We Need Your Help!

Saturday’s Reminder:

What is exposition and how do you use it?

@benitz786, @Mouschi, @Nil, @OreoBiscuit, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @fcukforcookies, @ChaoticDeluge, @novella, @Nessie, @unsungcheerio, @Wingsoffire, @Bexs, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Sunday Reminder:

Deus Ex Machina; a frustrating plot device that both new and old writers use.

@BrookieK, @Littlefeets, @Nil, @fraud, @Badass_Saasha, @Nessie, @angelic, @Singymcthingy, @Bexs, @anon82354424, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Monday’s Reminder:

I know I’ve already recommended this one, however, given the current events in the world, let’s show support in many ways. One by truly understanding this term.

@Skyler2, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Etherwalker,@Nil, @autumngreen40, @Secreterz, @OhSumana, @fraud, @RainbowCat, @Nessie, @Caticorn, @jaytastic, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought! Also, @discussions, you might be interested in this thread too!


(BELATED) Tuesday’s Reminder:

One of the shorter blogs telling you why reading is an important tool.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Wednesday’s Reminder:

Hey guys, this is awesome. Rather than a link to the forum, why not share this with people to help explain why the forum is so awesome?!

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @autumngreen40, @fraud, @Nessie, @angelic, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit
@Discussions, don’t you think sharing this link could be beneficial?


Thursday’s Reminder:

Why good grammar sets your story apart? Why should you force yourself to proofread? Read here:

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @hollands_bell, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Friday’s Reminder:

8 amazing tips to start your writing off right

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Saturday’s Reminder:

Another reminder, as today is Shannii’s birthday, would everyone please go to the website and read a couple of her blog posts?! It would be a fantastic birthday present for you to give her! (wink)

@benitz786, @Mouschi, @Nil, @OreoBiscuit, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @fcukforcookies, @ChaoticDeluge, @novella, @Nessie, @unsungcheerio, @Wingsoffire, @Bexs, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit


BELATED Sunday Reminder:

This is about Frozen, but it’s also to say stop assuming we know a person’s sexuality before they tell us or make it clear.

@BrookieK, @Littlefeets, @Nil, @fraud, @Badass_Saasha, @Nessie, @angelic, @Singymcthingy, @Bexs, @anon82354424, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


BELATED Monday’s Reminder:

Here’s a blog on a fairly regular error that most of us have made, even if just an accident.

@Skyler2, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Etherwalker,@Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @OhSumana, @fraud, @Rainbow, @Nessie, @Caticorn, @jaytastic, @Aprilt221, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Tuesday’s Reminder:

What’s a Red Herring in writing? Find out here?

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Wednesday’s Reminder:

Here are some great recommendations to read during the terrible year that it is turning out to be. Time to escape what is happening in the world into a good book.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @fraud, @Nessie, @angelic, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit


Thursday’s Reminder:

How easy is it to write gay characters?

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @hollands_bell, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


BELATED Friday’s Reminder:

Ways to make a little money from your writing. An epic blog posts, one of my favourites.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Saturday’s Reminder:

Wanna write romance? Here’s some tropes to avoid.

@benitz786, @Mouschi, @Nil, @OreoBiscuit, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @fcukforcookies, @ChaoticDeluge, @novella, @Nessie, @unsungcheerio, @Wingsoffire, @Bexs, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


BELATED Sunday Reminder:

Perhaps you have the attention of your reader from the first word but are you looking for a way to help keep their attention? With just a little more story planning, these clue additives could really help you. (wink)

@BrookieK, @Littlefeets, @Nil, @fraud, @Badass_Saasha, @Nessie, @angelic, @Singymcthingy, @Bexs, @anon82354424, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Monday’s Reminder:

This is a nice long one this time. It’s all about how to gain reads on your Episode stories. But don’t worry if you’re not actually a writer on Episode, as still many parts of this blog can apply to other writing, like Wattpad or RPs. These are things such as being active, Instagram, be reviewed, etc.

@Skyler2, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Etherwalker,@Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @OhSumana, @fraud, @Rainbow, @Nessie, @Caticorn, @jaytastic, @Aprilt221, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Tuesday’s Reminder:

Looking for how you can plan out your story thoroughly, here is the ultimate blog to learn how to do this and make your story the best it can be.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Wednesday’s Reminder:

After yesterday’s reminder on how to plan out a story, I thought it’d be good to look into how to plot one out next!

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @fraud, @Nessie, @angelic, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


BELATED Thursday’s Reminder:

Again, continuing on from the previous two posts, this blog can also help you with your various writings in whichever form they take.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @hollands_bell, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!