What are some things you find weird about Americans? + Misconceptions about other countries

Hey! I have lived in Florida all my life so I have grown accustom to everything, I have never been out of the country and I wanna know what the non American people find strange about America! I really only know about how Canadians don’t hand their credit card to a cashier to pay for stuff which makes a lot of sense. What are somethings you find weird/strange about Americans and what’s something you want to clear up about the country you live in?



You hand your credit/debit card to the cashier???

Also just one thing. Chlorinated chicken


I mean, we do have those things that scan your card that we can do it manually, for ourselves, but sometimes it doesn’t work and they have to scan it or something.


Oooh, that makes sense


And then some places have crappy old fashioned machines so they scan your card like that, but it is just a quick thing and you look at them doing it and stuff, so it doesn’t take that long for them to do anything bad with it, they’d get caught instantly lol.

What do you do instead of handing them your card??


In most places that I have been to, you literally have to give them your credit/debit card for them to swipe it. sketchy as heck, ik.

and eww ikr, another reason why I went vegan, I don’t like being poisoned.


When u walk in a store, I see clothing all over the floor…i see employees just walk pass the clothing, won’t pick it up. I guess they clean up on closing time?

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Honestly, I feel bad for the employees cause they actually clean constantly, it’s just that the people that come in the stores have no respect and put things where ever.


I’m planning on going vegetarian

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oo that’s awesome! If you need any help, let me know! You can probably ask @Jass and @Kimballet cause there actually vegetarian lol


Idk about permanently, cuz I love chicken and burgers, but for a while

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You what’s weird, I was in love with that stuff, but a month after not eating it, the smell alone made me throw up.

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I can eat seafood right?

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when your vegetarian? yes, vegan, no. lol

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Here you do give your credit card to a waitress or waiter though, and they take it away to the back then bring it back. Is it different in other countries?


Oh, ok…

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Interesting! Here they usually have a portable machine they give to you.

It’s like, huuuuge no-no to touch people’s cards. When you take a retail job you get it drilled into you that you never touch a customer’s card


Yeah, I’ve had to get used to either going up the counter and asking for the bill or if they bring the bill, they’ll bring the little machine and you insert the card yourself.

And credit cards aren’t really a thing, it’s 99% debit cards. I’m the only person I know with a credit card (my husband too I guess but he got rid of his so we share one account now).


I just found out you dont have marzipan. the actual f*ck.

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To be fair they are not been pay enough to care

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