contact with the outside world is allowed. (Unless permitted by Chris, the host, but you’d have to ask me first)
  • No cloning characters.
  • Keep things pretty realistic! Some things in this RP may be unrealistic, but in general, I would like to keep it realistic.
  • Electronic devices are not allowed.
  • Several other items from the outside world are not allowed so I have the right to tell you that your character cannot have something on the island with them.
  • Characters must stay on the island.
  • When voting someone off, vote as your character, not as yourself. So like, don’t vote a character off because you don’t like the person who RPs them, if your character dislikes the character then that’s fine, but don’t make things personal.
  • Once your character is voted off, they will be sent to a hotel and will only be playable at the finale.
  • Sex is allowed, but obviously no graphic details! After clothes are off, either you take it to a PM or just time skip!
  • Censor curse words!
  • If you are not writing in character, write OOC (Out of Character) or ORP. (Out of Roleplay) Blurring the OOCs is preferable. Try to avoid writing out of character and just type whatever you want to say in the chat. Also, do not make a post that is only an OOC/ORP, just quote something you want to reply to and reply to it in the chat. I’m the only one that can break this rule.
  • Do not advertise your own RPs/SGs/any of that on here or the sign-up thread/chat!

Faceclaims: Click here!
Map/pictures of the camp: Click here!
Sign-up thread: Click here!
Chat thread: Click here!
Confessional form: Click here!

Tags - Since the sign-ups are open until 3 PM EST, I'm tagging everyone who has reserved for a character. Once they close, I'll change this list to just people who have made characters




I stood on the dock, looking into the distance as I noticed a boat approaching. It’s starting. Get ready, fame, here I come. I grinned to myself as I imagined the recognition I would gain from hosting this show. Of course, there was a chance that it wouldn’t be successful. None of the past shows I had hosted had been successful, but I felt different about this one.

I adjusted the collar of my shirt once I heard that the cameras were rolling, then looked directly into the one straight ahead and smiled. “It’s Chris McLean here, coming to you from Camp Wawanakwa! Get ready for a season full of secrets, lies, drama, danger, and death!” My eyebrows furrowed as I heard a voice come in through my earpiece, letting me know that the show would most likely be canceled if someone died during it.

I laughed awkwardly, then rubbed the back of my neck. “There will be no death, but don’t worry, there will still be plenty of danger!” I exclaimed, returning back to normal for the camera. “Anyway, our campers will be put into teams and then compete in many different challenges, where the losing team will often send one of their own home!” I proceeded to explain how the game worked. “We’ll be back after the break on Total… Drama… Island!” I exclaimed. The camera then stopped recording and I looked over at the boat, groaning. “Man, how slow are these boats?” I crossed my arms, impatiently waiting, but glad that this break would at least mean ads which meant more money for me.

Once the boat was pretty close and I was informed as to who was on it and would get out first, the cameras started rolling again. “Welcome back to Total Drama Island. It’s time to meet our campers, if they look ticked off, that’s because we told them that they’d be staying at a five-star resort.” I laughed. “Here we have our first camper, Wren Camarco!”

His outfit (without the sunglasses)


As the boat I was on made its way toward the island, I got on the deck and noticed that the island, which I had been promised that would be beautiful and have a five-star resort on it that we’d be staying at. However, the island looked pretty crappy. I rolled my eyes and went back inside, then looked around to see if there were any people around before taking a knife out that I had smuggled in. Really, it wasn’t that hard. We were given a list of items that we weren’t supposed to bring, but they never had anyone check our luggage. There were pretty much no safety procedures. However, I didn’t care, it was better that way. I faced a wall, then began carving some shapes onto it with my knife. Once I noticed that we were getting closer to the island, I put my knife away and walked back onto the deck.

Soon enough, we reached the dock. I got off the boat and made my way toward the host of the show, scowling. “Liar.” I walked straight past him and over to the end of the dock, where I set down my luggage. I already didn’t like the host. He had lied to us about the island, but besides that, he had an arrogant smirk on his face which annoyed the f-ck out of me. I rolled my eyes, then looked over to the boat to see who would get out of it next.

Her outfit

OOC: She is approachable!



As I saw a group of strangers in front of me with the same facial epression as me. I figured they were also told this would be a big fancy resort. I didn’t fret however, becuase I was used to normal stuff and expecting something big never really worked out. I was always a prisoner of mundane life withouth much connections and this would be a great way for me to start what my mother’s position in life never allowed me to start. I msut say, I could’ve started it myself, but for some reason I’ve grown so accustome to the life I had, I never thought change would be good. While the host announced the show to the cameras, a slight anxious expression grew on my face. I started feeling homesick … but not for my home, for the way of living that centered around the home that used to be and is no longer exsistant. I look at the first camper, with her long red hair and the clothes I always admired but never could see myself wearing. I don’t know what to think of her … I never know what to think of people when I first see them, if I speak honestly. I patientlly await until I get introduced, not starting any talking myself yet becuase of the discomfort I would feel if I would have to start a conversation.

