<<Trouble in mayday>> Official Roleplay thread

Trouble in Mayday

“There’s a problem, a really big one.”

“Yeah my sister and Mr. Albert got murdered.”

“Tough luck kid, but do you know what this means?”


“We are about to become detectives,” They sigh, “There is trouble in Mayday High, serious trouble”

It is 2001 when nine high school students from different social cliques find themselves in detention on a typical Saturday morning. The atmosphere is tense as they are forced to spend a day together with no phones, no devices, and no board games to keep them company. Just themselves; a jock, a prep, a nerd, a goth, a rebel, two floaters, a stoner, and a hipster, to keep each other company. But everyone knows jocks don’t mess with nerds and gorgeous rich preps do not mess with stoners or hipsters, so how are they supposed to survive with just them and not go against the social quo?

As the day progresses, the group struggles to find common ground, and their differences lead to clashes and conflicts. However, amidst the tension, they begin to share their secrets and stories with one rule; what is said in detention stays in detention. and they all discover that they might have more in common than they think.

Suddenly, the day takes a dark turn when a Mr.Albert, a teacher, overseeing their detention, collapses unexpectedly and is pronounced dead. Shocked and horrified, the students find themselves caught in a real-life mystery as they become prime suspects in the teacher’s death. Things turn for the worst when one of the floaters is also pronounced dead- leaving eight of them as crime suspects for the murder of a teacher and a fellow classmate.

Panicked and desperate to clear their name, and keep their secrets, the group must put their differences aside and work together to uncover the truth of the deaths. Along the way they discover that Mayday High is a school filled with many many secrets and most of the secrets seem to connect itself with them and their families. But what do these eight teenagers and their families have to do with the death of Mr.Albert and Alisa, a fellow classmate? And does everything that happens in detention truly stay in detention?

  1. Keep the year 2001, so no mentions of twitter, Instagram (as they all came later in the year) try to include slangs that were popular in the 90s-2001.

  2. At least six sentences in every post.


Trouble In Mayday|| Signups


parents- Trouble in Mayday- Parents - Google Slides



‘A jock, a nerd, a goth, floaters, a hipster, a rebel and a prep all in a room together. You’re all walking teen-movie stereotypes’

Detention. The word hung heavily in the air as the nine high school students found themselves confined to a small, stuffy room. They had been rounded up from different corners of Mayday High School, without any explanation as to why they were being punished. Just a ‘you know what you did’ and The atmosphere was tense, and the students exchanged curious glances, trying to make sense of the situation.

Mr. Albert, the stern and formidable teacher overseeing detention, stood at the front of the room, his face etched with disappointment. “I can’t believe this! Detention on a Saturday morning!” he barked, glaring at each student in turn. “You all should be ashamed of yourselves.”

Jenny, a rebel known for being dislikes throughout the school, leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms defiantly. She was used to getting in trouble but this time she and the rest of the students had no idea what they did wrong.

Mr. Albert continued his rant, his voice rising in frustration. “You kids have no respect for authority or the rules of this school. It’s a shame, really. Back in my day, students knew their place and respected their teachers.”

The students rolled their eyes at that, not saying much because there was not much to say. But as soon as Mr.Albert began to collect their devices, they let out cries screaming ‘my parents will hear about it,this is expensive,’ and ‘please dont take my phone’ but they words did not go into his head as he piled them up on his desk. He placed it inside his drawer and locked it, placing the key in his pockets.

“I expect better from each and every one of you, I am not that shocked for Jennifer as we all know what her kind is like, and Reece too, birds of a feather but the rest of you? I am truly disappointed and enraged. Now, you will sit here in silence for the entire day. No talking, no phones, no devices. This is your punishment,” Mr. Albert declared, the finality in his voice leaving no room for argument.

Mr.Albert stared at Alissa for some minutes, his expression hard to read, Alissa stared back with a smile making him shake his head. He then moved to Jacob and with a sigh put things down in a note.

