We Need Your Help!

BELATED Wednesday’s Reminder:

This is not just how to make your character likeable but actually enjoyable to read, which is the main thing.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @fraud, @Nessie, @angelic, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Thursday’s Reminder:

Are you a Harry Potter fan? Do you like reading or writing about social justice characters? OR are you a social justice warrior? Either way, have a read of this character to see if it may help you!

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @hollands_bell, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @TheDancingFryer, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Friday’s Reminder:

Wanna join the forum detectives in stopping the forum zombie apocalypse?!

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Saturday’s Reminder:

Diversity sells, that’s why you should write it, but why else? Read here.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this threadand let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

Sunday Reminder:

If you ever wondered why it mattered but never wanted to ask in fear of being criticised. Well, here’s a good exercise.

@BrookieK, @Littlefeets, @Nil, @fraud, @Badass_Saasha, @Nessie, @angelic, @Singymcthingy, @Bexs, @anon82354424, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @UnwantedGhost, @Eccentric, @unsungcheerio, @rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

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BELATED Monday’s Reminder:

Need some help character writing? This has some great suggestions… like the Sims.

@Skyler2, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Etherwalker,@Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @OhSumana, @fraud, @Rainbow, @Nessie, @Caticorn, @jaytastic, @Aprilt221, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @zoe4564, @itsjenn_a, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


Tuesday’s Reminder:

How to make good gem choices, or choices in general, and how to use the points system.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Squishy, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Wednesday’s Reminder:

This is just to share with those still in school or possibly there’s some stuff for further studies too.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @fraud, @Nessie, @angelic, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Thursday’s Reminder:

Ever wondered what a Mary-Sue was when users here talk about them. Well, here’s what they are and how to fix them.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @hollands_bell, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @TheDancingFryer, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

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BELATED Friday’s Reminder:

We’re not talking consent about using other people’s art but more on the intimacy and romantic relationships between characters.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Saturday’s Reminder:

Don’t just jump straight into Episode and add CC into your story. Stop and think about it. What are the pros and cons of having CC in your plot? Does it work?

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Sunday Reminder:

To continue on, here’s the point of using CC and ways to do it successfully.

@BrookieK, @Littlefeets, @Nil, @fraud, @Badass_Saasha, @Nessie, @angelic, @Singymcthingy, @Bexs, @anon82354424, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @UnwantedGhost, @Eccentric, @unsungcheerio, @rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Monday’s Reminder:

Looking for a read on Episode, check out this review.

@Skyler2, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Etherwalker,@Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @OhSumana, @fraud, @Rainbow, @Nessie, @Caticorn, @jaytastic, @Aprilt221, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @zoe4564, @itsjenn_a, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!


BELATED Tuesday’s Reminder:

Looking for another read on Episode, check out this review.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Squishy, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Wednesday’s Reminder:

Looking for another read on Episode, check out this review.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Squishy, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Thursday’s Reminder:

For all the writers out there, this one helps to teach you how to portray Muslim characters.

@Mouschi, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Nil, @fraud, @Nessie, @hollands_bell, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @TheDancingFryer, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Friday’s Reminder:

Another great story and review.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Saturday’s Reminder:

One of the shorter blogs telling you why reading is an important tool.

@Skyler2, @Littlefeets, @WolfGamerGirl37, @fal.renet1398, @BlondeGlassesGirl, @Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @Secretz, @fraud, @glxwingAngel, @ChaoticDeluge, @Nessie, @Kimballet, @Wingsoffire, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Oofalumpa, @unsungcheerio

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Sunday Reminder:

Hey guys, this is awesome. Rather than a link to the forum, why not share this with people to help explain why the forum is so awesome?!

@BrookieK, @Littlefeets, @Nil, @fraud, @Badass_Saasha, @Nessie, @angelic, @Singymcthingy, @Bexs, @anon82354424, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @UnwantedGhost, @Eccentric, @unsungcheerio, @rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

BELATED Monday’s Reminder:

What is exposition and how do you use it?

@Skyler2, @WolfGamerGirl37, @Etherwalker,@Nil, @laurenmusic, @Secreterz, @OhSumana, @fraud, @Rainbow, @Nessie, @Caticorn, @jaytastic, @Aprilt221, @idiot.exe, @passionfruit, @astxrism, @Yomama, @Oofalumpa, @Eccentric, @zoe4564, @itsjenn_a, @Rose

Once you read it, head to this thread and let’s have a discussion about what you thought!

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