ORP: Approachable



If there’s something I need now, it’s a vacation. ASAP.
Sitting and (supposedly) working all day in that office gets a girl SO exhausted,
I can’t wait for my fun time, laying down and getting a tan or something, maybe there are some hotties even.
I smirked lightly to myself as I looked at the waves out the ship on the way to the island
This is going to be fun, I’m sure of it.
Wait, first, let’s say a prayer. Dear Beyonce, Solange, Rihanna, someone cool that’s white, Cardi B, please bless this vacay . A-women.
The ship got closer, and looking forward I could NOT see my 5 star resort.
I got off the ship as it got to the island and saw a black haired mad standing there “care to explain ?” I raised my brow
I did not sign up for this
“I want my resort, now. Not to brag, but I was name-checked in my kindergarten teacher’s suicide note.” I said “don’t push me.” I crossed my arms



I introduced a couple more campers as they got off the boat and onto the deck. “Stephanie Bennet, our third camper!”

“Care to explain? I want my resort, now. Not to brag, but I was name-checked in my kindergarten teacher’s suicide note. Don’t push me."

I looked at Stephanie with my eyebrows raised. “Sheesh.” I chuckled. “Oh, but that whole resort thing? Yeah, that was a lie.” I laughed. “If you actually would’ve read all the documents, you would’ve known what you were signing up for, so don’t even try getting a lawyer.”




“Who reads documents they’re so long and pointless” I rolled my eyes
A lie? So what now? Am I going to be stuck in the middle of nowhere?
Wait is this a reality show? I’m going to be hella famous
“Whatever” I said and turned to leave the guy, probably the host.



The wind was gently gliding through my hair as I was holding onto the railing. The boat was moving towards the coast at a moderate speed.
I closed my eyelids for a split second, taking everything in. 𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒂 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒕? I thought.
I opened my eyes again and realised that the coast was getting closer.
I smiled and walked back to my seat. I grabbed my bag and took out my lipgloss and necklace. I touched the necklace and remembered that day my father gave it to me. I smiled weakly and pushed my hair to one side to put on the necklace.
At least I will have a little bit of home with me.
I took my lipgloss and reapplied a few coatings on my soft lips.

It only took 10 more minutes until the boat finally arrived. At that moment, I was surprised. To say the least… It looked a lot more different than promised. I frowned slightly but tried to keep my mood up high. I left the boat and saw a guy standing there, so was a Girl with red hair.
I shrugged and grabbed my luggage. “Well, hello?” I said to him or both of them but more him. What is this? I thought to myself. He welcomed me but I didn’t listen, instead, I looked around in hope to find a piece of the resort that was promised.
“Yeah, cool, funny. Where’s the resort?” I asked.
I listened as everyone was interrogating the guy.
“I want my resort, now. Not to brag, but I was name-checked in my kindergarten teacher’s suicide note.” I chuckled at what she said.
He responded.
“If you actually would’ve read all the documents, you would’ve known what you were signing up for, so don’t even try getting a lawyer.”

I stared at him in disbelief. I frowned and shook my head.

[Mentioned: @CerealKiller, @sofia)

𝘍𝘊 (𝘴):

𝘖𝘶𝘵𝘧𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘕𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦:


Spencer enjoyed the long boat ride from Gravenhurst, he hadn’t been able to see a lot of places since he was let out of prison and the new sights intrigued him. Eventually, the dock came in sight, and Spencer looked at the host who stood there waiting for him. Who is this guy?

Spencer failed as he tried to hear what Chris had been saying to the cameras. He raised his eyebrow in a manner of confusin but kept his mouth shut.

Chris continued talking and began introducing the campers one by one. This was going to take forever. Spencer rolled his eyes and look off into the distance as he listened for his name.



The water was gently crashing against the boat as it was steering through the cold water. From a far distance, I could already glimpse the port. I looked up at the blue sky. At that moment I was somewhere else, lost in thoughts and reminiscing.
I haven’t been so relaxed in a while which was a great feeling. I actually forgot how it feels like to just lay down and think about nothing. I was very much looking forward to arriving at the resort. That day felt perfect.
I blinked a few times and lowered my sunglasses down to the bridge of my nose. I stood up and walked to the front railing of the small boat.
The coast was coming closer and closer.
𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢…𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜.