“Stay here you disobedient children. No leaving the room, i’ll be back and remember I have eyes everywhere” He instructed as he stepped out.

And so, the group of students found themselves in an unexpected detention with no explanation. Two students had asked to use the bathroom asking Mr.Albert before he left to wherever he was going.

So it was just the seven of them in the class, well seven till the two return from the bathroom.


Alissa Brian knew Mr.Albert well enough to tell he was acting weird- ok, she did not know him, she only knew him from rumors she had heard and some rumors she made up herself in the school newspaper and from the long boring history class, but that does not matter, What Alissa knew was that Mr.Albert was acting really weird and that she should not be in detention right now.

She did did not even do anything, one moment she was talking with her friends and the next she was called into the principal’s office saying that she would be going to detention for reasons that ‘she should know about’ and the talk of how disappointing the principal was in her especially since she was the former student council president, and current head of the newspaper community and the school blog, but Alissa did not do anything. Alissa never got in trouble, she was a good student- a really good one, a student that all the teachers liked, so why was she in detention now with the likes of Boyd and herbs& spices?

This situation was all too stressful and not good… not good for her head right now, she had been feeling sick lately and she tried to use her sickness as a way to get out of detention but her parents and freaking Mr.Albert did not budge. She just wished she could die instead of having to be in detention- being in detention was embarrassing and made her get into an argument with her parents. At least she was not alone- there was her twin brother too, who Alissa also had no idea why he was in detention. Jacob was an interesting specimen, and Alissa meant this with love, after all he was her twin, but he was not a troubled kid or a bad kid so why was he in detention?

“Hey, Jacob why are you in detention?” Alissa asked her brother.

“I have no idea,” He answered back, “Why are you in detention?”

“Same thing as you.” Alissa answered


The floater

Jacob was a lot of things- no really he was a lot of things; a former ‘jock’, a guitarist, a painter, a dancer, a twin, an elder brother, a son, a cousin, an ex to some, an ex atheist, also an ex christian, a now agnostic, a former furry (we don’t talk about that) but the point was Jacob Brian was a lot of things but a troublemaker or a detention ‘bandit’ was definitely not one of them. He might not be the most responsible person, but he normally for the most part stayed out of trouble-so there should not have been any reason he was in detention and yet he was.

He stared boredom at the desk as there was nothing for him to do- no phone, no devices no nothing. Like how could a teacher be so cruel? Mr.Albert was truly a viscious man sigh. He put his head on the desk when his twin tapped him. He turned to face her and shrugged when she asked why he was in detention, he then retorted her question back to him causing her to shrug. So they got in trouble for nothing?

Jacob scanned the area when he saw stoner girl drawing scribbles on the desk- stoner girl or Hazel, was a friend of his sister.He did not know her quite well, but she seemed to be close to Alissa- not as close as Dior tho, no one was closer to Alissa than Dior, not even him and he was supposed to be her twin. He wondered why Dior was not also in detention but anyways, “Hey Hazelnut, why are you in detention?” He asked . Did she get caught doing drugs or smoking? She was a stoner after all and everyone knows Mayday does not allow drugs nor smoking.

@Mouschi - Hazel


Detention. The word resonated within the stifling room, handling like a cloud over the nine high school students who had been rounded up without warning. The confusion in the air held a mix of curiosity and annoyance. Especially for Oliver who felt trapped, in a place he hasn’t anticipated being in on a Saturday morning. He shifted constantly in his seat, his fingers tapping a restless rhythm on the desk in front of him. Sweat marks appeared on the desk as the seconds click by.

Mr. Albert. The teacher’s stern expression and gruff demeanor were all too familiar to Oliver. He had seen him in the hallways and classrooms countless times, always with an aura of authority. Mr. Albert’s neatly combed hair and well-pressed attire (every single day) added to his intimidating presence. His voice carried a firmness that demanded respect, even as he chastised the group of students for their apparent misdeeds.

