Dior held Jacob’s wrist as he was about to go- being called by the Principal. “Alissa really loved you. Stay Safe.” Dior told him, dropping his wrist as she began to walk away, her head hung. She could not believe it- she refused to- Alissa Brian was dead, Alissa was dead, her best friend was dead, her first love was dead and Dior did not know how to live with herself without Alissa.
Call it condependecy if you will, but Dior needed Alissa to live- Alissa was the one person in the world she could truly trust, one of the only people she loved. She had Alissa and had always had dreams of going to Netherland to get married- after they had both found out it was made legal on April. Dior had always wanted that- marrying Alissa, she always imagined is as these; Alissa wearing a red dress and Dior wearing a blue one, going against the typical white dress for marriage, but Alissa and Dior being women, in love where already going against the typical tradition of marriage.
She knew that with what Alissa was doing - one day she would get hurt and had adviced her that perhaps they should involve the cops but Alissa had disagreed- always thinking she could take more than she could; spoiler alert: she could not and now she was dead. What twisted Dior’s stomach was the fact that she could have prevented it, she had gotten a text, it was just a ‘,’ that Dior had ignored, if she did not ignore it and instead rushed to Alissa’s house then maybe Alissa would still be alive. Maybe her and Alissa will go to the same college, go to Neatherlands and get married, and Dior could drop her obsession with popularity as really, Dior loved Alissa with all her heart.
She went to her first period class, English, in a purple hoodie that belonged to Alissa and sweatpants- Dior never wore sweatpants ever since she was 13, in public, and it felt a little weird wearing them but she ignored the stares she got from people. She was sitting near Nadia Hart who seemed to be staring at her for a long time, annoying Dior who tried to ignore the stare and focus on drawing a card for Alissa’s family. She ignored it for a good amount of time, till it got a little bit hard to ignore and Dior turned to Nadia with a frown, “Take a picture, it’s less creepy than staring at me,” Dior told Nadia, “And can you do your work? Some of us are trying to fcking concentrate,”