The boat eventually docked at the port.
I took off my shades and kept them in my hands.
I looked around, trying to see the resort.
“The f-ck…?” I mumbled. I got off the boat and walked over to the crowd that was starting to form.




Karcen was unamused by the long boat ride to say the least. Being on the water frightened him slightly, but not nearly enough to do anything major. Chris continued talking before he began introducing the campers one at a time. Karcen took this as a chance to leave and followed a girl he had saw leaving.

“Hey!” He called out towards the girl, rushing to catch up to her. When he did hegrabbed her arm to stop her from going any further. “I’m Karcen?” He said a bit unsure of himself.



This was not a five star resort but I was a little okay with it. I mean yeah, it would’ve been nice to be living in luxury for a little bit but this was a little more my pace. It was pretty crappy but nothing I couldn’t handle. I was excited to camp. Roast marshmallows, go skinny dipping, sneak out into the wood and explore late at night. It was all so exciting to me. I saw some of the other campers already in the distance as the boat was getting closer to the island. I ate a gummy quickly and stuck it into the bottom of my bag before we docked. Chris was standing there waiting for all of us and he looked like a frat boy I would’ve seen if I went to college who would most likely spike my drink. I chuckled while looking at him. Pretty cute too but not my type by any means. “Chris, seems someone might’ve lied hmm.” I said as I walked onto the dock with my bag in hand. I looked at the other few who were here already.

A curly haired red head. I read her pants and smirked a bit. A guy with blonde hair and he looked…old. Was he in his mid thirties and if he is…why is he here? I hoped there would be hotter guys later one otherwise I would be bored. My eyes were next on a brunette girl with long hair. Pretty. She seemed mad with her arms crossed, maybe has something to do with the looks of the island. Another girl was frowning and I’m assuming was feeling the same as the girl with her arms crossed. “Why does everyone seem so p!ssed. Guess you guys never have been camping before…” Finally I saw two very good looking guys. One tall, dark and handsome. Every girls dream and the other with two different eye colors.

@/Sofia @/CerealKiller @/LunaticLeviTheSecond @/Dying_Dragon @/glxwingAngel everyone who already posted! sorry she is judgmental



Aurora rested against the railing of the boat, her eyes closed as she let the wind blow off her face and through her hair. Her face was serene and calm as she gazed out onto the water, and she was almost grateful that her brother had signed her up for this behind her back. That is, until she caught view of the island that the supposed five star resort was supposed to be at. It looked… bad, to say the least. I’ve seen worse, she thought to herself. I’m sure it’s really nice.

As the boat got closer, she saw a man near the shore. She heard the girl with dark hair make that remark to the guy, and she couldn’t help the twitch of a smile that flickered on her face. A frown darkened her features as she heard the guy’s response, “Oh, but that whole resort thing? Yeah, that was a lie. If you actually would’ve read all the documents, you would’ve known what you were signing up for, so don’t even try getting a lawyer.” She sighed, rubbing her temples with her finger. Damn it, Keane, she thought to herself. Of course you wouldn’t read the fine print. Well, anyway, here she was. She might as well make the most of it.

Aurora moved off the boat, head held high even as she took in her squalid surroundings. She was wearing one of her favourite outfits, a pair of ripped denim shorts that were well fitted to her butt as well as a red off-the-shoulder top. She regretted it now though, since she didn’t want them to get dirty or ruined or whatever the hell was going to happen. The guy introduced her, but she simply ignored him, walking past him and further onto the island. He didn’t respect them, well then, she wasn’t about to respect him either.

@cerealkiller and @sofia - mentioned

ORP: Approchable~


I just realised I mispelled his name -_-


I step of the boat and onto the deck as I’m being announced and I look directly at the camera with both wonder, excitement and fear in my eyes becuase this was something completely new for me and I didn’t know what was to expect me. This expereince is basically death but I keep on living. I walked away to let the other get introduced. I stood there not knowing who to talk to when I spot a blonde girl with piercing blue eyes. Her facial features strike familiarity with me so I decided to talk to her. I slowly approach her and suddenly I find the courage to make up a good story to why we should start talking “Hi. I must say, you stick out from anybody else I’ve seen here. You look completely comfortable with the situation of the showrunners lying to us while everybody else is either shocked or nervous to go infront of a camera.”