Trying to calm his weary nature, he looked into the eyes of the other students. Seeing if maybe one of them knew why they were here. So, when his eyes landed on Alissa, a family friend, he noticed how she radiated a certain confidence even in this awkward situation. Maybe he was imagining it, but she didn’t seem nervous like most, only making his curiosity grow.

After taking a deep breath, he decided to take a chance. He got up from his seat, the wooden chair scraping against the floor as he did so. His heart raced for some odd reason, maybe he was too nervous. As he made his way towards the desk his steps felt heavier than usual, like each one took a mighty effort. He hoped his approach would seem somewhat normal, even though his mind was second-guessing this immediately.

“…Hey” He finally mustered out a word, his voice just loud enough to reach Alissa’s ears. His hands found their way into his pockets, a habit he found that eased his nerves. “This is insane. Any idea why we’re here?” He offered a small, sheepish smile, clearly too caught up in his thoughts to have noticed her conversation with Jacob.

Oliver slightly leaned against the desk near Alisa, straightening his posture into a relaxed position. He tried to exude a sense of nonchalance, even though his heart was pounding. It felt strange, talking to someone he wasn’t close to within a setting he had never been in. He hoped his words wouldn’t enact a negative response.

For the first time since he entered the room, he decided to take a look around. The faint sound of an old clock ticking on the wall, the creak of a chair, the way the sunlight filtered through the window, casting shadowy patterns on the floor. In his absentmindedly state, he straightened a few pens on the desk he was leaning on, aligning them parallel to the edge. It was small, automatic action, but it was reflective of his tendency to seek order.

@Kristi - Alissa (approached)


Alissa turned around as Jacob blew her off to talk to Hazel- the girl that Alissa remembered quite well Jacob blew off on their date on freshman year. Alissa knew this quite well because well Alissa knows everything, and Hazel was her friend- the girl told her crying to her and Alissa had had a talk with her brother about that, you shouln’t mess with my friends she had told him, she had asked him to apologized but he was too much of a coward to do so it seemed. Alissa paused as she felt a sharp pain on her stomach, she grabbed it and put her head on the desk, she was thinkng that maybe she could just sleep the pain off or this boring detention off till it’s time to go, when inferno boy decided it would be a good idea talking to her.

Oliver Cooper, otherwise known as Nerd locker or inferno boy was someone Alissa knew quite well, probably she knew a little more than he knew about himself and no Alissa was not going to elaborate how. Moreover, Inferno boy was a family friend- one she never bothered to talk much with but a family friend nevertheless so when he approached her Alissa smiled. At least she would have someone to talk to- detention was boring and there was a reason this was her first time in detention. “Hey, yourself,” Alissa said, trying to sound as cheerful as she could.

Any idea why we’re here?

Alissa paused- usually Alissa knew everything or almost everything but Alissa had no idea of the reason they were here. “I have no idea, nobody told me what we did. I think it’s a set up, or maybe it has to do with,” Alissa glanced at Reece and Jb when she said this and back at Oliver, “Them, we know how they love to pull pranks.” Alissa dragged on the ‘they’, not mentioning names because she did not need them to get angry at her for accusing them, she had no energy to defend her reasoning right now. “Or Mr.Albert could have formed a hatred against us for no reason-Being single, almost bald and in your 40s can make you really angry huh?” Alissa joked, "But Mr.Albert… have you noticed he was acting so weird today?’


@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Reece
@Tina.G - Jenny




Rolling her eyes, Jenny pulled out cinnamon gum popping it in her mouth. It’s going to be a long Saturday. Mr. A droned on, and she praised the Lord that he gave up with pulling her aside to tell her, “You can do better” and blah blah blah. Jenny was one row from the front, her usual spot, also one row from the door. It had started as a random choice and now was her spot. She hadn’t only had to kick one kid out of it. Literally. Turning back, Jenny was honestly surprised at how many people had shown up. Mr. A should be just about around the corner, if she remembered his pace, and step size. Of course, not that she usually waited for him to leave.

