What food can you cook the best?🦋

I think my top two are pasta and chicken, but I technically do just think I’m good at cooking in general. But chicken and pasta have a special place in my heart so I’m radder at those :sunglasses:

What about you guys :eyes: @/Foodies


Bold of you to assume i cook




Lately, it’s a stir fry with (fried) rice, 'cause it’s just so easy to prepare and cook.

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I’m better at baking than cooking. But when it comes to cooking, then it’s fried rice, paneer (or tofu, sometimes), pasta or noodles :eyes:

ramen, rice (anytype), stew and pasta


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Stew oxtail, stew chicken, baked fish, pasta/noodles, one-pot meals, steamed fish
bruhh basically anything cuz I do most of the cooking :raised_hands:t5:

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Instant noodles and rice

Nah, jk. I don’t cook a lot, but I can say that I’m a decent cook. I can cook various pasta dishes and soups.

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pasta and noodles lmao

Uhhh :eyes:

Bacon, crêpes, eggs, avacado toast, sataued mushrooms? Toast?

I make a very gourmet microwave toast.

My soul hurts-

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It’s so basic but burgers. The pasta i made was really good but it probably wouldn’t turn out right if i made it again.

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Just scrambled eggs, that’s basically the only thing I know how to make :sunglasses:

Donuts, cinnamon rolls, and my bird’s weird af veggie+cooked legumes and grains food

I’m good at making chicken and beef dishes, but I can also make broccoli and brussels sprouts taste good. I’m not bad at making dips and sauces, either.

:sparkles: Microwave noodle soup :sparkles:

Does making maggi count sm

i cannot cook :skull:

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Ramen! Box ramen :star_struck:

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