@sofia - mentioned


As the boat finally reaches the dock, I look around at my surroundings. Standing on the dock is a man, dressed in a very casual, vacation-like, outfit. I assume he is the host considering he was the only one that was already here besides the camera crew surrounding him, but I shouldn’t make assumptions considering I just found out I was going to be on this show.
I stepped off the boat, being sure that I had all of my belongings. I was shocked when the island was much sh^ttier than described, which didn’t exactly make me too happy upon my arrival. I went over to the host, not caring that the cameras were apparently rolling. Several other people also seem a bit p!ssed off, which made me smile a little bit seeing that the man is getting what he deserves.
I walk over to him, crossing my arms and say in a sassy tone “What the f^ck is going on? I know that this dump is not what I signed up for. So please explain what the hell we actually are in for.” I say, raising my brows in annoyance. “You know what, don’t even bother. I don’t have time for your sh*t.” I figure I don’t really want to know, so I walk away from these imbeciles, pushing away the cameras in my way.
I walked down the dock away from the host and the rest of the group, focusing on my breathing to cool off a bit.

@/sofia - mentioned

ORP: Approachable

FC and Outfit

(FC is Emma Chamberlain)



I turned away from the host guy and started just walking away, fame and all fun , but I wasn’t in the mood for any of this, all I asked for is a vacation, is that too much to ask?
I heard someone coming after me but I didn’t give it too much attention as I kept walking
But than he grabbed my arm . I frowned and turned to see who it was and get mad at him
“What” I said annoyed as I turned around and looked- oh my god are those eyes made in heaven-
He introduced himself as Karcen, sort of
“You sure?” I raised my brow, he seemed a bit insecure in his answer “I’m Stephanie” I said introducing myself “The one and only” I smirked


The blonde guy started talking to me so I turned my head to look at him. "You look completely comfortable with the situation of the showrunners lying to us while everybody else is either shocked or nervous to go infront of a camera.” I shrugged at this comment. “I am a pretty mellow girl I guess. Things don’t faze me very often. Also the wilderness doesn’t bother me at all. I love being outdoors.” I looked the guy up and down a bit. “How old are you?” I asked him with a raised brow. “Not to sound rude or anything but you look old, I mean not grandpa old but like you have a 9 to 5 job and could have two children at home and one on the way.” I didn’t really care if he took it the wrong way. It’s my own opinion and I could care less if anyone else’s was different. I played with my nose ring while I waited for him to say something back.



I smiled and put my hands in my pocket “That obvious huh?” I chuckle after realising how that would sound to her without knowing the backstory. “I’m 19, but what you described … A 30 year old … That’s how my life has been feeling like. I needed to get away and this was the cheapest option that also wasn’t boring as hell.” I looked at her “I’m naturally blessed with a face that looks older but my life never gave me a chance to fool a cashier when buying beer and other alcohol.”



As soon as the girl turned around Karcen instantly regretted his decision to grab her arm. He dropped her arm and pulled his hands into his pocket. Karcen noticed her looking at his arms and quickly covered up his brown one. I forgot my contacts Was the thought that immediately crossed his mind.
“Haha, yeah I’m pretty sure.” He said becoming a bit more confident, still covering his eyes. He had been ashamed of them because they were different and her staring didn’t help. “That’s a nice name, Stephanie. So do you know where you’re going or did you plan on wandering around aimlessly?”


Stephen got on the deck and looked around the island. He was expecting a five star resort, big and fancy, but instead, all there are is some run down cabins. Stephen cringed, this isn’t some kind of joke, right? Where’s the resort? His friend has been bugging him to join this camp, saying it might be fun, and the main reason he agreed to join was for the resort. The award of winning seems very nice, but he didn’t think he would win anyways. Now, they’re telling him there’s no such thing as a resort around here???

He reached his hand to his pocket to get his phone out but then only remembered that no devices were allowed. An annoyed expression crossed his face. No resort, no devices, hopefully the food would be better at least? This Camp Wawakanda or something really doesn’t seem as interesting as his friend had said. Lies, he thought as he shaked his head lightly.

Stephen finally took some time to take a look at the other contestants and see who he may approach. Some were still by themselves, and some have already engaged in a conversation with others. Shrugging, he walked towards the closest person to him. “Hi, my name’s Stephen. What’s yours?” The person he just talked to had long blonde hair and was quite beautiful, he’ll give her that.



As we arrived at the docks of the “five star quality resort” that they had lied to us about, many people immediately lashed out. It p!ssed me off a little bit that the producers lied about it, but I didn’t think that it was actually too bad. A little dirt here and there won’t hurt anyone, so I didn’t understand why everyone was being so dramatic.
The host was introducing everyone, so I decided to sit back and wait my turn. I sat down on the edge of the dock, letting my feet hang down as I looked out around the island.

ORP: Approachable

FC and Outfit

(FC is Mark Anastasio)