“Spicey, how long did he say we had to sit here?” She turned to Reece. “And what’s with this crowd?” She scanned them, nodding at them in turn. “Twin one,” she said, looking at Alissa. “Twin two,” she she skipped along to Hazel, “High Head, Goth Tree…” she couldn’t figure out anything for the last boy. She really only knew three of their real names. “Oliver.” She said, turning back, popping a bubble. “How did half of you even get in here?” Jenny called over the crowd with authority.


・.。 。.・

Orp ◆ @Detectives ◆ a little something for everyone with peace and love :two_hearts: :joy:

・.。 。.・


Hazel had only been in detention a few times, and every single time, the plastic surface of the desk had been smothered in delicate sketches. The school desk, after all, could be repurposed as a drawing board, one for “Hazel’s new fashion project”.

She sketched lightly with a 4b pencil, creating a female figure and starting with the bust of the dress. This was a project she named in italics off to the side, ‘the perfect dress’. Without a doubt, designing had been one of her favorite pastimes and being in detention had somehow given her a touch of inspiration. Perhaps, it was more than a simple touch though, as she soon took out a pen and began writing lyrics on her hand. She was not only inspired but - distracted and hadn’t noticed that someone started talking to her.

“Hey Hazelnut, why are you in detention?”

Hazel made direct eye contact with Jacob for a few lengthy seconds, processing what he had asked for and with a perplexed face. “Oh . . . I skipped too much Science class, Mrs. Smith is the worst” she remarked with a polite smile. Then Hazel shook her head, giggling, “I don’t actually think I’ve gotten that question yet . . . whenever I’m in detention, people just assume”.

It was obvious that Jacob was well aware of her reputation around the school, even though she’d never actually brought in drugs or dealt them inside school. It was mostly a rumor. Nonetheless, Hazel appreciated questions rather than assumptions.

@Kristi - Jacob


Willow came to detention earlier that day. She wanted to leave before her parents could wake up and see her, attempting to avoid causing another disagreement between them. She only left a note saying she went to hang out with friends.

Willow wasn’t aware why she was called in detention. She assumed it was probably due to the way she dressed, as it had happened before. When she arrived, she greeted the professor with a smile, sitting on the desk furthest back, next to a window. She wanted to be able to observe everyone in the room. After a short while, the rest of the students began to arrive. Willow pulled out a notebook she took with her and started writing, paying no attention to her surroundings. She had no interest in mr. Albert’s pointless rambling, she knew she hadn’t done anything wrong. Though she made eye contact from time to time, showing him respect. He was only doing his job, Willow had no reason to resent him.

After the professor finished talking, Willow was already too distracted to continue writing. With her attention back to the classroom, she began to notice all the students that had gathered there. It was strange seeing so many of them. The other time she was called in, there were barely three students. This time, there were nine of them, and many familiar faces. She noticed Alissa, the pretty and popular girl she had always been afraid to approach. She didn’t know much about her, yet it felt really odd to see her in detention. Next to her was her twin, Willow was clueless about him. Maybe they got in trouble together, though it felt wrong to assume. But what baffled her the most was seeing her friend Oliver. Why was he there? He wasn’t even close to a troublemaker.

As Willow’s eyes continued to scan the room, she froze up seeing Fern. She didn’t want to let it show, but panic slowly started to overcome her. Something was wrong, or maybe, Willow was just overthinking again. She couldn’t help but worry about…


She had to get out. Quickly, Willow raised her hand and excused herself. She packed her notebook in her bag, taking it with her and hiding it from the professor the best she could. She left, heading to the bathroom and closing the door behind her. Willow looked at her reflection in the broken mirror above the sink, taking a few deep breaths. She needed time to herself to think.

But unfortunately for her, it was a public bathroom. Not long after, the door opened and someone walked in.

@Jass × Fernanda Briggs


Jacob took a peak of what Hazel was drawing-a design and Jacob remembered that Hazel was a designer and liked fashion, all the people Alissa actually considered a friend like fashion- friends not acquaintances, seriously h wondered what was with Alissa friends and fashion and then Jacob remembered the time of twin he had. Annoying and most always have all the designers- Jacob honestly could not understand like a simple shirt and skirt or pants was enough. This was not a fashion show, Alissa was everything but she was no model so he never got why she put so much efforts in her appearance.

Ah skipping, Jacob thought with a nod- honestly, he thought she got in trouble for other reasons but he could understand why she would skip school with Mr.Smith, Mr.Smith was a boring teacher who for some reason always seemed to target him. He was nice to Alissa, but a complete demon to him because of course. Jacob tried not freeze when Hazel said people assumed the reason for why she would be in detention because to be honest, he too assumed that. “People are just jerks,” Jacob said as if he was not the jerk in question. “I mean I don’t think you do drugs or anything, unless you do but like it’s fine if you do.” Jacob said awkwardly, “Your drawing is nice,” Jacob said changing the subject, “Like I use to be in this art club for a while- didn’t work, and I still cannot draw as good as you.”



Hazel sat idly in her desk, fiddling with the pen between her fingers and examining every face that Jacob would make. Genuinely, Hazel had always found him attractive, as odd as he was. In fact, she wanted to go out with him when he had asked. But alas, the reminiscing obviously came with the realization, Jacob had stood her up. Her face fell pale at the thought. After all these years, why now?

Hazel had been staring deeply into his eyes, hoping for an answer, yet all she saw was worry. And with that, she questioned the motives of Jacob.

“I mean I don’t think you do drugs or anything, unless you do but like it’s fine if you do"

She raised an eyebrow at Jacob, almost instinctively. Jacob was really trying to hide it, but he too had assumed Hazel was in detention for drugs. It was almost disappointing, but she was used to it. All in all, she tried to cut Jacob some slack as she thought he was always this awkward.

"Like I use to be in this art club for a while- didn’t work, and I still cannot draw as good as you.”

Hazel exhaled softly while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, “Thanks, I learned from my mom”. She spoke softly and with indiscernible emotion. A dull pain had grown in her chest and she spoke without much thought, “Hey, can I ask you something?”




Recce sat back in his chair, getting comfortable as this wasn’t his first time being in detention and he knew it wouldn’t be the last. It wasn’t such a common occurence to him as it is to some of the students that found their way to this detention too, but he was there a few times by now. He looked around the class to see who he can talk to once the teacher leaves, noticing some new faces and some he already knows. He looks at Hazel, who he saw here sometimes, and he locked his gaze on her blue eyes until he was brough back to reality by the teacher asking him for his cellphone. Little does the teacher know he has things he can do withouth that little cell which he can only use to call people, play snakes and abolish his bills by plugging in internet.
“Try not to break it this time.” Reece said with a smirk knowing the procedure a bit now.
The teacher resorted to naming Reece as an exmple of a person who’s often in here, to which Reece responded with a chuckle at his name. Getting borde Reece resorted to checking out the students again until his eyes landed on Alissa, to which he quickly moved them away to his homework. He didn’t want to give her any ideas, she might make up some gossip again to write about him.

ORP: Approachble


@idiot.exe | Willow

Fern wasn’t used to being in detention. Quite the opposite, this was her very first time going to detention. An overwhelming feeling of embarrassment hit her thinking about what brought her here. Fern has lied about being in detention to her parents, last thing she wanted was for her parents to be disappointed in her, or well, even be worried about her what brought her into detention. She had found it quite weird it was a Saturday morning, but oh well, at least that had made it easier to just say she was hanging out with some friends.
She had enjoyed going to school on her skateboard the early morning, while usually there were people everywhere during the weekdays, in the weekends it was that much more quite. Peaceful almost. She had arrived earlier at school than she should have been, but what was 15 more minutes on a full day of detention?
Entering the room, she had greeted Mr. Albert, found herself a place to sit, and started to work on her school work, or more so, pretend to work. She did not really care too much about her school work, instead she settled on something much more important, what her next campaign would be for her group.
Slowly more and more people entered the room, some faces she had seen before, but no one she particularly knew well. It was fascinating to her tho, all these kids, all from very different cliques, here together on a Saturday morning.
Then, she showed up, Willow. When their eyes met, she saw how Willow froze. Fern herself, she felt like her stomach was tied into a knot. She felt nervous, anxious even, and like she simply could not breath. Not now, not here. Following Willows example, she had asked for permission to excuse herself not long after. Thinking what the most likely place was where Willow had gone, she decided the toilets might not be her worst bet.
She carefully opened the door, no one, okay, she took a deep breath and walked on to the other bathroom nearby. There she found Willow. She wasn’t quite sure what to do, or what to say.
“Uhmmm” she stuttered “hi” she was way too nervous to look Willow directly in her eyes. “I can’t believe we are both here” It really was a massive coincidence, that was for sure. She played a bit with her bracelet. “It will be tough, being around each other acting like nothing ever happened,” she sighed "so let’s face it, have you thought about it? About what we talked about you know, last time we met? These words had been on her mind for ages, she had thought it over and over, but still, it came out with a tremble in her voice as she spoke.


Willow noticed as Fern entered, on the reflection in the mirror. Out of everyone that could’ve walked in, it had to be Fern. She took a deep breath, turning to face her.

“Oh, hey… You scared me.” she laughed nervously. “What a coincidence, indeed…” her voice went quieter as she spoke.

She didn’t plan on meeting Fern in the bathroom, in fact, she walked out to avoid talking to her. Willow should’ve known she’d be going after her. After all, there was the issue they hadn’t resolved yet. As Fern spoke, Willow noticed her distress. She figured they’d both be feeling awkward and tense talking to each other, how could they not? Taking another deep breath, Willow took a few seconds to collect her thoughts and calm herself. She couldn’t show any negative emotion, it would only stress Fern out more. The issue had to be dealt with rationally, there was only so much time before they’d have to stop running and face it.

“It is tough, I can’t lie. But it’s in the past. There’s no need to dwell on something that cannot be changed. We can move on now, can’t we? I’m putting a stop to this and things can… Go back to how they were before that night.” she spoke. That wasn’t what she wanted to say, rather what she wanted to believe. Willow had spent hours and hours dwelling on it, the consequences if they were to be caught, and whether she’d be willing to risk everything and let her life change course. She had to be brave and make a choice, yet she felt so scared and uncertain of what would come. She especially wanted to protect Fern, wishing the best for her, even if she had to…

“I decided, Fern. I’m sorry, but it’s over.” she added. Now, Willow could only look at Fern, studying her body language and expression for her reaction.

@Jass × Fernanda Briggs


Jacob let out a nervous laughed when Hazel raised a brow at her, for the drug thing- He knew that the rumor was started by his sister who heard it from someone, but he was not going to lie and say that sometimes when he saw Hazel she did not look high and looking at her group of friends, it was not hard to believe those rumors. Birds of feathers flock together after all, but Hazel was still a sweet girl, a really sweet one. “Didn’t mean to say that, i’m sorry it slipped,” He said looking at his sister for help on talking with Hazel but his sister was talking to the nerd-he meant Oliver. He had nothing against nerds after all, they were smart and helped him with his hw at times when he was too bored to do them! Besides, he was a floater, he was friendly with everyone- almost everyone at least.

Jacob nodded when she said she learnt from her mom- “Your mom must have been a great designer,” He replied, scratching the back of his neck with a smile, his smile fell down and he looked confused with Hazel next words. “Sure,” he answered unsure, “Shoot,”




Rolling her eyes, Jenny pulled out cinnamon gum popping it in her mouth. It’s going to be a long Saturday. Mr. A droned on, and she praised the Lord that he gave up with pulling her aside to tell her, “You can do better” and blah blah blah. Jenny was one row from the front, her usual spot, also one row from the door. It had started as a random choice and now was her spot. She hadn’t only had to kick one kid out of it. Literally. Turning back, Jenny was honestly surprised at how many people had shown up. Mr. A should be just about around the corner, if she remembered his pace, and step size. Of course, not that she usually waited for him to leave.

“Spicey, how long did he say we had to sit here?” She turned to Reece. “And what’s with this crowd?” She scanned them, nodding at them in turn. “Twin one,” she said, looking at Alissa. “Twin two,”she she skipped along to Hazel, “High Head, Goth Tree…” she couldn’t figure out anything for the last boy. She really only knew three of their real names. “Oliver.” She said, turning back, popping a bubble. “How did half of you even get in here?” Jenny called over the crowd with authority.

When no one answered her back- typical. Jennifer has no idea what she did to any of them- ok some of them, some of the hate she get is warranted but the hate not at all. She never understood the whole clique thing and why it mattered to this town so much, the cliques were like sororities and fraternities, if you were in the same clique as someone in the past, you will have a higher chance of not being rejected for the job. This town was a weird place and this school was even weirder, “So spicey…” Jennifer started turning to Reece again, “What are you in for this time?”




Reece turned to a face he recognized and answered her question “I don’t know, I always forget to listen. Feels like eternity, though.”
He listened as she listed the usual freaks and the unusual ones in the classroom with a more pronounced infliction on the uncommon faces in here.
“I don’t know what’s with this, it’s usually just you, me, and the rebel chick and some jocks, the usual.” He turned around to gaze at the bunch before turning to her again and whispered “I’ve seen less diversity in portraits of the Boston tea party” he joked.

@Kristi - was the boston tea party a crude thing to say maybe?


Oliver’s hands were fidgeting with a small silver lighter that he kept there at all times, a subconscious mannerism that accompanied his tendency to ponder. Now locked onto Alissa, she became his sole focus, noticing everything about her demeanor, especially the momentary discomfort that crossed her features. Reminding him of his own burdens, hidden beneath his clothes. A large amount of concern flitted through his eyes, but he didn’t want to intrude on the matter.

Oliver leaned in slightly, his movements carrying a touch of awkward enthusiasm. His one hand that wasn’t in his pocket, went to his collar, adjusting it with meticulous care. His attire reflected his inclination towards precision - a crisp white dress shirt neatly tucked into his slacks; every button fastened with organized accuracy. His tie was impeccable, a symmetrical knot that mirrored his facade perfectly.

As Alissa spoke, Oliver’s expression was a blend of genuine interest and mild surprise. The woman who used to run the school newspaper didn’t have the inside scope. He didn’t know what to think, but his speech didn’t show it. Instead, his speech bore a hint of eloquence, a reflection of his need for everything to be perfect. “Some form of intricate examination, perhaps. A calculated trial, gathering nine individuals within this confined space, with the expectation that the sheer weight of being here would prompt us to reveal ourselves.”
Oliver’s speech was also accompanied with his subtle gestures, his thoughts probably making little sense to Alissa. A stray lock of hair was absently brushed back behind his ear, an unconscious tic that he often displayed when deep in thought.

The rebel girl mentioned of his name caused him to stumble both physically and mentally, the look of surprise on his face evident. He fixed his collar once again, and his beam daggers at Jennifer, his mind momentarily distracted from the conversation with Alissa. And in that fleeting moment, his eyes caught sight of Willow, a friend of his, leaving the room with a look of panic etched on her face. His brow furrowed with concern, and for a heartbeat, his thoughts wavered between figuring out what was going on and the enigma of Willow’s sudden expression. However, he chooses to focus back onto Alissa, desperately wanting to make up theories of the current situation.

He smiled warmly, a blend of genuine interest and outright awkwardness. Mr. Albert, always peculiar in his ways, Oliver thought a touch of bitterness tainting his mind. His mind briefly flickered back to the instances when Albert had seemed to turn a blind eye to the instances of bullying that Oliver had endured. “His behavior has always been unusual,” Oliver mentioned. "It’s possible he’s withholding information, or maybe he’s in the dark about this just like us.

@Kristi (Alissa)


@idiot.exe | Willow

Fern could feel frustration building in every cell of her body as Willow spoke. She could feel her hands tighting up and turning into fists. “We f*cked everything up.” She had to fight to hold back tears. “We should have never done what we did, never gone there.” A tear started rolling from her eye. “We just can’t undo what happened that night, it’s too much, too big” Thinking back to that evening, a strong mix of emotions hit her. She took a second to collect herself again before saying: “It’s too painful for me. It’s been on my mind every single day since.” She said, now having found the strength again to look Willow directly in the eyes: “It’s not something I just can pretend never happened. Maybe you can, I don’t know, but surely not me.” She softly shook her head as she said those last few words. She could not believe how cold Willow was acting. “Things will never be the same after we did what we did. I can’t believe you think it’s just something we can just move on from like that!”



Jenny looked around when spicey mentioned the usual detention bandits, but they were not there, just 7 new people that definitely should not be there. A nerd in detention what a rare sight, and Alan- Olives? Ollis? Whatever his name especially being in detention, what did he do? Read too far along in a book and spoil it for the rest of the people? “True that,” Jenny said at the Boston comment, “Now it seems we hav eplently of diversity in cliques, how sad and I was hoping my girlfriends would be here so we could pull a prank on the old man like usual.” This was one of the many reasons Jenny was never getting out of detention, her and her home girls loved playing crude jokes on the teachers and students, especially since the teachers already seemed to hate them and the students hated them even more because of a simple label, ‘being a rebel’ what a wacko group of people. Jenny looked through her bag, pulling out a ball [/color] Jennifer started turning to Reece again, “Do you think if throw it up the ceiling when Mr.Albert comes it would bounce on his head?” That would be a fun sight to see, a ball on the shiny head of an almost bald man.



Alissa knew what Oliver was saying, she knew that she had been sabotaged and probably some other people here, but when Oliver mentioned a calculated trail and blah blah, Alissa could only answer with “Huh?” Alissa knew that there would be a lot of people who would like to target her, it was a common media trope-take down the popular girl and what not but if this was a calculated trial or whatever Oliver explained, why would they target him? Alissa was not trying to be mean but Oliver was the opposite of popular or interesting, the only dirt someone could get off him was that maybe he was aroused with books and got a b)ner every time he read one- but everyone already assumed that about Oliver so it wouldn’t really be dirt. Two, Fern and Willow were also not popular or interesting enough to be targeted and Reece- Reece was not even the most popular jock, he had to get into multiple detentions to bring attention to himself and suck up to the other athletes, taken them down would be easy- it does nothing. “I think,” Alissa said with a small giggle, “You read too much fiction but that would be an interesting plot for a story, you should write it down. Do you write?” She asked really curious,

As a writer, Alissa was interested in other people’s future writing career or lack of and not to stereotype or ok maybe to stereotype, a lot of the assistants on the school newspaper were nerds and all the former ones before the preps and floaters came where nerds- so Alissa would not be shocked if Oliver was a writer- he was a bookworm too, so him writing was not far fetch. “i feel like you would be a good writer,” Alissa said in her sweetest voice, because really she did feel like he would be a good writer and she wanted to read his works if he had any. She was curious…

Alissa saw a flash of bitterness when Mr.Albert name was mentioned, interesting Alissa thought, really interesting. “I believe he is withholding information, he did mention,” Alissa grabbed her stomach in pain again, but she tried to put on an awkward smile as she looked up at Oliver, “he did mention that we should know what we were here for and gave us this entire rant.” By the way, Alissa needed to talk to Mr.Albert about what he meant because Alissa definitely did not know why she was here.
